Section 41 – Application of part 3 etc.
Part 3 regulates the construction or alteration of controlled reservoirs by imposing a requirement upon reservoir managers to appoint a construction engineer to supervise the relevant works and by imposing a system of reporting and certification in respect of the works. This part applies to all controlled reservoirs regardless of their consequence category.
Section 41 sets out the works that are to be treated as construction or alteration of a controlled reservoir for the purposes of the Act. These include new construction, restoration to use, alteration to capacity, discontinuance (i.e. reducing the capacity to below 10,000 cubic metres above the natural level of any part of the surrounding land) and abandonment (i.e. rendering a reservoir incapable of holding water above the natural level of any part of the surrounding land). There is no requirement to commission a construction engineer unless such works are being undertaken at a reservoir.