Explore legislation by region
Made by the UK Parliament and UK Government and Historic Parliaments
Legislation that either exclusively relates to, or may extend to, Scotland
Legislation that either exclusively relates to, or may extend to, Wales
Northern Ireland
Legislation that either exclusively relates to, or may extend to, Northern Ireland
Originating from the EU
As originally adopted by the European Union up to 11.00 p.m. on 31 December 2020
Explore new and amended legislation
Primary Legislation
Secondary Legislation
Ministerial Directions
Created by ministers to detail legislation originating from the EU that is exempt from the duty to publish on legislation.gov.uk. These exemptions are in addition to those stated in the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c. 16).
Draft Legislation
Draft Statutory Instruments that are awaiting approval. Draft legislation can either become law, be withdrawn or replaced by another draft.