Search Legislation

The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) Order (Northern Ireland) 2006


This is the original version (as it was originally made).

Articles 4(1), 11(2),17(1), 18(1), 22(4), 26(7), 29(5), 30(2), 37(2), 38(2), 39(2).

SCHEDULE 1Pests which shall not be landed in or spread within Northern Ireland

Insects, mites and nematodes

1.Acleris spp. (non-European), for example the Blackheaded Budworm
2.Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky), an Asian Longhorn Beetle
3.Arrhenodes minutus (Drury), the Oak Timberworm
4.Choristoneura spp. (non-European), for example, the Western Spruce Budworm
5.Monochamus spp. (non-European), Sawyer Beetles
6.Pseudopityophthorus minutissimus (Zimmermann), an Oak Bark Beetle
7.Pseudopityophthorus pruinosus (Eichhoff), an Oak Bark Beetle
8.Scaphoideus luteolus (Van Duzee), the White-banded Elm Leaf Hopper
9.Xiphinema americanum Cobb sensu lato (non-European populations), an American Dagger Nematode
10.Xiphinema californicum Mlamberti and Bleve Zacheo-an American Dagger Nematode


1.Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt, the cause of Oak Wilt
2.Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli Dietal, the cause of Spruce Witches Broom Rust
3.Cronartium spp. (non-European), a cause of Conifer Rust
4.Endocronartium spp. (non-European), a cause of Conifer Rust
5.Guignardia laricina (Sawada) Yamamoto and Ito, the cause of Shoot blight of larch
6.Inonotus weirii (Murrill) Kotlaba and Pouzar, the cause of Poria Root Rot
7.Melampsora farlowii (Arthur) Davis, the cause of Hemlock Rust
8.Melampsora medusae Thümen, the cause of Poplar Rust
9.Mycosphaerella larici-leptolepis Ito et al., the cause of Needle Cast of larch
10.Mycosphaerella populorum G E Thompson, a cause of Poplar Canker

Viruses and virus-like organisms

Elm phlöem necrosis mycoplasm

Parasitic plants

Arceuthobium spp. (non-European), the dwarf mistletoe

Articles 4(1), 11(2), 17(1), 18(1), 22(4), 26(7), 29(5), 30(2), 37(2), 38(2), 39(2)

SCHEDULE 2Prohibitions on the landing in and movement within Northern Ireland of infected relevant material

PART ARelevant material which may not be landed in or moved within Northern Ireland if that material is carrying or infected with pests

(1) Item(2) Description of relevant material(3) Pest
1.Wood of conifers (Coniferales), originating in any country outside EuropeBursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle et al., the Pine Wood Nematode
2.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark; or isolated bark of conifers, in any case originating in any country outside EuropePissodes spp. (non-European), Weevils
3.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark; or isolated bark of conifers, in any case originating in any country outside EuropeScolytidae spp. (non-European), Bark Beetles
4.Wood or isolated bark of Pinus L.Atropellis spp., the cause of Atropellis Canker of pine
5.Wood of Acer saccharum Marsh., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, in any case originating in the USA or CanadaCeratocystis virescens (Davidson) Moreau, the cause of Sapstreak of maple
6.Wood of Pinus L.Cercoseptoria pini-densiflorae (Hori and Nambu) Deighton, a cause of Needle Blight of pine
7.Wood of Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surfaceCeratocystis fimbriata f. sp. platani Walter, the cause of Canker Stain of plane

PART BRelevant material which may not be landed in or moved within Northern Ireland (as a protected zone) if that material is carrying or infected with pests

(1)Item(2)Description of relevant material(3)Pest
1.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark; or isolated bark of conifers.Ips amitinus (Eichoff), the Smaller Eight-toothed Spruce Bark Beetle
2.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark; or isolated bark of conifers.Ips cembrae (Heer), the Large Larch Bark Beetle
3.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark; or isolated bark of conifers.Ips duplicatus (Sahlberg), the Northern Spruce Bark Beetle
4.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark; or isolated bark of conifers.

Ips typographus (Heer), the Larger Eight-toothed Spruce

Bark Beetle

5.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark; or isolated bark of conifers.

Ips sexdentatus (Börner)

Six-toothed Bark Beetle

6.Wood of conifers (Coniferales) retaining any bark, isolated bark of conifers.Dendroctonus micans (Kugelan), the Great Spruce Bark Beetle
7.Wood, other than wood which is bark-free, of Castanea Mill., or isolated bark of Castanea Mill.Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr, the cause of Sweet Chestnut Blight

Articles 4(1), 17(1), 38(2)

SCHEDULE 3Relevant material which may not be landed in Northern Ireland if that material originates in certain third countries

(1) Item(2) Description of relevant material(3) Countries of origin
1.Isolated bark of Castanea Mill.Any third country other than Switzerland
2.Isolated bark of Quercus L., other than Quercus suber L.Any country in North America
3.Isolated bark of Acer saccharum Marsh.Any country in North America
4.Isolated bark of Populus L.Any country in the American continent

Articles 2(1),4(1),5(2),11(2),14(4),17(1)

SCHEDULE 4Restrictions on the landing in and movement within Northern Ireland of relevant material

PART ARelevant material, from third countries, which may only be landed in Northern Ireland if special requirements are satisfied

(1) Item(2) Description of relevant material(3) Requirements of landing

Wood of conifers (Coniferales), except that of Thuja L., other than in the form of—

chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap obtained in whole or in part from these conifers,

wood packaging material,

dunnage; or

wood of Libocedrus decurrens Torr. where there is evidence that the wood has been processed or manufactured for pencils using heat treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 82°C for a 7 to 8 day period,

but including that which has not kept its natural round surface,

originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan or the

USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, and there shall be evidence of that heat treatment by a mark “HT” put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage, and on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export

Wood of conifers (Coniferales), except that of Thuja L., in the form of—

chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap obtained in whole or in part from these conifers,

originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan or the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export

Wood of Thuja L., other than in the form of—

chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap,

wood packaging material, or


originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, or the USA where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


is bark-free;


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence of that kiln-drying by a mark “kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage; or


has undergone appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes and there shall be evidence of that heat treatment by a mark “HT”—


put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage, and


on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export


Wood of Thuja L., in the form of:

chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap,

originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan or the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


has been produced from debarked round wood;


has undergone kiln drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule; or


has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export


Wood of conifers (Coniferales), other than in the form of—

chips, particles, sawdust, wood waste or scrap obtained in whole or in part from these conifers,

wood packaging material, or


but including that which has not kept its natural round surface,

originating in Russia, Kazakhstan or Turkey

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


originates in an area or areas known to be free from:

  • Monochamus spp. (non-European),

  • Pissodes spp. (non-European),

  • Scolytidae spp. (non-European),

and that area shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export under the rubric “place of origin”;


is bark-free and free from grub holes which are caused by the genus Monochamus spp. (non-European), defined for this purpose as those which are larger than 3mm across;


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence of that kiln-drying by a mark “kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with the current usage; or


has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes and there shall be evidence of that heat treatment by a mark “HT”:


put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage, and


on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export


Wood of conifers (Coniferales) other than in the form of—

chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap obtained in whole or in part from these conifers,

wood packaging material, or


but including that which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in third countries, other than:

Russia, Kazakhstan or Turkey;

European countries; or

Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea,

Mexico, Taiwan, or the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


is bark-free and free from grub holes which are larger than 3mm across and which are caused by the genus Monochamus spp. (non-European);


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence of that kiln-drying by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage; or


has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, and there shall be evidence of that heat treatment by a mark “HT”:


put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage, and


on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export


Wood in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap obtained in whole or in part from conifers (Coniferales), originating in:

Russia, Kazakhstan or Turkey, or

non-European countries other than Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan or the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


originates in an area or areas known to be free from—


Monochamus spp. (non-European),


Pissodes spp. (non-European),


Scolytidae spp. (non-European),

and that area shall be mentioned in the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export under the rubric “place of origin”;


has been produced from debarked round wood;


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved though an appropriate time/temperature schedule; or


has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export


Wood packaging material, other than in the form of:

raw wood of 6mm thickness or less; or

wood that has undergone a manufacturing process involving glue, heat or pressure or a combination thereof,

coming from any third country except Switzerland

The wood packaging material shall:


be subject to one of the approved measures specified in Annex I to ISPM No.15; and


display a mark which shall contain as specified in Annex II to ISPM No. 15:


the two-letter ISO country code;


a code identifying the producer;


the code identifying the approved measure to which the wood packaging material has been subject in accordance with subparagraph (b);


the letters “DB” which shall be added to the code referred to in (iii); and


the logo, with effect from 1st March 2005, or in respect of wood packaging material manufactured, repaired or recycled before that date, from 31st December 2007


Wood of Acer saccharum Marsh., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, other than in the form of—

wood intended for the production of veneer sheets; or

chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap,

originating in the USA or Canada

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence of that kiln-drying by a mark “kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognized mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage
10.Wood of Acer saccharum Marsh., intended for the production of veneer sheets, originating in the USA or CanadaThe wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ceratocystis virescens (Davidson) Moreau and is intended for the production of veneer sheets

Wood of Quercus L., other than in the form of—

chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap; or

casks, barrels, vats, tubs or other coopers' products or parts thereof, of wood (including staves) where there is documented evidence that the wood has been produced or manufactured using heat treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 176°C for 20 minutes,

but including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


is squared so as to remove entirely the rounded surface;


is bark-free and the water content is less than 20% expressed as a percentage of the dry matter


is bark-free and has been disinfected by an appropriate hot-air or hot water treatment; or


in the case of sawn wood with or without residual bark attached, has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence of that kiln-drying by a mark “kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognized mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage

12.Wood of Platanus L., except that in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap, but including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA or ArmeniaThe wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence of that kiln-drying by a mark “kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognized mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage
13.Wood of Populus L., except that in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap, but including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in any country of the American continent

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


is bark-free; or


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time / temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence thereof by a mark “kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognized mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage


Wood in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap, obtained in whole or in part from—

Acer saccharum Marsh., originating in the USA or Canada,

Platanus L., originating in the USA or Armenia , or

Populus L., originating in any country of the American continent

The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


has been produced from debarked round wood;


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter achieved though an appropriate time/temperature schedule; or


has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export

15.Wood in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste or scrap, obtained in whole or in part from Quercus L. originating in the USA

The wood is accompanied by an official statement that it:


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule; or


has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export

16.Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales), originating in any country outside EuropeThe isolated bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that it has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve the minimum temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary certificate for re-export

Dunnage, including that which has not kept its natural round, surface, other than in the form of—

raw wood of 6mm thickness or less; or

wood that has undergone a manufacturing process involving glue, heat or pressure or a combination thereof;

consigned directly from any third country except Switzerland

The dunnage:




be subject to one of the approved measures specified in Annex I to ISPM No. 15; and


display a mark which shall contain as specified in Annex II to ISPM No. 15 at least:


the two letter ISO country code;


the code identifying the producer; and


the code identifying the approved measure in to which the dunnage has been subject in accordance with paragraph (i); or


shall until 31st December 2007, be made from bark-free wood that is free from pests and signs of live pests

PART BRelevant material, from another part of the European Community, which may only be landed in or moved within Northern Ireland if special requirements are satisfied

(1)Item(2)Description of relevant material(3)Requirements of landing
1.Wood of Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface

(a)The wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ceratocystis fimbriata f. sp. platani Walter; or

(b)there shall be evidence by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “K.D.” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule

PART CRelevant material, from a third country or another part of the European Community, which may only be landed in or moved within Northern Ireland (as a protected zone) if special requirements are satisfied

(1)Item(2)Description of relevant material(3)Requirements of landing
1.Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6:


the wood shall be bark-free;


the wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Dendroctinus micans (Kugelan); or


there shall be evidence by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule

2.Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6:


the wood shall be bark-free;


the wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips amitinus (Eichhoff); or


there shall be evidence by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule

3.Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6:


the wood shall be bark-free;


the wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips cembrae (Heer); or


there shall be evidence by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule

4.Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6:


the wood shall be bark-free;


the wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips duplicatus (Sahlberg); or


there shall be evidence by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule

5.Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6:


the wood shall be bark-free;


the wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips sexdentatus (Börner); or


there shall be evidence by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule

6.Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:


the wood shall be bark-free;


the wood shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips typographus (Heer); or


there shall be evidence by a mark “Kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule

7.Wood of Castanea Mill

The wood:


shall be bark-free; or


shall be accompanied by an official statement that it:


originates in an area or areas known to be free from Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.) Barr, or


has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule, and there shall be evidence of that kiln-drying by a mark “kiln-dried” or “KD” or another internationally recognized mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage

8.Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, the bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that the consignment:


has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles; or


originates in an area or areas known to be free from Dendroctinus micans (Kugelan)

9.Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13, the bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that the consignment:


has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles; or


originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips amitinus (Eichhoff)

10.Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13, the bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that the consignment:


has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles; or


originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips cembrae (Heer)

11.Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13, the bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that the consignment:


has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles; or


originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips duplicatus (Sahlberg)

12.Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13, the bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that the consignment:


has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles; or


originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips sexdentatus (Börner)

13.Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements in items 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, the bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that the consignment:


has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles; or


originates in an area or areas known to be free from Ips typographus (Heer)

14.Isolated bark of Castanea MillThe bark shall be accompanied by an official statement that it originates in an area or areas known to be free from Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.) Barr

Article 5(2)

SCHEDULE 5Relevant material from a third country for which a phytosanitary certificate may be required

PART ARelevant material which may only be landed in Northern Ireland if accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate

1.  Isolated bark of—

(a)conifers (Coniferales), originating in a country outside Europe; or

(b)Acer saccharum Marsh, Populus L., or Quercus L. other than Quercus suber L.

2.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from one of the following order, genera or species, except wood packaging material of a description specified in column 2 of item 8 of Part A of Schedule 4—

(i)Quercus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA, except wood in the form of casks, barrels, vats, tubs or other coopers' products or parts thereof including staves and where there is documented evidence that the wood has been processed or manufactured using a heat treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 176°C for 20 minutes;

(ii)Platanus, including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA or Armenia;

(iii)Populus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in any country of the American continent;

(iv)Acer saccharum Marsh., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA or Canada; or

(v)Conifers (Coniferales), including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in any country outside Europe, Kazakhstan, Russia or Turkey; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 6(b) in Annex V, Part B, Section I of the Directive.

PART BRelevant material which, if destined for certain protected zones, may only be landed in Northern Ireland if accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate

1.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in Article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from one of the following, except wood packaging of a description specified in column 2 of item 8 in Part A of Schedule 4—

(i)conifers (Coniferales), excluding wood which is bark-free originating in any third country in Europe, or

(ii)Castanea Mill., excluding wood which is bark-free; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 7(b) in Annex V, Part B, Section II of the Directive.

2.  Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales) originating in any third country in Europe.

Article 19(1) and (2),and 21(1)

SCHEDULE 6Prohibitions on the landing in and movement within Northern Ireland of relevant material without a plant passport

PART ARelevant material, from another part of the European Community, which may only be landed or moved in Northern Ireland if accompanied by a plant passport

1.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in Article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 1.7(b) in Annex V, Part A, Section I of the Directive.

PART BRelevant material, from another part of the European Community, which may only be landed or moved in Northern Ireland if accompanied by a plant passport which is valid for Northern Ireland (as a protected zone)

1.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in Article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from—

(i)conifers (Coniferales), excluding wood which is bark-free;

(ii)Castanea Mill., excluding wood which is bark-free; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 1.10(b) in Annex V, Part A, Section II of the Directive.

2.  Isolated bark of Castanea Mill. or conifers (Coniferales).

Articles 19(5) and (6)

SCHEDULE 7Prohibitions on the consignment of relevant material to another part of the European Community without a plant passport

PART ARelevant material which may only be consigned to another part of the European Community if accompanied by a plant passport

1.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in Article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 1.7(b) in Annex V, Part A, Section I of the Directive.

PART BRelevant material which may only be consigned to a protected zone in another part of the European Community if accompanied by a plant passport which is valid for that protected zone

1.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in Article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from—

(i)conifers (Coniferales), excluding wood which is bark-free;

(ii)Castanea Mill., excluding wood which is bark-free; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 1.10(b) in Annex V, Part A, Section II of the Directive.

2.  Isolated bark of Castanea Mill. or conifers (Coniferales).

Articles 2(1) and 27

SCHEDULE 8Swiss plant passports

PART ARelevant material originating in Switzerland which may be landed in or moved within Northern Ireland if accompanied by a Swiss plant passport

1.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in Article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 1.6(b) to Appendix 1, Part A of Annex 4 to the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products attached to the joint Council and Commission Decision(1) on the conclusion of seven agreements with the Swiss Confederation as amended, in so far as the amendments are relevant to this Order, by Commission Decisions 2004/278/EC(2) and 2005/260/EC(3) (“the Agriculture Agreement”).

PART BRelevant material imported into Switzerland from another third country which, if it would normally be permitted to be landed in Great Britain if accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate, may be accompanied by a Swiss plant passport(4) or may be landed without phytosanitary documentation(5)

1.  Wood referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “wood” in Article 2(1), where it—

(a)has been obtained in whole or in part from one of the following order, genera or species, except wood packaging material, other than in the form of raw wood of 6mm thickness or less or wood that has undergone a manufacturing process involving glue, heat or pressure or a combination thereof, originating in a country outside the European Community or Switzerland—

(i)Quercus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA, except wood in the form of casks, barrels, vats, tubs or other coopers' products or parts thereof including staves and where there is documented evidence that the wood has been processed or manufactured using a heat treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 176ºC for 20 minutes;

(ii)Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA or Armenia;

(iii)Populus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in any country of the American continent;

(iv)Acer saccarum Marsh., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA or Canada; or

(v)Conifers (Coniferales), including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in any country outside Europe, Kazakhstan, Russia or Turkey; and

(b)meets one of the descriptions specified in item 6(b) of Appendix 1 to Part B of Annex 4 to the Agriculture Agreement; or

(c)is in the form of —

(i)wood packaging material, other than in the form of raw wood of 6mm thickness or less or wood that has undergone a manufacturing process involving glue, heat or pressure or a combination thereof; or

(ii)dunnage, including that which has not kept its natural round surface, other than in the form of raw wood of 6mm thickness or less or wood that has undergone a manufacturing process involving glue, heat or pressure or a combination thereof.

2.  Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales) originating in any country outside Europe.

Article 2(1)

SCHEDULE 9Requirements for plant passports

1.  A plant passport may only be issued in respect of relevant material that has been the subject of a satisfactory inspection at its place of production.

2.  A plant passport shall comprise either an official label or an official label together with a document of a kind normally used for trade purposes, containing the information specified in paragraph 5 or (as the case may be) 6.

3.  The references in paragraph 2 above to an official label are references to a label which—

(a)has not been previously used and is made of a material suitable for its purpose, and

(b)in the case of an adhesive label, is in a form approved for use as an official label by the Department, for plant passports issued in Northern Ireland, or by the authority with responsibility or such authorisation for plant passports issued in other member States.

4.—(1) The information contained in a plant passport shall be—

(a)given in at least one of the official languages of the European Community, and

(b)printed, except where it would not reasonably be practicable to do so.

(2) Where the information is printed, it shall be printed in block capitals.

(3) Where the information is not printed, it shall be given in typescript or written in block capitals.

5.  Where a plant passport comprises only an official label, it shall contain the information specified in paragraph 7.

6.  Where the plant passport comprises an official label and an additional document—

(a)the official label shall contain at least the information specified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph 7, and

(b)the additional document shall contain all the information specified in paragraph 7, and

7.  The information referred to in paragraph 5 and 6 above shall be—

(a)the title “EC-plant passport”;

(b)the code for the member State in which the plant passport was issued;

(c)the name or code of the responsible official body of the member state in which the plant passport was issued;

(d)the registration number of the producer, importer or other person to whom the plant passport was issued;

(e)the week number of the date when the plant passport is attached to material, or a serial or batch number identifying that material;

(f)the botanical name in Latin of the material to which the plant passport relates;

(g)the quantity of the material to which the plant passport relates (volume or weight of wood or isolated bark, etc.);

(h)where the relevant material fulfils the requirements for a protected zone, the marking “ZP” and the code for the protected zone;

(i)in the case of a replacement plant passport, the marking “RP” and where appropriate the registration number of the producer or importer who was authorised to issue the original plant passport or to whom the original plant passport was issued; and

(j)in the case of material originating in a third country, the name of the country of origin of the material or (if appropriate) the country from which the material was consigned to Northern Ireland.

Article 14(1)

SCHEDULE 10Form of phytosanitary certificate and form of phytosanitary certificate for re-export required by Article 14(1)

PART AForm of phytosanitary certificate

PART BForm of phytosanitary certificate for re-export

Article 14(1)

SCHEDULE 11Form of phytosanitary certificate and form of phytosanitary certificate for re-export permitted by Article 14(1)

PART AForm of phytosanitary certificate

PART BForm of a phytosanitary certificate for re-export

Article 5(3)

SCHEDULE 12Notice of landing


1.  The notice of landing required under Article 5(1) shall be in the form set out in Part B or in a document containing at least the information referred to in that form.

2.  The information contained in the notice in paragraph (1) shall be—

(a)in English, and

(b)in typescript or block capitals.


Article 2(1)

SCHEDULE 13Plant Health Movement Document


1.  The plant health movement document required under Article 15(2)(a) shall be in the form set out in Part B.

2.  The information contained in the notice in paragraph (1) shall be given in at least one of the official languages of the European Community and—

(a)shall be in typescript or written in block capitals; or

(b)in agreement with the Department and the official body of destination or entry shall be completed by electronic means


Article 43

SCHEDULE 14Revocation of Orders

The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) Order (Northern Ireland) 1993S.R. 1993/460
The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996S.R. 1996/18
The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) Order (Northern Ireland) 1997S.R. 1997/11
The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 1999S.R. 1999/389
The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001S.R. 2001/401
The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002S.R. 2002/285

OJ No. L 114, 30.4.2002, p.1.


OJ No. L 87, 25.3.2004, P.31.


OJ No. L 78, 24.3.2005, p.50.


If it is listed in Part A as well as in Part B.


If it is listed in Part B but not in Part A.

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