Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon o 1970-1979 wedi ei rifo up to 99 wedi dod o hyd i fwy na 200 o ganlyniadau.

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Deddfwriaeth yn ôl Pennawd Pwnc

1. Dewiswch Lythyr Cyntaf Pennawd

2. Adfer Canlyniadau

    Sort ascending by TeitlBlynyddoedd a RhifauMath o ddeddfwriaeth
    The Option Mortgage (Guarantee of Advances) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 84Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Option Mortgage (Rates of Interest) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 83Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Social Security Pensions (1975 Order) (Commencement No. 12) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 81Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Public Service Vehicles (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 80Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Sugar Confectionery and Food Preserving Wages Regulations Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 79Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Social Security (Graduated Retirement Benefit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 78Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Social Security (Credits) Amendment and (Earnings Factor) Transitional Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 77Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 76Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The New West Bridge, Enniskillen, Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 75Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Contracted-out Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 74Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Royal Ulster Constabulary Pensions (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 73Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Criminal Damage (Compensation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 72Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Government Loans Fund (Fees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 71Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Restriction of Traffic (Portadown, Warrenpoint and Armagh) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 70Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Linen and Cotton Handkerchief and Household Goods and Linen Piece Goods Wages Regulations (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 69Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Sheep Headage Payments Scheme (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 68Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Beef Herd Improvement Scheme (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 67Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Recording and Performance Testing (Beef Cattle) Scheme (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 66Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Welfare Foods (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 64Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
    The Price Marking (Meat) Order (Northern Ireland) 19781978 No. 60Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon

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