- Latest available (Revised)
- Original (As adopted by EU)
Council Decision 2011/69/CFSP of 31 January 2011 amending Council Decision 2010/639/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against certain officials of Belarus
When the UK left the EU, legislation.gov.uk published EU legislation that had been published by the EU up to IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.). On legislation.gov.uk, these items of legislation are kept up-to-date with any amendments made by the UK since then.
Legislation.gov.uk publishes the UK version. EUR-Lex publishes the EU version. The EU Exit Web Archive holds a snapshot of EUR-Lex’s version from IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.).
This is the original version as it was originally adopted in the EU.
This legislation may since have been updated - see the latest available (revised) version
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 29 thereof,
(1) On 25 October 2010, the Council adopted Decision 2010/639/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against certain officials of Belarus(1).
(2) In view of the fraudulent presidential elections of 19 December 2010 and the violent crackdown on the political opposition, civil society and representatives of independent mass media in Belarus, the suspension of the travel restrictions with regard to the persons referred to in points (b) and (c) of Article 1(1) of Decision 2010/639/CFSP should be terminated.
(3) Moreover, the persons responsible for the fraudulent electoral process and for the crackdown on the opposition should be subject to restrictive measures.
(4) In addition, the information relating to certain persons on the lists set out in Annexes I, II, III and IV to Decision 2010/639/CFSP should be updated.
(5) The Council will regularly re-examine the situation in Belarus and evaluate any improvements which the Belarusian authorities may have made towards respect for democratic values, human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and of the media, freedom of assembly and political association and the rule of law.
(6) Decision 2010/639/CFSP should be amended accordingly,
Decision 2010/639/CFSP is hereby amended as follows:
In Article 1(1), the following point (d) is added:
for the violations of international electoral standards in the presidential elections in Belarus on 19 December 2010, and the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition, and those persons associated with them, as listed in Annex IIIA.’.
Article 2 is replaced by the following:
1.All funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, held or controlled by persons who are responsible:
(a)for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections in Belarus on 19 March 2006 and the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition, and those natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them, as listed in Annex IV;
(b)for the violations of international electoral standards in the presidential elections in Belarus on 19 December 2010, and the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition, and those natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them, as listed in Annex IIIA;
shall be frozen.
2.No funds or economic resources shall be made available, directly or indirectly, to or for the benefit of such persons listed in Annexes IIIA or IV’.
Article 3(1)(a) is replaced by the following:
necessary to satisfy the basic needs of the persons listed in Annexes IIIA or IV and their dependent family members, including payments for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges,’.
Article 3(2) is replaced by the following:
‘2.Article 2(2) shall not apply to the addition to frozen accounts of:
(a)interest or other earnings on those accounts; or
(b)payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations that were concluded or arose prior to the date on which those accounts became subject to the provisions of Common Position 2006/276/CFSP or this Decision
and provided that any such interest, other earnings and payments continue to be subject to Article 2(1)(a) and (b) of this Decision.’.
Article 4(1) is replaced by the following:
‘1.The Council, acting upon a proposal by a Member State or the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, shall adopt amendments to the lists contained in Annexes I, II, III, IIIA, IV and V as required by political developments in Belarus.’.
Article 7(3) is deleted.
Annexes I, II, III and IV to Decision 2010/639/CFSP shall be replaced by the text set out in Annexes I, II, III and IV to this Decision.
The text of Annex V to this Decision shall be added to Decision 2010/639/CFSP as Annex IIIA thereto.
This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
Done at Brussels, 31 January 2011.
For the Council
The President
C. Ashton
Name | Name in Russian | Place and Date of Birth | Position | |
1. | Sheiman, Victor Vladimirovich | ШЕЙМАН Виктор Владимирович | May 26, 1958, Grodno region, | Former Member of the Security Council, actually Special Assistant/Aid to the President |
2. | Naumov, Vladimir Vladimirovich | НАУМОВ Владимир Владимирович | February 7, 1956, Smolensk | Former Minister of Interior, actually Chairman of the National Hockey Federation |
3. | Sivakov, Iury (Yurij, Yuri) Leonidovich | Сиваков, Юрий Леонидович | August 5, 1946, Sakhalin Region | Former Minister of Tourism |
4. | Pavlichenko, Dmitri Valeriyevich (Pavliuchenko, Dmitry) | Павличенко, Дмитрий Валериевич | 1966, Vitebsk | Head of the Special Response Group at the ministry of Interior (SOBR)” |
Name | Name in Russian | Place and Date of Birth | Position | |
1. | Ermoshina, Lidia Mikhailovna (Yermoshina Lydia Mihajlovna) | ЕРМОШИНА Лидия Михайловна | January 29, 1953, Slutsk (Minsk Region) | Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus (CEC) |
2. | Podobed, Iuri Nikolaevich (Podobed Yuri Nikolaevich) | Подобед, Юрий Николаевич | March 05, 1962, Slutsk (Minsk Region) | Unit for Special Purposes, Ministry of Interior” |
Names (English transcription) | Names (Belarusian spelling) | Names (Russian spelling) | Date of birth | Place of birth | Address | Passport number | Position | |
1. | Lukashenko, Aleksandr Grigorievich (Lukashenka, Alaksandr Ryhoravich) | Лукашенка Аляксандр Рыгоравiч | ЛУКАШЕНКО Александр Григорьевич | 30.8.1954 | Kopys, Vitebsk district | President | ||
2. | Nevyglas, Gennadi Nikolaevich (Nievyhlas, Hienadz Mikalaevich) | Невыглас Генадзь Мiкалаевiч | НЕВЫГЛАС Геннадий Николаевич | 11.2.1954 | Parahonsk, Pinsk district | Head of President's Administration | ||
3. | Petkevich, Natalya Vladimirovna (Piatkevich, Natallia Uladzimirauna) | Пяткевiч Наталля Уладзiмiраўна | ПЕТКЕВИЧ Наталья Владимировна | 24.10.1972 | Minsk | Former Deputy Head of President's Administration | ||
4. | Rubinov, Anatoli Nikolaevich (Rubinau, Anatol Mikalaevich) | Рубiнаў Анатоль Мiкалаевiч | РУБИНОВ Анатолий Николаевич | 4.4.1939 | Mogilev | Deputy Head in charge of Media and Ideology, PA | ||
5. | Proleskovsky, Oleg Vitoldovich (Pralaskouski, Aleh Vitoldavich) | Праляскоўскi Алег Вiтольдавiч | ПРОЛЕСКОВСКИЙ Олег Витольдович | 1.10.1963 | Zagorsk (Sergijev Posad) | Minister of Information | ||
6. | Radkov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (Radzkou, Alaksandr Mikhailavich) | Радзькоў Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч | РАДЬКОВ Александр Михайлович | 1.7.1951 | Botnia, Вотня Быховского района Могилевской области | Deputy Head of the Administration of the President | ||
7. | Rusakevich, Vladimir Vasilievich (Rusakevich, Uladzimir Vasilievich) | Русакевiч Уладзiмiр Васiльевiч | РУСАКЕВИЧ Владимир Васильевич | 13.9.1947 | Vygonoshchi, Выгонощи, Брестская область | Former Minister of Information | ||
8. | Golovanov, Viktor Grigoryevich (Halavanau, Viktar Ryhoravich) | Галаванаў Вiктар Рыгоравiч | ГОЛОВАНОВ Виктор Григорьевич | 1952 | Borisov | Minister of Justice | ||
9. | Zimovski, Aleksandr Leonidovich (Zimouski Alaksandr Lieanidavich; Zimovsky, Alexander Leonidovich) | Зiмоўскi Аляксандр Леанiдавiч | ЗИМОВСКИЙ Александр Леонидович | 10.1.1961 | Germany | Former President of the State television | ||
10. | Konopliev, Vladimir Nikolaevich (Kanapliou, Uladzimir Mikalaevich) | Канаплёў Уладзiмiр Мiкалаевiч | КОНОПЛЕВ Владимир Николаевич | 3.1.1954 | Akulintsi, д. Акулинцы Могилевского района | Chairman of the Lower House of the Parliament | ||
11. | Cherginets, Nikolai Ivanovich (Charhiniets, Mikalai Ivanavich) | Чаргiнец Мiкалай Iванавiч | ЧЕРГИНЕЦ Николай Иванович | 17.10.1937 | Minsk | Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Upper House | ||
12. | Kostian, Sergei Ivanovich (Kastsian, Siarhiei Ivanavich), | Касцян Сяргей Iванавiч | КОСТЯН Сергей Иванович | 15.1.1941 | Usokhi, Mogilevdistrict, Усохи Кличевского района Могилевской области | Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House | ||
13. | Orda, Mikhail Sergeievich (Orda, Mikhail Siarhieevich) | Орда Мiхаiл Сяргеевiч | ОРДА Михаил Сергеевич | 28.9.1966 | Diatlovo, Grodnodistrict, Дятлово Гродненской области | Member of the Upper House, leader of BRSM | ||
14. | Lozovik, Nikolai Ivanovich (Lazavik, Mikalai Ivanavich) | Лазавiк Мiкалай Iванавiч | ЛОЗОВИК Николай Иванович | 18.1.1951 | Nevinyany, Minskdistrict, Невиняны Вилейского р-на Минской обл | Secretary, CEC | ||
15. | Miklashevich, Petr Petrovich (Miklashevich, Piotr Piatrovich) | Мiклашэвiч Пётр Пятровiч | МИКЛАШЕВИЧ Петр Петрович | 1954 | Kosuta, Minskdistrict, Косута Минской области | Prosecutor General | ||
16. | Slizhevski, Oleg Leonidovich (Slizheuski, Aleh Leanidavich) | Слiжэўскi Алег Леанiдавiч | СЛИЖЕВСКИЙ Олег Леонидович | Member, CEC | ||||
17. | Khariton, Aleksandr (Kharyton, Alaksandr) | Харытон Аляксандр | ХАРИТОН Александр | Consultant of the Division of Social Organisations, Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice | ||||
18. | Smirnov, Evgeni Aleksandrovich (Smirnou, Yauhien Alaksandravich | Смiрноў Яўген Аляксандравiч | CМИРНОВ Евгений Александрович | 15.3.1949 | Riazan district, Russia | First Deputy of the Chairman of the Economic Court | ||
19. | Reutskaia, Nadezhda Zalovna (Ravutskaya, Nadzieja Zalauna) | Равуцкая Надзея Залаўна | РЕУТСКАЯ Надежда Заловна | Judge of the Moscow district of Minsk | ||||
20. | Trubnikov, Nikolai Alekseievich (Trubnikau, Mikalai Alakseevich) | Трубнiкаў Мiкалай Аляксеевiч | ТРУБНИКОВ Николай Алексеевич | Judge of the Partizanskiy disctrict of Minsk | ||||
21. | Kuprianov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (Kupryianau, Mikalai Mikhailavich) | Купрыянаў Мiкалай Мiхайлавiч | КУПРИЯНОВ Николай Михайлович | Deputy Prosecutor General | ||||
22. | Sukhorenko, Stepan Nikolaevich (Sukharenka, Stsiapan Mikalaevich) | Сухарэнка Сцяпан Мiкалаевiч | СУХОРЕНКО Степан Николаевич | 27.1.1957 | Zdudichi, Gomel district, Здудичи Светлогорского района Гомельской области | Chairman of KGB | ||
23. | Dementei, Vasili Ivanovich (Dzemiantsiei, Vasil Ivanavich) | Дземянцей Васiль Iванавiч | ДЕМЕНТЕЙ Василий Иванович | First deputy, KGB | ||||
24. | Kozik, Leonid Petrovich (Kozik, Leanid Piatrovich) | Козiк Леанiд Пятровiч | КОЗИК Леонид Петрович | 13.7.1948 | Borisov | Head of the Federation of Trade Unions | ||
25. | Koleda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (Kalada, Alaksandr Mikhailavich) | Каляда Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч | КОЛЕДА Александр Михайлович | Member, CEC | ||||
26. | Mikhasev, Vladimir Ilich (Mikhasiou, Uladzimir Iliich) | Мiхасёў Уладзiмiр Iльiч | МИХАСЕВ Владимир Ильич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Gomel district | ||||
27. | Luchina, Leonid Aleksandrovich | Лучына Леанiд Аляксандравiч | ЛУЧИНА Леонид Александрович | 18.11.1947 | Minsk district | Сhairman of the CEC of the Grodno district | ||
28. | Karpenko, Igor Vasilievich (Karpenka, Ihar Vasilievich) | Карпенка Iгар Васiльевiч | КАРПЕНКО Игорь Васильевич | 28.4.1964 | Novokuznetsk, Russia Новокузнецк Кемеровской области, Россия | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Minsk City | ||
29. | Kurlovich, Vladimir Anatolievich (Kurlovich, Uladzimir Anatolievich) | Курловiч Уладзiмiр Анатольевiч | КУРЛОВИЧ Владимир Анатольевич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Minsk district | ||||
30. | Metelitsa, Nikolai Timofeievich (Miatsielitsa, Mikalai Tsimafeevich) | Мяцелiца Мiкалай Цiмафеевiч | МЕТЕЛИЦА Николай Тимофеевич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Gomel district | ||||
31. | Pishchulenok, Mikhail Vasilievich (Pishchulenak, Mikhail Vasilievich) | Пiшчулёнак Мiхаiл Васiльевiч | ПИЩУЛЕНОК Михаил Васильевич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Vitebsk district | ||||
32. | Ribakov, Aleksei | Рыбакоў Аляксей | РЫБАКОВ Алексей | Ul. Jesenina 31-1-104, Minsk | Judge of the Minsk Moskovsky District Court | |||
33. | Bortnik, Sergei Aleksandrovich | Бортнiк Сяргей Аляксандравiч | БОРТНИК Сергей Александрович | 28.5.1953 | Minsk | Ul. Surganovo 80-263, Minsk | MP0469554 | Public Prosecutor |
34. | Iasinovich, Leonid Stanislavovich | Ясiновiч Леанiд Станiслававiч | ЯСИНОВИЧ Леонид Станиславович | 26.11.1961 | Buchani, Vitebsk district | Ul. Gorovtsa 4-104, Minsk | MP0515811 | Judge of the Minsk Tsentralny District Court |
35. | Migun, Andrei Arkadievich | Мiгун Андрэй Аркадзевiч | МИГУН Андрей Аркадевич | 5.2.1978 | Minsk | UI. Goretskovo Maksima 53-16, Minsk | MP1313262 | Public Prosecutor” |
Names (English transcription) | Names (Belarusian spelling) | Names (Russian spelling) | Date of birth | Place of birth | Address | Passport number | Position | |
1. | Lukashenko, Aleksandr Grigorievich (Lukashenka, Alaksandr Ryhoravich) | Лукашенка Аляксандр Рыгоравiч | ЛУКАШЕНКО Александр Григорьевич | 30.8.1954 | Kopys, Vitebsk district | President | ||
2. | Nevyglas, Gennadi Nikolaevich (Nievyhlas, Hienadz Mikalaevich) | Невыглас Генадзь Мiкалаевiч | НЕВЫГЛАС Геннадий Николаевич | 11.2.1954 | Parahonsk, Pinsk district | Head of President's Administration | ||
3. | Petkevich, Natalya Vladimirovna (Piatkevich, Natallia Uladzimirauna) | Пяткевiч Наталля Уладзiмiраўна | ПЕТКЕВИЧ Наталья Владимировна | 24.10.1972 | Minsk | Former Deputy Head of President's Administration | ||
4. | Rubinov, Anatoli Nikolaevich (Rubinau, Anatol Mikalaevich) | Рубiнаў Анатоль Мiкалаевiч | РУБИНОВ Анатолий Николаевич | 4.4.1939 | Mogilev | Deputy Head in charge of Media and Ideology, PA | ||
5. | Proleskovsky, Oleg Vitoldovich (Pralaskouski, Aleh Vitoldavich) | Праляскоўскi Алег Вiтольдавiч | ПРОЛЕСКОВСКИЙ Олег Витольдович | 1.10.1963 | Zagorsk (Sergijev Posad) | Minister of Information | ||
6. | Radkov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (Radzkou, Alaksandr Mikhailavich) | Радзькоў Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч | РАДЬКОВ Александр Михайлович | 1.7.1951 | Botnia, Вотня Быховского района Могилевской области | Deputy Head of the Administration of the President | ||
7. | Rusakevich, Vladimir Vasilievich (Rusakevich, Uladzimir Vasilievich) | Русакевiч Уладзiмiр Васiльевiч | РУСАКЕВИЧ Владимир Васильевич | 13.9.1947 | Vygonoshchi, Выгонощи, Брестская область | Former Minister of Information | ||
8. | Golovanov, Viktor Grigoryevich (Halavanau, Viktar Ryhoravich) | Галаванаў Вiктар Рыгоравiч | ГОЛОВАНОВ Виктор Григорьевич | 1952 | Borisov | Minister of Justice | ||
9. | Zimovski, Aleksandr Leonidovich (Zimouski Alaksandr Lieanidavich; Zimovsky, Alexander Leonidovich) | Зiмоўскi Аляксандр Леанiдавiч | ЗИМОВСКИЙ Александр Леонидович | 10.1.1961 | Germany | Former President of the State television | ||
10. | Konopliev, Vladimir Nikolaevich (Kanapliou, Uladzimir Mikalaevich) | Канаплёў Уладзiмiр Мiкалаевiч | КОНОПЛЕВ Владимир Николаевич | 3.1.1954 | Akulintsi, д. Акулинцы Могилевского района | Chairman of the Lower House of the Parliament | ||
11. | Cherginets, Nikolai Ivanovich (Charhiniets, Mikalai Ivanavich) | Чаргiнец Мiкалай Iванавiч | ЧЕРГИНЕЦ Николай Иванович | 17.10.1937 | Minsk | Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Upper House | ||
12. | Kostian, Sergei Ivanovich (Kastsian, Siarhiei Ivanavich), | Касцян Сяргей Iванавiч | КОСТЯН Сергей Иванович | 15.1.1941 | Usokhi, Mogilevdistrict, Усохи Кличевского района Могилевской области | Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House | ||
13. | Orda, Mikhail Sergeievich (Orda, Mikhail Siarhieevich) | Орда Мiхаiл Сяргеевiч | ОРДА Михаил Сергеевич | 28.9.1966 | Diatlovo, Grodnodistrict, Дятлово Гродненской области | Member of the Upper House, leader of BRSM | ||
14. | Lozovik, Nikolai Ivanovich (Lazavik, Mikalai Ivanavich) | Лазавiк Мiкалай Iванавiч | ЛОЗОВИК Николай Иванович | 18.1.1951 | Nevinyany, Minskdistrict, Невиняны Вилейского р-на Минской обл | Secretary, CEC | ||
15. | Miklashevich, Petr Petrovich (Miklashevich, Piotr Piatrovich) | Мiклашэвiч Пётр Пятровiч | МИКЛАШЕВИЧ Петр Петрович | 1954 | Kosuta, Minskdistrict, Косута Минской области | Prosecutor General | ||
16. | Slizhevski, Oleg Leonidovich (Slizheuski, Aleh Leanidavich) | Слiжэўскi Алег Леанiдавiч | СЛИЖЕВСКИЙ Олег Леонидович | Member, CEC | ||||
17. | Khariton, Aleksandr (Kharyton, Alaksandr) | Харытон Аляксандр | ХАРИТОН Александр | Consultant of the Division of Social Organisations, Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice | ||||
18. | Smirnov, Evgeni Aleksandrovich (Smirnou, Yauhien Alaksandravich | Смiрноў Яўген Аляксандравiч | CМИРНОВ Евгений Александрович | 15.3.1949 | Riazan district, Russia | First Deputy of the Chairman of the Economic Court | ||
19. | Reutskaia, Nadezhda Zalovna (Ravutskaya, Nadzieja Zalauna) | Равуцкая Надзея Залаўна | РЕУТСКАЯ Надежда Заловна | Judge of the Moscow district of Minsk | ||||
20. | Trubnikov, Nikolai Alekseievich (Trubnikau, Mikalai Alakseevich) | Трубнiкаў Мiкалай Аляксеевiч | ТРУБНИКОВ Николай Алексеевич | Judge of the Partizanskiy disctrict of Minsk | ||||
21. | Kuprianov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (Kupryianau, Mikalai Mikhailavich) | Купрыянаў Мiкалай Мiхайлавiч | КУПРИЯНОВ Николай Михайлович | Deputy Prosecutor General | ||||
22. | Sukhorenko, Stepan Nikolaevich (Sukharenka, Stsiapan Mikalaevich) | Сухарэнка Сцяпан Мiкалаевiч | СУХОРЕНКО Степан Николаевич | 27.1.1957 | Zdudichi, Gomel district, Здудичи Светлогорского района Гомельской области | Chairman of KGB | ||
23. | Dementei, Vasili Ivanovich (Dzemiantsiei, Vasil Ivanavich) | Дземянцей Васiль Iванавiч | ДЕМЕНТЕЙ Василий Иванович | First deputy, KGB | ||||
24. | Kozik, Leonid Petrovich (Kozik, Leanid Piatrovich) | Козiк Леанiд Пятровiч | КОЗИК Леонид Петрович | 13.7.1948 | Borisov | Head of the Federation of Trade Unions | ||
25. | Koleda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (Kalada, Alaksandr Mikhailavich) | Каляда Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч | КОЛЕДА Александр Михайлович | Member, CEC | ||||
26. | Mikhasev, Vladimir Ilich (Mikhasiou, Uladzimir Iliich) | Мiхасёў Уладзiмiр Iльiч | МИХАСЕВ Владимир Ильич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Gomel district | ||||
27. | Luchina, Leonid Aleksandrovich | Лучына Леанiд Аляксандравiч | ЛУЧИНА Леонид Александрович | 18.11.1947 | Minsk district | Сhairman of the CEC of the Grodno district | ||
28. | Karpenko, Igor Vasilievich (Karpenka, Ihar Vasilievich) | Карпенка Iгар Васiльевiч | КАРПЕНКО Игорь Васильевич | 28.4.1964 | Novokuznetsk, Russia Новокузнецк Кемеровской области, Россия | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Minsk City | ||
29. | Kurlovich, Vladimir Anatolievich (Kurlovich, Uladzimir Anatolievich) | Курловiч Уладзiмiр Анатольевiч | КУРЛОВИЧ Владимир Анатольевич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Minsk district | ||||
30. | Metelitsa, Nikolai Timofeievich (Miatsielitsa, Mikalai Tsimafeevich) | Мяцелiца Мiкалай Цiмафеевiч | МЕТЕЛИЦА Николай Тимофеевич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Mogilev district | ||||
31. | Pishchulenok, Mikhail Vasilievich (Pishchulenak, Mikhail Vasilievich) | Пiшчулёнак Мiхаiл Васiльевiч | ПИЩУЛЕНОК Михаил Васильевич | Сhairman of the CEC of the Vitebsk district | ||||
32. | Ribakov, Aleksei | Рыбакоў Аляксей | РЫБАКОВ Алексей | Ul. Jesenina 31-1-104, Minsk | Judge of the Minsk Moskovsky District Court | |||
33. | Bortnik, Sergei Aleksandrovich | Бортнiк Сяргей Аляксандравiч | БОРТНИК Сергей Александрович | 28.5.1953 | Minsk | Ul. Surganovo 80-263, Minsk | MP0469554 | Public Prosecutor |
34. | Iasinovich, Leonid Stanislavovich | Ясiновiч Леанiд Станiслававiч | ЯСИНОВИЧ Леонид Станиславович | 26.11.1961 | Buchani, Vitebsk district | Ul. Gorovtsa 4-104, Minsk | MP0515811 | Judge of the Minsk Tsentralny District Court |
35. | Migun, Andrei Arkadievich | Мiгун Андрэй Аркадзевiч | МИГУН Андрей Аркадевич | 5.2.1978 | Minsk | UI. Goretskovo Maksima 53-16, Minsk | MP1313262 | Public Prosecutor |
36. | Sheiman, Victor Vladimirovich | ШЕЙМАН Виктор Владимирович | 26.5.1958 | Grodno region, | Former Member of the Security Council, actually Special Assistant/Aid to the President | |||
37. | Naumov, Vladimir Vladimïrovich | НАУМОВ Владимир Владимирович | 7.2.1956 | Smolensk | Former Minister of Interior, actually Chairman of the National Hockey Federation | |||
38. | Pavlichenko, Dmitri Valeriyevich (Pavliuchenko, Dmitry) | Павличенко, Дмитрий Валериевич | 1966 | Vitebsk | Head of the Special Response Group at the ministry of Interior (SOBR) | |||
39. | Ermoshina, Lidia Mikhailovna (Yermoshina Lydia Mihajlovna) | ЕРМОШИНА Лидия Михайловна | 29.1.1953 | Slutsk (Minsk Region) | Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus (CEC) | |||
40. | Podobed, Iuri Nikolaevich (Podobed Yuri Nikolaevich) | Подобед, Юрий Николаевич | 5.3.1962 | Slutsk (Minsk Region) | Unit for Special Purposes, Ministry of Interior” |
Name | Name in Russian | Place and Date of Birth | Position | |
1. | Lukashenko, Viktor Aleksandrovich | Лукашенко Виктор Александрович | 1976 | Assistant/Aid to the President in National Security Affairs. |
2. | Bazanov, Aleksandr Viktorovich | Базанов Александр Викторович | Director, Information and Analytical Center of the President | |
3. | Gusev, Aleksei Viktorovich | Гусев Алексей Викторович | 1st Deputy Director, Information and Analytical Center of the President | |
4. | Krishtapovich, Lev Efstafievich | Криштапович Лев Евстафьевич | Deputy Director, Information and Analytical Center of the President | |
5. | Kolos, Elena Petrovna | Колос Елена Петровна | Deputy Director, Information and Analytical Center of the President | |
6. | Makei, Vladimir Vladimirovich | МАКЕЙ Владимир Владимирович | August 5, 1958, Grodno region | Head of the President Adminstration |
7. | Ianchevski, Vsevolod Viacheslavovich | ЯНЧЕВСКИЙ Всеволод Вячеславович | April 22, 1976, Borisov | Assistant to the President, Head of the Ideological Department of the President Administration |
8. | Maltsev, Leonid Semenovich | МАЛЬЦЕВ Леонид Семенович | August 29, 1949, Vetenevka, Slonim raion, Grodno Region | Secretary of the Security Council |
9. | Tiurin, Andrei | Тюрин, Андрей | Head of the Security Detachment of the President | |
10. | Ipatov, Vadim Dmitrievich | ИПАТОВ Вадим Дмитриевич | Deputy Chairperson, Central Electoral Commission (CEC) | |
11. | Bushnaia, Natalia Vladimirovna | Бушная, Наталья Владимировна | Member, CEC | |
12. | Bushchik, Vasili Vasilevich | Бущик, Василий Васильевич | Member, CEC | |
13. | Katsubo, Svetlana Petrovna | Кацубо, Светлана Петровна | Member, CEC | |
14. | Kiseleva, Nadezhda Nikolaevna | Киселева, Надежда Николаевна | Member, CEC | |
15. | Podoliak, Eduard Vasilievich | Подоляк, Эдуард Васильевич | Member, CEC | |
16. | Rakhmanova, Marina Iurievna | Рахманова, Марина Юрьевна | Member, CEC | |
17. | Shchurok, Ivan, Antonovich | Щурок, Иван Антонович | Member, CEC | |
18. | Kiselev, Anatoli Semenovich | Киселев, Анатолий Семенович | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Brest Region | |
19. | Kriukovski, Viacheslav Iefimovich | Крюковский, Вячеслав Ефимович | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Vitebsk Region | |
20. | Stosh, Nikolai Nikolaievich | Стош, Николай Николаевич | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Gomel Region | |
21. | Savko, Valeri Iosifovich | Савко, Валерий Иосифович | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Grodno Region | |
22. | Vasiliev, Aleksei Aleksandrovich | Васильев, Алексей Александрович | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Minsk Region | |
23. | Berestov, Valeri Vasilevich | Берестов, Валерий Васильевич | Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Mogilev Region | |
24. | Vasilievich, Grigoriy Alekseievich | ВАСИЛЕВИЧ Григорий Алексеевич | February 13, 1955 | Prosecutor General |
25. | Shved, Andrei Ivanovich | Швед Андрей Иванович | Deputy Prosecutor General | |
26. | Lashin, Aleksandr Mikhailovich | Лашин, Александр Михайлович | Deputy Prosecutor General | |
27. | Konon, Viktor Aleksandrovich | Конон, Виктoр Александрович | Deputy Prosecutor General | |
28. | Stuk, Aleksei Konstantinovich | Стук, Алексей Константинович | Deputy Prosecutor General | |
29. | Kuklis, Nikolai Ivanovich | Куклис, Николай Иванович | Deputy Prosecutor General | |
30. | Khmaruk, Sergei Konstantinovich | Хмарук, Сергей Константинович | Prosecutor of the District of Brest | |
31. | Dysko, Gennadi Iosifovich | Дыско, Генадий Иосифович | Prosecutor of the District of Vitebsk | |
32. | Shaiev, Valentin Pietrovich | Шаев, Валентин Петрович | Prosecutor of the District of Gomel | |
33. | Morozov, Viktor Nikolaievich | Морозов, Виктор Николаевич | Prosecutor of the District of Grodno | |
34. | Arkhipov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich | Архипов, Александр Михайлович | Prosecutor of the District of Minsk | |
35. | Sienkievich, Eduard Aleksandrovich | Сенькевич, Эдуард Александрович | Prosecutor of the District of Mogilev | |
36. | Kulik, Nikolai Nikolaievich | Кулик, Николай Николаевич | Prosecutor of the City of Minsk | |
37. | Dudkin, Anatoli Konstantynovich | Дудкин, Анатолий Константинович | Prosecutor on Transport Issues of the Republic of Belarus | |
38. | Dranica, Aleksandr Nikolaievich | Драница, Александр Николаевич | General Army Prosecutor | |
39. | Vileichik, Aleksandr Vladimirovich | ВИЛЕЙЧИК Александр Владимирович | 1964 | First Deputy Minister of Justice |
40. | Lomat, Zenon Kuzmich | Ломать, Зенон Кузьмич | 1944, Karabani | Former President of the State Control Committee |
41. | Kuleshov, Anatoliy Nilovich | Кулешов Анатолий Нилович | 1959 | Minister of Interior |
42. | Pekarski, Oleg Anatolievich | Пекарский, Олег Анатольевич | First Deputy Minister of Interior | |
43. | Poludien, Evgeni Evgenievich | Полудень, Евгений Евгеньевич | Deputy Minister of Interior | |
44. | Evseev, Igor Vladimirovich | Евсеев, Игорь Владимирович | Leader of the OMON operation team | |
45. | Farmagey, Leonid Konstantinovich | ФАРМАГЕЙ, Леонид Константинович | 1962 | Militia Commander of the District of Minsk |
46. | Lukomsky, Aleksandr Valentinovych | Лукомский, Александр Валентинович | Commander of the Special Regiment of Ministry of Interior of the District of Minsk | |
47. | Zaicev, Vadim Iurievich | Зайцев, Вадим Юрьевич | 1964 | Head of the KGB |
48. | Dedkov, Leonid Nikolaevich | Дедков, Леонид Николаевич | First Deputy Head of the KGB, Head of the KGB of the District of Vitebsk | |
49. | Bakhmatov, Igor Andreevich | Бахматов, Игорь Андреевич | Deputy Head of the KGB | |
50. | Tertiel, Ivan Stanislawovich | Тертель Иван Станиславович | Deputy Head of the KGB | |
51. | Smolenski, Nikolai Zinovievich | Смоленский, Николай Зиновьевич | Deputy Head of the KGB | |
52. | Vegera, Victor Pavlovich | Вегера Виктор Павлович | Former First Deputy Head of the KGB | |
53. | Svorob, Nikolai Konstantinovich | Свороб, Николай Константинович | Former Deputy Head of the KGB | |
54. | Tretiak, Piotr | Третьяк, Петр | Deputy Head of the KGB | |
55. | Zakharov, Aleksei Ivanovich | Захаров, Алексей Иванович | Head of Counter-intelligence Board of the KGB | |
56. | Tolstashov, Aleksandr Olegovich | Толсташов Александр Олегович | Head of the KGB Board on Protection of the Constitutional Order and Fight Against Terrorism | |
57. | Rusak, Viktor | Русак, Виктор | Head of the KGB Board on Economic Security | |
58. | Yurata, Viktor | Юрата, Виктор | Head of the KGB Board on State Communications | |
59. | Voropaev, Igor Grigorievich | Воропаев Игорь Григорьевич | Former Head of the KGB Board on State Communications | |
60. | Kalach, Vladimir Viktorovich | Калач Владимир Викторович | Former Head of the KGB of the District of Minsk | |
61. | Busko, Igor Evgenievich | Бусько Игорь Евгеньевич | Head of the KGB of the City of Brest | |
62. | Korzh, Ivan Aleksieevich | Корж Иван Алексеевич | Head of the KGB of the City of Grodno | |
63. | Sergeenko, Igor Petrovich | Сергеенко Игорь Петрович | Head of the KGB of the City of Mogilev | |
64. | Gerasimenko, Gennadiy Anatolievich | Герасименко Геннадий Анатольевич | Head of the KGB of the City of Gomel | |
65. | Leskovski, Ivan Anatolievich | Лесковский Иван Анатольевич | Former Head of the KGB of the City of Gomel | |
66. | Maslakov, Valeri | Маслаков Валерий | Head of the KGB Board of Intelligence | |
67. | Volkov, Sergei | Волков Сергей | Former Head of the KGB Board of Intelligence | |
68. | Zhadobin, Iuri Viktorovich | ЖАДОБИН Юрий Викторович | November 14, 1954 | Minister of Defence |
69. | Krashevski, Victor | КРАШЕВСКИЙ Виктор | Head of the GRU | |
70. | Ananich, Lilya Stanislavovich | АНАНИЧ Лилия Станиславовна | 1960 | First Deputy Minister of Information |
71. | Laptienok, Igor Nikolaevich | ЛАПТЕНОК Игорь Николаевич | 1961 | Deputy Head Minister of Information |
72. | Davydko, Gennadi Bronislavovich | Давидко, Геннадий Брониславович | President of the State TV | |
73. | Koziatko, Iuri Vasilievich | КОЗИЯТКО Юрий Васильевич | 1964, Brest | General Director of the „Stolichnoe Televidenie” |
74. | Yakubovich, Pavel Izotovich | ЯКУБОВИЧ Павел Изотович | September 23, 1946 | Editor-in-Chief of “Sovietskaia Belarus” |
75. | Lemeshenok, Anatoli Ivanovich | ЛЕМЕШЕНОК Анатолий Иванович | Editor-in-Chief of „Republika” | |
76. | Prokopov, Iuri | Прокопов Юрий | Journalist of the state TV channel “Pervi” (№ 1) with senior and influential position | |
77. | Mikhalchenko, Aleksei | Михальченко Алексей | Journalist of the state TV channel ONT with senior and influential position | |
78. | Taranda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich | Таранда Александр Михайлович | Deputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus” | |
79. | Gordienko, Sergei Aleksandrovich | Гордиенко Сергей Александрович | Deputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus” | |
80. | Toropetskaia, Galina Mikhailovna | Торопецкая Галина Михайловна | Deputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus” | |
81. | Shadrina, Anna Stanislavovna | Шадрина Анна Станиславовна | Deputy Editor of the paper “Sovietskaia Belarus” | |
82. | Zhuk, Dmitri | Жук Дмитрий | Director General (CEO) State News Agency BIELTA | |
83. | Gigin, Vadim | Гигин Вадим | Editor-in-Chief, „Belorusskaia Dumka” monthly review | |
84. | Ablameiko, Sergei Vladimirovich | Абламейко, Сергей Владимирович | Rector, Belorusian State University | |
85. | Sirenko, Victor Ivanovich | Сиренко Виктор Иванович | Chief Surgeon of the Minsk Emergency Hospital | |
86. | Ananich, Alena Nikolaevna | Ананич Елена Николаевна | Judge at the Pervomaysky Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
87. | Revinskaia, Tatiana Vladimirovna | Ревинская Татьяна Владимировна | Judge at the Pervomaysky Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
88. | Esman, Valeri Aleksandrovich | Есьман Валерий Александрович | Judge at the Central Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
89. | Bychko, Aleksey Viktorovich | Бычко Алексей Викторович | Judge at the Central Rayon Court of Minsk | |
90. | Hodanevich, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich | Ходаневич Александр Александрович | Judge at the Central Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
91. | Iasenovich, Leonid | Ясенович Леонид | Judge at the Central Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
92. | Baranovski, Andrei Fedorovich | Барановский Андрей Федорович | Judge at the Partisanski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
93. | Titenkova, Elena Victorovna | Титенкова Елена Викоровна | Judge at the Partisanski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
94. | Tupik, Vera Mikhalevna | Тупик Вера Михайловна | Judge at the Leninski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
95. | Nekrasova, Elena Timofeevna | Некрасова Елена Тимофеевна | Judge at the Zavadski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
96. | Lapteva, Elena Viacheslavovna | Лаптева Елена Вячеславовна | Judge at the Zavadski Rayon Court of Minsk | |
97. | Bolovnev, Nikolai Vasilevich | Боловнев Николай Васильевич | Judge at the Zavadski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
98. | Kazak, Victor Vladimirovich | Казак Виктор Владимирович | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
99. | Shilko, Elena Nikolaevna | Шилько Елена Николаевна | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
100. | Simahina, Liubov Sergeievna | Симахина Любовь Сергеевна | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
101. | Kuznietsova, Natalia Anatolievna | Кузнецова Наталья Анатольевна | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
102. | Telitsa, Lidia Fedorovna | Телица Лидия Федоровна | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
103. | Cherniak, Elena Leonidovna | Черняк Елена Леонидовна | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
104. | Shestakov, Iuri Valerievich | Шестаков Юрий Валерьевич | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
105. | Motyl, Tatiana Iaroslavovna | Мотыль Татьяна Ярославовна | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
106. | Khatkevich, Evgeni Viktorovich | Хаткевич Евгений Викторович | Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
107. | Gusakova, Olga Arkadievna | Гусакова Ольга Аркадьевна | Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk | |
108. | Shargai, Rita Petrovna | Шаграй Рита Петровна | Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
109. | Mitrakhovich, Irina Alekseievna | Митрахович Ирина Алексеевна | Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
110. | Protosovitskaia, Natalia Vladimirovna | Протосовицкая Наталья Владимировна | Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk | |
111. | Lapko, Maksim Fedorovich | Лапко Максим Федорович | Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
112. | Varenik, Natalia Semenovna | Вареник Наталья Семеновна | Judge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
113. | Zhukovskaia, Zhanna Alekseievna | Жуковская Жанна Алексеевна | Judge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
114. | Samoliuk, Anna Valerievna | Самолюк Анна Валерьевна | Judge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk | |
115. | Lukashenko, Dmitri Aleksandrovich | Лукашенко Дмитрий Александрович | Businessman, active participantion in financial operations involving the Lukashenko family | |
116. | Shugaiev, Sergei | Шугаев, Сергей | Deputy Head of the KGB since 15.01.2010 | |
117. | Kuzniecov, Igor | Кузнецов, Игорь | Head of State KGB Training Center since15.01.2010” |
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