Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Deddf yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru) 2016


Dyma’r fersiwn wreiddiol (fel y’i gwnaed yn wreiddiol).

Rhestru adeiladau o ddiddordeb pensaernïol neu hanesyddol arbennig

24Diwygiadau sy’n ymwneud â rhestru adeiladau

(1)Ar ôl adran 2 o Ddeddf Cynllunio (Adeiladau Rhestredig ac Ardaloedd Cadwraeth) 1990 (p.9) mewnosoder—

2ADuty to consult on certain changes to lists

(1)This section applies where the Welsh Ministers are proposing to—

(a)include a building in a list compiled or approved under section 1; or

(b)exclude a building from such a list.

(2)The Welsh Ministers must—

(a)serve a notice of the proposed inclusion or exclusion on the appropriate persons; and

(b)invite those persons to submit written representations about the proposal.

(3)The appropriate persons are—

(a)the owner and occupier of the building;

(b)the local planning authority in whose area the building is situated; and

(c)such other persons or bodies of persons as appear to the Welsh Ministers appropriate as having special knowledge of, or interest in, buildings of architectural or historic interest.

(4)A notice under subsection (2) must—

(a)specify the proposed inclusion or exclusion;

(b)specify the period within which representations about the proposal may be made, which must be at least 28 days beginning with the date on which the notice is served; and

(c)in the case of a proposed inclusion—

(i)include a statement of the effect of section 2B; and

(ii)specify the date on which interim protection takes effect under subsection (2) of that section.

(5)The Welsh Ministers may by regulations amend subsection (3) by adding a description of person to the list of appropriate persons in that subsection; and where the Welsh Ministers do so, they may also make such amendments to this Act as they consider appropriate in consequence of the amendment to subsection (3).

2BInterim protection pending certain listing decisions

(1)This section applies where the Welsh Ministers consult under section 2A on a proposal to include a building in a list compiled or approved under section 1.

(2)The provisions of this Act (other than sections 47 to 51 and 59) and the principal Act have effect in relation to the building, from the beginning of the day specified in the notice for the purposes of section 2A(4)(c)(ii), as if the building were a listed building.

(3)The protection conferred upon a building by virtue of subsection (2) is referred to in this Act as “interim protection”.

(4)Interim protection conferred by virtue of subsection (2) ceases to have effect—

(a)where the Welsh Ministers include the building in a list compiled or approved under section 1, from the beginning of the day specified in the notice for the purposes of section 2D(2)(b); and

(b)where the Welsh Ministers decide not to include the building in such a list, from the beginning of the day specified in a notice issued to—

(i)the owner and occupier of the building; and

(ii)the local planning authority in whose area the building is situated.

(5)The Welsh Ministers—

(a)must publish by electronic means a list containing particulars of each building in relation to which interim protection has effect; and

(b)must, on request, provide a copy of the notice served under section 2A(2) in respect of such a building.

2CProvisions applicable on lapse of interim protection

Schedule 1A has effect as respects the lapse of interim protection.

2DReview of certain listing decisions

(1)This section applies where the Welsh Ministers include a building in a list compiled or approved under section 1.

(2)As soon as possible after amending the list to include the building, the Welsh Ministers must serve on the owner and occupier of the building a notice which—

(a)states that the Welsh Ministers have included the building in the list;

(b)specifies the date on which the Welsh Ministers did so (and on which interim protection under section 2B(2) ceased to have effect); and

(c)states that the owner or occupier may make an application to the Welsh Ministers requesting them to review their decision to do so.

(3)Where an owner or occupier of the building makes such an application, the Welsh Ministers must—

(a)carry out the review requested;

(b)make a decision on the review; and

(c)make such amendment to the list as they consider appropriate to give effect to that decision.

(4)Except as provided in sections 62 and 63, the validity of a decision of the Welsh Ministers on the review is not to be questioned in any legal proceedings.

(5)The Welsh Ministers must carry out a review under this section in such one or more of the following ways as appears to them to be appropriate—

(a)by means of a local inquiry;

(b)by means of a hearing;

(c)on the basis of written representations.

(6)The Welsh Ministers must by regulations make provision about—

(a)the grounds on which an application for a review under this section may be made;

(b)the form and manner in which such an application must be made;

(c)the information that must be provided to, or may be required by, the Welsh Ministers in connection with such an application; and

(d)the period within which such an application must be made.

(7)The Welsh Ministers may by regulations make further provision in connection with reviews under this section.

(8)Schedule 1B applies to reviews under this section.

(2)Yn adran 9 o’r Ddeddf honno (troseddau), ar ôl is-adran (3) mewnosoder—

(3A)In proceedings for an offence under this section in relation to a building on which interim protection is conferred (which is, as a result of section 2B(2), treated as a listed building)—

(a)it is a defence for the person to show that the person did not know, and could not reasonably have been expected to know, that interim protection had been conferred on the building; and

(b)where the defence is raised by a person on whom a notice should have been served under section 2A(2), it is for the prosecution to prove that the notice was served on that person.

(3)Ar ôl adran 28A o’r Ddeddf honno mewnosoder—

28BCompensation for loss or damage caused by interim protection

(1)This section applies where interim protection in respect of a building ceases to have effect as a result of the issue of a notice by the Welsh Ministers under section 2B(4)(b).

(2)Any person who, at the time when the interim protection took effect, had an interest in the building is, on making a claim to the Welsh Ministers within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, entitled to be paid compensation by the Welsh Ministers in respect of any loss or damage directly attributable to the effect of the protection.

(3)The loss or damage in respect of which compensation is payable under subsection (2) includes a sum payable in respect of any breach of contract caused by the necessity of discontinuing or countermanding any works to the building on account of the interim protection having effect.

(4)Ar ôl Atodlen 1 i’r Ddeddf honno mewnosoder yr Atodlenni 1A ac 1B a nodir yn Atodlen 2 i’r Ddeddf hon.

25Diwygiadau sy’n ymwneud â rhestru dros dro

(1)Yn adran 3 o Ddeddf Cynllunio (Adeiladau Rhestredig ac Ardaloedd Cadwraeth) 1990 (p.9) (rhestru dros dro: hysbysiadau diogelu adeiladau), yng ngeiriau agoriadol is-adran (1), yn lle’r geiriau o’r dechrau i “county planning authority,” rhodder “If it appears to a local planning authority in England who are not a county planning authority”.

(2)Yn y pennawd i’r adran honno, ar ôl “listing” mewnosoder “in England”.

(3)Ar ôl yr adran honno mewnosoder—

3ATemporary listing in Wales: building preservation notices

(1)If it appears to a local planning authority in Wales that a building in their area which is not a listed building (and which is not treated as such by virtue of section 2B(2))—

(a)is of special architectural or historic interest; and

(b)is in danger of demolition or of alteration in such a way as to affect its character as a building of such interest,

they may serve a notice on the owner and occupier of the building (in this Act referred to as a “building preservation notice”).

(2)A building preservation notice under this section must—

(a)state that the building appears to them to be of special architectural or historic interest and that they have requested the Welsh Ministers to consider including it in a list compiled or approved under section 1; and

(b)explain the effect of subsections (3) to (5) and Schedule 2.

(3)A building preservation notice under this section—

(a)comes into force as soon as it has been served on both the owner and occupier of the building to which it relates; and

(b)subject to subsection (4), remains in force for six months from the date when it is served or, as the case may be, last served.

(4)A building preservation notice under this section ceases to be in force⁠—

(a)if interim protection under section 2B(2) takes effect in relation to the building; or

(b)if the Welsh Ministers notify the local planning authority in writing that they do not intend to consult under section 2A on a proposal to include the building in a list compiled or approved under section 1.

(5)While a building preservation notice under this section is in force with respect to a building, the provisions of this Act (other than sections 47 to 51 and 59) and the principal Act have effect in relation to the building as if it were a listed building.

(6)If, following the service of a building preservation notice under this section, interim protection under section 2B(2) takes effect in relation to the building, anything done by virtue of subsection (5) is to be treated as having been done by virtue of section 2B(2).

(7)If, following the service of a building preservation notice under this section, the Welsh Ministers notify the local planning authority that they do not intend to consult under section 2A on a proposal to include the building in a list compiled or maintained under section 1, the authority must immediately give notice of that decision to the owner and occupier of the building.

(8)Where such a notification is given by the Welsh Ministers, no further building preservation notice in respect of the building may be served by the local planning authority within the period of 12 months beginning with the date of the notification.

(4)Yn adran 28B o’r Ddeddf honno (digollediad am golled neu ddifrod a achosir gan warchodaeth interim) (a fewnosodir gan adran 24), ar y diwedd mewnosoder—

(4)Subsection (5) applies where—

(a)a building preservation notice was in force in respect of the building before interim protection took effect; and

(b)the notice ceased to be in force by virtue of section 3A(4)(a).

(5)In such a case—

(a)the reference in subsection (2) to the time when the interim protection took effect is to be treated as a reference to the time when the building preservation notice came into force;

(b)the reference in that subsection to loss or damage directly attributable to the effect of the interim protection is to be treated as including a reference to loss or damage directly attributable to the effect of the building preservation notice being in force; and

(c)the reference in subsection (3) to the necessity of discontinuing or countermanding works on account of the interim protection having effect is to be treated as including a reference to the necessity of discontinuing or countermanding works on account of the building preservation notice being in force.

(5)Yn adran 29 o’r Ddeddf honno (digollediad am golled neu ddifrod a achosir drwy gyflwyno hysbysiad diogelu adeilad)—

(a)yn is-adran (1), ar ôl “a building preservation notice” mewnosoder “in respect of a building situated in England”, a

(b)ar ôl yr is-adran honno mewnosoder—

(1A)This section also applies where a building preservation notice in respect of a building situated in Wales ceases to have effect by virtue of section 3A(3)(b) or (4)(b).

(6)Yn Atodlen 2 i’r Ddeddf honno (darfodiad hysbysiad diogelu adeilad), ym mharagraff 1⁠—

(a)hepgorer yr “or” ar ôl paragraff (a), a

(b)ar ôl paragraff (b) mewnosoder—

(c)the expiry of the six month period mentioned in subsection (3)(b) of section 3A; or

(d)the service of a notification by the Welsh Ministers under subsection (4)(b) of that section.

26Diwygiadau sy’n ymwneud â rhestru adeiladau: darpariaeth ganlyniadol

(1)Yn adran 1 o Ddeddf Cynllunio (Adeiladau Rhestredig ac Ardaloedd Cadwraeth) 1990 (p.9) (rhestru adeiladau o ddiddordeb pensaernïol neu hanesyddol arbennig)—

(a)yn is-adran (4)—

(i)yn y geiriau agoriadol, ar ôl “any list under this section” mewnosoder “in relation to buildings which are situated in England”, a

(ii)ym mharagraff (a), hepgorer “in relation to buildings which are situated in England,”, a

(b)ar ôl is-adran (4) mewnosoder—

(4A)Section 2A makes provision about consultation on amendments of any list under this section to include or exclude a building which is situated in Wales.

(2)Yn adran 2 o’r Ddeddf honno (cyhoeddi rhestrau), yn is-adran (3)—

(a)yn y geiriau agoriadol—

(i)ar ôl “any building”, yn y lle cyntaf y mae’n digwydd, mewnosoder “situated in England”, a

(ii)yn lle “any building”, yn yr ail le y mae’n digwydd, rhodder “any such building”, a

(b)ym mharagraff (a), hepgorer “, Welsh county, county borough,”.

(3)Yn yr adran honno, ar ôl is-adran (3) mewnosoder—

(3A)As soon as possible after amending a list under section 1 to include or exclude a building which is situated in Wales, the Welsh Ministers—

(a)must inform the local planning authority in whose area the building is situated of its inclusion or exclusion; and

(b)in the case of an amendment to exclude a building, must serve a notice on every owner and occupier of the building, stating that the building has been excluded from the list.

(3B)Section 2D makes provision about the further steps that the Welsh Ministers must take after amending a list under section 1 to include a building which is situated in Wales.

(4)Yn adran 3 o’r Ddeddf honno (rhestru dros dro: hysbysiadau diogelu adeiladau)—

(a)yng ngeiriau agoriadol is-adran (2), ar ôl “a local planning authority” mewnosoder “under this section”,

(b)yng ngeiriau agoriadol is-adran (3), ar ôl “building preservation notice” mewnosoder “under this section”,

(c)yng ngeiriau agoriadol is-adran (4), ar ôl “building preservation notice” mewnosoder “under this section”,

(d)yn is-adran (5), ar ôl “building preservation notice” mewnosoder “under this section”, ac

(e)yn is-adran (6), ar ôl “building preservation notice” mewnosoder “under this section”.

(5)Yn adran 4 o’r Ddeddf honno (rhestru dros dro mewn achosion brys), yn is-adran (2), yn lle “section 3,” rhodder “sections 3 and 3A,”.

(6)Yn adran 5 o’r Ddeddf honno (darpariaethau sy’n gymwys ar ddarfodiad hysbysiad diogelu adeilad)—

(a)daw’r ddarpariaeth bresennol yn is-adran (1), a

(b)ar ôl yr is-adran honno mewnosoder—

(2)See section 3A(6) for provision as respects the lapse of building preservation notices in consequence of interim protection taking effect.

(7)Yn adran 21 o’r Ddeddf honno (apelau: darpariaethau atodol), yn is-adran (4), ar ôl “a building with respect to which” mewnosoder “interim protection has effect or”.

(8)Yn adran 31 o’r Ddeddf honno (darpariaethau cyffredinol o ran digollediad am ddibrisiant o dan Ran 1 o’r Ddeddf), yn is-adran (2), ar ôl “payable under sections 28” mewnosoder “, 28B”.

(9)Yn adran 60 o’r Ddeddf honno (eithriadau ar gyfer adeiladau eglwysig ac eglwysi wedi eu cau), yn is-adran (2), ar ôl “sections 3,” mewnosoder “3A,”.

(10)Yn adran 61 o’r Ddeddf honno (eithriadau ar gyfer henebion hynafol etc), yn is-adran (2), yn lle “sections 3,” rhodder “sections 2B, 3, 3A,”.

(11)Yn adran 62 o’r Ddeddf honno (dilysrwydd gorchmynion a phenderfyniadau penodol), yn is-adran (2), cyn paragraff (a) mewnosoder—

(za)any decision on a review under section 2D;.

(12)Yn adran 82 o’r Ddeddf honno (cymhwyso’r Ddeddf i dir a gwaith awdurdodau cynllunio lleol)—

(a)yn is-adran (1), ar ôl “sections 2” mewnosoder “to 2D,”, a

(b)yn is-adran (3)—

(i)ar ôl “sections 1(3), (5) and (6),” mewnosoder “2B, 2C,”,

(ii)ar ôl “28,” mewnosoder “28B,”, a

(iii)ar ôl “Schedules 1” mewnosoder “, 1A”.

(13)Yn adran 88 o’r Ddeddf honno (hawliau mynediad), yn is-adran (4), ar ôl “section 28” mewnosoder “, 28B”.

(14)Yn adran 91 o’r Ddeddf honno (dehongli), yn is-adran (1)—

(a)yn y diffiniad o “building preservation notice”, yn lle “section 3(1)” rhodder “sections 3(1) and 3A(1)”, a

(b)mewnosoder yn y lle priodol—

  • “interim protection” has the meaning given in section 2B(3);.

(15)Yn Atodlen 4 i’r Ddeddf honno (darpariaethau pellach o ran arfer swyddogaethau gan awdurdodau gwahanol), ym mharagraff 7, yn is-baragraff (1), ar ôl “sections 3,” mewnosoder “3A,”.

(16)Yn Atodlen 6 i Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 1994 (p.19) (mân ddiwygiadau a diwygiadau canlyniadol: cynllunio), ym mharagraff 25, yn is-baragraff (1), hepgorer paragraff (b).

27Dyroddi tystysgrif na fwriedir rhestru adeilad

(1)Yn adran 6 o Ddeddf Cynllunio (Adeiladau Rhestredig ac Ardaloedd Cadwraeth) 1990 (p.9) (dyroddi tystysgrif na fwriedir rhestru adeilad)—

(a)hepgorer is-adran (1),

(b)yn is-adran (2), hepgorer “or (1)”, ac

(c)yn is-adran (3), hepgorer “or (1)”.

(2)Ym mhennawd yr adran honno, ar ôl “listed” mewnosoder “: England”.

(3)Ar ôl yr adran honno mewnosoder—

6AIssue of certificate that building not intended to be listed: Wales

(1)The Welsh Ministers may, on the application of any person, issue a certificate stating that the Welsh Ministers do not intend to list a building situated in Wales.

(2)The issue of a certificate under subsection (1) in respect of a building⁠—

(a)precludes the Welsh Ministers for a period of 5 years from the date of issue from exercising in relation to that building any of the powers conferred on them by section 1 or 2A; and

(b)precludes the local planning authority for that period from serving a building preservation notice in relation to it.

(3)Notice of an application under subsection (1) must be given to the local planning authority within whose area the building is situated at the same time as the application is submitted to the Welsh Ministers.

(4)Ym mharagraff 9 o Atodlen 17 i Ddeddf Menter a Diwygio Rheoleiddio 2013 (p.24) (rheoleiddio cynllunio treftadaeth), hepgorer is-baragraff (3).

Yn ôl i’r brig


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Mae deddfwriaeth ar gael mewn fersiynau gwahanol:

Y Diweddaraf sydd Ar Gael (diwygiedig):Y fersiwn ddiweddaraf sydd ar gael o’r ddeddfwriaeth yn cynnwys newidiadau a wnaed gan ddeddfwriaeth ddilynol ac wedi eu gweithredu gan ein tîm golygyddol. Gellir gweld y newidiadau nad ydym wedi eu gweithredu i’r testun eto yn yr ardal ‘Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth’. Dim ond yn Saesneg y mae’r fersiwn ddiwygiedig ar gael ar hyn o bryd.

Gwreiddiol (Fel y’i Deddfwyd neu y’i Gwnaed) - Saesneg: Mae'r wreiddiol Saesneg fersiwn y ddeddfwriaeth fel ag yr oedd pan gafodd ei deddfu neu eu gwneud. Ni wnaed unrhyw newidiadau i’r testun.

Gwreiddiol (Fel y’i Deddfwyd neu y’i Gwnaed)-Cymraeg:Y fersiwn Gymraeg wreiddiol o’r ddeddfwriaeth fel yr oedd yn sefyll pan gafodd ei deddfu neu ei gwneud. Ni wnaed unrhyw newidiadau i’r testun.


Gweler y wybodaeth ychwanegol ochr yn ochr â’r cynnwys

Dangos Nodiadau Eglurhaol ar gyfer Adrannau: Yn arddangos rhannau perthnasol o’r nodiadau esboniadol wedi eu cydblethu â chynnwys y ddeddfwriaeth.


Dewisiadau Agor

Dewisiadau gwahanol i agor deddfwriaeth er mwyn gweld rhagor o gynnwys ar y sgrin ar yr un pryd


Nodiadau Esboniadol

Text created by the Welsh Government department responsible for the subject matter of the Act to explain what the Act sets out to achieve and to make the Act accessible to readers who are not legally qualified. Explanatory Notes accompany all Acts of the National Assembly for Wales.


Rhagor o Adnoddau

Gallwch wneud defnydd o ddogfennau atodol hanfodol a gwybodaeth ar gyfer yr eitem ddeddfwriaeth o’r tab hwn. Yn ddibynnol ar yr eitem ddeddfwriaeth sydd i’w gweld, gallai hyn gynnwys:

  • y PDF print gwreiddiol y fel deddfwyd fersiwn a ddefnyddiwyd am y copi print
  • rhestr o newidiadau a wnaed gan a/neu yn effeithio ar yr eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth
  • manylion rhoi grym a newid cyffredinol
  • pob fformat o’r holl ddogfennau cysylltiedig
  • slipiau cywiro
  • dolenni i ddeddfwriaeth gysylltiedig ac adnoddau gwybodaeth eraill

Rhagor o Adnoddau

Defnyddiwch y ddewislen hon i agor dogfennau hanfodol sy’n cyd-fynd â’r ddeddfwriaeth a gwybodaeth am yr eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth. Gan ddibynnu ar yr eitem o ddeddfwriaeth sy’n cael ei gweld gall hyn gynnwys:

  • y PDF print gwreiddiol y fel deddfwyd fersiwn a ddefnyddiwyd am y copi print
  • slipiau cywiro

liciwch ‘Gweld Mwy’ neu ddewis ‘Rhagor o Adnoddau’ am wybodaeth ychwanegol gan gynnwys

  • rhestr o newidiadau a wnaed gan a/neu yn effeithio ar yr eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth
  • manylion rhoi grym a newid cyffredinol
  • pob fformat o’r holl ddogfennau cysylltiedig
  • dolenni i ddeddfwriaeth gysylltiedig ac adnoddau gwybodaeth eraill