Please note:
All reference to 'Parts' and 'sections' are from the Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 2015. For other versions of these Explanatory Notes, see More Resources.
Section 2: Entitlement to state pension at full or reduced rate
Section 4: Entitlement to state pension at transitional rate
Section 5: Transitional rate of state pension
Section 6: Recalculation and backdating of transitional rate in special cases
Schedule 1: Transitional rate of state pension: calculating the amount
Section 7: Survivor’s pension based on inheritance of additional old state pension
Schedule 3: Survivor’s pension under section 7: inherited amount
Section 8: Choice of lump sum or survivor’s pension under section 9 in certain cases
Section 9: Survivor’s pension based on inheritance of deferred old state pension
Section 10: Inheritance of graduated retirement benefit
Schedule 5: Survivor’s pension under section 9: inherited deferral amount
Section 11: Reduced rate elections: effect on section 4 pensions
Section 12: Reduced rate elections: pension for women with no section 4 pension
Schedule 6: Reduced rate elections: effect on rate of section 4 pension
Schedule 7: Reduced rate elections: basic amount of state pension under section 12
Section 13: Shared state pension on divorce etc
Section 14: Pension sharing: reduction in the sharer’s section 4 pension
Section 15: Pension sharing: amendments
Schedule 8: Pension sharing: appropriate weekly rate under section 13
Schedule 9: Pension sharing: up-rating state pension under section 13
Schedule 10: Pension sharing: appropriate weekly reduction under section 14
Section 16: Pensioner’s option to suspend state pension
Section 17: Effect of pensioner postponing or suspending state pension
Section 18: Section 17 supplementary: calculating weeks, overseas residents, etc
Section 24: Abolition of contracting-out for salary related schemes etc
Schedule 13: Abolition of contracting-out for salary related schemes
Schedule 14: Power to amend schemes to reflect abolition of contracting-out
Section 33: Power to prohibit offer of incentives to transfer pension rights
Section 35: Short service benefit for scheme member with money purchase benefits
Section 36: Automatic re-enrolment: exceptions where automatic enrolment deferred
Section 37: Automatic enrolment: powers to create general exceptions
Section 38: Alternative quality requirements for UK defined benefits schemes
Section 39: Automatic enrolment: transitional period for hybrid schemes
Section 40: Penalty notices under sections 40 and 41 of the Pensions (No. 2) Act etc.
Section 42: Power to restrict charges or impose requirements in relation to schemes
Schedule 18: Power to restrict charges or impose requirements in relation to schemes
Section 43: Disclosure of information about transaction costs to members etc
Section 44: Power to require pension levies to be paid in respect of past periods
Section 45: Prohibition and suspension orders: directors of corporate trustees
Section 47: Maximum period between scheme returns to be 5 years for micro schemes
Section 48: Pension Protection Fund: increased compensation cap for long service
Schedule 20: Pension Protection Fund: increased compensation cap for long service
Section 49: Pension Protection Fund: compensation cap to apply separately to certain benefits
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