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Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2016


This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).


Section 3


1In this Schedule, where an asterisk (*) appears in any description of matters to which expenditure may relate, or from which income may arise, the text from the asterisk to the end of the description does not appear in the corresponding part of the Scheduled Estimates in the Schedule to the Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2015; and where an asterisk (*) appears at the beginning of such a description, the description concerned is a new description.

2In the Schedule to the Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2015, the title of the Estimate that is now entitled “Office of Rail and Road” was “Office of Rail Regulation”.

Department for Education, 2015-16

Department for Education

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Education
Departmental Expenditure Limit-160,874,000185,137,000
Annually Managed Expenditure1,198,876,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement164,626,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Capital, recurrent payments and loans and associated non-cash items in support of the Department's objectives for primary, secondary, tertiary and international education; children's services, including Early Years, Sure Start and safeguarding; Young Peoples services, welfare and safeguarding; curriculum; qualifications and the inspection regime; workforce development and reform; and pension costs for voluntary services overseas (VSO) participants. Expenditure covers both the Department itself, its Executive Agencies and Arm's Length Bodies (ALBs), the Children's Commissioner, Aggregator plc and expenditure associated with Academy activities; together with residual costs from ALBs being closed; loans to educational establishments. Expenditure also covers administration costs and associated noncash items, for the Department, its Executive Agencies, its ALBs, including academies. The expenditure also includes the cost of administering the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (England and Wales).

  • * The purchase and development of land and buildings in support of the academies and free schools programme; expenditure associated with national and international gender and wider equalities policy, information, support and advice; lease interest payable; Equalities and Human Rights Commission.

Income arising from:

  • Contributions towards and receipts from the three National Executives, other Government Departments and other sources (including the EC) in connection with a range of educational, training, youth support, children and family programmes and initiatives in UK and overseas; Early Intervention Foundation receipts. Income associated with Aggregator plc and Academy activities. Income also derives from sales of products and publications; rent, sales receipts and profits from surplus Departmental or former ALB properties, equipment or other assets (including some repayment of proceeds of sale), rental income from properties at the European School at Culham and repayments of grant overpaid in previous years. Receipts associated with the closure of departmental ALBs. General administration receipts, recoveries from services provided to Sure Start, international receipts, Schools Standards Fund receipts and Music Manifesto Champion; the reimbursement of administration costs by the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (England and Wales); and recovery of salaries and associated costs for seconded staff.

  • * Property rental income from departmental properties and from its ALBs, including academies, free schools and the European School at Culham; sales receipts and rental income streams from sites originally purchased for academies and free schools that are not required by the school.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Take up and maintenance of Departmental, Executive Agencies and ALB's provisions and associated noncash items including: impairments, tax and pension costs for the Department, Executive Agencies, and its ALBs including academies.

Teachers' Pension Scheme (England and Wales), 2015-16

Teachers' Pension Scheme (England and Wales)

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Teachers' Pension Scheme (England and Wales)
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure-798,791,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement153,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Superannuation allowances and gratuities, and other related expenditure, in respect of teachers and the widows, widowers, children and dependants of deceased teachers, and for premature retirement and compensation payments made to members of the Teachers' Pension Scheme and on behalf of their employers, the cost of paying the Department for Education to administer the scheme; and associated noncash items.

Income arising from:

  • Receipts from employers and employees superannuation contributions; transfer values received; deductions from returns of contributions towards payment in lieu of graduated national insurance contributions equivalent premiums; recovery of contributions equivalent premiums from the state pension scheme; amounts received from employers of teachers' scheme members in reimbursement of the cost of premature retirement compensation payments on their behalf by Capita; receipt of administration charge from employers for the specific purpose of meeting the costs of administering the scheme.

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, 2015-16

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
Departmental Expenditure Limit-750,000750,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement0

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Promoting improvement in the quality of education, skills and care for children and young people through independent inspection, regulation and reporting.

  • *Sharing good practice through seminars and conferences.

Income arising from:

  • The registration of childcare providers, inspection for the care and support of children and young people, some maintained, independent schools and further education colleges, and publicly funded adult education and training. Transactions with departmental and other government bodies: miscellaneous asset sales and recoveries, property charges made to minor occupiers, charges for training of inspectors other than Ofsted staff (including training materials and licences), and receipts for goods and services provided by Ofsted.

Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation, 2015-16

Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
Departmental Expenditure Limit6,150,00035,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement6,000,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Ofqual undertaking its duties as an independent regulator of qualifications, examinations and statutory assessments. To secure the standards of regulated qualifications (including through comparison with international qualifications), and to promote the validity of regulated assessments and implementation of regulated assessments, promote public confidence in qualifications and assessment arrangements, promote awareness and understanding of regulated qualifications and secure efficiency and value for money in qualifications.

Income arising from:

  • The Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland to reimburse Ofqual’s Belfast office expenses; the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland and Wales to contribute towards expenditure on regulatory work.

  • The Department of Education for Reform, National Reference Tests and IT Transformation.

  • * BIS for developments to the register of qualifications and organisations OFQUAL regulate.

Department of Health, 2015-16

Department of Health

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department of Health
Departmental Expenditure Limit1,197,517,000-945,313,000
Annually Managed Expenditure24,671,800,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement252,304,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Revenue (administration and programme) and capital expenditure of the Department of Health and other designated bodies, including the NHS Commissioning Board - known as NHS England - (including Clinical Commissioning Groups), NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts, Special Health Authorities, Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies and Public Health England, including:

  • expenditure on research and development; subsidies and grants to public corporations; health and social service expenditure to and on behalf of the NHS, local authorities and other national bodies; forming, investing in or providing loans or guarantees to companies that will provide facilities or services to the NHS; grants to local authorities; payment to local authorities for use in local area agreements; services provided to or on behalf of devolved governments and other government departments; non-departmental public bodies expenditure on health and social care protection, training and regulation functions; payments for services incurred by other government departments, including expenditure on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions; expenditure on local government services, prison health services, medical, scientific and technical services, services for disabled persons, education and training, grants to voluntary organisations and other bodies, information services, breast implant registry; Healthy Start programme, health promotion activities (including funding through the Department for Culture, Media and Sport); expenditure related to the medical treatment given to people from the United Kingdom in the European Economic Area and other countries; expenditure with the Home Office in relation to the inspection of laboratories payments, subscriptions to international organisations and international and commercial facilitation relating to healthcare. Expenditure to charitable trusts and companies providing financial support and other relief to persons who contracted HIV and Hepatitis C through receiving NHS treatment. Associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs.

Income arising from:

  • Charges for accommodation, sales of goods and services, income generation schemes; local authorities under joint financing arrangements; fines and penalty notices; medical and dental education levy. Licensing of software, use of NHS logo, settlement of legal claims, dividends and interest from loans and investments, intellectual property, research and development, prescription fraud charges, NHS prescriptions, dental and ophthalmic fraud charges.

  • Recoveries from patients in respect of incorrect claims for eligibility for including NHS treatment and general ophthalmic services; rebates and discounts from manufacturers under the pharmaceutical price regulation scheme and purchasing and supply agency arrangements.

  • Sales of medicines, vaccines, antivenoms, antitoxins and equipment, premiums applied to the sale of stock.

  • Social exclusion programmes and agenda for change programme. Income from the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle of Man for services provided for devolved or reserved work.

  • Provision of policy and advice to other countries and care trusts. Maintenance of the National Joint Registry, conference and meeting events, prison health services, contributions to substance misuse funding, use of radio communication bandwidth.

  • Income secured by counter fraud services from all sources.

  • Compensation income including the National Programme for IT. Administration income from seconded officers, cost of legal proceedings, staff telephone calls, European fast stream programme. Recoveries and income from other government departments (including capital and grants), special health authorities and NHS bodies. Selling services into wider markets and open government, payment by commercial tenants in DH buildings.

  • Licence fees and royalties, sales of publications, contributions by members of the public, insurance claims. Other European Economic Area countries for NHS treatment of their residents. Income collected for the immigration health surcharge. Sales of subsidised dried milk. Income from the European Union.

  • Contributions from the mobile phone industry, charitable contributions, refunds from voluntary organisations. Contributions to local authority grant schemes. Contributions and refunds towards communication campaigns contracts. Penalty charges, interest and dividends on trading fund loans.

  • Income collected on behalf of health innovation and education clusters.

  • Income received from the sale of capital assets. Income received from the disposal of financial assets.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Revenue and capital expenditure for hospital financing under credit guarantee finance and transactions with Plasma Resources UK.

  • Provisions and other non-cash costs, of the Department of Health and other designated bodies, including the NHS Commissioning Board - known as NHS England - (including Clinical Commissioning Groups), NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts, Special Health Authorities, Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies and Public Health England.

Income arising from:

  • Interest and dividends.

National Health Service Pension Scheme, 2015-16

National Health Service Pension Scheme

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
National Health Service Pension Scheme
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure510,297,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement290,723,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Pensions, allowances, gratuities, transfers to alternative pension arrangements, refunds of contributions, compensation for early retirement, to or in respect of persons engaged in health services or in other approved employment and other non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • Pension contributions, inward transfer values, employer contributions relating to the Compensation for Premature Retirement Scheme, from or in respect of persons engaged in health services or in other approved employment.

Food Standards Agency, 2015-16

Food Standards Agency

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Food Standards Agency
Departmental Expenditure Limit-4,139,000739,000
Annually Managed Expenditure-350,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-120,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • protecting the public from public health risks related to food safety and protecting related consumer interests; staff and overhead costs for both administration and programme support; inspections, animal welfare surveillance, meat hygiene and official controls; controls on primary production; managing research and evidence gathering, food incidents, prosecutions, debt recovery, food and animal feed policy development and enforcement; European Union and international activity on official controls; advice and education, marketing and publications; funding for depreciation, audit fee and other non-cash items.

  • * payments of penalties and interest; expenditure relating to work done in collaboration with or on behalf of UK and EU government departments.

Income arising from:

  • meat hygiene inspections; approvals and delivery of official controls and controls on primary production of food and feed hygiene enforcement, wine standards and other food-related activities; risk assessments, evidence and research, testing, sampling, enforcement and surveillance work for other UK Government and European Union bodies; assessments/consultations on radioactive discharges; staff loans and secondments; sub-letting of accommodation and associated services; disposal of fixed assets and income arising from capital grants in kind.

  • *recharge of expenditure relating to work done in collaboration with or on behalf of UK and EU government departments.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • creation, adjustment and utilisation of provisions relating to pensions, early retirements, bad debts, onerous leases, personal injury and legal claims; revaluations and write off of bad debts; and other noncash items.

Department for Transport, 2015-16

Department for Transport

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Transport
Departmental Expenditure Limit-600,373,000-96,476,000
Annually Managed Expenditure3,916,153,000-433,903,000
Non-budget Expenditure 0
Net Cash Requirement-494,371,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • losses and special payments relating to the administration of the Department for Transport and its associated Agencies. Support of transport-related activities including roads; vehicles and driving; rail; shipping and maritime; mountain rescue; ports; sustainable travel; aviation; search and rescue; local transport; transport security and safety; and highway services. Net spending by arm’s-length bodies. Grants to Transport for London and local authorities in respect of local transport programmes. Support for other minor transport services; use of European funding for transport-related schemes; administrative costs and associated other non-cash items falling in DEL. Smart-ticketing and related technology.

Income arising from:

  • sales of assets; loan repayments; Interest receivable and European grants for transport-related activities including roads; vehicle and driving; rail; shipping and maritime; mountain rescue; ports; sustainable travel; aviation; search and rescue; local transport; transport security and safety; highway services; the administration of the Department and payments from other government departments or their agencies in respect of central services. Shipping and maritime income including, but not limited to Registration fees.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • grant and pension provisions and associated non-cash costs incurred by the Department for Transport and its associated agencies in respect of transport-related activities including roads; vehicle and driving; rail; sustainable travel; aviation; local transport; transport security and safety; and highway services. Shipping and maritime activities. Other costs incurred by the Department for Transport and its associated agencies in respect of transport-related activities including Payments to General Lighthouse Authorities. Net spending by arm’s-length bodies.

Income arising from:

  • loan repayments and other income for transport-related activities from General Lighthouse Authorities and Network Rail. Dividends and interest receivable.

Office of Rail and Road, 2015-16

Office of Rail and Road

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Office of Rail and Road
Departmental Expenditure Limit1,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement1,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration of ORR, its support establishments, all associates of non-cash items and all activities as the combined economic and safety regulator including health and safety matters, the regulation of access to railways, the promotion of rail services, efficiencies and economy for those providing railway services, protecting the interests of railway services and railway users.

  • All activities as highways monitor, with responsibility for monitoring and enforcing the performance and efficiency of Highways England's delivery of the government's road investment strategy and its management and operation of the strategic road network. Support for activities as highways monitor.

  • * Costs associated with acting as the appeal body, controlling the network statement, monitoring the competitive situation of rail services, overseeing the efficient mangement and fair and non-discriminatory use of rail infrastructure for Northern Ireland.

Income arising from:

  • Regulatory licences, concession agreements, levies, charges for courses and officers loaned to other organisations, income from publications and library services, travel costs from the European Community, income from High Speed 1 Limited; Channel Tunnel Intergovernmental Commission; Channel Tunnel Authority.

  • Income from recovery actions in connection with the successful legal cases. Charges for rental, administrative and other services, and other activities to other government departments, executive and non-executive non-departmental public bodies. Overhead recharges.

  • Grant funding from the Department for Transport in respect of the monitoring and enforcing the performance of Highways England, including its delivery of the government's road investment strategy and its management and operation of the strategic road network.

  • * Income from NIR Networks Limited.

Department for Communities and Local Government, 2015-16

Department for Communities and Local Government

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Communities and Local Government
Departmental Expenditure Limit - DCLG Communities69,194,000-1,292,116,000
Departmental Expenditure Limit - DCLG Local Government119,685,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure539,719,00081,035,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-819,490,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit - DCLG Communities

Expenditure arising from:

  • Responsibility for the fire and rescue services, the Fire Service College trading fund; decentralising power to citizens and communities and promoting the Big Society, including support to local areas and the voluntary and community sector to improve social and community action, and increase empowerment to local communities; promoting race, gender and faith equality; tackling extremism and promoting sustainable, cohesive and integrated communities.

  • Responsibility for housing to buy and rent; tenant empowerment; homelessness, rough sleepers and supporting people to stay in their homes; building standards; support for homeowners; provision for additional borrowing by local authorities to fund new housing; planning; Planning Inspectorate; encouraging action at neighbourhood level; promoting local environmental improvement including architecture; support for and set up of Urban Development Corporations.

  • Responsibility for regeneration, commercial property, Enterprise Zones, and economic growth at the local level; Regional Growth Fund; European Structural Funds (including the European Regional Development Fund and Interregional assistance (INTERREG) and European Social Fund), including provision for recognition of ineligible expenditure, write-offs and financial corrections as part of a consequence of running the programme; Olympics and Olympic Park legacy; Iron Bridge Gorge and other land stabilisation; zero carbon and climate change; Expenditure arising from: communities.

  • Responsibility for Local Services Support Grant; tackling Troubled Families; Weekly Waste Support Scheme; general support for Local Authorities; supporting the implementation of the new rights included within the Localism Act 2011.

  • Analytical services; research, monitoring, statistics, advice and consultancies; geographical and statistical data; mapping data and services; the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre trading fund; personal injury compensation claims by ex-employees (including those employed by predecessor departments); subscriptions and contributions to international organisations.

  • Administration of the Department for Communities and Local Government, its Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) and associated offices; publicity, promotion and publications; communications; purchase, acquisition, hire, lease and rent of land, buildings, plant, equipment, machinery, vehicles and capital assets; special payments.

  • Net spending by ALBs (Homes and Communities Agency, Leasehold Advisory Service, West Northamptonshire Development Corporation, Building Regulations Advisory Committee, Valuation Tribunal Service, The Housing Ombudsman and any other new ALBs [including Development Corporations]); other public bodies not classified as ALBs (the Commission for Local Administration in England); payments to other Government Departments in support of DCLG policy; and associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

  • Expenditure relating to any of the above areas in the form of; equity investment, or making loans through advances of principal (financial transactions); using a payment by results mechanism; the creation of liabilities and expenditure related to a financial guarantee or similar financial instrument given by the department; providing funding through endowments as laid out in Managing Public Money; purchase and management of exchange rate contracts to hedge exposure risk.

  • Financial support to Local Authorities; transitional relief; emergency assistance; improvement, transformation and efficiency; intervention action and capacity building in local authorities; the closure of the Audit Commission.

  • * Ebbsfleet Development Corporation; Memorials and Remembrance; Right to Buy, including pilots; support for home owners and home ownership; financial support in response to flooding and for flood recovery; inspections by the Crown Property Inspection Group; Local Growth Fund, paid to an accountable body for each Local Enterprise Partnership; Financial Transactions devolved to and delivered by local authorities; local government reviews and revisions to administrative and electoral boundaries; payments to specified bodies; payments to the Valuation Office Agency for rating and valuation services; Greater London Authority (GLA) General Grant; Private Finance Initiative Special Grant; GLA community right to build.

Income arising from:

  • Responsibility for the fire and emergency services; inspections by the Crown Property Inspection Group; Fire Service College trading fund.

  • Recovered grants relating to housing, commercial property and regeneration programmes; the Planning Inspectorate.

  • The European Union; former Single Regeneration Budget programme receipts.

  • Research and administrative services, fee paying enquiries, dissemination and sales of information, royalties; the loan, hire and storage of equipment; seminars, patent rights, conferences and publications (in print and non-print media); sponsorship, including contributions from co-sponsors towards the cost of research, surveys and publicity; the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre trading fund; donations; the disposal of land, buildings, water stores, plant, equipment, machinery, vehicles and capital assets; recoveries of seconded staff salaries; receipts for the use of accommodation; rental income and receipts from property and land; legal claims, including extra-contractual claims for defective work, awards of court costs and out of court settlements.

  • Receipts (including fees and charges) from Local Authorities and other Government Departments including agencies, non-departmental public bodies, setting up of new Development Corporations, private bodies and overseas governments. Receipts relating to the Olympic Park.

  • Return of funds provided as financial transactions in earlier periods, where assigned to equivalent policy aims, whether interest, dividend or return of advance. Gains, when made, from exchange rate contracts.

  • Financial support to Local Authorities, including revenue support grant and business rates retention; transitional relief; council tax freeze, localising council tax support, council tax benefit - new burdens, emergency assistance, elected mayors; improvement, transformation and efficiency; intervention action and capacity building in local authorities; local government reviews and revisions to administrative and electoral boundaries; payments to specified bodies; payments to the Valuation Office Agency for rating and valuation services; Audit Commission disbanding costs; Greater London Authority (GLA) General Grant; Private Finance Initiative Special Grant; GLA community right to build; the closure of the Audit Commission.

  • * decentralising power to citizens and communities and promoting the Big Society, including support to local areas and the voluntary and community sector to improve social and community action, and increase empowerment to local communities; promoting race, gender and faith equality; tackling extremism and promoting sustainable, cohesive and integrated communities; Greenwich Peninsula; receipts from the sale of housing by local authorities.

Departmental Expenditure Limit - DCLG Local Govt:

Expenditure arising from:

  • Financial support to Local Authorities, including revenue support grant and business rates retention; transitional relief; small business rates relief grant, council tax freeze, localising council tax support, council tax benefit - new burdens, emergency assistance, elected mayors; improvement, transformation and efficiency; intervention action and capacity building in local authorities; new homes bonus adjustment grant, local government reviews and revisions to administrative and electoral boundaries; payments to specified bodies; payments to the Valuation Office Agency for rating and valuation services; Audit Commission disbanding costs; GLA General Grant; Private Finance Initiative Special Grant; GLA community right to build; the closure of the Audit Commission.

  • * Adult Social Care Implementation grant; Independent Living Fund grant.

Income arising from:

  • * Recovery of grants relating to the department’s payment for LG DEL responsibilities; Recovered grant relating to Business Rates Autumn Statement Compensation for 2014/15.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Fire superannuation; overhanging debt payments on disposal of Local Authority housing stock; loan charges; repayments of excess contributions made by Local Authorities in respect of non-domestic rates; Planning Inspectorate; business rates retention; provisions and impairments; exchange rate movements; hedging; operation of financial instruments (including guarantees); movements arising from pension schemes of ALBs (Homes & Communities Agency, Leasehold Advisory Service, West Northamptonshire Development Corporation, Valuation Tribunal Service, The Housing Ombudsman); other public bodies not classified as ALBs (the Commission for Local Administration in England) and setting up of new Development Corporations.

  • Net spending of ALBs (Homes & Communities Agency, Leasehold Advisory Service, West Northamptonshire Development Corporation, Valuation Tribunal Service, The Housing Ombudsman); other public bodies not classified as ALBs (the Commission for Local Administration in England).

  • * Ebbsfleet Development Corporation.

Income arising from:

  • Fire superannuation; business rates retention.

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2015-16

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Departmental Expenditure Limit66,831,000-703,027,000
Annually Managed Expenditure-7,219,045,000898,033,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement72,412,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • The promotion of enterprise, innovation and increased productivity delivered through the portfolios of innovation, international trade and investment, regional investment and delivering regulatory reform, and measures to combat international bribery and corruption.

  • The provision of support for business, including support for specific industries, small and medium businesses, regional programmes, programmes to promote research and development, innovation and standards, best practice and sustainable development.

  • The provision of financial solutions to accelerate private sector investment and address market failures through the Green Investment Bank, the British Business Bank, and other similar intervention mechanisms.

  • The management of asset sales.

  • The promotion of strong, fair and competitive markets at home and abroad; measures to protect investors and to promote the interests of consumers; support for employment relations programmes and measures to promote a skilled and flexible labour market.

  • The efficient management and discharge of liabilities falling to the Department.

  • The management of the Government's shareholder interest in the portfolio of commercial businesses wholly or partly owned by Government; providing financial assistance to public corporations, and trading funds.

  • The management of miscellaneous programmes including payments in respect of claims for the restitution of the property of victims of Nazi persecution.

  • The payment of subscriptions to international organisations to fulfil international treaty obligations.

  • Funding organisations supporting BIS objectives, including arm’s length bodies and the Department’s executive agencies.

  • Helping to build a competitive economy by creating opportunities for everyone to develop their learning and skills through further, higher and other education provision and initiatives for young people and adults; providing research and related initiatives at institutions delivering higher education; training, skills, enterprise, assessment and advice and guidance provision for young people 13 and over, adults and employers and related initiatives.

  • The provision of financial and other support for students and trainees including grants, allowances, access funds, loans and their repayment; the resource consequences of loans to students; support for students through Local Authorities; the cost of sales of the student loan debt and the cost of servicing the sold student loan debt; reimbursement of fees for qualifying European Union students; post graduate awards; mandatory student awards; childcare and transport support and loans.

  • Education-related expenditure covers payments, grants and loans to organisations in the public, private and other sectors, including employers, community, voluntary and business support organisations, to individuals and other Government Departments and the Devolved Administrations. Expenditure relates primarily to England, but in some cases includes supporting activities in other parts of the United Kingdom and abroad.

  • Increasing science and research excellence in the UK and maximising its contribution to society.

  • Making payments to Local Authorities in respect of Local Area Agreements and New Burdens responsibilities; funding administration costs including a share of the costs of UK Trade & Investment, the expenses of the Office of Manpower Economics and other partner organisations.

  • Activities of the Shareholder Executive.

  • The department will enter into hedging transactions with the Green Investment Bank in order to protect it against adverse future interest rates. These will have no effect at the consolidated level.

  • Non-cash items associated with the above activities.

Income arising from:

  • Contributions from other Government Departments and the Devolved Administrations supplying resources which BIS will use to fund Partner Organisations, Contributions from other Government Departments and the Devolved Administrations to fund programmes with common objectives, particularly education programmes and international programmes. Miscellaneous receipts from other Government Departments.

  • The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service; the Insolvency Service.

  • Receipts from the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets to cover the costs of Consumer Focus.

  • Receipts from licences and levies; Launch Investment receipts, Capital Venture Funds receipts; premium income and other receipts from Financial Guarantee schemes, and of dividends; equity withdrawals; interest on loans and loan repayments from the Land Registry, Ordnance Survey and Meteorological Office, UK Intellectual Property Office and Companies House. Income from investments, such as the NESTA Trust. Repayments of grants overpaid in previous years. Receipts from financial investments made by the Green Investment Bank and the British Business Bank. Receipts from servicing sold student loan debt.

  • Receipts from asset sales.

  • European Fast Stream receipts; repayment and default recoveries by banks in respect of career development loans; receipts for student support; student loan interest receivable; repayment of working capital loans; receipts from outside organisations (including the EU) in respect of advertising and publicity activities and materials; sale of research publications; receipts from the European Social Fund to cover departmental programmes; Sponsorship Funding.

  • Receipts and profit from the sale of surplus land, buildings and equipment; rental income from BIS properties including three domestic properties on the estate of the European School of Culture at Culham, Oxfordshire and from the National Physical Laboratory. Receipts associated with the closure of Partner Organisations.

  • Receipts from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, the Wave Hub, MRC Technology, the Ufi Charitable Trust, and subsidiaries and shares in joint ventures of the Research Councils, the Regional Development Agencies and other partner organisations, the public weather service and mapping services. Commercial loan recoveries in relation to UK Coal Production Limited.

  • General administration receipts, including: the recovery of salaries and associated costs for seconded staff; receipts from the disposal of surplus assets; charges for accommodation; sale of goods and services; and interest from bank accounts and exchange rate gains and losses.

  • Activities of the Shareholder Executive.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Bad debts, impairments and provisions in relation to BIS and Partner Organisations.

  • Departmental administration; financial guarantee schemes; regional investment and programmes; enterprise for small and medium firms; provision of support for business, including support for specific industries; support for employment relations programmes and measures to promote a skilled and flexible labour market; support for education, innovation and research activity; miscellaneous programmes. Payment of corporation tax.

  • The efficient management and discharge of liabilities falling to the Department, including nuclear waste management and decommissioning and liabilities in respect of former shipbuilding industry employees.

  • The Redundancy Payments Service.

  • The provision of repayable credit facilities for Post Office Ltd; contributions to Partner Organisations’ pension schemes, such as the Research Councils' Pension Scheme, and the provision of Paternity Pay.

  • The provision of financial and other support for students and trainees including grants, allowances, access funds, loans and their repayment; the resource consequences of loans to students; support for students through Local Authorities; the cost of sales of the student loan debt; education maintenance allowances and loans.

  • The expenditure of the Industrial Training Boards, and of the NESTA Trust.

  • Activities of the Shareholder Executive.

  • Other non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • Receipt of interest on loans and loan repayments from Post Office Ltd; repayment of principal on student loans; receipts of, and levies from, the Construction Industry Training Board and the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board; repayments of student loans and receipts in respect of the charitable National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts NESTA Trust.

  • Receipts from Trading Funds.

  • Income from Enrichment Holdings Ltd in respect of dividends from shares held by Enrichment Investments Ltd in URENCO.

  • Dividends from shares held by Postal Services Holding Ltd in Royal Mail.

  • Activities of the Shareholder Executive.

UK Trade & Investment, 2015-16

UK Trade & Investment

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
UK Trade & Investment
Departmental Expenditure Limit20,906,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement20,906,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Trade development and promotion and inward investment, including grants, associated capital and other related expenditure and non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • The sale of goods and services relating to trade development and promotion and inward investment; including sponsorship; asset sales; insurance claims; recovery of costs incurred on behalf of others; recovery of overpayments.

Export Credits Guarantee Department, 2015-16

Export Credits Guarantee Department

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Export Credits Guarantee Department
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure0100,000,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement100,000,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Arrangements made by ECGD for supporting or developing UK exports, for insuring UK investments overseas and for transaction and portfolio management, and expenditure arising from the creation and increase in provisions related to ECGD's operational activities.

Income arising from:

  • Arrangements made by ECGD for supporting or developing UK exports, for insuring UK investments overseas and for transaction and portfolio management, and income arising from the release of and decrease in provisions related to ECGD's operational activities.

Competition and Markets Authority, 2015-16

Competition and Markets Authority

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Competition and Markets Authority
Departmental Expenditure Limit1,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure1,000,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement1,001,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Advancing and safeguarding the economic interests of the UK consumers, businesses and the economy; enforcing competition and consumer law, including payment for information; analysing and monitoring markets; merger control; advocacy; information, education and advice; costs in respect of reactive and proactive litigation; administrative and operational costs; associated depreciation and any other non-cash items falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • Recovery of legal costs; contributions from other departments towards the costs of market studies; payments from the Home Office under the asset recovery incentivisation scheme; fine income permitted for offset against litigation spend; payments for information and publications; income from office space rental; fees for common services provided to other organisations; recoveries of salaries of staff on loan or seconded to outside bodies; sale of plant and machinery; recoveries in connection with private telephone calls, postal and bank charges.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Provisions and other non-cash costs.

UK Atomic Energy Authority Pension Schemes, 2015-16

UK Atomic Energy Authority Pension Schemes

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
UK Atomic Energy Authority Pension Schemes
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure12,800,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-12,498,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Payments of pensions etc. to members of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority pensions schemes, related expenditure and non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • Receipts of employees' and employers' contributions and inward transfers.

Home Office, 2015-16

Home Office

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Home Office
Departmental Expenditure Limit256,728,000-3,944,000
Annually Managed Expenditure1,000360,000,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement1,328,197,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Control of immigration and nationality; refugees (including the provision of loans) and Voluntary and Community Sector refugee organisations; support for asylum seekers; work permits.

  • Identity management; passports.

  • Emergency planning; counter-terrorism and intelligence.

  • Police resource and capital expenditure; crime reduction and prevention; firearms compensation and related matters; other services related to crime; tackling drug abuse.

  • Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults; registration of forensic practitioners; grants to, and other expenditure on behalf of associated entities.

  • Immigration Health Surcharge.

  • Net spending by Arms Length Bodies (Independent Police Complaints Commission, Security Industry Authority, Office of the Immigration Service Commissioner, College of Policing, and the Gangmasters Licensing Authority). Payments of grant and grant-in-aid to other organisations promoting Home Office objectives; support to local authorities including Area Based Grants; payments to other Government departments; the administration and operation of the department; and other non-cash items.

  • * Net spending by Arms Length Bodies includes the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Income arising from:

  • Control of immigration and nationality; additional or special immigration services; work permits; fees, fines and penalties arising from relevant Home Office legislation.

  • Identity management and data protection; passports and certificates.

  • Counter-terrorism work, and intelligence.

  • Cyber crime. Contributions for Police IT services.

  • Issue of licences and certificates; crime reduction and prevention; proceeds of crime; training services.

  • Immigration Health Surcharge.

  • Contributions towards grant programmes from third parties, other Government departments and the Devolved Administrations; the administration and operation of the department (including the sale and hire of assets).

  • *The wording 'training services' above includes both training and advisory services.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Pensions; and other non-cash items.

National Crime Agency, 2015-16

National Crime Agency

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
National Crime Agency
Departmental Expenditure Limit11,161,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement26,161,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • UK and overseas activity including:-

  • Principal function - Crime-reduction:

  • securing that efficient and effective activities to combat organised crime and serious crime are carried out including by:

  • Investigating, prosecuting, preventing and disrupting people engaged in serious and organised crime.

  • Other expenditure related to tackling crime to support the objectives of the National Crime Agency.

  • Payment of grants to partners to promote and deliver National Crime Agency objectives; and

  • The administration and operation of the department and other non-cash items.

  • Principal function - Criminal Intelligence:

  • gathering, storing, processing, analysing, and disseminating information that is relevant to any of the following:

  • Intelligence activities to combat organised crime or serious crime, activities to combat any other kind of crime and exploitation proceeds investigations, exploitation proceeds orders and applications for such orders.

  • NCA's response to the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy:

  • Pursue: prosecute and disrupt people engaged in serious and organised criminality.

  • Prevent: prevent people from engaging in serious and organised crime.

  • Protect: increase protection against serious and organised crime.

  • Prepare: reduce the impact of this criminality where it takes place.

Income arising from:

  • UK and overseas activity including:-

  • Training and accreditation fees for Financial Investigators;

  • Cyber Crime Prevention;

  • Asset Recovered Incentivisation Scheme;

  • Safeguarding children;

  • External contributions towards the NCA's own and also NCA led and managed crime reduction activities and grant programmes, from third parties including other Government departments, the Devolved Administrations, the European Union and other Governments. The administration and operation of the department (including the sale and hire of assets, charges such as the use of intellectual property, insurance claims and legal costs recovered).

Charity Commission, 2015-16

Charity Commission

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Charity Commission
Departmental Expenditure Limit1,000-1,700,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-1,699,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Revenue and Capital expenditure in relation to the registration and regulation of charities. Expenditure in connection with depreciation and other non-cash items in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • Providing services, in both the UK and abroad, relating to our knowledge and expertise in the field of registration and regulation of charities. Shared working approaches with other Government Departments.

Ministry of Justice, 2015-16

Ministry of Justice

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Ministry of Justice
Departmental Expenditure Limit426,253,000-49,017,000
Annually Managed Expenditure620,010,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement644,260,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration of Ministry of Justice HQ and associated offices; administration of judicial pay; administration of the Judicial pension scheme; costs of operating the Office of the Information Commissioner and the Judicial Appointments Commission; costs of operating the Legal Services Board and the Office of Legal Complaints and the associated Levy. Payment of grant and grant-in-aid and the related expenditure for organisations promoting Ministry of Justice objectives including executive and advisory NDPBs; Wider Markets Initiatives; payments and grants to Local Authorities; loan charge payments to Local Authorities; payments to other government departments and associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

  • HM Courts and Tribunals Service; Court of Protection; the Office of the Public Guardian; Office of the Accountant General; Offices of Court Funds; Official Solicitor; Public Trustee; Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS); The Legal Aid Agency and Director of Casework as created by Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012; costs paid from central funds; Reimbursement of Lord Lieutenants' expenses; costs in relation to judicial training; The Judicial Office which includes the Judicial College; the Civil Justice Council; the Family Justice Council and the Office for Judicial Complaints; costs in relation to continued liaison with the Supreme Court. Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority; Criminal Cases Review Commission; Victims Commissioner; Judicial Appointments Commission Ombudsman; Law Commission; compensation payments for victims of overseas terrorism; administration of and payments in respect of pleural plaques; joint initiatives in the Criminal Justice System and other legal services.

  • Human rights workshops and surveys; promotion of information rights; citizen and youth engagement. Conduct of MoJ's European and international business in the justice and home affairs field and the management of the UK's relationship with the Crown Dependencies. UK payments to the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Judicial Exchange programmes; sponsorship of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and bilateral training projects with other national governments. Grant to Magna Carta Trust for 800 year anniversary commemorations. Policy on coroner and cremation services and associated support to Local Authorities; applications for exhumations; cremated repatriated remains and the closing of burial grounds. Payments in respect of the July 2005 bombings inquest; payments in respect of public inquiries.

  • Criminal policy and programmes including; administration of the National Offender Management Service; payments to 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies; payments to the National Probation Service; payments in respect of the Electronic Monitoring and Prison Escort and Custody Service (PECS); payments to providers in respect of Payment by Results (Pbr) Programmes; Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons; Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation; Prisons & Probation Services Ombudsman. The prevention and treatment of drug abuse; counter terrorism and intelligence; secure accommodation placements; public and private prisons; Prison Service College; the Parole Board; Youth Justice Board; grants to 'prisoners abroad'; welfare to work schemes.

  • * The Judicial Conduct and Investigations Office and the Chief Coroner; the Sentencing Council Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses; Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman; Criminal Procedure Rule Committee; Civil Procedure Rule Committee; Tribunal Procedure Committee and Legal Services Board.

Income arising from:

  • Civil and Family Court fee income; fine income; criminal charge income; tribunals fee income; netting off and receipts retained in accordance with the fine incentive scheme; receipts relating to the asset recovery incentive scheme; receipts under the victims surcharge; pre-1990 loan charges debt payments; receipts retained in relation to the costs of enforcement of fines; fees charged by the Public Trustee; recoveries by the Official Solicitor; fees charged by the Office of the Public Guardian and Court of Protection; recoveries from the Debt Management Office for the cost of administering funds in court; contributions paid by legally aided defendants in the higher courts; Receipts in relation to legal aid contributions received from assisted clients; receipts in relation to costs and damages received; including recoveries via the statutory charge; by the legal fund in relation to assisted clients; grants from other third parties received to the legal aid fund; receipts in relation to the use of Deputy District Judges as prison adjudicators.

  • Recoveries from the National Insurance Fund for the cost of Social Security Commissioners; income from National Insurance Fund received by HM Courts and Tribunals Service; receipts in relation to tribunals received by HM Courts and Tribunals Service; receipts in relation to the Scottish Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel remitted to the HM Courts and Tribunals Service.

  • Fees relating to the Office of the Information Commissioner and receipts in relation to data protection enquiries; fees charged for Subject Access Requests under the Data Protection Act; receipts in relation to Legal Services Complaints Commission; receipts in relation to Claims Management Regulation; recovery from the investment managers for the cost of administering the Commons Investment Schemes; recoveries for research and recommendation work undertaken by the Law Commission; payments from other departments for legal services and other recoveries associated with the work of the MoJ.

  • Share of gross profits from prison shops and from services purchased by staff etc from the activities of prison industries and farms from the supply of inmate labour and from other goods and services; income in relation to Prisoner's earnings; receipts in relation to 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies income; receipts from the National Probation Service; receipts from NHS bodies; receipts from the Youth Justice Board; receipts from agricultural subsidies; receipts from advertisements in the Prison Service News and from the sale of waste; contributions from prisoners in relation to damage to property.

  • Receipts in respect of judicial superannuation contributions and receipts from the Judicial Pensions supply estimate to fund administrative costs; receipts from the European Commission; receipts from Royal Licences; receipts in relation to the devolution Service Level Agreement; receipts in relation to the Territorial Offices; receipts in respect of the Crown Office fees; European fast stream receipts from the Cabinet Office; subsidies under the welfare for work programmes; contributions towards grant programmes and training services; payments from health authorities; receipts in relation to the Scottish Executive; Northern Ireland Executive and the Welsh Assembly Government; Payments from the Skills Funding Agency; the Heritage Lottery Fund and Sport England.

  • Receipts under the New Deal Scheme and receipts from Wider Markets Initiatives; receipts from other government departments; sale of vehicles; plant; machinery; land and buildings; sale of equipment and scrap; tax rebates; recovery of staff costs for staff on loan or seconded to outside bodies; repayment services; payments for information and publications; private telephone calls; vending machines; telex; postal and bank charge recoveries; receipts of VAT refunds on contracted out services; Profit on the sales of capital assets; compensation and insurance; contributions towards criminal justice systems initiatives; rebates and commission from service contracts; fees from nursery facilities and other fees; receipts from rents and receipts of premia on assignment of leases; service charges and site usage; recovery from the subletting of magistrates accommodation; other charges and receipts received.

  • * Legal Aid Agency income in respect of contributions from funded clients, costs recoverable from funded clients or others including recoveries of damages and statutory charges, statutory charge interest, Crown Court recoveries, recovery of defence costs, and grants from other third parties received to the legal aid fund.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Corporation tax; Pensions; provisions for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority; Central Funds and Legal Aid; other areas of the MoJ business; including arm's length bodies; impairment of land and buildings; and provisions and other non-cash costs falling in AME.

Ministry of Justice: Judicial Pensions Scheme, 2015-16

Ministry of Justice: Judicial Pensions Scheme

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Ministry of Justice: Judicial Pensions Scheme
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure6,695,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement8,374,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Pensions etc, in respect of members of the Judicial Pension Scheme, and for other related services.

Income arising from:

  • Accruing Superannuation Liability Charges (ASLCs); and scheme members' pension contributions.

United Kingdom Supreme Court, 2015-16

United Kingdom Supreme Court

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
United Kingdom Supreme Court
Departmental Expenditure Limit-340,000300,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-40,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Operation of the UK Supreme Court (UKSC), Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC) and Judicial Exchange programme; Education & Outreach activities of the United Kingdom Supreme Court, JCPC and the United's Kingdom's legal and constitutional systems; Costs associated with Wider Market Initiatives; Cost of running selection commissions for the appointment of Justices; and Maintenance of links with other Supreme Courts.

Income arising from:

  • Court fees and receipts; Contributions from the devolved government and court services in England & Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland; Contributions from the Ministry of Justice to cover support provided to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; Receipts of VAT refunds on contracted out services and receipts from Wider Market Initiatives; Receipts in relation to data protection inquiries; recovery of staff costs for staff on loan or seconded to outside bodies, payments for information and publications, private telephone calls, vending machines, telex, postal and bank charge recoveries, receipts from shop sales, and any other miscellaneous income.

The National Archives, 2015-16

The National Archives

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
The National Archives
Departmental Expenditure Limit600,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement0

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • ensuring the UK public record - past and future - remains authentic, available and accessible to all including; providing leadership and support to the archive sector across England and Wales; leading on policy and best practice in knowledge and information management for the public sector; setting standards and driving forward the public sector information re-use agenda; official publishing services for the whole of government including publishing all UK legislation and making it accessible online; managing Crown and Parliamentary copyright; administration of The National Archives and other noncash items.

Income arising from:

  • sale of copies of documents; sale of publications and other items and services; professional fees; fees receivable from service providers; sale of non-current assets; grants received to carry out specific projects; reproduction fees and royalties for the publication of images; Crown copyright fees and royalties; fees for the management of third parties' copyright; fees for the management of the Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland; income from contractual arrangements for official publishing and partnerships to make historical records electronically accessible; and sales and recovery of costs for goods/services provided to other government departments; public bodies and the general public.

Crown Prosecution Service, 2015-16

Crown Prosecution Service

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Crown Prosecution Service
Departmental Expenditure Limit10,547,000-750,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement25,280,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • administrative costs including the hire of agents; prosecution costs; costs of confiscating the proceeds of crime; capacity building in the Criminal Justice System; support of voluntary sector organisations within the Criminal Justice System; and associated depreciation and any non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • costs awarded to CPS in court; the Recovered Assets Incentivisation Scheme; refund of costs for seconded staff; letting, disposal, vacation or occupation of property or accommodation; collaborative working with partner organisations; shared services; the Access to Work Scheme; and other administrative income.

Serious Fraud Office, 2015-16

Serious Fraud Office

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Serious Fraud Office
Departmental Expenditure Limit18,000,000750,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement18,750,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • administration of The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) offices; capital costs and operational costs incurred including costs of staff, fees to Counsel and outside accountants, witness expenses, use of information technology to improve presentation of evidence, other investigation, prosecution and litigation costs, defendants’ costs and damages ordered by the court to be paid by the SFO, and associated non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • recovery of income awarded to the SFO in court; and receipts for services provided by the SFO.

Ministry of Defence, 2015-16

Ministry of Defence

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Ministry of Defence
Departmental Expenditure Limit-348,190,000798,483,000
Annually Managed Expenditure6,650,000,000100,000,000
Non-budget Expenditure900,000,000
Net Cash Requirement1,293,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Ongoing military commitments, including identifying and countering the threat of terrorist attack on the UK Mainland, and maintaining the integrity of UK waters and airspace. Contributing to the community by Search and Rescue, administration of cadet forces, costs of assistance to other Government Departments and agencies. Defence diplomacy, and the department's support of wider British interests. Delivering military capability, including costs of front line troops, attributed costs of logistical and personnel support costs. Research on the equipment and non-equipment programme, provision of financial interventions to the private sector in support of delivery of departmental outputs. Defence Estates and business infrastructure. To support Ministers and Parliament. Strategic management and corporate services. Pensions and other payments/allowances for disablement or death arising out of war or service in the Armed Forces after 2 September 1939. Awards to surviving members of British groups held prisoner by the Japanese during the Second World War (Far Eastern Prisoners of War) or their surviving spouse and pensions and other payments in respect of service in the Armed Forces at other times, excluding claims under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme and Armed Forces pension scheme.

  • Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their Reserves, Cadet forces, and personnel costs of Defence Ministers, and of civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence. Movements; charter of ships; logistic services for the Armed Forces; repair, maintenance, stores and supply services; associated capital facilities and works; contractors' redundancy costs; plant and machinery; nuclear warhead and fissile material programme; procurement, including development and production of equipment and weapon systems for the Armed Forces; purchases for sale abroad; research by contract; sundry procurement services including those on repayment terms.

  • Land and buildings works services. Services provided by other Government Departments. Sundry services, subscriptions, grants, including support to Armed Forces charities and other payments, assistance to Foreign and Commonwealth Governments for defence-related purposes. UK youth community projects. Set-up costs and loans to Trading Funds and Defence Electronics and Components Agency. Spending by defence-related Arm's Length Bodies (ALBs).

  • Support of operations over and above the costs of maintaining the units involved at their normal state of readiness. The net additional (programme) costs for early warning, crisis management, conflict resolution/peace-making, peace-keeping and peace-building activities in other parts of the World. The net additional costs of associated strengthening of international regional systems; capacity-building; and stabilisation activities.

  • Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their Reserves includes provision for Naval Service to a number not exceeding 35,850; provision for the Army Service to a number not exceeding 108,430; provision for Air Force Service to a number not exceeding 35,870; and provision for officers and men in the Reserve Forces not exceeding the numbers specified in respect of each Reserve Force for the purposes of Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 in House of Commons Paper No. 1054 of Session 2014-15.

  • * Personnel costs of the Armed Forces and their Reserves includes provision for Regular Naval and Marine Services to a number not exceeding 35,850; provision for the Regular Army Service to a number not exceeding 108,430; provision for Regular Air Force Service to a number not exceeding 35,870; and provision for Officers, Men and Women in the Reserve Forces not exceeding the numbers specified in respect of each Reserve Force for the purposes of Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 in House of Commons Paper No. 1054 of Session 2014-15 and in House of Commons Paper No. 716 of Session 2015-16.

Income arising from:

  • Provision of services to foreign Governments and other government departments. Payments for services provided by Trading Funds and Defence Electronics and Components Agency. Dividends and loan repayments from Trading Funds and Defence Electronics and Components Agency. Sale of assets. Recovery of costs from personnel. Rent for use of Ministry of Defence property and miscellaneous receipts.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • The creation and revaluation of provisions; impairments due to the revaluation of assets, unforeseen obsolescence and losses caused by catastrophic events. Bad debts and some Foreign exchange gains and losses. Costs associated with decommissioning.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Prior period adjustment.

Armed Forces Pension and Compensation Schemes, 2015-16

Armed Forces Pension and Compensation Schemes

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Armed Forces Pension and Compensation Schemes
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure400,000,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement100,000,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Payment of pensions, lump sum benefits, transfers out and associated non-cash items to persons covered by the scheme. Provision is also made for payment of those benefits outside the scheme: Short Service Gratuities, Resettlement Grants and Criminal Injuries Compensation Overseas.

Income arising from:

  • MOD employer contributions (Superannuation Contributions Adjusted for Past Experience), Transfers In from other schemes and the purchases of added years.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2015-16

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Departmental Expenditure Limit-20,293,00037,171,000
Annually Managed Expenditure1,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement16,879,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • administration of UK Trade and Investment, Wilton Park Executive Agency, net expenditure of NDPBs, hospitality and facilities, international organisations, scholarships, information services and sponsored visits, special payments and assistance programmes supporting foreign policy objectives including human rights, good governance, international security and the fight against the illicit drug trade, the British Council. Conflict prevention, early warning, crisis management, conflict resolution/peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building activity and on associated strengthening of international and regional systems and capacity and associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • salary refunds of seconded diplomatic staff and locally engaged staff, the sale of information material, sub-letting, sales of surplus material and equipment, legalisation fees collected at both home and abroad, telephone and postage recoveries, medical scheme recoveries, bank interest and sundry receipts, repayment by locally engaged staff of loans for car purchase and medical and other assistance, from other Government Departments including DfID and MoD for the Special Representative on Conflict Resolution, visa and passport services provided at consular offices, Wilton Park Executive Agency receipts from customers for running costs, sales and rents, Hospitality Section, Conference and Visits Group, Lancaster House receipts, repayments of sums advanced to distressed British Nationals, interest and dividends from Public Corporations, sales into Wider Markets and sponsorships.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • the refund of certain taxes and duties paid by certain foreign and commonwealth governments, and noncash items.

Department for International Development, 2015-16

Department for International Development

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for International Development
Departmental Expenditure Limit-68,488,000-452,536,000
Annually Managed Expenditure0450,000,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-66,024,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Development and humanitarian assistance under the International Development Act 2002 through financial and technical assistance to governments, institutions, voluntary agencies and individuals for activities including: wealth creation (generating growth, stimulating trade and improving infrastructure); direct delivery of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (health and nutrition, education, water and sanitation, humanitarian assistance and food aid); governance and security (peace building, conflict prevention, stabilisation and the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, public financial management, human rights); climate change (mitigating and adapting to the impact of climate change); global partnerships (core funding for and capital subscriptions to multilateral organisations which provide country level and global assistance, core funding for civil society organisations and research partnerships); continued assistance to UK Overseas Territories; costs relating to investments in public corporations and shareholdings in private sector companies; spending by NDPBs (Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) on scholarships to individuals from Commonwealth countries, and the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI), an advisory NDPB which provides independent scrutiny of UK Aid in order to promote the delivery of value for money for British taxpayers and the maximisation of the impact of aid); related capital expenditure, administration costs and associated depreciation and other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • Capital repayments and receipt of interest on development assistance and budget support loans; management fees relating to loan guarantees; receipts from overseas governments in respect of bilateral country and sector programmes; refunds of payments made under UK guarantees to the European Investment Bank; recoveries from other government departments; recovery of advances from procurement agents; receipts for seconded officers; rental income; recoveries from staff for use of official vehicles; refund of rental and rates payments; income from debentures/shares issued to DFID by CDC Group plc and other private sector entities; and other income in relation to capital assets.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Non-cash movements in provisions including contributions to International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) and Advanced Market Commitments (AMC); change in fair value of financial instruments and other non-cash costs falling in AME.

  • * The re-capitalisation of CDC Group plc.

Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2015-16

Department of Energy and Climate Change

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Departmental Expenditure Limit50,520,000-230,785,000
Annually Managed Expenditure99,278,978,000152,432,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-272,518,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Respond to fuel poverty needs;

  • measures to improve energy efficiency, security and environmental practice; payments to energy companies to reduce the impact of DECC policies on bills.

  • Support for energy-related activities including regulation, civil emergency planning, energy resilience measures, environmental remediation and support and facilitation for new and sustainable or more efficient, or less carbon intensive energy sources, technologies, transmission and storage, security and nonproliferation.

  • Work towards international agreement on climate change; promote and support actions to reduce national and global greenhouse gas emissions; climate modelling and risk assessment.

  • Safety, environment and social impact programmes relating to nuclear sites in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and other countries where future G8 Global Partnership related initiatives may be pursued;

  • inspections and compliance in accordance with EU regulatory requirements and recovery of expenditure through cost sharing arrangements;

  • subscriptions and contributions to international organisations and fulfilment of international treaty obligations.

  • Efficient discharge of liabilities falling to the Department, including nuclear waste management and decommissioning and for former coal industry employees.

  • Specialist support services, staff management and development; other departmental administration and non-cash costs; exchange risk and other guarantee losses; publicity, promotion, publications, knowledge sharing initiatives and departmental research and development; surveys, monitoring, statistics, advice and consultancies; contributions to fund cross government initiatives; Payments to HM Treasury towards the cost of Infrastructure UK.

  • Grants to local authorities.

  • Expenditure by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and its subsidiaries, Coal Authority, Civil Nuclear Police Authority, Committee on Climate Change, Low Carbon Contracts Company, Electricity Settlements Company, Oil and Gas Authority, Carbon Trust, and Energy Saving Trust.

  • * Expenditure by UK Climate Investments.

Income arising from:

  • Receipts from other Government Departments and devolved administrations;

  • contributions from other organisations to cover the cost of activities they have agreed to fund in total or in part; the repayment of loans and investments; repayment of capital grants; repayments of grants and contributions; government carbon offsetting scheme receipts;

  • receipts relating to the oil and gas industries (including petroleum licensing and levy receipts); Project Camelot Levy Receipts;

  • income relating to legal services, consultancy, publications, public enquiries, information, secondments, departmental administration costs, central services, rental income and repayments; occupancy charge; administrative and professional services; EU receipts; the sale of surplus land and buildings; refund of input VAT not claimed in previous years on departmental expenditure; fees for services provided for energy resilience purposes; interest payments; non-cash income.

  • Receipts relating to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

  • * Receipt and retention of financial securities relating to the decommissioning of renewable devices such as offshore wind.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Efficient discharge of liabilities relating to contracts for difference for the supply of electricity.

  • Efficient discharge of liabilities falling to the Department, including nuclear waste management and decommissioning and for former coal industry employees.

  • Impairment of loans and investments.

  • Expenditure by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Coal Authority, Civil Nuclear Police Authority, Committee on Climate Change, Low Carbon Contracts Company; Electricity Settlements Company and Oil and Gas Authority.

  • Renewable Heat Incentive including Renewable Heat Premium Payments.

  • * Expenditure by UK Climate Investments. Exchange rate gains and losses.

Income arising from:

  • income relating to repayment and recoveries of compensation and legal costs, distribution of surpluses from coal industry pension schemes and coal privatisation receipts.

  • Refund of input VAT not claimed in previous years on departmental expenditure; interest payments; repayments of grants and contributions; non-cash income.

  • Receipts relating to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, 2015-16

Office of Gas and Electricity Markets

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
Departmental Expenditure Limit5,465,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement5,465,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • administrative and operational costs; payments to other government departments; co-operation with international regulators; services to other government and energy related organisations; administration of energy efficiency, offshore transmission and other environmental schemes; regulation of and participation in the Smart Meter programme; payments in relation to legal costs arising from regulatory duties; adjustments to provisions; depreciation and other non-cash items in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • gas and electricity licence fees; receipts in respect of the administration of the Offshore Tender regime and Fossil Fuel Levy; income from fees and charges levied under the Gas Act 1986 and the Electricity Act 1989, as amended by the Utilities Act 2000; receipts in respect of letting, disposal, vacation or occupation of accommodation; income from services to other government and energy related organisations; and other cost recovery receipts.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2015-16

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Departmental Expenditure Limit65,045,00045,005,000
Annually Managed Expenditure444,260,0001,000,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement1,173,811,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Expenditure by Natural England and the Environment Agency. Represent forestry interests, encourage good forestry practice, sustainable forest management and conduct forest research. International policy, research, standard-setting and monitoring to support sustainable forestry. Land grants, countryside access and rights of way. Policy on commons, national parks and town and village greens. Environmental protection and conservation, maintain air and ozone quality, increase UK's environmental decontamination capabilities, deliver social, environmental and economic programmes; Maintain water quality and a resilient supply, support for management of inland waterways and obligations under the Water Act 2003 and Water Act 2014. Support terrestrial, marine, waterway environments and protection of water bodies. Reduction of charges for supply of water and provision of sewerage services to customers. Support protection of species, wildlife management, habitat protection and conservation. Support national and global biodiversity, geodiversity and research. Support for rural and regional development. Better waste management. Promotion and support for sustainable, development, consumption and production. Supporting development of farming and cost-sharing initiatives, payments, losses and penalties relating to the administration of EU schemes including disallowance. EU compensation payments to producers and support for agriculture. Champion hygienic production, marketing, delivery and processing in the agriculture, fisheries and food industries. Support bee and fish conservation and health, UK's responsibilities under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and fishing industry. Support keeping, movement tracing, international trade, health and welfare of animals, animal products and by-products, dairy hygiene and marketing. Support a sustainable, secure and healthy food supply; food labelling and composition policy.

  • Flood risk management and development implications, land drainage and sewerage. Promotion of affordable insurance in relation to flood risk. Exotic and endemic animal and plant disease policy portfolio and eradication. Regulatory systems for chemicals, veterinary medicines and pesticides. Radioactive waste management, pollution emergency response services, noise mapping and manage other environmental risks. Consultation on town, urban and country developments. Climate modelling, risk assessment and adaptation.

  • Specialist support services; legacy and residual delivery body costs; subsidies to support delivery bodies; staff management and development; other departmental administration and non-cash costs; publicity, promotion; awareness and publications; knowledge-sharing initiatives; research and development; surveys; monitoring; statistics; advice and consultancies; funding through Area-Based Grants; subscriptions and contributions to international organisations; international policy making; working with the EU; licensing, approvals and certification; inspections; compliance and enforcement in accordance with regulatory requirements.

  • * Voted Loans in relation to National Museums.

Income arising from:

  • Income from devolved administrations and European Commission (EC); delivery body funding contributions; provision of employee and financial shared services to other public sector bodies; surveys; receipts from sale of carcasses and vaccines; income from licensing; regulatory income; approvals; investments; interest gained; donations and bequests; commercial activities; certification; publications; public inquiries; information; inspections; registrations; supervision and extensification; administration of grant; waste disposal; capital loan schemes; commissioned surveys; research; studies and provision of advice; rental income and repayments; occupancy charge; administrative training and professional services; pension and redundancy contributions and knowledge-sharing initiatives.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Levy collection; publicity, promotion, awareness and publications; research and development; market and supply chain analysis and support; packaging recovery support; licensing, approvals and certification. Specialist support services; staff management and development; delivery body funding contributions; surveys; monitoring; statistics; advice and consultancies; provision for future liabilities; bad debts; revaluations and impairment losses; legacy and residual delivery body costs.

  • * Promotion of affordable insurance in relation to flood risk.

Income arising from:

  • Levies from the meat; dairy; forestry; horticulture; shellfish; fish; cereals; agriculture industries; delivery body funding contributions; packaging recovery support; surveys; EU funding; investment and commercial income.

Water Services Regulation Authority, 2015-16

Water Services Regulation Authority

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Water Services Regulation Authority
Departmental Expenditure Limit1,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement0

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration and operation costs; depreciation, pension payments, provisions and other non-cash items in DEL; Open Water Market Limited.

Income arising from:

  • Water industry regulatory licence, fines and penalties as set out in the Water Industry Act 1991, the Water Act 2003 and Water Act 2014; receipts in respect of printing and publication sales; contributions towards former Directors General pension payments; receipts in respect of Memorandum of Term and Occupation lease arrangements, and other cost recovery receipts; Open Water Market Limited.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2015-16

Department for Culture, Media and Sport

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Departmental Expenditure Limit25,899,000-33,928,000
Annually Managed Expenditure-87,036,000-106,276,000
Non-budget Expenditure46,620,000
Net Cash Requirement-64,164,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • national and other museums and galleries, support for the British Library and other library and archive institutions and the Government Indemnity Scheme. This scheme provides cover for a museum, art gallery, library or other similar institution in the United Kingdom which has as its purpose or one of its purposes the preservation for the public benefit of a collection of historic, artistic or scientific interest.

  • Funding for the Royal Palaces and Parks, for historic buildings and ancient monuments and sites; funding for certain public buildings and national heritage and architecture. Funding for the Listed Places of Worship schemes and the VAT grant scheme for memorials. Funding for commemorative services, memorials and ceremonial occasions. Commemorations of the Centenary of the First World War. Funding to repair and protect First World War memorials and burial sites across the UK and overseas.

  • Providing support to the Arts and Sports councils and for other arts, sports and media bodies and schemes; support to creative industry bodies and the promotion of tourism.

  • Funding for the administration and operating costs of the Department, payments towards the expenses of the Office of Manpower Economics and grants to other government departments. Providing support for the UK Council for Child Internet Safety.

  • Provision for the sponsorship of the creative industries; providing support for the transition to digital broadcasting; the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority; support for broadcasting, alcohol, gambling, film and video licensing, the expenses of the Gambling Commission and regulatory regimes and schemes.

  • Provision for the sponsorship of the Office of Communications; providing support for programmes to improve broadband and mobile communication infrastructure; costs associated with the sale or sharing of radio spectrum. Provision for development of telecommunications and internet policy, including through participation in international organisations, and bilateral and multilateral engagement.

  • Funding for the Government Equalities Office and the Equalities and Human Rights Commission: grants, payments and programme expenditure associated with national and international gender and wider equalities policy, information, support and advice; administration costs; and other non-cash items.

  • Provision for research and surveys, and funding for UK membership of various international organisations.

  • Provision for the sponsorship of the digital economy including the work of the Digital Economy Unit in the provision of support to industry and policy development. Provision to support the delivery of the National Cyber Security Programme and to prosecute responsibilities concerning the security and resilience of the UK telecoms sector.

  • Funding to support delivery of the legacy from the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and associated non-cash items.

  • Provision for the costs of Lord Leveson’s inquiry, creation and support of the bodies created in response to the recommendations made by Lord Leveson and costs of an associated litigation.

  • Provision for costs associated with the BBC Charter Review.

  • Provision for the costs associated with the closure or restructure of organisations.

  • * Funding for the administration and operating costs of Data Protection. Costs of operating the Information Commissioner's Office. Provision for the sponsorship of Phonepay Plus.

Income arising from:

  • the activities of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and its sponsored bodies including proceeds from the sale of properties, assets and the early release of office leases; receipts by the Government Art Collection; recovery of ceremonial costs; recovery of costs for repairs to listed buildings; fees and charges for licences and receipts from concessionaires and sponsors; the Royal Parks Agency fees, charges and other income; repayment of loans in connection with film development projects and European Union receipts, repayment of voted loans from national museums and galleries.

  • Receipts associated with the sale of radio spectrum; contributions from other government departments toward the costs of joint schemes. Receipts from the private sector toward the 4G/TV Co-Existence Oversight Board. Receipts from the National Lottery Distribution Fund to meet the cost of its administration by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and of the expenses of the Gambling Commission; receipts from the National Lottery operator's licence fees, recoveries from the issue of licensing certificates.

  • The receipts of Heritage items received under the Cultural Gifts scheme and passed to the Acceptance in Lieu panel. Receipts associated with the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 and its legacy.

  • The provision of equality based information and guidance.

  • Receipts in respect of the costs awarded in the Floe Telecom Court Case.

  • Receipts from other Government departments. Receipts associated with the BBC Charter Review.

  • * Fees charged for Subject Access Requests under the Data Protection Act and receipts in relation to data protection enquiries.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Broadcasting, Media and other services and activities. Provisions, impairments and other AME expenditure from DCMS and its sponsored bodies.

  • Lottery grants.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • * Prior period adjustments.

Department for Work and Pensions, 2015-16

Department for Work and Pensions

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Department for Work and Pensions
Departmental Expenditure Limit54,793,0002,134,000
Annually Managed Expenditure4,268,682,0000
Non-budget Expenditure115,341,000
Net Cash Requirement2,753,737,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Funding for the administration and operating costs of the Department, including grants, loans and payments to other Government Departments, Local Authorities, Devolved Administrations, private, public and voluntary organisations. This will enable the Department to fulfil its obligations to support people who are out of work move into work quickly, support the most vulnerable people in society, alleviating poverty and supporting responsible behaviour and reforms to the welfare system. The provision of employment and training programmes and payments of appropriate allowances to help people back to work, and to reduce welfare dependency, including the support of cross-government initiatives related to employment.

  • Assisting people to make plans for their retirement, including research into pensions, private pension industry regulatory work, programmes and measures to help improve independence and social inclusion for older people. Provision for general levy payments to the Pension Regulator in respect of Public Sector Pension Schemes, the costs and payments associated with the collapse of private pension schemes. The provision of expenditure promoting the Department's objectives in other Government Departments; Local Authorities; Devolved Administrations; Crown and Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies, including the Health and Safety Executive; private, public and voluntary organisations. Training and employment projects assisted by the European Union through the European Social Fund, including programme losses and disallowances, refunds to the European Union and exchange rate gains and losses. Subsidies to housing, billing, levying and local authorities for administering the Housing Benefit. The costs incurred from the collection of debt arising from overpayments of benefit and on behalf of other public and private sector bodies.

  • The provision of IT, employee and financial services to other public sector bodies; policy; research; publicity; the UK subscription to the International Labour Organisation; international educational, training and employment programmes; assistance and advice on employment and labour market issues to international organisations; measures to promote financial inclusion; measures and assistance to promote digital inclusion; associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs relating to DEL.

  • Payments in relation to Specialised Vehicles Fund, Vaccine Damage Payments; Funeral Expense Payments; Sure Start Maternity Grants.

Income arising from:

  • In accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations, income arising from the administration of the Department for Work and Pensions, Crown and Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies in delivering its statutory responsibilities, including receipts from staff, outward secondments, sale of noncapital items, sale of capital assets, recovery of court costs, services carried out on behalf of public and private sector bodies and members of the public, EU activity, levy funded bodies and other associated income. Receipts in respect of recoveries of payments towards Motability costs; and the repayment of Social Fund Funeral Expenses Payments.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • The payment of social security benefits to people of working age, pensioners, and people with disabilities and their carers in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations. Significant social security benefits include Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support, Employment Support and Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment and other associated benefits, including housing benefit, rent rebates, temporary subsidies to employers. Compensation for dust related diseases, payments for education and provisions and other non-cash costs relating to AME. Costs and payments associated with the collapse of private pension schemes.

Income arising from:

  • Income arising from the receipt from damages payable to recipients of Statutory Sick Pay, receipts in respect of benefits paid in lieu and recoveries of payments towards Motability costs.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Payment of the Grant to the Social Fund to fund Regulated, Discretionary and Winter Fuel payments.

Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate General, 2015-16

Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate General

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate General
Departmental Expenditure Limit28,000210,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure640,152,000
Net Cash Requirement640,385,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration: Capital and other non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • Receipts from accommodation and legal receipts.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Payment of a grant to the Scottish Consolidated Fund.

Wales Office, 2015-16

Wales Office

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Wales Office
Departmental Expenditure Limit-25,00025,000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure72,652,000
Net Cash Requirement72,572,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration costs for the Wales Office; Lord Lieutenant's expenditure; capital, and associated noncash costs; other non-cash costs.

Income arising from:

  • Receipts from Accommodation.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Payments of a grant to the Welsh Consolidated Fund.

Northern Ireland Office, 2015-16

Northern Ireland Office

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Northern Ireland Office
Departmental Expenditure Limit3,202,0001,770,000
Annually Managed Expenditure-750,0000
Non-budget Expenditure439,600,000
Net Cash Requirement444,822,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Overseeing the effective operation of the devolution settlement in Northern Ireland and representing the interests of Northern Ireland within the UK Government. Expenditure on administrative services, Head of State related costs, VIP visits to Northern Ireland, NI Human Rights Commission and other Reviews and Commissions arising from the Good Friday Agreement, the Northern Ireland Act 1998, the Northern Ireland Act 2000, the Northern Ireland Act 2009, political development and inquiries, the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland, elections and boundary reviews, legal services, security, victims of the Troubles including the work of the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims Remains, arms decommissioning, parading, Civil Service Commissioners, compensation schemes under the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007 and Terrorism Act 2000 and certain other grants. Expenditure on arrangements for the running of Hillsborough Castle. This will include associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • Recoupment of electoral expenses, receipts from the use of video conferencing facilities, fees and costs recovered or received for work done for other departments, freedom of information receipts, data protection act receipts, recovery of compensation paid, recoupment of grant funding, costs and fees awarded in favour of the crown and receipts arising from arms decommissioning. Fees and costs recovered or received for the use of the NIO estate. Contributions from third parties to fund grant programmes and monies from other departments to fund projects in Northern Ireland.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • *Change in provisions.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Providing appropriate funding to the Northern Ireland Consolidated Fund for the delivery of transferred public services as defined by the Northern Ireland Act 1998, Northern Ireland Act 2000 and the Northern Ireland Act 2009. Grants to the Northern Ireland Consolidated Fund and transfers of EU funds.

HM Treasury, 2015-16

HM Treasury

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
HM Treasury
Departmental Expenditure Limit14,213,00081,900,000
Annually Managed Expenditure20,758,594,000-21,100,251,000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-13,805,126,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Spending by core Treasury on economic, financial and related administration, including shared services, consumer credit policy, infrastructure finance, the provision of guarantees and the provision of pension guidance. Spending arising from the purchase and sale of investments, expenses in connection with honours and dignities and compensation payments arising from gilt administration.

  • Spending by the Debt Management Office, including administration of the Public Works Loan Board, the Commission for the Reduction of National Debt and operational services for HM Treasury, other government departments and the Bank of England.

  • Spending by the Government Internal Audit Agency on audit services.

  • Spending on Treasury related bodies including the Office of Tax Simplification, United Kingdom Financial Investments Limited, Office for Budget Responsibility, Infrastructure Finance Unit Limited, IUK Investments Limited, IUK Investments Holdings Limited, HM Treasury UK Sovereign SUKUK plc and the Royal Mint Advisory Committee on the design of Coins, Medals, Seals and Decorations.

  • Depreciation and other non-cash items falling in DEL.

  • * Spending by UK Government Investments Limited. Spending on the set up of the National Infrastructure Commission.

Income arising from:

  • recoveries in respect of administration of the Treasury, including income from tenants, recharges for work on financial stability issues, income from financial regulators, fees for the provision of guarantees, dividends, fees and charges for courses and other services including staff loans and secondments; the salary of the UK Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development who is a Treasury employee; charges for services provided by the Government Social Research Unit; income from recovery actions in connection with Barlow Clowes; recoveries in respect of Honours and Dignities; income in respect of insurance sponsorship and supervision responsibilities; amounts arising from loans, including repayments, interest and fees; royalties, sale of publications, assets and redundant capital items, administration of Pool Re and other related bodies; European Fast Stream income from the Cabinet Office; amounts arising from the sale of shares and debt.

  • Income due to the Debt Management Office for charges for services provided to other government departments and organisations, advertising costs, stock exchange listings, data provision, rentals in respect of operating leases, the management and administration of certain public and private funds and provision of a lending service to local authorities, income from the administration of carbon dioxide reduction schemes and the Gilt Purchase and Sale Service.

  • Income due to the Government Internal Audit Agency for charges for services provided to other government departments and organisations.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • The production costs of UK coinage, including manufacture, purchase of metal, storage and distribution of finished coins and actions to protect the integrity of coinage.

  • Costs related to investment in and financial assistance to financial institutions and non-financial organisations and businesses including credit easing, provision of guarantees, infrastructure finance and payments under the Loans to Ireland Act 2010.

  • Creation and use of provisions including those relating to payments under the Equitable Life Payments Scheme and those in respect of economic, financial and related administration.

  • Administration of the Equitable Life Payments Scheme.

  • Spending by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the Money Advice Service (formerly the Consumer Financial Education Body), the Sovereign Grant to the Royal Household, UK Asset Resolution Limited and Help to Buy (HMT) Limited.

  • Non-cash items falling within AME.

  • * Funding of tax costs and associated interest payments for certain retired police and fire service officers. Spending on Help to Buy ISA.

Income arising from:

  • transactions with financial institutions and public and private organisations and businesses including interest, fees and charges, dividends, loan repayments, sale of assets and other capital receipts.

HM Revenue and Customs, 2015-16

HM Revenue and Customs

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
HM Revenue and Customs
Departmental Expenditure Limit-116,685,00071,637,000
Annually Managed Expenditure369,107,0000
Non-budget Expenditure3,102,000,000
Net Cash Requirement3,192,196,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration in management, collection and payment of a range of taxes, tax credits, benefits, reliefs, refunds, duties, levies, Statutory Payments, allowances and entitlements.

  • Delivering policies held by other government departments, assistance to public bodies, enforcement of National Minimum Wage, collection of student loans, welfare reform, building capability, money laundering regulation and verification schemes.

  • Law enforcement, criminal investigation and provision of resources to independent investigatory bodies including the Adjudicator's Office. Payments in respect of the HMRC National Museum and grants to the voluntary and community sector.

  • Work for devolved administrations.

  • International Tax Cooperation Agreements, operation of customs controls, overseas tax administration, official development assistance and support of projects abroad.

  • Providing shared services, Civil Service HR, structural organisational change, services provided to third parties, air travel carbon offsetting, provision of trade information and Contracts Finder portal.

  • Administration of the National Insurance Funds for Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Office of HM Paymaster General.

  • Non-cash items falling in DEL.

  • Valuations, administration, setting and maintaining of assessments, advice, property services, payments of Local Authority Rates on behalf of accredited foreign countries and non-cash items incurred by the Valuation Office Agency.

  • * Revenue and Customs Digital Technology Services Limited

Income arising from:

  • Tax reliefs, entitlements, money laundering regulation and verification schemes. Recovery of law costs, overpayments, insurance and compensation claims, staff costs, apprenticeships funding, valuation and other services, aggregates levy, transaction fees and excess cash receipts. Services provided to the Valuation Office Agency, other government departments, devolved administrations, other bodies and international parties. Providing shared services and contributing to Civil Service HR.

  • Charges made for attendance of officers, international commitments, travel expenses, use of cars, rent, and building capability.

  • Sales of assets, information, publications, statistical services, certificates and estate management services. The Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme and other miscellaneous receipts.

  • Recovery of costs of administration of the National Insurance Funds, collection of National Insurance contributions and of the Office of HM Paymaster General.

  • Non-cash items falling in DEL.

  • Valuations, administration, setting and maintaining of assessments, advice, property services, payments of Local Authority Rates on behalf of accredited foreign countries and non-cash items incurred by the Valuation Office Agency.

  • * Revenue and Customs Digital Technology Services Limited

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Tax credits, benefits, reliefs, refunds, duties, levies, allowances and entitlements.

  • Remittance of irrecoverable debts and losses on revaluation of assets.

  • Incentive payments for filing, transitional payments to charities, provisions movements and payments that add capacity to recovery of debt.

  • Non-cash items falling in AME.

  • Payments of Rates on behalf of accredited Commonwealth and foreign countries and certain international organisations and non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • Payments of Rates by accredited Commonwealth and foreign countries and certain international organisations, refunds from local authorities.

Non-Budget Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Payments to the National Insurance Funds.

National Savings and Investments, 2015-16

National Savings and Investments

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
National Savings and Investments
Departmental Expenditure Limit9,800,000-1,625,000
Annually Managed Expenditure-2,000,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement17,000,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Cost of delivery of National Savings and Investments operations, and leveraged activities with other bodies including administration, operational research and development works, other payments and noncash items.

Income arising from:

  • The leveraging of National Savings and Investments core infrastructure and capabilities and associated contracts including rent receipts and other receipts such as loss recovery payments and receipts to enable access to NS&I product.

  • The sale of National Savings and Investments properties resulting in some capital income that will be used as sale proceeds against the disposed assets.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Non-cash movements in provisions including changes to fair value of National Savings and Investment's properties.

The Statistics Board, 2015-16

The Statistics Board

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
The Statistics Board
Departmental Expenditure Limit7,922,000-7,949,000
Annually Managed Expenditure6,750,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-1,078,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • the collection, preparation and dissemination of economic, social, labour market and other statistics; assisting statistical research by providing access to data; promoting and safeguarding the quality of official statistics, monitoring the production and publication of official statistics; conducting a programme of assessment of existing and candidate National Statistics against the Code of Practice for Official Statistics; and coordinating the design, collection, preparation, supply, and quality management of the UK's European statistics and associated non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • provision of social surveys and the provision of other statistical services; recovery costs of shared projects; sales of statistical data supply services and publications; receipts from EU and other overseas contracts; and rental income from property.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • creation of provision in respect of onerous contracts; early departure costs; and other provision and associated non-cash items.

Government Actuary's Department, 2015-16

Government Actuary's Department

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Government Actuary's Department
Departmental Expenditure Limit1,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure291,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-66,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • administration costs incurred in providing actuarial and specialist analysis, advice and assurance to Government and other clients, principally in the public sector, and associated non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • receipts for actuarial, accommodation and facilities management services.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • the setting up and use of provisions, losses on revaluation of fixed assets and other associated non-cash items.

Cabinet Office, 2015-16

Cabinet Office

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Cabinet Office
Departmental Expenditure Limit89,678,000-39,097,000
Annually Managed Expenditure5,000,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement36,669,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration and operation of the department in connection with the following functions:

  • Providing the government’s co-ordination function with an overarching purpose of making government work better and more efficiently;

  • Supporting the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister - to define and deliver the government’s objectives, implement political and constitutional reform, and drive forward from the centre particular cross-departmental priority issues;

  • Supporting the Cabinet - to drive the coherence, quality and delivery of policy and operations across departments; and

  • Strengthening the Civil Service – to ensure the Civil Service is organised effectively and efficiently and has the capability in terms of skills, values and leadership to deliver the government’s objectives, including ensuring value for money to the taxpayer.

  • Working with the Treasury to drive efficiency and reform across the public sector.

  • Political and constitutional reform includes: costs in relation to constitutional offices; constitutional issues; electoral policy and administration, in particular costs in relation to the policy on the conduct of all UK Parliamentary, Police and Crime Commissioner and European elections and certain referendums in the UK, and the administration of payments to returning officers from the Consolidated Fund; payments relating to the Representation of the People Act 1983 and other electoral legislation; costs arising from the implementation of Individual Electoral Registration and the existing registration system; policy on the financing and regulation of political parties and third parties in elections; Parliamentary Boundary Commissions for England & Wales; supporting the devolution settlements, including costs of a Commission on the Consequences of Devolution for the House of Commons; costs associated with a programme of constitutional and political reform, including recall of MPs and a statutory register of lobbyists.

  • Costs in relation to the Privy Council Office.

  • The Office for Civil Society tackles social issues and supports innovation both in and outside government by mobilising people, resources, programmes and data. The Group promotes the Big Society, through the development and implementation of programmes, directly supporting civil society organisations and delivering community based funding across the UK. Programmes include the flagship National Citizen Service, and initiatives to grow the social investment and finance market, promote social action and improve the sustainability of the VCSE sector.

  • Supporting not-for-profit bodies associated with the public service: The Charity for Civil Servants, Civil Service Retirement Fellowship, Civil Service Sports Council and the Chequers Trust.

  • Payments to and relating to former Prime Ministers. Reimbursement of Lord Lieutenants’ expenses.

  • Expenses in connection with honours. Special payments.

  • Providing a professional procurement service to the public sector to enable organisations to deliver improved value for money in their commercial activities.

  • Expenditure incurred in providing marketing and communications services to Government, advising on marketing and communications policy and setting up a function to evaluate the impact of marketing on policy outcomes. Providing strategic advice to departments and agencies on achieving their communications objectives, and supplying directly those services that, for propriety or other reasons, can only be provided by a government organisation.

  • The management of the Government’s property portfolio.

  • The management and administration of the Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme.

  • The provision of IT, employee and financial transactional services to other public sector bodies and management of third party suppliers of such services across government.

  • Net expenditure by executive non-departmental public body, the Civil Service Commission, by advisory non-departmental public bodies and by a corporation sole, The Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists.

  • Expenditure on non-current assets including property and other financial assets, such as loans and investments, investments in mutual joint ventures and associates, and the issue of capital grants in kind on transfer of assets to other government departments for nil consideration.

  • Depreciation, notional audit fee, doubtful debts, write off of bad debt and associated non-cash items in DEL.

  • * Expenditure by an Independent Freedom of Information Commission.

Income arising from:

  • Rental income, receipts from property and land and sale of investment properties, sales of goods and services, sale or the use of rights and assets, sale of contractual rights, framework establishment and management fee income, royalties, recoverable management costs of the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme and income from employers participating in the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme to cover administration of the scheme, secondment and loan payments, training courses, learning and development activities and related consultancy work, Honours and Appointments, Office for Civil Society programmes, repayment of grants and subsidies, sales of publications and consultancy services, interest receivable, shared services income, cost sharing arrangements, receipts of dividends, deposits forfeited by candidates in an election, income from the EU, registration fee income from consultant lobbyists, collection of levies from the Public Services Network (PSN) Framework suppliers and fees from suppliers for information assurance of their services, sales of capital and non-capital assets, repayment of loan principal and related interest, capital grant in kind income on receipt of donated assets, income on disposal of donated assets, receipts from staff, payments from suppliers, rebates from suppliers, annual subscriptions from government departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies for the use of shared communications services in media monitoring, the provision of a regional news network, and for shared services in media planning, media buying and evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing spend, and sales of financial assets and proceeds on the sale of shares in mutual joint ventures and associates to the private sector, and transactional services carried out on behalf of other public sector bodies.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Provisions for early departures, dilapidations, onerous contracts; revaluation of assets; depreciation on donated assets; and associated non-cash items in AME.

Security and Intelligence Agencies, 2015-16

Security and Intelligence Agencies

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Security and Intelligence Agencies
Departmental Expenditure Limit-19,353,00041,170,000
Annually Managed Expenditure50,700,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement86,817,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Administration and operational costs, research and development works, equipment and other payments, and associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • The sale of services to other government departments, the recovery of costs of staff on loan, recovery from staff for miscellaneous items and certain other services. The sale of fixed assets, freehold interest and land.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Provisions and other non-cash items.

Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation, 2015-16

Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure-153,341,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement249,562,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • the superannuation of civil servants; pensions etc., and other pensions and non-recurrent payments; for other related services and related non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • charges received from departments and others on account of the cost of pension cover provided for their staff. Periodical contributions for widows', widowers', and dependants' benefits. Other superannuation contributions, transfer values and bulk transfer receipts.

Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme, 2015-16

Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure20,000,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement46,000,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Payment of pensions etc to members of the Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme, related expenditure and non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • The transfer, over time, to the Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme of certain benefits from the Royal Mail pension plan.

Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioner for England, 2015-16

Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioner for England

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioner for England
Departmental Expenditure Limit801,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure-461,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement1,077,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Operational and administration costs, capital expenditure, and associated depreciation and other noncash costs falling in DEL.

  • Providing services to support the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman and the Northern Ireland Ombudsman.

  • Cost sharing arrangements with the Commission for Local Administration in England.

Income arising from:

  • Providing services to support the work of public services ombudsmen.

  • Cost sharing arrangements with the Commissioner for Local Administration in England and other public sector bodies.

  • Recovery of costs of staff on loan or secondment.

  • Sub-letting accommodation on the Ombudsman's estate.

  • Monies received from sale of goods or services and recovery of costs or miscellaneous income not classified elsewhere.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Use of provisions, including provisions for early departure, legal costs and dilapidations.

House of Lords, 2015-16

House of Lords

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
House of Lords
Departmental Expenditure Limit-2,700,0001,360,000
Annually Managed Expenditure3,885,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement-1,340,000

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Members' expenses and allowances; administrative and accommodation costs, including staff salaries and pensions; security; stationery; printing; financial assistance to opposition parties; grants to Parliamentary bodies; and associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • Catering and retail sales; rental income; reproductions of works of art; pension scheme related income; fees; other charges and receipts in connection with parliamentary activities.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Pensions; administrative and accommodation costs; and provisions and other non-cash costs falling in AME.

House of Commons: Members, 2015-16

House of Commons: Members

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
House of Commons: Members
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure8,000,0000
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement0

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • This Estimate provides provision for accrued pension liabilities arising from the Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund.

House of Commons: Administration, 2015-16

House of Commons: Administration

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
House of Commons: Administration
Departmental Expenditure Limit equivalent12,200,0000
Annually Managed Expenditure00
Non-budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement0

Departmental Expenditure Limit equivalent

Expenditure arising from:

  • General administration including staff costs, accommodation, stationery, printing, security, broadcasting, IT, catering, general expenses and associated non-cash costs;

  • Some travel costs of Members of Parliament in connection with select committees and delegations to international parliamentary assemblies;

  • Costs incurred on international parliamentary activities, and grants-in-aid to the History of Parliament Trust, certain parliamentary bodies and the Association of Former Members of Parliament.

Income arising from:

  • Catering receipts, rental income, sales of goods and services, fees received and receipts in connection with parliamentary activities.

Section 5


Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation, 2014-15

Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure98,702,0000
Non-Budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement0

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • the superannuation of civil servants; pensions etc., and other pensions and non-recurrent payments; for other related services and related non-cash items.

Income arising from:

  • charges received from departments and others on account of the cost of pension cover provided for their staff. Periodical contributions for widows', widowers', and dependants' benefits. Other superannuation contributions, transfer values and bulk transfer receipts.

Northern Ireland Office, 2014-15

Northern Ireland Office

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Northern Ireland Office
Departmental Expenditure Limit0406,000
Annually Managed Expenditure1,458,0000
Non-Budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement0

Departmental Expenditure Limit

Expenditure arising from:

  • Overseeing the effective operation of the devolution settlement in Northern Ireland and representing the interests of Northern Ireland within the UK Government. Expenditure on administrative services, Head of State related costs, VIP visits to Northern Ireland, NI Human Rights Commission and other Reviews and Commissions arising from the Good Friday Agreement, the Northern Ireland Act 1998, the Northern Ireland Act 2000, the Northern Ireland Act 2009, political development and inquiries, the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland, elections and boundary reviews, legal services, security, victims of the Troubles including the work of the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims Remains, arms decommissioning, parading, Civil Service Commissioners, compensation schemes under the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007 and Terrorism Act 2000 and certain other grants. Expenditure on arrangements for the running of Hillsborough Castle. This will include associated depreciation and any other non-cash costs falling in DEL.

Income arising from:

  • Recoupment of electoral expenses, receipts from the use of video conferencing facilities, fees and costs recovered or received for work done for other departments, freedom of information receipts, data protection act receipts, recovery of compensation paid, recoupment of grant funding, costs and fees awarded in favour of the crown and receipts arising from arms decommissioning. Fees and costs recovered or received for the use of the NIO estate. Contributions from third parties to fund grant programmes and monies from other departments to fund projects in Northern Ireland.

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Provisions relating to administrative services and to compensation schemes under the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007, the Criminal Justice Act 1988, and Terrorism Act 2000 other non-cash costs falling in AME.

Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioner for England, 2014-15

Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioner for England

EstimateNet resources authorised for current purposesNet resources authorised for capital purposesNet Cash Requirement
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioner for England
Departmental Expenditure Limit00
Annually Managed Expenditure4,663,0000
Non-Budget Expenditure0
Net Cash Requirement275,000

Annually Managed Expenditure

Expenditure arising from:

  • Use of provisions, including provisions for early departure, legal costs and dilapidations.

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