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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1962 has returned 75 results.

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Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The British Transport Commission Group Pension Funds Regulations, 19621962 No. 898UK Statutory Instruments
The British Transport Reorganisation (Compensation to Employees) Regulations 19621962 No. 2834UK Statutory Instruments
The British Transport Reorganisation (Pensions of Employees) (No.1) Order 19621962 No. 2714UK Statutory Instruments
The British Transport Reorganisation (Pensions of Employees) (No.2) Order 19621962 No. 2715UK Statutory Instruments
The British Transport Reorganisation (Pensions of Employees) (No.3) Order 19621962 No. 2758UK Statutory Instruments
The British Transport Reorganisation (Pensions of Employees) (No.4) Order 19621962 No. 2793UK Statutory Instruments
London Transport (Consent Procedure) Regulations 1962 (1) 1962 No. 2707UK Statutory Instruments
Nationalised Transport (London Fares) Order 1962 (1) 1962 No. 1880UK Statutory Instruments
Non-ferrous Metals (Melting and Founding) Regulations 19621962 No. 1667UK Statutory Instruments
The British Wool Marketing Scheme (Amendment) Order,19621962 No. 622UK Statutory Instruments
The Cambridge Waterworks (No. 2) Order 19621962 No. 2130UK Statutory Instruments
The Cambridge Waterworks Order, 19621962 No. 1030UK Statutory Instruments
The Commonwealth Telegraphs (Cable and Wireless Ltd. Pension) Regulations, 19621962 No. 196UK Statutory Instruments
The Construction (General Provisions) Reports Order, 19621962 No. 224UK Statutory Instruments
The Construction (Lifting Operations) Prescribed Particulars Order, 19621962 No. 226UK Statutory Instruments
The Construction (Lifting Operations) Reports Order, 19621962 No. 225UK Statutory Instruments
The Consular Conventions (Income Tax) (Spanish State) Order 19621962 No. 638UK Statutory Instruments
The Control of Dogs on Roads Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 19621962 No. 2340UK Statutory Instruments
The Copyright (Virgin Islands) Order 19621962 No. 2185UK Statutory Instruments
The Deeds of Arrangement (Amendment) Rules 19621962 No. 297 (L. 5)UK Statutory Instruments

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