Section 61 - Failure to comply with conditions imposed by head landlord
203.Where any conditions imposed by the head landlord on a contract-holder in relation to sub-letting are not notified to a prospective sub-holder in advance of contracting, the contract-holder is to be treated as having committed a repudiatory breach of the sub-occupation contract. This will enable the sub-holder to end the sub-occupation contract immediately. Alternatively, the sub-holder may make an application to the court for a declaration as to whether a head landlord’s condition is correctly included in the sub-holder’s written statement of contract.
204.Where the head landlord has given conditional consent to a sub-occupation contract, but the conditions have not been complied with, the sub-occupation contract is still valid. However, the head landlord may treat it as a periodic standard contract. Those terms of the contract which do not conflict with the fundamental and supplemental terms of a periodic standard contract will continue to have effect, but any terms that conflict with the fundamental or supplementary provisions will cease to have effect.
205.Where the head landlord chooses to treat the sub-occupation contract as a periodic standard contract, notice of this decision must be given to the contract-holder after the sub-occupation contract is made, but no later than two months after the day the head contract ends.