Section 46: Persons to whom conditions may apply
119.This section lists the persons to whom OFCOM may apply general conditions and specific conditions set in accordance with section 45.
120.Under subsection (2), OFCOM may apply general conditions to all persons providing electronic communications networks or electronic communications services or to all persons providing networks and services of a particular description specified in the general condition. General conditions may not be applied to persons providing associated facilities. Subsection (2) implements Articles 2(a) and 6(1) of the Authorisation Directive.
121.Under subsection (3), OFCOM may apply specific conditions to a particular person specified in the condition. This implements Article ^(2) of the Authorisation Directive and Article 13 of the Framework Directive.
122.Subsection (4) specifies that OFCOM may also apply a privileged supplier condition generally to public communications providers who enjoy special or exclusive rights in relation to the provision of services in other sectors (other than the provision of associated facilities) or to particular descriptions of public communications providers, as specified by OFCOM in the privileged supplier condition. Subsection (4) implements Article 13 of the Framework Directive.
123.Under subsection (5), universal service conditions may only be applied by OFCOM to particular communications providers, persons providing directories and persons providing directory enquiry facilities designated by OFCOM in accordance with regulations adopted under the provisions of section 66. Subsection (5) implements Article 8 of the Universal Service Directive and Article 6(2) of the Authorisation Directive.
124.Undersubsection (6), where an access-related condition is imposed for the purpose of securing end-to-end connectivity as described in section 74(1), OFCOM may apply the condition to any person. In all other cases, access-related conditions may be applied by OFCOM to providers of electronic communications networks or associated facilities. Subsection (6) implements Article 6(2) of the Authorisation Directive and Article 5(1)(a) of the Access Directive.
125.Subsection (7) allows OFCOM to apply an SMP services condition to communications providers and persons providing associated facilities where (i) such persons have been designated as having significant market power in a specific market for electronic communications networks, electronic communications services or associated facilities; or (ii) for the purposes of compliance with an international obligation, it appears necessary to OFCOM to impose a condition that corresponds to an SMP services condition. Subsection (7) implements Article 6(2) of the Authorisation Directive, Article 16(4) of the Framework Directive, Articles 8(2) of the Access Directive and Articles 17 to 19 of the Universal Service Directive.
126.Finally, subsection (9) permits OFCOM to apply an SMP apparatus condition to persons who supply electronic communications apparatus and have been determined by OFCOM to have significant market power in a specific market for electronic communications apparatus.
127.“Significant market power” is defined in section 78.