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Your search for English language Wales Statutory Instruments from 2000 has returned 122 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Health Act 1999 (Commencement No.3) (Wales) Order 20002000 No. 2991 (W. 191) (C. 92)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Deddf Iechyd 1999(Cychwyn Rhif 3) (Cymru) 2000
    The Home Energy Efficiency Schemes (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2959 (W. 190)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau'r Cynlluniau Effeithlonrwydd Ynni Cartref (Cymru) 2000
    The Local Government Act 2000 (Commencement) (Wales) Order 20002000 No. 2948 (C. 86) (W. 189)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Deddf Llywodraeth Leol 2000 (Cychwyn) (Cymru) 2000
    The Education (Restriction of Employment) (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2906 (W. 186)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Addysg (Cyfyngu Cyflogaeth) (Cymru) 2000
    The Specified Risk Material (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2659 (W. 172)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Deunydd Risg Penodedig (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2000
    The Teacher Training Incentive (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2560 (W. 169)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Cymhellion Hyfforddi Athrawon (Cymru) 2000
    The Learning and Skills Act 2000 (Commencement No.1) (Wales) Order 20002000 No. 2540 (W. 163)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Deddf Dysgu a Medrau 2000 (Cychwyn Rhif 1) (Cymru) 2000
    The National Council for Education and Training for Wales (Interim Functions) Order 20002000 No. 2539 (W. 162)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Cyngor Cenedlaethol Cymru dros Addysg a Hyfforddiant (Swyddogaethau Interim) 2000
    The Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2492 (W. 159)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Awdurdodau Lleol (Lwfansau Aelodau) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2000
    The Sheep and Goats Identification (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2335 (W. 152)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Adnabod Defaid a Geifr (Cymru) 2000
    The Meat (Disease Control) (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2257 (W. 150)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Cig (Rheoli Clefydau) (Cymru) 2000
    The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Conservation Measures) (Wales) Order 20002000 No. 2230 (W. 148)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Pysgota Môr (Gorfodi Mesurau Cadwraeth y Gymuned) (Cymru) 2000
    The Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2041 (W. 147)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Ardrethu Annomestig (Symiau y Gellir eu Codi) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2000
    The Changing of School Session Times (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 2030 (W. 143)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Newid Amserau Sesiynau Ysgolion (Cymru) 2000
    The National Health Service (General Medical Services) Amendment (No.2) (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 1992 (W. 144)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Diwygio (Rhif 2) y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Gwasanaethau Meddygol Cyffredinol) (Cymru) 2000
    The Education (National Curriculum) (Modern Foreign Languages) (Wales) Order 20002000 No. 1980 (W. 141)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Addysg (Y Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol) (Ieithoedd Tramor Modern) (Cymru) 2000
    The General Teaching Council for Wales (Functions) Regulations 20002000 No. 1979 (W. 140)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Cyngor Addysgu Cyffredinol Cymru (Swyddogaethau) 2000
    The General Teaching Council for Wales (Additional Functions) Order 20002000 No. 1941 (W. 139)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Cyngor Addysgu Cyffredinol Cymru (Swyddogaethau Ychwanegol) 2000
    The Air Quality (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 1940 (W. 138)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Ansawdd Aer (Cymru) 2000
    The Education (Assisted Places) (Incidental Expenses) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20002000 No. 1939 (W. 137)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Addysg (Lleoedd a Gynorthwyir) (Mân Dreuliau) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2000

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