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Your search for English language Wales Statutory Instruments from 2002 has returned more than 200 results.

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    The Bridgend (Cynffig, Cornelly and Pyle Communities) (Electoral Changes) Order 20022002 No. 1129 (W. 117)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr (Cymunedau Cynffig, Corneli a'r Pîl) (Newidiadau Etholiadol) 2002
    The National Health Service (General Medical Services) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 916 (W. 104)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Gwasanaethau Meddygol Cyffredinol) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2002
    The Care Standards Act 2000 (Commencement No. 8 (Wales) and Transitional, Savings and Consequential Provisions) Order 20022002 No. 920 (W. 108) (C. 24)Wales Statutory Instruments
    The Registration of Social Care and Independent Health Care (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 919 (W. 107)Wales Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government (Whole Authority Analyses and Improvement Plans) (Wales) Order 20022002 No. 886 (W. 101)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Llywodraeth Leol (Dadansoddiadau Awdurdodau Cyfan a Chynlluniau Gwella) (Cymru) 2002
    The Dairy Produce Quotas (Wales) Regulations 2002 (revoked)2002 No. 897 (W. 103)Wales Statutory Instruments
    The Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Approved Investments) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 885 (W. 100)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Awdurdodau Lleol (Cyllid Cyfalaf a Buddsoddiadau a Gymeradwywyd) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2002
    The Disabled Facilities Grants and Home Repair Assistance (Maximum Amounts) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 20022002 No. 837 (W. 99)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Grantiau Cyfleusterau i'r Anabl a Chymorth Trwsio Cartrefi (Uchafsymiau) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2002
    The Disqualification from Caring for Children (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 896 (W. 102)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Datgymhwyso rhag Gofalu am Blant (Cymru) 2002
    The Food (Peanuts from China) (Emergency Control) (Wales) Regulations 2002 (revoked)2002 No. 820 (W. 96)Wales Statutory Instruments
    The Food (Figs, Hazelnuts and Pistachios from Turkey) (Emergency Control) (Wales) Regulations 2002 (revoked)2002 No. 821 (W. 97)Wales Statutory Instruments
    The National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 814 (W. 94)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Cymorth Gwladol (Asesu Adnoddau) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2002
    The National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 815 (W. 95)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Cymorth Gwladol (Symiau at Anghenion Personol) (Cymru) 2002
    The Local Authorities (Capital Finance) (Rate of Discount for 2002/2003) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 785 (W. 86)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Awdurdodau Lleol (Cyllid Cyfalaf) (Cyfradd y Disgownt ar gyfer 2002/2003) (Cymru) 2002
    The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 813 (W. 93)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Rhwymedigaethau Cyfrifoldeb Cynhyrchwyr (Gwastraff Deunydd Pacio) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2002
    The Local Authorities (Alternative Arrangements) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 810 (W. 90)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Awdurdodau Lleol (Trefniadau Amgen) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2002
    The Local Authorities Executive Arrangements (Functions and Responsibilities) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 783 (W. 84)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Trefniadau Gweithrediaeth Awdurdodau Lleol (Swyddogaethau a Chyfrifoldebau) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2002
    The Advisory Committee for Wales (Environment Agency) Abolition Order 20022002 No. 784 (W. 85)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Diddymu Pwyllgor Ymgynghorol dros Gymru (Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd) 2002
    The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Modification of Enactments and Further Provisions) (Wales) Order 20022002 No. 803 (W. 88)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Awdurdodau Lleol (Trefniadau Gweithrediaeth) (Addasu Deddfiadau a Darpariaethau Pellach) (Cymru) 2002
    The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Discharge of Functions) (Wales) Regulations 20022002 No. 802 (W. 87)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Awdurdodau Lleol (Trefniadau Gweithrediaeth) (Cyflawni Swyddogaethau) (Cymru) 2002

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