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The Countryside Stewardship (England) Regulations 2020


This is the original version (as it was originally made).


Column 1Column 2Column 3
Activity nameDescriptionMaximum payment rate per agreement year
1. Arable
(a)Nectar flower mixEstablishing and maintaining a mixture of pollen and nectar rich plants on arable land£511 per hectare (“ha”)
(b)Basic overwinter stubbleRetention of overwintered stubble until the following February£84 per ha
(c)Beetle banksCreation (if appropriate) or maintenance of beetle banks£573 per ha
(d)Skylark plotsCreation of skylark plots to access growing cereal£18 (£9 per plot minimum 2 plots per ha)
(e)Nesting plots for lapwing and stone curlewEstablishing and maintaining plots for ground-nesting birds£524 per ha
(f)Enhanced overwinter stubbleRetention of overwintered stubble until the following July£436 per ha
(g)Whole crop cerealsPlanting and harvesting whole crop cereals followed by overwintered stubble£495 per ha
(h)Flower-rich margins and plotsEstablishing flower-rich grass margins or plots as habitat and foraging for invertebrates and birds£539 per ha
(i)Winter bird foodEstablishing blocks or strips of cereals, brassicas and other plants providing food for farmland birds, especially for autumn and winter£640 per ha
(j)Unharvested cereal headlandCreation of an unharvested, open structured cereal crop for wildlife.£640 per ha
(k)Cultivated areas for arable plantsCreation of uncropped, cultivated areas for scarce and declining arable plants£532 per ha
(l)Supplementary winter feeding for farmland birdsSpreading winter feed mixture for birds in selected feeding areas£632 per tonne for every 2 ha of winter bird food
(m)Brassica fodder cropEstablishing and managing a brassica fodder crop as foraging sites for birds£100 per ha
(n)Harvested low input cerealEstablishing and managing an open-structure cereal crop as summer foraging for wildlife£266 per ha
(o)Two year sown legume fallowEstablishing and managing a legume fallow mix as food for farmland wildlife£522 per ha
(p)Autumn sown bumblebird mixEstablishing and managing a mix of flowering and seed bearing plants after harvest as food for farmland birds and insects£550 per ha
2. Boundaries, Trees and Orchards
(a)Protection of in-field trees on arable landProtection of in-field trees on arable land£420 per ha
(b)Protection of in-field trees on intensive grasslandProtection of in-field trees on intensive grassland£190 per ha
(c)Management of hedgerowsManagement of hedgerow (one-side)£8 per 100 metre (“m”) for 1 side of a hedge
(d)Management of traditional orchardsManagement of traditional orchards£212 per ha
(e)Creation of traditional orchardsCreation of traditional orchards£281 per ha
(f)Veteran tree surgeryCarrying out specialist tree surgery to extend the lifespan of veteran trees.£221 per tree
(g)Supplement for restorative pruning of fruit treesRestorative pruning of mature fruit trees£62 per tree
3. Coastal
(a)Management of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingleManagement of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingle£217 per ha
(b)Creation of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingle on arable land and improved grasslandCreation of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingle on arable land and improved grassland£314 per ha
(c)Management of coastal saltmarshManagement of coastal saltmarsh£77 per ha
(d)Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on arable landCreation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on arable land£442 per ha
(e)Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat by non-interventionCreation of inter-tidal and saline habitat by non-intervention£271 per ha
(f)Coastal vegetation management supplementManagement of grazing on saltmarsh or saline habitat£117 per ha
(g)Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on intensive grasslandCreation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on intensive grassland£276 per ha
4. Grassland
(a)Take small areas out of managementTaking small areas of permanent grassland out of management£365 per ha
(b)Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside SDAs)Management of permanent grassland with very low inputs outside of severely disadvantaged areas£95 per ha
(c)Ryegrass seed-set as winter food for birdsEstablishing a ryegrass seed-set on grassland to provide food in the autumn and winter for birds£331 per ha
(d)Legume and herb-rich swardsEstablishment and maintenance of legume and herb-rich swards£309 per ha
(e)Permanent grassland with very low inputs in SDAsManagement of permanent grassland with very low inputs in severely disadvantaged areas£16 per ha
(f)Management of species-rich grasslandManagement of species-rich grassland£182 per ha
(g)Restoration towards species-rich grasslandRestoration towards species-rich grassland£145 per ha
(h)Creation of species-rich grasslandCreation of species-rich grassland£267 per ha
(i)Management of wet grassland for breeding wadersManagement of wet grassland for breeding waders£264 per ha
(j)Management of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowlManagement of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl£157 per ha
(k)Creation of wet grassland for breeding wadersCreation of wet grassland for breeding waders£406 per ha
(l)Creation of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowlCreation of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl£310 per ha
(m)Management of grassland for target featuresManagement of grassland for targeted habitats, species or features£90 per ha
(n)Creation of grassland for target featuresCreation of grassland for targeted habitats, species or features£253 per ha
(o)Haymaking supplementContinue or re-introduce haymaking on fields which are or were cut for hay once a year£85 per ha
(p)Rush infestation control supplementReduce rush cover in grassland with heavy infestations.£73 per ha
(q)Lenient grazing supplementManagement of grazing to provide spring and summer invertebrate food£44 per ha
5. Historic environment and landscape
(a)Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildingsMaintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings£3.25 per square metre (“sq m”)
(b)Take historic and archaeological features out of cultivationTaking land with archaeological or historic features out of cultivation£425 per ha
(c)Reduced-depth, non-inversion cultivation on historic and archaeological featuresReducing damage to historical and archaeological features under cultivation by using non-inversion machinery and shallower cultivation depths£79 per ha
(d)Scrub control on historic and archaeological featuresControlling scrub on historic and archaeological features£137 per ha
(e)Management of historic and archaeological features on grasslandManagement of historic and archaeological features on grassland£30 per ha
(f)Maintenance of designed/ engineered water bodiesMaintenance of designed or engineered water bodies£440 per ha
(g)Management of historic water meadows through traditional irrigationManagement of historic water meadows through traditional irrigation£440 per ha
(h)Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings in remote areasMaintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings in remote areas£6.73 per sq m
(i)Restricted depth crop establishment to protect archaeology under an arable rotationRestricting the depth of crop establishment to protect archaeology under an arable rotation£174 per ha
6. Lowland heath
(a)Management of lowland heathlandManagement of lowland heathland£274 per ha
(b)Restoration of forestry and woodland to lowland heathlandRestoration of forestry and woodland to lowland heathland£184 per ha
(c)Creation of heathland from arable or improved grasslandCreation of lowland heathland from arable or improved grassland£517 per ha
7. Soil and water
(a)4-6m buffer strip on cultivated landCreation (where appropriate) and maintenance of 4m or 6m buffer strips on cultivated land£353 per ha
(b)4-6m buffer strip on intensive grasslandCreation (where appropriate) and maintenance of 4m or 6m buffer strips on intensive grassland£170 per ha
(c)In-field grass stripsCreation (where appropriate) and maintenance of dense grassy areas on cultivated land£557 per ha
(d)12-24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated landCreation (where appropriate) and maintenance of 12-24m buffer strips on cultivated land£512 per ha
(e)Enhanced management of maize cropsManagement of maize and a cover crop to reduce the risk of soil erosion and run off£133 per ha
(f)Winter cover cropsProvision of a cover crop to reduce nitrate leaching£114 per ha
(g)Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser inputReversion of arable land to grassland with low fertiliser input£311 per ha
(h)Management of intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourseManagement of intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse£202 per ha
(i)Seasonal livestock removal on intensive grasslandSeasonal removal of livestock from intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse£88 per ha
(j)Seasonal livestock removal on grassland in SDAs next to streams, rivers and lakes.Seasonal removal of livestock from grassland adjacent to a watercourse in severely disadvantaged areas£36 per ha
(k)Riparian management stripPrevention of livestock access to a watercourse and provision of a buffer strip£440 per ha
(l)Making space for waterHelping water flow in a winding course across flood plains, flooding temporarily to restore river and wetland habitats£640 per ha
(m)Very low nitrogen inputs to groundwatersReduction of nutrient input to grassland£251 per ha
(n)Nil fertiliser supplementReduction of nutrient inputs to zero£131 per ha
(o)Flood mitigation on arable reversion to grasslandCreation of temporary water storage to mitigate flood risk on arable reversion to grassland£488 per ha
(p)Flood mitigation on permanent grasslandCreation of temporary water storage to mitigate flood risk on permanent grassland£256 per ha
8. Uplands
(a)Enclosed rough grazingMaintain and enhance areas of enclosed rough grazing land within an upland farming system£39 per ha
(b)Management of rough grazing for birdsManagement of rough grazing habitat for birds£88 per ha
(c)Management of moorlandManagement of moorland£43 per ha
(d)Management of moorland vegetation supplementManagement of vegetation to restore and improve Priority Habitats£10 per ha
(e)Moorland re-wetting supplementMaintenance and restoration of vegetation mosaics and wetland habitats£18 per ha
(f)Upland livestock exclusion supplementManagement of upland through livestock exclusion£16 per ha
9. Woodland and scrub
(a)Woodland creation – Maintenance PaymentsMaintenance of newly created woodland£200 per ha
(b)Woodland ImprovementImprovement of existing woodland£100 per ha
(c)Woodland edges on arable landCreation of new woodland edge habitat£323 per ha
(d)Management of wood pasture and parklandManagement of existing lowland wood pasture and parkland£46 per ha
(e)Restoration of wood pasture and parklandRestoration of lowland wood pasture and parkland£244 per ha
(f)Creation of wood pastureCreation of new wood pasture£409 per ha
(g)Management of successional areas and scrubManagement of successional areas and scrub£74 per ha
(h)Creation of successional areas and scrubCreation of successional areas and scrub£87 per ha
(i)Livestock exclusion supplement – scrub and successional areas.Exclusion of livestock from scrub and successional areas£121 per ha
10. Wetlands
(a)Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grasslandCreation and maintenance of buffer strips for in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland£201 per ha
(b)Buffering in-field ponds and ditches on arable landCreation and maintenance of buffer strips for in-field ponds and ditches on arable land£501 per ha
(c)Management of ditches of high environmental valueManagement of ditches of high environmental value (both sides)£37 per 100 m for the management of both sides of the ditch
(d)Pond management - first 100 sq mManagement of small ponds of high wildlife value£103 per pond
(e)Pond management (areas more than 100 sq m)Management of larger ponds of high wildlife value£183 per pond
(f)Management of reedbedManagement, maintenance and restoration of reedbed£78 per ha
(g)Creation of reedbedCreation of new areas of reedbed£323 per ha
(h)Management of fenManagement of fen and small areas of reedbed£39 per ha
(i)Creation of fenCreation of new areas of fen£446 per ha
(j)Management of lowland raised bogManagement of lowland raised bog£164 per ha
(k)Wetland cutting supplementCutting management of wetland habitats£440 per ha
(l)Wetland grazing supplementGrazing management of wetland habitats£304 per ha
11. Organic
(a)Overwintered stubbleRetaining overwinter stubble on organic land£116 per ha
(b)Wild bird seed mixtureEstablishing a mix of seed-bearing plants on organic land£640 per ha
(c)Supplementary feeding for farmland birdsSpreading winter feed mixture for birds in selected feeding areas on organic land£494 per tonne for every 2 ha of wild bird seed mixture
(d)Multi-species leyEstablishing and managing a multi-species ley on organic land£115 per ha
(e)Undersown cerealEstablishing an autumn or spring sown cereal crop undersown with a grass/flower-rich legume ley£86 per ha
12. Organic conversion
(a)Organic conversion – improved permanent grasslandConversion of improved permanent grassland to organic management£75 per ha per year for up to 2 years
(b)Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grasslandConversion of unimproved permanent grassland to organic management£50 per ha per year for up to 2 years
(c)Organic conversion – rotational landConversion of rotational land to organic management£175 per ha per year, for up to 2 years
(d)Organic conversion – horticultureConversion of rotational land used to produce vegetables or salads into organic£400 per ha per year, for up to 2 years
(e)Organic conversion – top fruitConversion of top fruit orchards or berry bushes to organic management£450 per ha per year, for up to 3 years
13. Organic maintenance
(a)Organic land management - improved permanent grasslandMaintaining improved permanent grassland under organic management£40 per ha
(b)Organic land management - unimproved permanent grasslandMaintaining unimproved permanent grassland under organic management£20 per ha
(c)Organic land management - rotational landMaintaining rotational land under organic management£65 per ha
(d)Organic land management – horticultureMaintaining horticultural land under organic management£200 per ha
(e)Organic land management - top fruitMaintaining top fruit orchards or berry bushes under organic management£300 per ha
(f)Organic land management -enclosed rough grazingMaintaining enclosed rough grazing land under organic management£8 per ha
14. Additional supplements
(a)Difficult sites supplementManagement of particularly difficult sites£62 per ha
(b)Raised water level supplementRaising water levels in ditches and adjacent land£127 per ha
(c)Bracken control supplementControlling dense bracken£153 per ha
(d)Control of invasive plant species supplementControlling invasive plant species£324 per ha
(e)Shepherding supplementIntroducing, re-introducing or making significant changes to shepherding£7 per ha
(f)Cattle grazing supplementCattle grazing for conservation purposes£45 per ha
(g)Introduction of cattle grazing on the Isles of ScillyIntroduction of conservation grazing on the Isles of Scilly on land that is not currently grazed by cattle£279 per ha
(h)Native breeds at risk supplementGrazing native breeds at risk£94 per ha
(i)Threatened species supplementAdditional habitat management for named Priority Species£120 per ha
(j)Administration of group managed agreements supplementAdministering agreements with shared tenure£6 per ha
15. Educational access
(a)Education accessPermitting and making provision for access to farm land for educational visits£290 per visit

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