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Council Decision 2011/69/CFSP of 31 January 2011 amending Council Decision 2010/639/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against certain officials of Belarus

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Council Decision 2011/69/CFSP

of 31 January 2011

amending Council Decision 2010/639/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against certain officials of Belarus


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 29 thereof,


(1) On 25 October 2010, the Council adopted Decision 2010/639/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against certain officials of Belarus(1).

(2) In view of the fraudulent presidential elections of 19 December 2010 and the violent crackdown on the political opposition, civil society and representatives of independent mass media in Belarus, the suspension of the travel restrictions with regard to the persons referred to in points (b) and (c) of Article 1(1) of Decision 2010/639/CFSP should be terminated.

(3) Moreover, the persons responsible for the fraudulent electoral process and for the crackdown on the opposition should be subject to restrictive measures.

(4) In addition, the information relating to certain persons on the lists set out in Annexes I, II, III and IV to Decision 2010/639/CFSP should be updated.

(5) The Council will regularly re-examine the situation in Belarus and evaluate any improvements which the Belarusian authorities may have made towards respect for democratic values, human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and of the media, freedom of assembly and political association and the rule of law.

(6) Decision 2010/639/CFSP should be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Decision 2010/639/CFSP is hereby amended as follows:


In Article 1(1), the following point (d) is added:


for the violations of international electoral standards in the presidential elections in Belarus on 19 December 2010, and the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition, and those persons associated with them, as listed in Annex IIIA..


Article 2 is replaced by the following:

Article 2

1.All funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, held or controlled by persons who are responsible:

(a)for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections in Belarus on 19 March 2006 and the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition, and those natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them, as listed in Annex IV;

(b)for the violations of international electoral standards in the presidential elections in Belarus on 19 December 2010, and the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition, and those natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them, as listed in Annex IIIA;

shall be frozen.

2.No funds or economic resources shall be made available, directly or indirectly, to or for the benefit of such persons listed in Annexes IIIA or IV.


Article 3(1)(a) is replaced by the following:


necessary to satisfy the basic needs of the persons listed in Annexes IIIA or IV and their dependent family members, including payments for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges,.


Article 3(2) is replaced by the following:

2.Article 2(2) shall not apply to the addition to frozen accounts of:

(a)interest or other earnings on those accounts; or

(b)payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations that were concluded or arose prior to the date on which those accounts became subject to the provisions of Common Position 2006/276/CFSP or this Decision

and provided that any such interest, other earnings and payments continue to be subject to Article 2(1)(a) and (b) of this Decision..


Article 4(1) is replaced by the following:

1.The Council, acting upon a proposal by a Member State or the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, shall adopt amendments to the lists contained in Annexes I, II, III, IIIA, IV and V as required by political developments in Belarus..


Article 7(3) is deleted.


Annexes I, II, III and IV to Decision 2010/639/CFSP shall be replaced by the text set out in Annexes I, II, III and IV to this Decision.


The text of Annex V to this Decision shall be added to Decision 2010/639/CFSP as Annex IIIA thereto.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

Done at Brussels, 31 January 2011.

For the Council

The President

C. Ashton



List of persons referred to in Article 1(1)(a)

NameName in RussianPlace and Date of BirthPosition
1.Sheiman, Victor VladimirovichШЕЙМАН Виктор ВладимировичMay 26, 1958, Grodno region,Former Member of the Security Council, actually Special Assistant/Aid to the President
2.Naumov, Vladimir VladimirovichНАУМОВ Владимир ВладимировичFebruary 7, 1956, SmolenskFormer Minister of Interior, actually Chairman of the National Hockey Federation
3.Sivakov, Iury (Yurij, Yuri) LeonidovichСиваков, Юрий ЛеонидовичAugust 5, 1946, Sakhalin RegionFormer Minister of Tourism
4.Pavlichenko, Dmitri Valeriyevich (Pavliuchenko, Dmitry)Павличенко, Дмитрий Валериевич1966, VitebskHead of the Special Response Group at the ministry of Interior (SOBR)



List of persons referred to in Article 1(1)(b)

NameName in RussianPlace and Date of BirthPosition

Ermoshina, Lidia Mikhailovna

(Yermoshina Lydia Mihajlovna)

ЕРМОШИНА Лидия МихайловнаJanuary 29, 1953, Slutsk (Minsk Region)Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus (CEC)

Podobed, Iuri Nikolaevich

(Podobed Yuri Nikolaevich)

Подобед, Юрий НиколаевичMarch 05, 1962, Slutsk (Minsk Region)Unit for Special Purposes, Ministry of Interior



List of persons referred to in Article 1(1)(c)

Names (English transcription)Names (Belarusian spelling)Names (Russian spelling)Date of birthPlace of birthAddressPassport numberPosition

Lukashenko, Aleksandr Grigorievich

(Lukashenka, Alaksandr Ryhoravich)

Лукашенка Аляксандр РыгоравiчЛУКАШЕНКО Александр Григорьевич30.8.1954Kopys, Vitebsk districtPresident

Nevyglas, Gennadi Nikolaevich

(Nievyhlas, Hienadz Mikalaevich)

Невыглас Генадзь МiкалаевiчНЕВЫГЛАС Геннадий Николаевич11.2.1954Parahonsk, Pinsk districtHead of President's Administration

Petkevich, Natalya Vladimirovna

(Piatkevich, Natallia Uladzimirauna)

Пяткевiч Наталля УладзiмiраўнаПЕТКЕВИЧ Наталья Владимировна24.10.1972MinskFormer Deputy Head of President's Administration

Rubinov, Anatoli Nikolaevich

(Rubinau, Anatol Mikalaevich)

Рубiнаў Анатоль МiкалаевiчРУБИНОВ Анатолий Николаевич4.4.1939MogilevDeputy Head in charge of Media and Ideology, PA

Proleskovsky, Oleg Vitoldovich

(Pralaskouski, Aleh Vitoldavich)

Праляскоўскi Алег ВiтольдавiчПРОЛЕСКОВСКИЙ Олег Витольдович1.10.1963Zagorsk (Sergijev Posad)Minister of Information

Radkov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

(Radzkou, Alaksandr Mikhailavich)

Радзькоў Аляксандр МiхайлавiчРАДЬКОВ Александр Михайлович1.7.1951Botnia, Вотня Быховского района Могилевской областиDeputy Head of the Administration of the President

Rusakevich, Vladimir Vasilievich

(Rusakevich, Uladzimir Vasilievich)

Русакевiч Уладзiмiр ВасiльевiчРУСАКЕВИЧ Владимир Васильевич13.9.1947Vygonoshchi, Выгонощи, Брестская областьFormer Minister of Information

Golovanov, Viktor Grigoryevich

(Halavanau, Viktar Ryhoravich)

Галаванаў Вiктар РыгоравiчГОЛОВАНОВ Виктор Григорьевич1952BorisovMinister of Justice

Zimovski, Aleksandr Leonidovich

(Zimouski Alaksandr Lieanidavich; Zimovsky, Alexander Leonidovich)

Зiмоўскi Аляксандр ЛеанiдавiчЗИМОВСКИЙ Александр Леонидович10.1.1961GermanyFormer President of the State television

Konopliev, Vladimir Nikolaevich

(Kanapliou, Uladzimir Mikalaevich)

Канаплёў Уладзiмiр МiкалаевiчКОНОПЛЕВ Владимир Николаевич3.1.1954Akulintsi, д. Акулинцы Могилевского районаChairman of the Lower House of the Parliament

Cherginets, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Charhiniets, Mikalai Ivanavich)

Чаргiнец Мiкалай IванавiчЧЕРГИНЕЦ Николай Иванович17.10.1937MinskChairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Upper House

Kostian, Sergei Ivanovich

(Kastsian, Siarhiei Ivanavich),

Касцян Сяргей IванавiчКОСТЯН Сергей Иванович15.1.1941

Usokhi, Mogilevdistrict,

Усохи Кличевского района Могилевской области

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House

Orda, Mikhail Sergeievich

(Orda, Mikhail Siarhieevich)

Орда Мiхаiл СяргеевiчОРДА Михаил Сергеевич28.9.1966

Diatlovo, Grodnodistrict,

Дятлово Гродненской области

Member of the Upper House, leader of BRSM

Lozovik, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Lazavik, Mikalai Ivanavich)

Лазавiк Мiкалай IванавiчЛОЗОВИК Николай Иванович18.1.1951

Nevinyany, Minskdistrict,

Невиняны Вилейского р-на Минской обл

Secretary, CEC

Miklashevich, Petr Petrovich

(Miklashevich, Piotr Piatrovich)

Мiклашэвiч Пётр ПятровiчМИКЛАШЕВИЧ Петр Петрович1954

Kosuta, Minskdistrict,

Косута Минской области

Prosecutor General

Slizhevski, Oleg Leonidovich

(Slizheuski, Aleh Leanidavich)

Слiжэўскi Алег ЛеанiдавiчСЛИЖЕВСКИЙ Олег ЛеонидовичMember, CEC

Khariton, Aleksandr

(Kharyton, Alaksandr)

Харытон АляксандрХАРИТОН АлександрConsultant of the Division of Social Organisations, Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice

Smirnov, Evgeni Aleksandrovich

(Smirnou, Yauhien Alaksandravich

Смiрноў Яўген АляксандравiчCМИРНОВ Евгений Александрович15.3.1949Riazan district, RussiaFirst Deputy of the Chairman of the Economic Court

Reutskaia, Nadezhda Zalovna

(Ravutskaya, Nadzieja Zalauna)

Равуцкая Надзея ЗалаўнаРЕУТСКАЯ Надежда ЗаловнаJudge of the Moscow district of Minsk

Trubnikov, Nikolai Alekseievich

(Trubnikau, Mikalai Alakseevich)

Трубнiкаў Мiкалай АляксеевiчТРУБНИКОВ Николай АлексеевичJudge of the Partizanskiy disctrict of Minsk

Kuprianov, Nikolai Mikhailovich

(Kupryianau, Mikalai Mikhailavich)

Купрыянаў Мiкалай МiхайлавiчКУПРИЯНОВ Николай МихайловичDeputy Prosecutor General

Sukhorenko, Stepan Nikolaevich

(Sukharenka, Stsiapan Mikalaevich)

Сухарэнка Сцяпан МiкалаевiчСУХОРЕНКО Степан Николаевич27.1.1957

Zdudichi, Gomel district,

Здудичи Светлогорского района Гомельской области

Chairman of KGB

Dementei, Vasili Ivanovich

(Dzemiantsiei, Vasil Ivanavich)

Дземянцей Васiль IванавiчДЕМЕНТЕЙ Василий ИвановичFirst deputy, KGB

Kozik, Leonid Petrovich

(Kozik, Leanid Piatrovich)

Козiк Леанiд ПятровiчКОЗИК Леонид Петрович13.7.1948BorisovHead of the Federation of Trade Unions

Koleda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

(Kalada, Alaksandr Mikhailavich)

Каляда Аляксандр МiхайлавiчКОЛЕДА Александр МихайловичMember, CEC

Mikhasev, Vladimir Ilich

(Mikhasiou, Uladzimir Iliich)

Мiхасёў Уладзiмiр IльiчМИХАСЕВ Владимир ИльичСhairman of the CEC of the Gomel district
27.Luchina, Leonid AleksandrovichЛучына Леанiд АляксандравiчЛУЧИНА Леонид Александрович18.11.1947Minsk districtСhairman of the CEC of the Grodno district

Karpenko, Igor Vasilievich

(Karpenka, Ihar Vasilievich)

Карпенка Iгар ВасiльевiчКАРПЕНКО Игорь Васильевич28.4.1964

Novokuznetsk, Russia

Новокузнецк Кемеровской области, Россия

Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Minsk City

Kurlovich, Vladimir Anatolievich

(Kurlovich, Uladzimir Anatolievich)

Курловiч Уладзiмiр АнатольевiчКУРЛОВИЧ Владимир АнатольевичСhairman of the CEC of the Minsk district

Metelitsa, Nikolai Timofeievich

(Miatsielitsa, Mikalai Tsimafeevich)

Мяцелiца Мiкалай ЦiмафеевiчМЕТЕЛИЦА Николай ТимофеевичСhairman of the CEC of the Gomel district

Pishchulenok, Mikhail Vasilievich

(Pishchulenak, Mikhail Vasilievich)

Пiшчулёнак Мiхаiл ВасiльевiчПИЩУЛЕНОК Михаил ВасильевичСhairman of the CEC of the Vitebsk district
32.Ribakov, AlekseiРыбакоў АляксейРЫБАКОВ АлексейUl. Jesenina 31-1-104, MinskJudge of the Minsk Moskovsky District Court
33.Bortnik, Sergei AleksandrovichБортнiк Сяргей АляксандравiчБОРТНИК Сергей Александрович28.5.1953MinskUl. Surganovo 80-263, MinskMP0469554Public Prosecutor
34.Iasinovich, Leonid StanislavovichЯсiновiч Леанiд СтанiслававiчЯСИНОВИЧ Леонид Станиславович26.11.1961Buchani, Vitebsk districtUl. Gorovtsa 4-104, MinskMP0515811Judge of the Minsk Tsentralny District Court
35.Migun, Andrei ArkadievichМiгун Андрэй АркадзевiчМИГУН Андрей Аркадевич5.2.1978MinskUI. Goretskovo Maksima 53-16, MinskMP1313262Public Prosecutor



List of persons referred to in Article 2(1)(a)

Names (English transcription)Names (Belarusian spelling)Names (Russian spelling)Date of birthPlace of birthAddressPassport numberPosition

Lukashenko, Aleksandr Grigorievich

(Lukashenka, Alaksandr Ryhoravich)

Лукашенка Аляксандр РыгоравiчЛУКАШЕНКО Александр Григорьевич30.8.1954Kopys, Vitebsk districtPresident

Nevyglas, Gennadi Nikolaevich

(Nievyhlas, Hienadz Mikalaevich)

Невыглас Генадзь МiкалаевiчНЕВЫГЛАС Геннадий Николаевич11.2.1954Parahonsk, Pinsk districtHead of President's Administration

Petkevich, Natalya Vladimirovna

(Piatkevich, Natallia Uladzimirauna)

Пяткевiч Наталля УладзiмiраўнаПЕТКЕВИЧ Наталья Владимировна24.10.1972MinskFormer Deputy Head of President's Administration

Rubinov, Anatoli Nikolaevich

(Rubinau, Anatol Mikalaevich)

Рубiнаў Анатоль МiкалаевiчРУБИНОВ Анатолий Николаевич4.4.1939MogilevDeputy Head in charge of Media and Ideology, PA

Proleskovsky, Oleg Vitoldovich

(Pralaskouski, Aleh Vitoldavich)

Праляскоўскi Алег ВiтольдавiчПРОЛЕСКОВСКИЙ Олег Витольдович1.10.1963Zagorsk (Sergijev Posad)Minister of Information

Radkov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

(Radzkou, Alaksandr Mikhailavich)

Радзькоў Аляксандр МiхайлавiчРАДЬКОВ Александр Михайлович1.7.1951Botnia, Вотня Быховского района Могилевской областиDeputy Head of the Administration of the President

Rusakevich, Vladimir Vasilievich

(Rusakevich, Uladzimir Vasilievich)

Русакевiч Уладзiмiр ВасiльевiчРУСАКЕВИЧ Владимир Васильевич13.9.1947Vygonoshchi, Выгонощи, Брестская областьFormer Minister of Information

Golovanov, Viktor Grigoryevich

(Halavanau, Viktar Ryhoravich)

Галаванаў Вiктар РыгоравiчГОЛОВАНОВ Виктор Григорьевич1952BorisovMinister of Justice

Zimovski, Aleksandr Leonidovich

(Zimouski Alaksandr Lieanidavich; Zimovsky, Alexander Leonidovich)

Зiмоўскi Аляксандр ЛеанiдавiчЗИМОВСКИЙ Александр Леонидович10.1.1961GermanyFormer President of the State television

Konopliev, Vladimir Nikolaevich

(Kanapliou, Uladzimir Mikalaevich)

Канаплёў Уладзiмiр МiкалаевiчКОНОПЛЕВ Владимир Николаевич3.1.1954Akulintsi, д. Акулинцы Могилевского районаChairman of the Lower House of the Parliament

Cherginets, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Charhiniets, Mikalai Ivanavich)

Чаргiнец Мiкалай IванавiчЧЕРГИНЕЦ Николай Иванович17.10.1937MinskChairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Upper House

Kostian, Sergei Ivanovich

(Kastsian, Siarhiei Ivanavich),

Касцян Сяргей IванавiчКОСТЯН Сергей Иванович15.1.1941

Usokhi, Mogilevdistrict,

Усохи Кличевского района Могилевской области

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House

Orda, Mikhail Sergeievich

(Orda, Mikhail Siarhieevich)

Орда Мiхаiл СяргеевiчОРДА Михаил Сергеевич28.9.1966

Diatlovo, Grodnodistrict,

Дятлово Гродненской области

Member of the Upper House, leader of BRSM

Lozovik, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Lazavik, Mikalai Ivanavich)

Лазавiк Мiкалай IванавiчЛОЗОВИК Николай Иванович18.1.1951

Nevinyany, Minskdistrict,

Невиняны Вилейского р-на Минской обл

Secretary, CEC

Miklashevich, Petr Petrovich

(Miklashevich, Piotr Piatrovich)

Мiклашэвiч Пётр ПятровiчМИКЛАШЕВИЧ Петр Петрович1954

Kosuta, Minskdistrict,

Косута Минской области

Prosecutor General

Slizhevski, Oleg Leonidovich

(Slizheuski, Aleh Leanidavich)

Слiжэўскi Алег ЛеанiдавiчСЛИЖЕВСКИЙ Олег ЛеонидовичMember, CEC

Khariton, Aleksandr

(Kharyton, Alaksandr)

Харытон АляксандрХАРИТОН АлександрConsultant of the Division of Social Organisations, Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice

Smirnov, Evgeni Aleksandrovich

(Smirnou, Yauhien Alaksandravich

Смiрноў Яўген АляксандравiчCМИРНОВ Евгений Александрович15.3.1949Riazan district, RussiaFirst Deputy of the Chairman of the Economic Court

Reutskaia, Nadezhda Zalovna

(Ravutskaya, Nadzieja Zalauna)

Равуцкая Надзея ЗалаўнаРЕУТСКАЯ Надежда ЗаловнаJudge of the Moscow district of Minsk

Trubnikov, Nikolai Alekseievich

(Trubnikau, Mikalai Alakseevich)

Трубнiкаў Мiкалай АляксеевiчТРУБНИКОВ Николай АлексеевичJudge of the Partizanskiy disctrict of Minsk

Kuprianov, Nikolai Mikhailovich

(Kupryianau, Mikalai Mikhailavich)

Купрыянаў Мiкалай МiхайлавiчКУПРИЯНОВ Николай МихайловичDeputy Prosecutor General

Sukhorenko, Stepan Nikolaevich

(Sukharenka, Stsiapan Mikalaevich)

Сухарэнка Сцяпан МiкалаевiчСУХОРЕНКО Степан Николаевич27.1.1957

Zdudichi, Gomel district,

Здудичи Светлогорского района Гомельской области

Chairman of KGB

Dementei, Vasili Ivanovich

(Dzemiantsiei, Vasil Ivanavich)

Дземянцей Васiль IванавiчДЕМЕНТЕЙ Василий ИвановичFirst deputy, KGB

Kozik, Leonid Petrovich

(Kozik, Leanid Piatrovich)

Козiк Леанiд ПятровiчКОЗИК Леонид Петрович13.7.1948BorisovHead of the Federation of Trade Unions

Koleda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

(Kalada, Alaksandr Mikhailavich)

Каляда Аляксандр МiхайлавiчКОЛЕДА Александр МихайловичMember, CEC

Mikhasev, Vladimir Ilich

(Mikhasiou, Uladzimir Iliich)

Мiхасёў Уладзiмiр IльiчМИХАСЕВ Владимир ИльичСhairman of the CEC of the Gomel district
27.Luchina, Leonid AleksandrovichЛучына Леанiд АляксандравiчЛУЧИНА Леонид Александрович18.11.1947Minsk districtСhairman of the CEC of the Grodno district

Karpenko, Igor Vasilievich

(Karpenka, Ihar Vasilievich)

Карпенка Iгар ВасiльевiчКАРПЕНКО Игорь Васильевич28.4.1964

Novokuznetsk, Russia

Новокузнецк Кемеровской области, Россия

Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Minsk City

Kurlovich, Vladimir Anatolievich

(Kurlovich, Uladzimir Anatolievich)

Курловiч Уладзiмiр АнатольевiчКУРЛОВИЧ Владимир АнатольевичСhairman of the CEC of the Minsk district

Metelitsa, Nikolai Timofeievich

(Miatsielitsa, Mikalai Tsimafeevich)

Мяцелiца Мiкалай ЦiмафеевiчМЕТЕЛИЦА Николай ТимофеевичСhairman of the CEC of the Mogilev district

Pishchulenok, Mikhail Vasilievich

(Pishchulenak, Mikhail Vasilievich)

Пiшчулёнак Мiхаiл ВасiльевiчПИЩУЛЕНОК Михаил ВасильевичСhairman of the CEC of the Vitebsk district
32.Ribakov, AlekseiРыбакоў АляксейРЫБАКОВ АлексейUl. Jesenina 31-1-104, MinskJudge of the Minsk Moskovsky District Court
33.Bortnik, Sergei AleksandrovichБортнiк Сяргей АляксандравiчБОРТНИК Сергей Александрович28.5.1953MinskUl. Surganovo 80-263, MinskMP0469554Public Prosecutor
34.Iasinovich, Leonid StanislavovichЯсiновiч Леанiд СтанiслававiчЯСИНОВИЧ Леонид Станиславович26.11.1961Buchani, Vitebsk districtUl. Gorovtsa 4-104, MinskMP0515811Judge of the Minsk Tsentralny District Court
35.Migun, Andrei ArkadievichМiгун Андрэй АркадзевiчМИГУН Андрей Аркадевич5.2.1978MinskUI. Goretskovo Maksima 53-16, MinskMP1313262Public Prosecutor
36.Sheiman, Victor VladimirovichШЕЙМАН Виктор Владимирович26.5.1958Grodno region,Former Member of the Security Council, actually Special Assistant/Aid to the President
37.Naumov, Vladimir VladimïrovichНАУМОВ Владимир Владимирович7.2.1956SmolenskFormer Minister of Interior, actually Chairman of the National Hockey Federation

Pavlichenko, Dmitri Valeriyevich

(Pavliuchenko, Dmitry)

Павличенко, Дмитрий Валериевич1966VitebskHead of the Special Response Group at the ministry of Interior (SOBR)

Ermoshina, Lidia Mikhailovna

(Yermoshina Lydia Mihajlovna)

ЕРМОШИНА Лидия Михайловна29.1.1953Slutsk (Minsk Region)Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus (CEC)

Podobed, Iuri Nikolaevich

(Podobed Yuri Nikolaevich)

Подобед, Юрий Николаевич5.3.1962Slutsk (Minsk Region)Unit for Special Purposes, Ministry of Interior



List of persons referred to in Article 1(1)(d) and Article 2(1)(b)

NameName in RussianPlace and Date of BirthPosition
1.Lukashenko, Viktor AleksandrovichЛукашенко Виктор Александрович1976Assistant/Aid to the President in National Security Affairs.
2.Bazanov, Aleksandr ViktorovichБазанов Александр ВикторовичDirector, Information and Analytical Center of the President
3.Gusev, Aleksei ViktorovichГусев Алексей Викторович1st Deputy Director, Information and Analytical Center of the President
4.Krishtapovich, Lev EfstafievichКриштапович Лев ЕвстафьевичDeputy Director, Information and Analytical Center of the President
5.Kolos, Elena PetrovnaКолос Елена ПетровнаDeputy Director, Information and Analytical Center of the President
6.Makei, Vladimir VladimirovichМАКЕЙ Владимир ВладимировичAugust 5, 1958, Grodno regionHead of the President Adminstration
7.Ianchevski, Vsevolod ViacheslavovichЯНЧЕВСКИЙ Всеволод ВячеславовичApril 22, 1976, BorisovAssistant to the President, Head of the Ideological Department of the President Administration
8.Maltsev, Leonid SemenovichМАЛЬЦЕВ Леонид СеменовичAugust 29, 1949, Vetenevka, Slonim raion, Grodno RegionSecretary of the Security Council
9.Tiurin, AndreiТюрин, АндрейHead of the Security Detachment of the President
10.Ipatov, Vadim DmitrievichИПАТОВ Вадим ДмитриевичDeputy Chairperson, Central Electoral Commission (CEC)
11.Bushnaia, Natalia VladimirovnaБушная, Наталья ВладимировнаMember, CEC
12.Bushchik, Vasili VasilevichБущик, Василий ВасильевичMember, CEC
13.Katsubo, Svetlana PetrovnaКацубо, Светлана ПетровнаMember, CEC
14.Kiseleva, Nadezhda NikolaevnaКиселева, Надежда НиколаевнаMember, CEC
15.Podoliak, Eduard VasilievichПодоляк, Эдуард ВасильевичMember, CEC
16.Rakhmanova, Marina IurievnaРахманова, Марина ЮрьевнаMember, CEC
17.Shchurok, Ivan, AntonovichЩурок, Иван АнтоновичMember, CEC
18.Kiselev, Anatoli SemenovichКиселев, Анатолий СеменовичHead of Regional Election Commission (REC), Brest Region
19.Kriukovski, Viacheslav IefimovichКрюковский, Вячеслав ЕфимовичHead of Regional Election Commission (REC), Vitebsk Region
20.Stosh, Nikolai NikolaievichСтош, Николай НиколаевичHead of Regional Election Commission (REC), Gomel Region
21.Savko, Valeri IosifovichСавко, Валерий ИосифовичHead of Regional Election Commission (REC), Grodno Region
22.Vasiliev, Aleksei AleksandrovichВасильев, Алексей АлександровичHead of Regional Election Commission (REC), Minsk Region
23.Berestov, Valeri VasilevichБерестов, Валерий ВасильевичHead of Regional Election Commission (REC), Mogilev Region
24.Vasilievich, Grigoriy AlekseievichВАСИЛЕВИЧ Григорий АлексеевичFebruary 13, 1955Prosecutor General
25.Shved, Andrei IvanovichШвед Андрей ИвановичDeputy Prosecutor General
26.Lashin, Aleksandr MikhailovichЛашин, Александр МихайловичDeputy Prosecutor General
27.Konon, Viktor AleksandrovichКонон, Виктoр АлександровичDeputy Prosecutor General
28.Stuk, Aleksei KonstantinovichСтук, Алексей КонстантиновичDeputy Prosecutor General
29.Kuklis, Nikolai IvanovichКуклис, Николай ИвановичDeputy Prosecutor General
30.Khmaruk, Sergei KonstantinovichХмарук, Сергей КонстантиновичProsecutor of the District of Brest
31.Dysko, Gennadi IosifovichДыско, Генадий ИосифовичProsecutor of the District of Vitebsk
32.Shaiev, Valentin PietrovichШаев, Валентин ПетровичProsecutor of the District of Gomel
33.Morozov, Viktor NikolaievichМорозов, Виктор НиколаевичProsecutor of the District of Grodno
34.Arkhipov, Aleksandr MikhailovichАрхипов, Александр МихайловичProsecutor of the District of Minsk
35.Sienkievich, Eduard AleksandrovichСенькевич, Эдуард АлександровичProsecutor of the District of Mogilev
36.Kulik, Nikolai NikolaievichКулик, Николай НиколаевичProsecutor of the City of Minsk
37.Dudkin, Anatoli KonstantynovichДудкин, Анатолий КонстантиновичProsecutor on Transport Issues of the Republic of Belarus
38.Dranica, Aleksandr NikolaievichДраница, Александр НиколаевичGeneral Army Prosecutor
39.Vileichik, Aleksandr VladimirovichВИЛЕЙЧИК Александр Владимирович1964First Deputy Minister of Justice
40.Lomat, Zenon KuzmichЛомать, Зенон Кузьмич1944, KarabaniFormer President of the State Control Committee
41.Kuleshov, Anatoliy NilovichКулешов Анатолий Нилович1959Minister of Interior
42.Pekarski, Oleg AnatolievichПекарский, Олег АнатольевичFirst Deputy Minister of Interior
43.Poludien, Evgeni EvgenievichПолудень, Евгений ЕвгеньевичDeputy Minister of Interior
44.Evseev, Igor VladimirovichЕвсеев, Игорь ВладимировичLeader of the OMON operation team
45.Farmagey, Leonid KonstantinovichФАРМАГЕЙ, Леонид Константинович1962Militia Commander of the District of Minsk
46.Lukomsky, Aleksandr ValentinovychЛукомский, Александр ВалентиновичCommander of the Special Regiment of Ministry of Interior of the District of Minsk
47.Zaicev, Vadim IurievichЗайцев, Вадим Юрьевич1964Head of the KGB
48.Dedkov, Leonid NikolaevichДедков, Леонид НиколаевичFirst Deputy Head of the KGB, Head of the KGB of the District of Vitebsk
49.Bakhmatov, Igor AndreevichБахматов, Игорь АндреевичDeputy Head of the KGB
50.Tertiel, Ivan StanislawovichТертель Иван СтаниславовичDeputy Head of the KGB
51.Smolenski, Nikolai ZinovievichСмоленский, Николай ЗиновьевичDeputy Head of the KGB
52.Vegera, Victor PavlovichВегера Виктор ПавловичFormer First Deputy Head of the KGB
53.Svorob, Nikolai KonstantinovichСвороб, Николай КонстантиновичFormer Deputy Head of the KGB
54.Tretiak, PiotrТретьяк, ПетрDeputy Head of the KGB
55.Zakharov, Aleksei IvanovichЗахаров, Алексей ИвановичHead of Counter-intelligence Board of the KGB
56.Tolstashov, Aleksandr OlegovichТолсташов Александр ОлеговичHead of the KGB Board on Protection of the Constitutional Order and Fight Against Terrorism
57.Rusak, ViktorРусак, ВикторHead of the KGB Board on Economic Security
58.Yurata, ViktorЮрата, ВикторHead of the KGB Board on State Communications
59.Voropaev, Igor GrigorievichВоропаев Игорь ГригорьевичFormer Head of the KGB Board on State Communications
60.Kalach, Vladimir ViktorovichКалач Владимир ВикторовичFormer Head of the KGB of the District of Minsk
61.Busko, Igor EvgenievichБусько Игорь ЕвгеньевичHead of the KGB of the City of Brest
62.Korzh, Ivan AleksieevichКорж Иван АлексеевичHead of the KGB of the City of Grodno
63.Sergeenko, Igor PetrovichСергеенко Игорь ПетровичHead of the KGB of the City of Mogilev
64.Gerasimenko, Gennadiy AnatolievichГерасименко Геннадий АнатольевичHead of the KGB of the City of Gomel
65.Leskovski, Ivan AnatolievichЛесковский Иван АнатольевичFormer Head of the KGB of the City of Gomel
66.Maslakov, ValeriМаслаков ВалерийHead of the KGB Board of Intelligence
67.Volkov, SergeiВолков СергейFormer Head of the KGB Board of Intelligence
68.Zhadobin, Iuri ViktorovichЖАДОБИН Юрий ВикторовичNovember 14, 1954Minister of Defence
69.Krashevski, VictorКРАШЕВСКИЙ ВикторHead of the GRU
70.Ananich, Lilya StanislavovichАНАНИЧ Лилия Станиславовна1960First Deputy Minister of Information
71.Laptienok, Igor NikolaevichЛАПТЕНОК Игорь Николаевич1961Deputy Head Minister of Information
72.Davydko, Gennadi BronislavovichДавидко, Геннадий БрониславовичPresident of the State TV
73.Koziatko, Iuri VasilievichКОЗИЯТКО Юрий Васильевич1964, BrestGeneral Director of the „Stolichnoe Televidenie”
74.Yakubovich, Pavel IzotovichЯКУБОВИЧ Павел ИзотовичSeptember 23, 1946Editor-in-Chief of “Sovietskaia Belarus”
75.Lemeshenok, Anatoli IvanovichЛЕМЕШЕНОК Анатолий ИвановичEditor-in-Chief of „Republika”
76.Prokopov, IuriПрокопов ЮрийJournalist of the state TV channel “Pervi” (№ 1) with senior and influential position
77.Mikhalchenko, AlekseiМихальченко АлексейJournalist of the state TV channel ONT with senior and influential position
78.Taranda, Aleksandr MikhailovichТаранда Александр МихайловичDeputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus”
79.Gordienko, Sergei AleksandrovichГордиенко Сергей АлександровичDeputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus”
80.Toropetskaia, Galina MikhailovnaТоропецкая Галина МихайловнаDeputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus”
81.Shadrina, Anna StanislavovnaШадрина Анна СтаниславовнаDeputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus”
82.Zhuk, DmitriЖук ДмитрийDirector General (CEO) State News Agency BIELTA
83.Gigin, VadimГигин ВадимEditor-in-Chief, „Belorusskaia Dumka” monthly review
84.Ablameiko, Sergei VladimirovichАбламейко, Сергей ВладимировичRector, Belorusian State University
85.Sirenko, Victor IvanovichСиренко Виктор ИвановичChief Surgeon of the Minsk Emergency Hospital
86.Ananich, Alena NikolaevnaАнанич Елена НиколаевнаJudge at the Pervomaysky Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
87.Revinskaia, Tatiana VladimirovnaРевинская Татьяна ВладимировнаJudge at the Pervomaysky Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
88.Esman, Valeri AleksandrovichЕсьман Валерий АлександровичJudge at the Central Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
89.Bychko, Aleksey ViktorovichБычко Алексей ВикторовичJudge at the Central Rayon Court of Minsk
90.Hodanevich, Aleksandr AleksandrovichХоданевич Александр АлександровичJudge at the Central Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
91.Iasenovich, LeonidЯсенович ЛеонидJudge at the Central Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
92.Baranovski, Andrei FedorovichБарановский Андрей ФедоровичJudge at the Partisanski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
93.Titenkova, Elena VictorovnaТитенкова Елена ВикоровнаJudge at the Partisanski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
94.Tupik, Vera MikhalevnaТупик Вера МихайловнаJudge at the Leninski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
95.Nekrasova, Elena TimofeevnaНекрасова Елена ТимофеевнаJudge at the Zavadski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
96.Lapteva, Elena ViacheslavovnaЛаптева Елена ВячеславовнаJudge at the Zavadski Rayon Court of Minsk
97.Bolovnev, Nikolai VasilevichБоловнев Николай ВасильевичJudge at the Zavadski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
98.Kazak, Victor VladimirovichКазак Виктор ВладимировичJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
99.Shilko, Elena NikolaevnaШилько Елена НиколаевнаJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
100.Simahina, Liubov SergeievnaСимахина Любовь СергеевнаJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
101.Kuznietsova, Natalia AnatolievnaКузнецова Наталья АнатольевнаJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
102.Telitsa, Lidia FedorovnaТелица Лидия ФедоровнаJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
103.Cherniak, Elena LeonidovnaЧерняк Елена ЛеонидовнаJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
104.Shestakov, Iuri ValerievichШестаков Юрий ВалерьевичJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
105.Motyl, Tatiana IaroslavovnaМотыль Татьяна ЯрославовнаJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
106.Khatkevich, Evgeni ViktorovichХаткевич Евгений ВикторовичJudge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
107.Gusakova, Olga ArkadievnaГусакова Ольга АркадьевнаJudge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk
108.Shargai, Rita PetrovnaШаграй Рита ПетровнаJudge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
109.Mitrakhovich, Irina AlekseievnaМитрахович Ирина АлексеевнаJudge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
110.Protosovitskaia, Natalia VladimirovnaПротосовицкая Наталья ВладимировнаJudge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk
111.Lapko, Maksim FedorovichЛапко Максим ФедоровичJudge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
112.Varenik, Natalia SemenovnaВареник Наталья СеменовнаJudge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
113.Zhukovskaia, Zhanna AlekseievnaЖуковская Жанна АлексеевнаJudge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
114.Samoliuk, Anna ValerievnaСамолюк Анна ВалерьевнаJudge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk
115.Lukashenko, Dmitri AleksandrovichЛукашенко Дмитрий АлександровичBusinessman, active participantion in financial operations involving the Lukashenko family
116.Shugaiev, SergeiШугаев, СергейDeputy Head of the KGB since 15.01.2010
117.Kuzniecov, IgorКузнецов, ИгорьHead of State KGB Training Center since15.01.2010

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