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Your search for English language Wales Statutory Instruments from 2004 has returned 192 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Food Safety (Act of Accession concerning the Czech Republic and other States) (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2731 (W. 238)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Diogelwch Bwyd (Deddf Ymaelodi ynghylch y Weriniaeth Tsiec a Gwladwriaethau Eraill) (Diwygiadau Canlyniadol) (Cymru) 2004
    The Compulsory Purchase of Land (Written Representations Procedure) (National Assembly for Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2730 (W. 237)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Prynu Tir yn Orfodol (Gweithdrefn Sylwadau Ysgrifenedig) (Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) 2004
    The Polish Potatoes (Notification) (Wales) Order 20042004 No. 2697 (W. 236)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Tatws o Wlad Pwyl (Hysbysu) (Cymru) 2004
    The Disqualification from Caring for Children (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2695 (W. 235)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Datgymhwyso rhag Gofalu am Blant (Cymru) 2004
    The Common Agricultural Policy Support Schemes (Modulation)(Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20042004 No. 2662 (W. 233)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Cynlluniau Cymorth y Polisi Amaethyddol Cyffredin (Modwleiddio) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2004
    The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 (revoked)2004 No. 2599 (W. 232)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau'r Polisi Amaethyddol Cyffredin (Gwin) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2004
    The Food Labelling (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2558 (W. 229)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Labelu Bwyd (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004
    The Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 (Commencement No.2 and Savings) (Wales) Order 20042004 No. 2557 (W. 228) (C. 107)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Deddf Ymddygiad Gwrthgymdeithasol 2003 (Cychwyn Rhif 2 ac Arbed) (Cymru) 2004
    The Local Authorities (Allowances for Members of Fire Authorities) (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2555 (W. 227)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Awdurdodau Lleol (Lwfansau i Aelodau Awdurdodau Tân) (Cymru) 2004
    The Education (LEA Financial Schemes) (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2507 (W. 225)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Addysg (Cynlluniau Ariannol AALl) (Cymru) 2004
    The Schools Budget Shares (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2506 (W. 224)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Cyfrannau Cyllideb Ysgolion (Cymru) 2004
    The Care Standards Act 2000 and the Children Act 1989 (Amendment of Miscellaneous Regulations) (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2414 (W. 222)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Deddf Safonau Gofal 2000 a Deddf Plant 1989 (Diwygio Rheoliadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2004
    The Potatoes Originating in Egypt (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 2245 (W. 209)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Tatws sy'n Tarddu o'r Aifft (Cymru) 2004
    The Bus Service Operators Grant (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20042004 No. 1827 (W. 203)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Grant Gweithredwyr Gwasanaeth Bysiau (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2004
    The Welsh Development Agency (Financial Limit) Order 20042004 No. 1826 (W. 202)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Awdurdod Datblygu Cymru (Terfyn Ariannol) 2004
    The General Medical Services (Transitional Measure Relating to Non-Clinical Partners) (Wales) Order 20042004 No. 1825 (W. 201)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn y Gwasanaethau Meddygol Cyffredinol (Mesur Trosiannol sy'n Ymwneud â Phartneriaid Anghlinigol) (Cymru) 2004
    The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (Commencement No.1 and Transitional Provision) (Wales) Order 20042004 No. 1814 (W. 199) (C. 74)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Deddf Cynllunio a Phrynu Gorfodol 2004 (Cychwyn Rhif 1 a Darpariaeth Drosiannol) (Cymru) 2004
    The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (Commencement No. 2) (Wales) Order 20042004 No. 1813 (W. 198) (C. 73)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Deddf Cynllunio a Phrynu Gorfodol 2004 (Cychwyn Rhif 2) (Cymru) 2004
    The Education (Assisted Places) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 1812 (W. 197)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Addysg (Lleoedd a Gynorthwyir) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004
    The Street Works (Inspection Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20042004 No. 1809 (W. 196)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Gweithfeydd Stryd (Ffioedd Archwilio) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004

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