Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth

Mae eich chwiliad am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar holl ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed gan Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon yn 2015 rhifo 49 wedi dod o hyd i fwy na 200 o ganlyniadau:


Newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar:Changes that affect help
gwnaed gan:Made by help

Canlyniadau yn dangosResults showing help
Newidiadau sy’n effeithio arA wnaed gan
Sort by Deddfwriaeth wedi NewidSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth wedi NewidMath o effaithType of effect helpSort by Trefnu yn ôl Teitl Deddfwriaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefanAmendment applied helpNodyn
Statutory Instruments Act 19461946 c. 36specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 33specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
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Caravans Act (Northern Ireland) 19631963 Chapter 17specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Land Development Values (Compensation) Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 23specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Land Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 18specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 19721972 Chapter 9specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 19721972 No. 1634specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
House of Commons Disqualification Act 19751975 c. 24specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Litigants in Person (Costs and Expenses) Act 19751975 c. 47specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Rates (Northern Ireland) Order 19771977 No. 2157specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Property (Northern Ireland) Order 19781978 No. 459specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Planning (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 19781978 No. 1048specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Pollution Control and Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 19781978 No. 1049specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Estate Agents Act 19791979 c. 38specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 19791979 No. 1709specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Mineral Exploration (Northern Ireland) Order 19791979 No. 1713specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Private Streets (Northern Ireland) Order 19801980 No. 1086specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 156specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Enterprize Zones (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 607specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Planning Blight (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 608specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Magistrates' Courts (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 1675specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Civil Aviation Act 19821982 c. 16specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Land Compensation (Northern Ireland) Order 19821982 No. 712specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 19831983 No. 1118specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Access to the Countryside (Northern Ireland) Order 19831983 No. 1895specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Northern Ireland) Order 19851985 No. 170specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland) Order 19851985 No. 1204specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 19851985 No. 1208specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Laganside Development (Northern Ireland) Order 19891989 No. 490specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Planning and Building Regulations (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 19901990 No. 1510specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 19911991 No. 1220specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 19921992 c. 12specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 19921992 No. 231specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 19931993 No. 3160specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Value Added Tax Act 19941994 c. 23specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 19941994 No. 426specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Historic Monuments and Archaeological Objects (Northern Ireland) Order 19951995 No. 1625specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Street Works (Northern Ireland) Order 19951995 No. 3210specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 19961996 No. 275specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Business Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 19961996 No. 725specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art.002 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Ombudsman (Northern Ireland) Order 19961996 No. 1298specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 19961996 No. 3158specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 19961996 No. 3159specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Road Traffic Regulation (Northern Ireland) Order 19971997 No. 276specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Further Education (Northern Ireland) Order 19971997 No. 1772specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Industrial Pollution Control (Northern Ireland) Order 19971997 No. 2777specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 19971997 No. 2778specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Competition Act 19981998 c. 41specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 19981998 No. 2795specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)
The Strategic Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 19991999 No. 660specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152015 No. 49art. 2 3 Sch. 1YesNote
Closecommencement order for 2011 c. 25 (N.I.)

Yn ôl i’r brig


Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefan

Defnyddiwch y cyfleuster hwn i chwilio am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar un eitem o ddeddfwriaeth neu fwy yn seiliedig ar y meini prawf isod. Neu, gallech adael yr ochr hon o’r ffurflen yn wag i chwilio am y newidiadau ac effeithiau ar unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth ddiwygiedig.

  • Math o ddeddfwriaeth: Mae’r maes dewisol hwn yn caniatáu i chi gyfyngu eich chwiliad i newidiadau yn effeithio ar y math o ddeddfwriaeth y mae gennych ddiddordeb ynddo. Mae’r rhestr gwymp yn cynnwys y mathau hynny o ddeddfwriaeth ble mae gennym fersiynau diwygiedig ohonynt ar
  • Blwyddyn benodol/Ystod o flynyddoedd: Mae’r meysydd dewisol hyn yn caniatáu i chi gyfyngu eich chwiliad i newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar ddeddfwriaeth blwyddyn benodol neu dros ystod o flynyddoedd.
  • Rhif: Os ydych chi’n chwilio am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar eitem benodol o ddeddfwriaeth, a’ch bod yn gwybod ei rif cyfresol, gallwch ei roi yn y maes rhif.

A wnaed gan

Cyfyngwch eich chwiliad ar gyfer deddfwriaeth a newidiwyd trwy roi manylion ynglŷn â’r ddeddfwriaeth a wnaeth yr effeithiau hyn yn defnyddio’r ochr hon o’r ffurflen. Neu, gadewch yr ochr hon o’r ffurflen yn wag ar gyfer effeithiau a newidiadau a wnaed gan unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth.

  • Math o ddeddfwriaeth: Mae’r maes dewisol hwn yn caniatáu i chi gyfyngu eich chwiliad i’r math o ddeddfwriaeth y mae gennych ddiddordeb ynddo yn defnyddio’r blwch cwymplen.
  • Blwyddyn benodol/Ystod o flynyddoedd: Mae’r meysydd dewisol hyn yn caniatáu i chi gyfyngu eich chwiliad i newidiadau a wnaed gan ddeddfwriaeth mewn blwyddyn benodol neu dros ystod o flynyddoedd. Gair o gyngor: i chwilio ar gyfer yr holl newidiadau a wnaed gan yr holl ddeddfwriaeth mewn blwyddyn benodol, rhowch y flwyddyn ar yr ochr hon o’r ffurflen, gan adael yr ochr ‘Newidiadau sy’n effeithio’ yn wag.
  • Rhif: Os ydych chi’n chwilio am newidiadau a wnaed gan eitem benodol o ddeddfwriaeth, a’ch bod yn gwybod ei rif cyfresol, gallwch ei roi yn y maes rhif.

Defnyddiwch y blychau ticio i weld naill ai:

  • Holl newidiadau: Yr holl newidiadau ac effeithiau sy’n cyd-fynd â’ch chwiliad
  • Newidiadau a weithredwyd: Y newidiadau ac effeithiau sy’n cyd-fynd â’ch meini prawf chwilio ac sydd wedi eu gweithredu i destun deddfwriaeth a gedwir ar y wefan hon gan dîm golygyddol
  • Newidiadau heb eu gweithredu: Y newidiadau ac effeithiau sy’n cyd-fynd â’ch meini prawf chwilio ond sydd heb eu gweithredu eto i destun deddfwriaeth a gedwir ar y wefan hon gan dîm golygyddol

Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefan

Yn y golofn hon, mae 'Do' yn dynodi bod y newidiadau wedi eu gwneud i destun y ddeddfwriaeth ddiwygiedig ar y safle hwn gan dîm golygyddol

Mae ‘Ddim eto’ yn dynodi nad yw’r newidiadau a’r effeithiau wedi eu gwneud i’r testun ar y wefan. Fodd bynnag, dangosir rhestr o’r newidiadau nad ydynt wedi’u gwneud ar y cyd â chynnwys deddfwriaeth ar lefel ddarpariaeth yn y blwch coch ‘Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth’.

Mae ‘Ddim yn berthnasol (gweler nodyn)’ yn dynodi na fydd y newidiadau’n cael eu gwneud gan y tîm golygyddol. Bydd rhagor o wybodaeth yn egluro pam na fydd y newidiadau’n cael eu gwneud, yn cael eu cynnwys yn y golofn ‘Nodiadau’.

Pan fydd testun y ddeddfwriaeth ar gael yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, gwneir y newidiadau i’r ddwy iaith ar wahân. Pan fydd newidiadau wedi eu gwneud i’r ddwy iaith bydd ‘Do’ wedi ei nodi yn y golofn hon.

Pan fydd newidiadau wedi eu gwneud i un iaith ond nid y llall, bydd y golofn hon yn dynodi pa newidiadau a wnaed a pha iaith sydd heb ei diweddaru.


Math o effaith

Mae yna sawl math gwahanol o effaith. Gall “effaith” ddynodi unrhyw fodd ble mae deddfwriaeth yn effeithio ar neu’n newid deddfwriaeth arall. Mae yna dri phrif fath o effaith sy’n arwain at destun y ddeddfwriaeth yn newid: mewnosodiadau (ychwanegir testun), amnewidiad (mae’r testun yn cael amnewid) a diddymiad (ble nad oes gan y testun presennol effaith ac y gellir ei dynnu o’r ddeddfwriaeth). Yn ogystal, mae yna rai effeithiau a gofnodir gennym nad ydynt yn arwain at newid i destun y ddeddfwriaeth e.e. “Gweithredwyd” a ddefnyddir ble mae darpariaethau'r ddeddfwriaeth bresennol yn cael ei weithredu i ddeddfwriaeth newydd neu i gyfres o amgylchiadau a ddynodir yn y ddeddfwriaeth sy’n ei weithredu.