Please note:
All reference to 'Parts' and 'sections' are from the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015. For other versions of these Explanatory Notes, see More Resources.
Release and recall of prisoners
Section 7: Electronic monitoring following release on licence etc
Schedule 2: Electronic monitoring and licences etc: consequential provision
Section 9: Test for release after recall: determinate sentences
Section 10: Power to change test for release after recall: determinate sentences
Section 11: Initial release and release after recall: life sentences
Section 12: Offence of remaining unlawfully at large after recall
Section 13: Offence of remaining unlawfully at large after temporary release
Offences involving ill-treatment or wilful neglect
Section 20: Ill-treatment or wilful neglect: care worker offence
Schedule 4: Ill-treatment or wilful neglect by care worker: excluded health care
Section 21: Ill-treatment or wilful neglect: care provider offence
Section 24: Care provider offence: application to unincorporated associations
Section 25: Care provider: liability for ancillary and other offences
Schedule 6: Offences committed by disqualified drivers: further amendments
Section 30: Extension of disqualification from driving where custodial sentence also imposed
Section 31: Mutual recognition of driving disqualification in UK and Republic of Ireland
Schedule 7: Mutual recognition of driving disqualification in UK and Republic of Ireland
Section 32: Sending letters etc with intent to cause distress or anxiety
Section 41: Youth cautions and conditional cautions: involvement of appropriate adults
Section 42: Duties of custody officer after charge: arrested juveniles
Section 43: Referral orders: alternatives to revocation for breach of youth offender contract
Section 44: Referral orders: extension on further conviction
Section 45: Referral orders: revocation on further conviction
Juries and members of the Court Martial
Section 70: Jurors and electronic communications devices: powers of search etc
Section 75: Juries at inquests and Schedule 13: Juries at inquests
Schedule 14: Members of the Court Martial
New Schedule 2A to the Armed Forces Act 2006: Offences relating to members of the Court Martial
Paragraph 3 of new Schedule 2A: Sharing research with other lay members
Paragraph 4 of new Schedule 2A: Engaging in other prohibited conduct
Paragraph 5 of new Schedule 2A: Disclosing information about members’ deliberations
Paragraphs 6 to 8 of new Schedule 2A: exceptions to paragraph 5
Paragraph 9 of new Schedule 2A: Saving for contempt of court
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