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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

Data is ordered by:

  • Time of results
  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Courts) 19741974 No. 1744 (S. 159)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Courts) 19751975 No. 1642 (S. 234)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Courts) 19761976 No. 441 (S. 36)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees No. 2) 19751975 No. 1908 (S. 260)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) 19671967 No. 1294 (S. 107)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) 19681968 No. 1166 (S. 127)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) 19691969 No. 464 (S. 37)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) 19711971 No. 90 (S. 5)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) 19731973 No. 461 (S. 33)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) 19751975 No. 1148 (S. 178)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) 19761976 No. 1620 (S. 130)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Alteration of Sheriff Court Fees) Order 19691969 No. 1203 (S. 98)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees for Sheriff Clerks) 19781978 No. 116 (S. 10)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees for Sheriff Clerks) 19791979 No. 347 (S. 34)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees for Sheriff Clerks) 19801980 No. 454 (S. 44)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees for Sheriff Clerks) 19811981 No. 514 (S. 51)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees in the Department of the Registers of Scotland) 19661966 No. 1304 (S. 100)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees in the Department of the Registers of Scotland) 19681968 No. 2061 (S. 187)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees in the Department of the Registers of Scotland) 19701970 No. 1584 (S. 129)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees in the Department of the Registers of Scotland) 19741974 No. 1659 (S. 149)UK Statutory Instruments

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