The Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

  1. Introductory Text


    1. 1.Title and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation


    1. Preliminary

      1. 3.Deferment of sentence

    2. Discharge

      1. 4.Absolute and conditional discharge

      2. 5.Commission of further offence by person conditionally discharged

      3. 6.Effect of discharge

      4. 7.Supplementary provisions as to discharge

    3. Community sentences

      1. 8.Restrictions on imposing community sentences

      2. 9.Procedural requirements for community sentences

    4. Probation

      1. 10.Probation orders

      2. 11.Additional requirements which may be included in such orders

      3. 12.Substitution of conditional discharge for probation

    5. Community service orders

      1. 13.Community service orders in respect of convicted persons

      2. 14.Obligations of person subject to community service order

      3. 15.Orders combining probation and community service

    6. Orders: supplemental

      1. 16.Enforcement etc. of community orders

      2. 17.Regulation of community orders

    7. Custodial sentences

      1. 18.Restriction on imposing sentences of imprisonment or detention on persons not legally represented

      2. 19.Restrictions on imposing custodial sentences

      3. 20.Length of custodial sentences

      4. 21.Procedural requirements for custodial sentences

      5. 22.Additional requirements offenders is unnecessary to obtain a pre-sentence in the case of mentally disordered

      6. 23.Suspended sentences of imprisonment or orders for detention

      7. 24.Custody probation orders

      8. 25.Supplementary provisions as to custody probation orders

    8. Release on licence of certain offenders

      1. 26.Release on licence of sexual offenders

      2. 27.Breach of licence conditions

      3. 28.Convictions during currency of original sentences

    9. Financial penalties

      1. 29.Fixing of fines

      2. 30.Statements as to offenders' means

      3. 31.False statements as to financial circumstances

      4. 32.Remission of fines

    10. Miscellaneous

      1. 33.Reduction in sentences for guilty pleas

      2. 34.Reports of probation officers

      3. 35.Remands

      4. 36.Savings for mitigation and mentally disordered offenders

      5. 37.Effect of previous convictions and of offending while on bail


    1. 38.Offences to which this Part applies

    2. 39.Jurisdiction in respect of Group A offences

    3. 40.Questions immaterial to jurisdiction in the case of certain offences

    4. 41.Rules for determining certain jurisdictional questions relating to the location of events

    5. 42.Attempt, conspiracy and incitement

    6. 43.Relevance of external law


    1. Imputations on character

      1. 44.Imputations on character

    2. Corroboration

      1. 45.Abolition of corroboration rules

      2. 46.Abolition of corroboration requirements under Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885

    3. Intimidation, etc., of witnesses, jurors and others

      1. 47.Intimidation, etc., of witnesses, jurors and others

    4. Insanity and unfitness to be tried

      1. 48.Procedure in relation to unfitness to be tried

      2. 49.Trial of the facts in cases of defendants found unfit to be tried

      3. 50.Procedure in relation to finding of insanity

      4. 51.Powers to deal with persons not guilty by reason of insanity or unfit to be tried, etc.

    5. Advance information

      1. 52.Rules as to furnishing of information by prosecution in criminal cases


    1. Certain knives and other dangerous weapons

      1. 53.Manufacture or sale, etc., of certain knives

      2. 54.Sale of knives and certain articles with blade or point to persons under 16

      3. 55.Arrest without warrant for offence of having certain weapons on school premises

    2. Information

      1. 56.Information for financial and other purposes

      2. 57.Rules and orders

      3. 58.Amendments, transitional provisions and repeals

  7. Signature


    1. Schedule 1

      Additional Requirements in Probation Orders.

    2. Schedule 2

      Enforcement etc. of Community Orders.

      1. Part I Preliminary.

      2. Part II Breach of Requirement of Order.

      3. Part III Revocation of Order.

      4. Part IV Amendment of Order.

    3. Schedule 3

      Financial Penalties.

    4. Schedule 4

      Provisions inserted as Schedule 2A to the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986.

      1. Part I Preliminary.

      2. Part II Making and effect of orders.

      3. Part III Revocation and amendment of orders.

    5. Schedule 5


    6. Schedule 6

      Transitional Provisions and Savings.

    7. Schedule 7


  9. Explanatory Note