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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1972 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Medicines (Data Sheet) Regulations 19721972 No. 2076UK Statutory Instruments
The Crofting Counties Agricultural Grants (Scotland) (No. 3) Scheme 19721972 No. 2074 (S. 168)UK Statutory Instruments
The Price Stability of Imported Products (Rates of Levy) (Eggs) (No. 14) Order 19721972 No. 2067UK Statutory Instruments
The Asian Development Bank (Additional Contributions) Order 19721972 No. 2066UK Statutory Instruments
The Counter-Inflation (Restrictions on Remuneration) (No. 2) Order 19721972 No. 2062UK Statutory Instruments
The British Nationality Regulations 19721972 No. 2061UK Statutory Instruments
The Land Charges (No. 2) Rules 19721972 No. 2059UK Statutory Instruments
The Land Charges Act 1972 (Commencement) Order 19721972 No. 2058 (C. 47)UK Statutory Instruments
The Increase of Pensions (Teachers Family Benefits) (Scotland) Regulations 19721972 No. 2057 (S. 166)UK Statutory Instruments
The Standards for School Premises Regulations 19721972 No. 2051UK Statutory Instruments
The Sugar Board (Financial Year) Order 19721972 No. 2045UK Statutory Instruments
The Counter-Inflation (Restrictions on Remuneration) Order 19721972 No. 2042UK Statutory Instruments
The Diseases of Animals (Seizure of Carcases, etc.) (Amendment) Order 19721972 No. 2041UK Statutory Instruments
The Exchange Control (Scheduled Territories) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 19721972 No. 2040UK Statutory Instruments
The English Non-metropolitan Districts (Definition) Order 19721972 No. 2039UK Statutory Instruments
The Rate Support Grant Order 19721972 No. 2034UK Statutory Instruments
The Rate Support Grant (Increase) Order 19721972 No. 2033UK Statutory Instruments
The Town and Country Planning Act 1971 (Commencement No. 10) (Norfolk and East Suffolk etc.) Order 19721972 No. 2032 (C. 46)UK Statutory Instruments
The Fishing Boats (European Economic Community) Designation Order 1972 (revoked)1972 No. 2026UK Statutory Instruments
The Poultry and Hatching Eggs (Importation) Order 19721972 No. 2025UK Statutory Instruments

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