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Rheoliadau Hadau (Ffïoedd) (Diwygio) (Cymru) (Rhif 2) 2002

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This is the original version (as it was originally made). Dim ond ar ei ffurf wreiddiol y mae’r eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth ar gael ar hyn o bryd.

Offerynnau Statudol Cymru

2002 Rhif 1870 (Cy.183)


Rheoliadau Hadau (Ffïoedd) (Diwygio) (Cymru) (Rhif 2) 2002

Wedi'u gwneud

18 Gorffennaf 2002

Yn dod i rym

23 Gorffennaf 2002

Mae Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, sy'n gweithredu mewn perthynas â Chymru, drwy arfer y pwerau a roddwyd gan adrannau 16(1) ac (1A)(e) a 36 o Ddeddf Hadau ac Isrywogaethau Planhigion 1964(1) ar ôl ymgynghori yn unol â'r adran 16(1) a enwyd â chynrychiolwyr y cyfryw fuddiannau y mae'n ymddangos i'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol eu bod yn ymwneud â hwy, drwy hyn yn gwneud y Rheoliadau canlynol:

Teitl, cymhwyso a chychwyn

1.  Teitl y Rheoliadau hyn yw Rheoliadau Hadau (Ffioedd) (Diwygio) (Cymru) (Rhif 2) 2002, maent yn gymwys i Gymru a deuant i rym ar 23 Gorffennaf 2002.


2.  Yn lle Atodlenni 1 i 6 i Reoliadau Hadau (Ffioedd) 1985(2) rhoddir yr Atodlenni a nodir yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn.

Llofnodwyd ar ran Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 66(1) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 1998(3)

John Marek

Dirprwy Lywydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol

18 Gorffennaf 2002

Regulation 2


Regulation 3


MatterWhen payableFeeOld fee
A. Initial fees
Initial fee per hectare or part thereof for crops intended to produce:On application for registration

(i)pre-basic or basic seed


(ii)certified seed of the first generation of wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat, barley, triticale and oats or certified seed of rye and maize


(iii) certified seed of the second generation of wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat, barley and oats

B. Crop inspection fees
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops intended to produce pre-basic or basic seed, per hectare or part thereof examined.On application13.55(12.90)
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops produced from seed of a variety entered for but not added to the National List (or to the equivalent list in another Member State) intended to produce certified seed, certified seed of the first generation or certified seed of the second generation, per hectare or part thereof examined.On application13.55(12.90)
C.Seed lot fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate (other than in the circumstances described under F. below) in respect of a seed lot entered as:—On application

(i)breeder's, pre-basic or basic seed, certified seed of the first generation of wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat, barley, triticale, oats or certified seed of rye and maize


(ii)certified seed of the second generation of wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat, barley and oats

D.Seed testing fees
Fee for an official examination of seed for loose smut infection of wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat and barley (per thousand embryos examined)Within one month of demand by or on behalf of the appropriate Minister39.40(37.50)
E.Fees for additional tests
Fee for a Tetrazolium seed viability test in C1 Winter Wheat and C1 Winter BarleyWithin one month of demand by or on behalf of the appropriate Minister46.20(44.00)
F. Seed lot re-entry fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate in respect of a seed lot which was entered for one category and has been withdrawn and is being re-entered as:—On application

(i)pre-basic or basic seed, certified seed of the first generation of wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat, barley, triticale and oats or certified seed of rye and maize


(ii)certified seed of the second generation of wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat, barley and oats


Regulation 3


MatterWhen payableFeeOld fee
A. Initial fees
Initial fee per hectare or part thereof for crops intended to produce:On application for registration

(i)pre-basic or basic seed of—

(a)grasses, legumes (except field beans and field peas) and crucifers


(b)field beans and field peas


(ii)certified seed of grasses, legumes (except field beans, field peas, white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne) and crucifers


(iii)certified seed of the first and second generation of field beans and field peas


(iv)certified seed of the first generation of white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne

B. Crop inspection fee
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops intended to produce pre-basic or basic seed, per hectare or part thereof examined (including crops of hybrid swede rape and hybrid turnip rape).On application13.55(12.90)
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops produced from seed of a variety entered for but not added to the National List (or to the equivalent list in another Member State) intended to produce certified seed of grasses, legumes, (except field beans, field peas, white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne) and crucifers or certified seed of the first generation and certified seed of the second generation of field beans and field peas or certified seed of the first generation of white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne per hectare or part thereof examined.On application13.55(12.90)
C. Seed lot fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate (other than in the circumstances described under D. below) in respect of a seed lot entered as:—On application

(i)breeder’s seed of—

(a)grasses, legumes (except field beans and field peas) and crucifers


(b)field beans and field peas


(ii)pre-basic or basic seed of—

(a)grasses, legumes (except field beans and field peas) and crucifers


(b)field beans and field peas


(iii)certified seed of grasses, legumes (except field beans, field peas, white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne) and crucifers


(iv) certified seed of the first and second generation of field beans and field peas


(ivA)certified seed of the first generation of white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne


(v)commercial seed of the kinds for the time being specified in regulation 3(3) of the Fodder Plant Seeds Regulations 1993

D. Seed lot re-entry fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate in respect of a seed lot which was entered for one category and has been withdrawn and is being re-entered as:—On application

(i)pre-basic or basic seed of—

(a)grasses, legumes (except field beans and field peas) and crucifers


(b)field beans and peas

(ii)certified seed of grasses, legumes (except field beans, field peas, white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne) and crucifers



(iii)certified seed of the first and second generation of field beans and peas


(iiiA)certified seed of the first generation of white lupin, narrow-leaved lupin (blue lupin), yellow lupin, Hungarian vetch, common vetch, hairy vetch and lucerne

(iv)commercial seed of the kinds for the time being specified in regulation 3(3) of the Fodder Plant Seeds Regulations 1993

Regulation 3


MatterWhen payableFee £Old fee
A. Initial fees
Initial fee per hectare or part thereof for crops intended to produce:On application for registration

(i)pre-basic or basic seed


(ii)all other categories of seed

B. Crop inspection fees
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops intended to produce pre-basic or basic seed, per hectare or part thereof examined.On application13.55(12.90)
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops produced from seed of a variety entered for but not added to the National List (or to the equivalent list in another Member State) intended to produce certified seed, certified seed of the first generation, certified seed of the second generation or certified seed of the third generation, per hectare or part thereof examined.On application13.55(12.90)
C. Seed lot fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate (other than in the circumstances described under E. below) in respect of a seed lot entered as:— On application

(i)breeder’s pre-basic or basic seed


(ii)all other categories of seed

D. Seed testing fees
Fees for an official examination of seed for:—Within one month of demand by or on behalf of the appropriate Minister

(i)sunflower for Botrytis spp


(ii)flax and linseed for:—

(a)Alternaria spp

(b)Phoma exiqua var. linicola

(c)Colletotrichum lini

(d)Fusarium spp

(e)Botrytis spp


(iii)soya bean for Pseudomonas syringae

pv. glycinea spp for one sub-sample66.15(63.00)
test for five sub-sample tests220.50(210.00)

(iv)soya bean for Diaporthe phaselorum spp

E. Seed lot re-entry fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate in respect of a seed lot which was entered for one category and has been withdrawn and is being re-entered in any categoryOn application38.05(36.25)

Regulation 3


MatterWhen payableFeeOld fee
A. Initial fees
Initial fee per hectare or part thereof for crops intended to produce:On application for registration

(i)pre-basic or basic seed


(ii)certified seed

B. Crop inspection fees
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops intended to produce pre-basic or basic seed per hectare or part thereof examined.On application13.55(12.90)
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops produced from seed of a variety entered for but not added to the National List (or to the equivalent list in another Member State) intended to produce certified seed, per hectare or part thereof examined.On application13.55(12.90)
C. Seed lot fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate (other than in the circumstances described under D. below) in respect of a seed lot entered as:—On application

(i)pre-basic or basic seed


(ii)certified seed

D. Seed lot re-entry fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate in respect of a seed lot which was entered for one category and has been withdrawn and is being re-entered as:—On application

(i)pre-basic or basic seed


(ii)certified seed


Regulation 3


MatterWhen payableFeeOld fee
A. Initial fees
Initial fee for crops intended to produce:On application for registration

(i)pre-basic or basic seed of—


(a)all kinds, except peas, broad beans, cucumber, gherkin and tomato, per hectare or part thereof entered

(b)peas and broad beans per hectare or part thereof entered


(c)cucumber, gherkin and tomato, per crop entered


(ii)certified seed of—

(a)all kinds, except peas, broad beans, cucumber, gherkin and tomato, per hectare or part thereof entered


(b)peas and broad beans per hectare or part thereof entered


(c)cucumber, gherkin and tomato, per crop entered

B. Crop inspection fees
Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops intended to produce: On application

(i)A(i)(a) or (b) above, per hectare or part thereof examined


(ii)A(i)(c) above, per crop examined

Fee for official examination or re-examination of crops produced from seed of a variety entered for but not added to the National List (or to the equivalent list in another Member State) intended to produce:On application

(i)A(ii)(a) or (b) above, per hectare or part thereof examined


(ii)A(ii)(c) above, per crop examined

C. Seed lot fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate (other than in the circumstances described under D. below) in respect of a seed lot enteredOn application108.70(103.50)
D. Seed lot re-entry fee
Fee for the issue of an official certificate in respect of a seed lot which was entered for one category and has been withdrawn and is being re-entered in any categoryOn application76.05(72.45)

Regulation 3


MatterWhen payableFeeOld fee
A. Representations by, and hearings of, a seed merchant, processor or packer

(i)Fee for making written representations to the National Assembly for Wales

On making representations33.95(32.35)

(ii)Fee for being heard by a person appointed by the National Assembly for Wales

On applying to be heard67.95(64.70)
B. Licensed Seed Testing Stations

(i)Annual fee payable during the currency of the licence (or a proportion thereof in respect of a part of a year)

Within one month of demand by the National Assembly for Wales annually in advance1,800.00(2,135.00)

(ii)Fee payable by a Licensed Seed Testing Station in respect of an official examination of seed

Within one month of demand by the National Assembly for Wales, annually in arrears9.65(9.20)
C. Examination fees

(i)Examination for crop inspector in respect of

  • cereals,

  • field beans, field peas and pulses, or

  • grasses and herbage legumes,


Before the examination157.45(149.95)

(b)re-sit of examination (other than cereals)

Before the examination157.45(149.95)

(c)re-sit of either part of cereals examination

Before the examination78.70(74.95)


Before the examination78.70(74.95)

(ii)Examination for crop inspector in respect of

  • sugar beet, or

  • fodder and oil crucifers; turnips; fodder beet and mangels; flax and linseed; soya bean,


Before the examination98.40(93.70)

(b)re-sit of examination

Before the examination98.40(93.70)


Before the examination78.70(74.95)

(iii)Examination for seed sampler

Before the examination98.40(93.70)

Nodyn Esboniadol

(Nid yw'r nodyn hwn yn rhan o'r Rheoliadau)

Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn diwygio Rheoliadau Hadau (Ffioedd) 1985 (fel y'u diwygiwyd). Maent yn rhagnodi ffioedd diwygiedig o ran materion sy'n codi o dan Reoliadau Hadau Grawn 1993 (fel y'u diwygiwyd), Rheoliadau Hadau Planhigion Porthiant 1993 (fel y'u diwygiwyd), Rheoliadau Hadau Planhigion Olew a Ffibr 1993 (fel y'u diwygiwyd), Rheoliadau Hadau Betys 1993 (fel y'u diwygiwyd), Rheoliadau Hadau Llysiau 1993 (fel y'u diwygiwyd) a Rheoliadau Hadau (Cofrestru, Trwyddedu a Gorfodi) 1985 (fel y'u diwygiwyd) (rheoliad 2).

Rhestrir y materion y rhagnodir y ffioedd diwygiedig mewn perthynas â hwy yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn, ac argreffir y ffioedd a oedd yn daladwy cyn i'r Rheoliadau hyn ddod i rym mewn llythrennau italig wrth ochr y ffioedd diwygiedig.

Cynyddwyd yr holl ffioedd 5 y cant wedi'i dalgrynnu i'r pum ceiniog agosaf ac eithrio yn achos y ffi flynyddol ar gyfer Gorsafoedd Trwyddedig ar gyfer Profi Hadau y gostyngwyd £335 arni.

Mae Arfarniad Rheoliadol wedi'i baratoi a gellir cael copïau oddi wrth Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, Parc Cathays, Caerdydd CF10 3NQ.


1964 p.14; diwygiwyd adran 16 gan Ddeddf y Cymunedau Ewropeaidd 1972 (p.68) adran 4(1) ac Atodlen 4, paragraff 5(1), (2) a (3); gweler adran 38(1) (fel y'i diwygiwyd gan O.S. 1978/272) i gael diffiniad o “the Minister”; trosglwyddwyd swyddogaethau'r Gweinidog Amaethyddiaeth, Pysgodfeydd a Bwyd o dan Ddeddf Hadau ac Isrywogaethau Planhigion 1964, i'r graddau y maent yn arferadwy mewn perthynas â Chymru, i Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru o dan Orchymyn Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau (Cymru) (Rhif 1) 1978 (O.S. 1978/272); ac o dan erthygl 2(a) ac Atodlen 1 i Orchymyn Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau) 1999 (O.S. 1999/672) trosglwyddwyd y swyddogaethau hyn, i'r graddau y maent yn arferadwy mewn perthynas â Chymru, i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.


O.S. 1985/981; yr offerynnau diwygio perthnasol yw O.S. 1990/610 a 1999/1553 a 1865, 2001/2533 (Cy. 210) a 2002/1554(Cy.152).


The figures in italics are the fees which were charged under these Regulations before the coming into force of the Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) (No. 2) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 2002/1870 (W.183)) on 23rd July 2002.


The figures in italics are the fees which were charged under these Regulations before the coming into force of the Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) (No. 2) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 2002/1870 (W.183)) on 23rd July 2002.


The figures in italics are the fees which were charged under these Regulations before the coming into force of the Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) (No. 2) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 2002/1870 (W.183)) on 23rd July 2002.


The figures in italics are the fees which were charged under these Regulations before the coming into force of the Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) (No. 2) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 2002/1870 (W.183)) on 23rd July 2002.


The figures in italics are the fees which were charged under these Regulations before the coming into force of the Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) (No. 2) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 2002/1870 (W.183)) on 23rd July 2002.


The figures in italics are the fees which were charged under these Regulations before the coming into force of the Seeds (Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) ( No. 2) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 2002/1870 (W.183)) on 23rd July 2002.

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