Search Legislation

Road Traffic Act 1960


This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I General Provisions relating to road Traffic

    1. Offences connected with Driving of motor Vehicles

      1. 1.Causing death by reckless or dangerous driving

      2. 2.Reckless, and dangerous, driving generally

      3. 3.Careless, and inconsiderate, driving

      4. 4.Speeding

      5. 5.Driving under age

      6. 6.Driving, or being in charge, when under influence of drink or drugs

      7. 7.Motor racing on highways

      8. 8.Restriction on carriage of persons on motor cycles

    2. Offences connected with Riding of pedal Cycles

      1. 9.Reckless, and dangerous, cycling

      2. 10.Careless, and inconsiderate, cycling

      3. 11.Cycling when under influence of drink or drugs

      4. 12.Regulation of cycle racing on highways

      5. 13.Restriction on carriage of persons on bicycles

    3. Offences connected with Traffic generally

      1. 14.Drivers to comply with traffic directions

      2. 15.Pedestrians to comply with directions to stop given by constables regulating vehicular traffic

      3. 16.Leaving vehicles in dangerous positions

    4. Restrictions on Use of motor Vehicles off Roadway

      1. 17.Control of use of footpaths and bridleways for motor vehicle trials

      2. 18.Prohibition of driving motor vehicles elsewhere than on roads

    5. Speed Limits on restricted Roads

      1. 19.General speed limit for restricted roads

      2. 20.What roads restricted

      3. 21.Provisions as to directions under sections 19 and 20

      4. 22.Signs for indicating speed restrictions

      5. 23.Provisions supplementary to sections 19 to 22

    6. Speed Limits for certain Classes of Vehicles

      1. 24.Speed limits for vehicles of different classes or descriptions

    7. Speed Limits: Exemptions

      1. 25.Exemption of fire engines, and c., from speed limits

    8. Traffic Regulation outside London Traffic Area

      1. 26.Traffic regulation orders outside London Traffic Area

      2. 27.Confirmation, revocation and variation of local authorities' traffic regulation orders

      3. 28.Provisions as to Ministers' traffic regulation orders

      4. 29.Provisions supplementary to sections 26 to 28

    9. Traffic Regulation in London Traffic Area

      1. 30.The London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee

      2. 31.General functions of Advisory Committee

      3. 32.Annual report of Advisory Committee

      4. 33.Power of Advisory Committee to hold inquiries

      5. 34.Traffic regulation in London Traffic Area

      6. 35.Experimental traffic schemes in London

    10. Traffic Regulation in special Cases

      1. 36.Temporary prohibition or restriction of traffic on roads

      2. 37.Traffic regulation on special roads

      3. 38.One-way traffic on trunk roads

      4. 39.Regulation of use of highways by public service vehicles

      5. 40.Prohibition or restriction of use of vehicles on roads of certain classes

      6. 41.Restriction of use of heavy vehicles on weak bridges

      7. 42.Power of highway and bridge authorities to authorise carriage of excess weights on roads and bridges

      8. 43.Removal of vehicles illegally, obstructively or dangerously parked, abandoned, or broken down

    11. Pedestrian Crossings

      1. 44.Schemes for establishment of pedestrian crossings on roads other than trunk roads

      2. 45.Duty of appropriate Minister to establish pedestrian crossings on trunk roads

      3. 46.Pedestrian crossing regulations

    12. School Crossings

      1. 47.Arrangements for patrolling school crossings

      2. 48.Stopping of vehicles at school crossings

    13. Street Playgrounds

      1. 49.Power of local authorities to prohibit traffic on roads to be used as playgrounds

      2. 50.Power of local authorities to make byelaws with respect to roads used as playgrounds

    14. Traffic Signs

      1. 51.Traffic signs

      2. 52.Powers and duties of highway authorities as to placing of traffic signs

      3. 53.Traffic signs for giving effect to local traffic regulations

      4. 54.Emergency traffic signs

      5. 55.Traffic signs in connection with experimental traffic schemes in London

      6. 56.Removal of traffic signs, and c

      7. 57.Traffic signs: default powers

      8. 58.Power to enter on land

      9. 59.Traffic signs: modifications as respects trunk roads

      10. 60.Traffic signs: modifications as respects roads where parking permitted without lights

      11. 61.Traffic signs: modifications as respects cattle-grids

      12. 62.Construction of references to highway authorities for purposes of sections 52 and 56 to 58

      13. 63.Ministers' powers to make advances for erection, and c, of traffic signs

    15. Construction and Use of Vehicles and Equipment

      1. 64.Regulation of construction, weight, equipment and use of vehicles

      2. 65.Tests of satisfactory condition of vehicles

      3. 66.Obligatory test certificates

      4. 67.Testing of condition of vehicles on roads

      5. 68.Vehicles not to be sold in unroadworthy condition or altered so as to be unroadworthy

      6. 69.Restriction on number of trailers drawn

      7. 70.Regulation of brakes, bells, and c. on pedal cycles

      8. 71.Regulation of brakes on horse-drawn vehicles

    16. Provisions as to Manning and Hours of Duty

      1. 72.Requirements as to employment of persons to attend to locomotives and trailers

      2. 73.Limitation of hours of duty of certain drivers

    17. Road Safety Information and Road Training

      1. 74.The Highway Code

      2. 75.Powers of Ministers and local authorities as to giving road safety information and training

      3. 76.Power of Ministers to subsidise bodies, other than local authorities, for giving road safety information and training

    18. Accidents

      1. 77.Duty to stop, and furnish particulars, in case of accident

      2. 78.General provisions as to accident inquiries

      3. 79.Special provisions as to accident inquiries in London Traffic Area

      4. 80.Inquests on road deaths in London Traffic Area

    19. Parking Places (General Provisions): off Highways or without Payment on Highways

      1. 81.Power of local authorities outside London to provide parking places

      2. 82.Power to enable London local authorities to provide parking places

      3. 83.Omnibus and coach stations

      4. 84.Provisions as to foreshore in Scotland

    20. Parking Places (General Provisions): on Highways for Payment

      1. 85.Provision on highways of parking places where charges made

      2. 86.Amount of charges for parking on highways and method of payment

      3. 87.General provisions for regulation of parking on highways where charges made

      4. 88.Offences relating to parking places on highways where charges made

      5. 89.Financial provisions relating to exercise of powers under section 85

      6. 90.Provisions supplementary to sections 85 to 89

    21. Parish Parking Places for Bicycles and Motor Cycles

      1. 91.Power of parish councils to provide parking places for bicycles and motor cycles

      2. 92.Provisions as to consents for purposes of section 91

      3. 93.Provision ancillary to exercise of powers under section 91

      4. 94.Application of sections 91 to 93 to boroughs included in rural districts

      5. 95.Interpretation of sections 91 to 94

    22. Parking of Vehicles in Royal Parks

      1. 96.Power to provide for charges for parking in Royal Parks

  3. PART II Minimum Age for Driving motor Vehicles and Licensing of Drivers thereof

    1. Minimum Age for Driving

      1. 97.Minimum age for driving

    2. Driving Licences

      1. 98.Drivers of motor vehicles to have driving licences

      2. 99.Tests of competence to drive

      3. 100.Requirements as to physical fitness of drivers

      4. 101.Grant of driving licences, fees therefor, and duration thereof

      5. 102.Provisional licences

      6. 103.Appeal against refusal or revocation of licence

      7. 104.Disqualification on conviction of certain offences

      8. 105.Appeal against disqualification, and rule for determining end of period thereof

      9. 106.Removal of disqualification

      10. 107.Disqualification of persons under age

      11. 108.Disqualification to prevent duplication of licences

      12. 109.Effect of disqualification

      13. 110.Offence of applying for or obtaining licence, or driving, while disqualified

      14. 111.Endorsement of licences

      15. 112.Supplementary provisions as to disqualifications and endorsements

    3. Supplementary

      1. 113.Regulations for purposes of Part II

      2. 114.Destination of fees for licences, and c, under Part II

      3. 115.Interpretation of Part II

      4. 116.Provisions as to Northern Ireland drivers' licences

  4. PART III Public Service Vehicles

    1. Classification of Public Service Vehicles

      1. 117.Meaning of "public service vehicle", "stage carriage", "express carriage" and "contract carriage"

      2. 118.Circumstances affecting classification of public service vehicles

    2. Traffic Areas and Traffic Commissioners

      1. 119.Traffic areas

      2. 120.Traffic commissioners

      3. 121.Appointment and terms of service of traffic commissioners outside Metropolitan Traffic Area

      4. 122.Appointment and terms of service of metropolitan traffic commissioner

      5. 123.Appointment and terms of service of deputies to chairmen and other traffic commissioners

      6. 124.Traffic commissioners' staff

      7. 125.Remuneration of traffic commissioners, deputies and staff

      8. 126.Pensions of chairmen of traffic commissioners and metropolitan traffic commissioner

    3. Licensing of Public Service Vehicles

      1. 127.Public service vehicle licences

      2. 128.Certifying officers and public service vehicle examiners

      3. 129.Certificates of fitness, and effect thereof

      4. 130.Approval of type vehicles, and effect thereof

      5. 131.Certificates of fitness for experimental vehicles

      6. 132.Notice to be given to traffic commissioners of failure in, damage to, or alteration of vehicles

      7. 133.Suspension of vehicle licences for defects

    4. Road Service Licences

      1. 134.Road service licences

      2. 135.Grant and variation of road service licences

      3. 136.Revocation and suspension of road service licences

      4. 137.Backing of road service licences

      5. 138.Provisions as to corridor areas

      6. 139.Duration of road service licences

      7. 140.Particulars to be provided by applicants for, and holders of, road service licences

    5. Special Provisions as to British Transport Commission's road Services in London Passenger Transport Area

      1. 141.Commission to operate on approved routes in London special area

      2. 142.Special provisions as to Commission's road service licences for certain routes

    6. Appeals in connection with Licences and Certificates for Public Service Vehicles

      1. 143.Appeals to the Minister in connection with public service vehicle licences, road service licences and certificates of fitness

    7. Drivers, Conductors and Passengers

      1. 144.Drivers' and conductors' licences

      2. 145.Appeals to courts of summary jurisdiction in connection with drivers' and conductors' licences

      3. 146.Regulation of conduct of drivers and conductors

      4. 147.Regulation of conduct of passengers

      5. 148.Control of number of passengers

    8. General and Supplementary

      1. 149.Power of Minister to modify restrictions on use of roads by public service vehicles

      2. 150.Exclusion of certain enactments as respects Metropolitan Traffic Area

      3. 151.Avoidance of contracts so far as restrictive of liability in respect of "death of, or injury to, passengers in public service vehicles

      4. 152.Wages and conditions of employment of persons employed in connection with public service vehicles

      5. 153.Procedure of traffic commissioners

      6. 154.Accounts of traffic commissioners and metropolitan police commissioner

      7. 155.Annual report of traffic commissioners and metropolitan police commissioner

      8. 156.Records of licences

      9. 157.Returns to be provided by persons operating public service vehicles

      10. 158.Power to regulate procedure on applications for licences, and c

      11. 159.Fees for grant of licences, and c

      12. 160.Regulations for purposes of Part III

      13. 161.Restriction on institution in England and Wales of proceedings under Part III

      14. 162.Payment of expenses under Part III

      15. 163.Power of Minister to transfer licensing functions under Part III of metropolitan police commissioner

  5. PART IV Regulation of Carriage of Goods by Road

    1. Carriers' Licences

      1. 164.Users of goods vehicles to hold carriers' licences

      2. 165.The licensing authority

      3. 166.Classes of carriers' licences, and acts authorised thereby

      4. 167.Authorised vehicles

      5. 168.Conditions of carriers' licences

      6. 169.Duration of carriers' licences

      7. 170.Short-term carriers' licences

    2. Procedure governing Grant of Carriers Licences

      1. 171.Applications for carriers' licences

      2. 172.Applicant to furnish information

      3. 173.Objections to certain applications for A or B licences

      4. 174.Decision of licensing authority on application for carrier's licence

      5. 175.Right of applicant or objector to appeal to Transport Tribunal

    3. Variation, Revocation, Suspension and Curtailment of Carriers' Licences

      1. 176.Variation of carrier's licence at instance of holder

      2. 177.Variation of carrier's licence in other cases

      3. 178.Revocation, suspension and curtailment of carriers' licences

    4. Provisions supplementary to foregoing Provisions of Part IV

      1. 179.Supplemental provisions as to carriers' licences

      2. 180.Holding and subsidiary companies

      3. 181.Supplemental provisions as to appeals to Transport Tribunal

      4. 182.Fees for grant or variation of carriers' licences

    5. Maintenance of Goods Vehicles

      1. 183.Powers of inspection of goods vehicles for securing proper maintenance thereof

      2. 184.Power to prohibit use of unfit goods vehicles

      3. 185.Removal of prohibition of use of unfit goods vehicle

    6. Records of Hours of Work, &c

      1. 186.Duty of holder of carrier's licence to keep records as to hours of work, journeys, loads, and c

    7. Supplementary

      1. 187.Power of licensing authority to hold inquiries

      2. 188.Accounts and annual report of licensing authorities

      3. 189.Appointment and remuneration of officers and servants

      4. 190.Regulations for purposes of Part IV

      5. 191.Interpretation of Part IV

  6. PART V Licensing of Drivers of Heavy Goods Vehicles

    1. 192.Drivers of heavy goods vehicles to be licensed

    2. 193.Applications for, and grant of, heavy goods vehicles drivers' licences

    3. 194.Power to issue heavy goods vehicle drivers' licences as provisional licences

    4. 195.Appeal against refusal, suspension or revocation of heavy goods vehicle driver's licence

    5. 196.Fees for heavy goods vehicle drivers' licences

    6. 197.Regulations for purposes of Part V

    7. 198.Transitional provisions as to certain heavy goods vehicle drivers' licences

    8. 199.Interpretation of Part V

    9. 200.Restriction on institution in England and Wales of proceedings under Part V

  7. PART VI Third-Party Liabilities

    1. Compulsory Insurance or Security against Third-Party Risks

      1. 201.Users of motor vehicles to be insured or secured against third-party risks

      2. 202.Exceptions from requirement of third-party insurance or security

      3. 203.Requirements in respect of policies of insurance

      4. 204.Requirements in respect of securities

      5. 205.Issue and surrender of certificates of insurance and of security

      6. 206.Avoidance of certain exceptions to policies or securities

      7. 207.Duty of insurers or persons giving security to satisfy judgments against persons insured or secured against third-party risks

      8. 208.Bankruptcy, and c, of insured or secured persons not to affect claims by third parties

      9. 209.Duty to give information as to insurance or security where claim made

      10. 210.Deposits

      11. 211.Power to require evidence of insurance or security on application for vehicle excise licence

    2. Payments for Treatment of traffic Casualties

      1. 212.Payment for hospital treatment of traffic casualties

      2. 213.Payment for emergency treatment of traffic casualties

      3. 214.Supplementary provisions as to payments for treatment

    3. Supplementary

      1. 215.Regulations for purposes of Part VI

      2. 216.Interpretation of Part VI

  8. PART VII Miscellaneous and General

    1. Penalisation of taking motor Vehicle without Authority

      1. 217.Penalisation of taking motor vehicle without authority

    2. Ancillary Provisions for preventing, or mitigating Effects of, Accidents

      1. 218.Penalisation of tampering with motor vehicles

      2. 219.Penalisation of holding or getting on to vehicle in order to be towed or carried

      3. 220.Control of dogs on roads

      4. 221.Protective helmets for motor cyclists

      5. 222.Control of driving over Menai bridge

    3. Power of Police to stop Vehicles, and Weighing of Vehicles

      1. 223.Power of police to stop vehicles

      2. 224.Weighing of motor vehicles

    4. Production of Documents and Furnishing of Information

      1. 225.Power of police constables to require production of driving licences

      2. 226.Power of police constables to obtain names and addresses of drivers, and others, and to require production of evidence of insurance or security and test certificates

      3. 227.Powers of certifying officers, examiners and police constables as respects goods vehicles

      4. 228.Penalisation of failure to give name and address, and power of arrest, in case of reckless or careless driving or cycling

      5. 229.Pedestrians to give names and addresses in certain cases

      6. 230.Duty of driver, in case of accident involving injury to another, to produce evidence of insurance or security or to report accident

      7. 231.Duty of owner of motor vehicle to give information for verifying compliance with requirement of compulsory insurance or security

      8. 232.Duty to give information as to identity of driver, and c, in certain cases

    5. Forgery, false Statements, &c

      1. 233.Forgery of documents, and c

      2. 234.Falsification of records

      3. 235.False statements and withholding material information

      4. 236.Issue of false documents

      5. 237.Power to seize articles with respect to which offences under sections 233 to 236 may have been committed

      6. 238.Personation of, or of person employed by, authorised examiner

    6. Penalty for Breach of Regulations and for Aiding, Abetting, &c, Commission of Offences in Scotland

      1. 239.Penalty for breach of regulations

      2. 240.Penalty for aiding, abetting, and c, commission of offences in Scotland

    7. Legal Proceedings and Destination of Fines

      1. 241.Restrictions on prosecutions for certain offences

      2. 242.Evidence by certificate

      3. 243.Proof, in summary proceedings, of identity of driver of vehicle

      4. 244.Time for commencing summary proceedings for certain offences

      5. 245.Jurisdiction of courts of summary jurisdiction in Scotland for certain offences

      6. 246.Inclusion in indictment in Scotland of certain summary offences

      7. 247.Destination of fines

    8. Inquiries

      1. 248.General power to hold inquiries

      2. 249.General provisions as to inquiries

    9. Application to the Crown

      1. 250.Application to the Crown

    10. Vehicles used for marine Salvage

      1. 251.Vehicles used for marine salvage

    11. Interpretation

      1. 252.Construction of references to traffic areas and London special area

      2. 253.Interpretation of expressions relating to motor vehicles and classes or descriptions thereof

      3. 254.Certain vehicles not to be treated as motor vehicles

      4. 255.Method of calculating weight of motor vehicles

      5. 256.Interpretation of statutory references to carriages

      6. 257.General interpretation provisions

      7. 258.Effect of certain references to Scottish local authorities

    12. Exclusion of Application of certain Provisions to Tramcars and Trolley Vehicles

      1. 259.Exclusion of application of certain provisions to tramcars and trolley vehicles

    13. Exercise of Regulation-making Powers, and Parliamentary Control thereover

      1. 260.Exercise of regulation-making powers, and Parliamentary control thereover

    14. Supplementary

      1. 261.Provision, and c, of weighbridges

      2. 262.Provisions as to Thames embankment

      3. 263.Protection of public interests

      4. 264.Consequential amendments of Acts

      5. 265.Construction of references in other Acts, and c, to public service vehicles, licensing authorities, and c

      6. 266.Repeal of provisions as to use of bridges by locomotives

      7. 267.General repeals, revocations, savings and transitional provisions

      8. 268.Saving for s. 38 of Interpretation Act, 1889

      9. 269.Saving for law of nuisance

      10. 270.Commencement

      11. 271.Short title and extent



      Limits of speed for Vehicles of certain Classes or Descriptions


        1. 13.A vehicle falling within two or more descriptions specified in...

        2. 14.(1) In this Schedule " dual-purpose vehicle " means a...

        3. 15.In this Schedule " close-coupled", in relation to a trailer,...

        4. 16.In this Schedule " articulated vehicle " means a vehicle...

        5. 17.In this Schedule, in relation to a vehicle (including a...

        6. 18.In this Schedule "track-laying" means so designed and constructed that...

        7. 19.A heavy motor car or motor car drawing a trailer...

        8. 20.(1) Paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Schedule do not...


      The London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee

      1. Constitution of the Committee

        1. 1.The London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee (in this...

      2. Supplementary Provisions

        1. 2.Where one or more members are to be appointed by...

        2. 3.Every member appointed by a local authority or group of...

        3. 4.The chairman of the Committee shall be such member thereof...

        4. 5.(1) Subject to the provisions of the next following paragraph...

        5. 6.(1) On a casual vacancy occurring on the Committee by...

        6. 7.The Minister may place at the disposal of the Committee...

        7. 8.The Committee may make rules for regulating their procedure (including...

        8. 9.The proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated by...

        9. 10.All expenses incurred in connection with the execution of powers...


      Particular Matters which may be referred to London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee

      1. 1.The co-ordination of all or any of the various forms...

      2. 2.The causes tending to hinder the free circulation of traffic...

      3. 3.The desirability of the revision, simplification, codification and extension of...

      4. 4.The making of new orders, byelaws and regulations (including the...

      5. 5.The provision of sufficient headroom in the construction of new...

      6. 6.The comparative desirability of different forms of transport services in...

      7. 7.The development, improvement, or extension of the existing system of...

      8. 8.New transport systems or developments or extensions of existing systems...

      9. 9.The exercise of any of the powers of the Minister...

      10. 10.The formulation of proposals for the equitable distribution amongst the...


      Scope of Traffic Regulations that may be made by the Minister for the London Traffic Area

      1. 1.For prescribing the routes to be followed by all classes...

      2. 2.For prescribing streets which are not to be used for...

      3. 3.For regulating the relative position in the roadway of traffic...

      4. 4.For prescribing the places where vehicles or vehicles of any...

      5. 5.For prescribing the conditions subject to which, and the times...

      6. 6.For prescribing the number and maximum size and weight of...

      7. 7.For prescribing the conditions subject to which, and the times...

      8. 8.For prescribing the conditions subject to which, and the times...

      9. 9.For prescribing the conditions subject to which, and the times...

      10. 10.For prescribing rules as to precedence to be observed as...

      11. 11.For prescribing the conditions subject to which, and the times...

      12. 12.For requiring the erection, exhibition, and removal of traffic notices,...

      13. 13.Broken down vehicles.

      14. 14.Vehicles, or vehicles of any particular class or description, when...

      15. 15.Places in streets where vehicles, or vehicles of any particular...

      16. 16.Cab ranks and ranks and stopping places of omnibuses and...

      17. 17.Cabs and hackney carriages not hired and being in a...

      18. 18.For restricting the use of vehicles and animals, and of...

      19. 19.The lighting and guarding of street works.

      20. 20.The erection or placing or the removal of any works...

      21. 21.Queues of persons waiting in streets.

      22. 22.Priority of entry to public vehicles.

      23. 23.For enabling any police, local or other public authority, in...


      Scope of Traffic Regulations that may be made by Commissioners of Police of Metropolis and for City of London

      1. 1.Prescribing the routes to be followed by traffic from one...

      2. 2.Prescribing streets which are not to be used for traffic....

      3. 3.Regulating the relative position in the roadway of traffic of...

      4. 4.Prescribing the places where vehicles may not turn so as...

      5. 5.Prescribing the conditions subject to which and the times at...

      6. 6.Prescribing the conditions subject to which and the times at...

      7. 7.Prescribing rules as to precedence to be observed as between...

      8. 8.Making provision as to vehicles when unattended.

      9. 9.Making provision as to places in streets where vehicles may,...

      10. 10.Making provision as to cab ranks and ranks and stopping...


      Notification of Temporary Traffic Restrictions

      1. 1.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, not less...

      2. 2.So long as any order made under subsection (1) of...

      3. 3.(1) A notice issued under subsection (2) of the principal...


      Areas (in England or Wales), and Authorities, for Agreements under Section 47


      Deferred Tests of Condition of Vehicles

      1. 1.Where the driver is the owner of the vehicle, he...

      2. 2.Where the driver is not the owner of the vehicle,...

      3. 3.(1) Where under the foregoing provisions of this Schedule a...

      4. 4.It shall be the duty of the owner of the...

      5. 5.References in this Schedule to the owner of a vehicle...


      Travelling, &c, Allowances for Attendance at Road Safety Conferences

      1. 1.(1) Where arrangements made by a local authority under subsection...

      2. 2.Expenditure incurred by a local or other authority in the...

      3. 3.In this Schedule " local or other authority " means...


      Procedure for Orders designating Parking Places on Highways where Charges are made

      1. PART I Orders made on Local Authority Application

        1. 1.Before applying for a designation order a local authority shall...

        2. 2.(1) On applying for a designation order a local authority...

        3. 3.On such an application as aforesaid the Minister shall, after...

        4. 4.After compliance with the provisions of the last foregoing paragraph...

        5. 5.(1) In relation to an application made, by virtue of...

      2. PART II Orders made without Local Authority Application

        1. 6.Before making an order by virtue of subsection (5) of...

        2. 7.Where the Minister has in pursuance of the last foregoing...

        3. 8.After compliance with the provisions of the last foregoing paragraph...

      3. PART III Provisions as to Inquiries

        1. 9.For the purposes of paragraph 3 or 7 of this...


      Offences involving Disqualification for holding or obtaining, or Endorsement of, Licences under Part II or both


      Conditions affecting Classification of Public Service Vehicles

      1. PART I Race Meetings, Public Gatherings, &c

        1. 1.The journey on which the passengers are being carried must...

      2. PART II Conditions relating to certain Journeys for Vehicles carrying four Passengers or less

        1. 2.The number of passengers carried must not exceed four.

        2. 3.The making of the agreement for the payment of separate...

        3. 4.The journey must be made without previous advertisement to the...

        4. 5.The journey must not be one on which passengers are...

        5. 6.The journey must not be made in conjunction with, or...

      3. PART III Parties of overseas Visitors

        1. 7.Each of the passengers making the journey must have been...

      4. PART IV Alternative Conditions affecting Classification

        1. 8.Arrangements for the bringing together of all the passengers for...

        2. 9.The journey must be made without previous advertisement to the...

        3. 10.All the passengers must, in the case of a journey...

        4. 11.No differentiation of fares for the journey on the basis...

        5. 12.In the case of a journey to a particular destination...

      5. PART V Supplementary

        1. 13.For the purposes of paragraphs 4 and 9 of this...

        2. 14.(1) A vehicle adapted to carry eight or more passengers...

        3. 15.In this Schedule " owner ", in relation to a...


      Cases in which Carrier's Licence not required

      1. 1.The use of a farmer's goods vehicle within the meaning...

      2. 2.The use of a vehicle in a case where the...

      3. 3.The use of a trailer drawn by such a vehicle...

      4. 4.The use for a purpose other than the carriage of...

      5. 5.The use of a public service vehicle as a stage...

      6. 6.The use of a vehicle which is a hackney carriage...

      7. 7.The use of a vehicle for the purposes of funerals....

      8. 8.The use by a local authority, or a person acting...

      9. 9.The use of a vehicle for police, fire brigade or...

      10. 10.The use of a vehicle for towing a disabled motor...

      11. 11.The use of a vehicle under the provisions of section...

      12. 12.The use of a vehicle for any purpose specified in...


      Convictions, &C, relevant for purposes of sections 173 and 178

      1. 1.A conviction, in relation to an authorised vehicle, of the...

      2. 2.A prohibition of the use of an authorised vehicle under...


      Transitional Provisions relating to Licences to drive Heavy Goods Vehicles

      1. 1.On the first application for a heavy goods vehicle driver's...

      2. 2.On the first application for a heavy goods vehicle driver's...

      3. 3.Subsection (1) of section one hundred and ninety-two of this...

      4. 4.With a view to spreading the work of granting heavy...


      Supplementary Provisions in connection with Proceedings for Offences under Section 221

      1. 1.(1) A person against whom proceedings are brought in England...

      2. 2.(1) Where proceedings are brought in England or Wales against...

      3. 3.(1) Where a contravention of the principal section committed by...

      4. 4.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, in any...

      5. 5.(1) An accused who in any proceedings for an offence...


      Amendments of other Acts

      1. The Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act, 1878 (41 & 42 Vict. c. 51)

      2. The Burgh Police (Scotland) Act, 1892 (55 & 56 Vict. c. 55)

      3. The Road Traffic Act, 1930 (20 & 21 Geo. 5. c. 43)

      4. The London Passenger Transport Act, 1933 (23 & 24 Geo. 5. c. 14)

      5. The Civil Defence Act, 1939 (2 & 3 Geo. 6. c. 31)

      6. The Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1947 (10 & 11 Geo. 6. c. 43)

      7. The Transport Act, 1947 (10 & 11 Geo. 6. c. 49)

      8. The Transport Act, 1953 (1 & 2 Eliz. 2. c. 13)

      9. The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1953 (1 & 2 Eliz. 2. c. 26)

      10. The Post Office Act, 1953 (1 & 2. Eliz. 2. c. 36)

      11. The Transport Charges &c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1954 (2 & 3 Eliz. 2. c. 64)

      12. The Road Transport Lighting Act, 1957 (5 & 6 Eliz. 2. c. 51)

      13. The Local Government (Omnibus Shelters and Queue Barriers) (Scotland) Act, 1958 (6 & 7 Eliz. 2. c. 50)

      14. The Highways Act, 1959 (7 & 8 Eliz. 2. c. 25)


      Repeals and Revocations

      1. PART I Enactments repealed

      2. PART II Orders and Regulations revoked


      Savings and transitional Provisions

      1. 1.In so far as any order, regulation, rule, scheme, byelaw,...

      2. 2.Nothing in this Act shall affect the enactments repealed thereby...

      3. 3.Any enactment passed before the passing of this Act referring,...

      4. 4.(1) Without prejudice to paragraph 1 of this Schedule, any...

      5. 5.(1) For the purpose of determining— (a) the punishment (by...

      6. 6.Where an offence, being an offence for the continuance of...

      7. 7.Section one hundred and six of this Act shall apply...

      8. 8.Sections one hundred and six and one hundred and ten...

      9. 9.Any person appointed to an office under or by virtue...

      10. 10.Any record kept under an enactment repealed by this Act...

      11. 11.Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of...

      12. 12.A direction in an order made under section one of...

      13. 13.Any byelaw made under section one hundred and four of...

      14. 14.The provisions of section twenty-seven of this Act shall apply...

      15. 15.In so far as it relates to the London Traffic...

      16. 16.The validity or duration of a licence granted under Part...

      17. 17.The repeal by this Act of subsection (2) of section...

      18. 18.Subsection (8) of section forty-six of the Road Traffic Act,...

      19. 19.The repeal by this Act of section one hundred and...


      Special Provisions as to Coming into Operation of certain Provisions of this Act

      1. PART I Relevant Provisions

        1. 1.The provisions of this Act referred to in subsection (1)...

      2. PART II Coming into Operation of Relevant Provisions

        1. 2.The following provisions shall have effect as regards the provisions...

        2. 3.The last foregoing paragraph shall apply to the provisions of...

        3. 4.The following provisions shall have effect as regards the provisions...

        4. 5.Sections forty-one and two hundred and sixty-six of this Act...

      3. PART III Extension of Section 64 during any Period of Postponement of Coming into Operation of Section 67

        1. 6.If, by virtue of paragraph 3 of this Schedule, the...

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