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Commission Decision of 18 December 2009 adopting a multiannual Community programme for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector for the period 2011-2013 (notified under document C(2009) 10121) (2010/93/EU)

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Commission Decision

of 18 December 2009

adopting a multiannual Community programme for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector for the period 2011-2013

(notified under document C(2009) 10121)



Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 of 25 February 2008 concerning the establishment of a Community framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy(1), and in particular Article 3(1) thereof,


(1) Pursuant to Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 199/2008, a multi-annual Community programme for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector is to be drawn up for three-year periods. It is therefore necessary to establish the multiannual Community programme for the period 2011-2013.

(2) The Communication from the Commission of 5 February 2009 on a European Community Action Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks(2) has recommended the collection of reliable and detailed species-specific quantitative and biological data concerning commercial fisheries involving catches of Chondrichthyans (hereinafter referred to as ‘sharks’). In addition, regular catch monitoring of recreational fisheries involving catches of shark species is suggested.

(3) On the basis of that Communication, the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) has recommended that data concerning such commercial fisheries and recreational fisheries be included in the list of fishing activity by region and in the list of biological variables for which data are to be collected.

(4) The multi-annual Community programme for the period 2011-2013 should therefore provide for the collection, management and use of data on sharks in addition to the data already required in the programming period 2009-2010 under Commission Decision 2008/949/EC(3).

(5) For reasons of legal certainty, Decision 2008/949/EC should be repealed with effect from 1 January 2011.

(6) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture,


Article 1

The multiannual Community programme for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector for the period 2011-2013, as referred to in Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 199/2008, is set out in the Annex.

Article 2

Decision 2008/949/EC is repealed with effect from 1 January 2011.

Article 3

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 18 December 2009.

For the Commission

Joe Borg

Member of the Commission


CHAPTER I Subject-matter and definitions

1.For the purpose of this Community Programme the following definitions shall apply:

(a) active vessels


vessels that have been engaged in any fishing operation (more than 0 days) during a calendar year. A vessel that has not been engaged in fishing operations during a year is considered ‘inactive’;

(b) concurrent sampling


sampling all or a predefined assemblage of species, simultaneously in a vessel’s catches or landings;

(c) days at sea


any continuous period of 24 hours (or part thereof) during which a vessel is present within an area and absent from port;

(d) fleet segment


a group of vessels with the same length class (LOA) and predominant fishing gear during the year, according to the Appendix III. Vessels may have different fishing activities during the reference period, but might be classified in only one fleet segment;

(e) fishing days


each day is attributed to the area where the most fishing time was spent during the relevant day at sea. However, for passive gears, if no operation took place from the vessel during a day while at least one (passive) gear remained at sea, that day will be associated to the area where the last setting of a fishing gear was carried out on that fishing trip;

(f) fishing trip


means any voyage by a fishing vessel from a land location to a landing place, excluding non-fishing trips (a trip by a fishing vessel from a location to a land location during which it does not engage in fishing activities and during which any gear on board is securely lashed and stowed and not available for immediate use);

(g) metier


a group of fishing operations targeting a similar (assemblage of) species, using similar gear, during the same period of the year and/or within the same area and which are characterised by a similar exploitation pattern;

(h) population of vessels


all vessels in the Community Fishing Fleet Register as defined in Commission Regulation (EC) No 26/2004(4);

(i) selected species


species of relevance for management purposes and for which a request is made by an international scientific body or a regional fisheries management organisation;

(j) soaking time


time calculated from the point where each individual unit of gear has been set, to the time when the same unit starts to be removed.

2.For the following terms, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( and STECF definitions shall apply: anadromous species, catadromus species, catches, cephalopods, crustaceans, deep water species, demersal fish, demersal species, exploitation pattern, finfish, fresh water species, gears, landings, discards, large pelagic fish, molluscs, other activity than fishing, pelagic fish, small pelagic fish, target species.

CHAPTER II Contents and Methodology


The Community programme comprises of the following modules:

1.Module of evaluation of the fishing sector:

The data collection programme for the fishing sector contains the following sections:


section for the collection of economic variables;


section for the collection of biological variables;


section for the collection of transversal variables;


section for research surveys at sea.

2.Module of evaluation of the economic situation of the aquaculture and processing industry sectors:

section for the collection of economic data for the aquaculture sector;


section for the collection of economic data for the processing industry.

3.Module of evaluation of the effects of the fishing sector on the marine ecosystem
4.Module for management and use of the data covered by the data collection framework


1.Where it is not possible to define quantitative targets for sampling programmes, neither in terms of precision levels, nor in terms of sample size, pilot surveys in the statistical sense shall be established. Such pilot surveys shall evaluate the importance of the problem and shall also address the utility of future more detailed surveys, and the cost-effectiveness relationship of such detailed surveys.
2.Where quantitative targets can be defined, they may be specified either directly by sample sizes or sampling rates, or by the definition of the levels of precision and of confidence to be achieved.
3.Where reference is made to a sample size or to a sampling rate in a population defined in statistical terms, the sampling strategies shall be at least as efficient as Simple Random Sampling. Such sampling strategies shall be described within the corresponding National Programmes.
4.Where reference is made to precision/confidence level the following distinction shall apply:
(a) Level 1


level making it possible to estimate a parameter either with a precision of plus or minus 40 % for a 95 % confidence level or a coefficient of variation (CV) of 20 % used as an approximation;

(b) Level 2


level making it possible to estimate a parameter either with a precision of plus or minus 25 % for a 95 % confidence level or a coefficient of variation (CV) of 12,5 % used as an approximation;

(c) Level 3


level making it possible to estimate a parameter either with a precision of plus or minus 5 % for a 95 % confidence level or a coefficient of variation (CV) of 2,5 % used as an approximation.

CHAPTER III Module of evaluation of the fishing sector


1. Variables
1.Variables to be collected are listed in Appendix VI. All economic variables are to be collected on an annual basis with the exception of those identified as transversal variables as defined in Appendix VIII and those identified in order to measure the effects of the fishery on the marine ecosystem as defined in Appendix XIII which are to be collected at more disaggregated levelsThe population is all vessels in the Community Fishing Fleet Register on the 1st of January. All economic variables have to be collected for active vessels. For each vessel for which economic variables defined in Appendix VI are collected, the corresponding transversal variables defined in Appendix VIII have also to be collected.
2.For inactive vessels only capital value (Appendix VI), fleet (Appendix VI) and capacity (Appendix VIII) shall be collected.
3.National currencies shall be transformed into Euro using the average annual exchange rates available from the European Central Bank (ECB).
2. Disaggregation levels
1.Economic variables shall be reported for each fleet segment (Appendix III) and supra region (Appendix II). Six length classes (using the ‘overall length’ measurement (LOA)) are defined. However Member States are free to further disaggregate length classes if appropriate.
2.The dominance criteria shall be used to allocate each vessel to a segment based on the number of fishing days used with each gear. If a fishing gear is used by more than the sum of all the others (i.e. a vessel spends more than 50 % of its fishing time using that gear), the vessel shall be allocated to that segment. If not, the vessel shall be allocated to the following fleet segment:

‘Vessels using Polyvalent active gears’ if it only uses active gears;


‘Vessels using Polyvalent passive gears’ if it only uses passive gears;


‘Vessels using active and passive gears’.

3.In cases where a vessel operates in more than one supra region as defined in Appendix II, Member States shall explain in their national programme to which supra region the vessel is allocated.
4.In cases where a fleet segment has less than 10 vessels:

clustering may be necessary in order to design the sampling plan and to report economic variables;


Member States shall report which fleet segments have been grouped at the national level and shall justify the clustering on the basis of statistical analysis;


in their annual report, Member States shall report the number of sampled vessels for each fleet segment regardless of any clustering made to collect or provide the data;


Regional Coordination Meetings shall define homogeneous clustering methodology at the level of supra regions so that economic variables are comparable.

3. Sampling strategy
1.Member States shall describe their methodologies used for estimating each economic variable, including quality aspects, in their national programmes.
2.Member States shall ensure consistency and comparability of all economic variables when derived from different sources (e.g. surveys, fleet register, logbooks, sales notes).
4. Precision levels
1.Member States shall include in their annual report information on the quality (accuracy and precision) of estimates.


B1. Metier-related variables
1. Variables
1.Sampling must be performed in order to evaluate the quarterly length distribution of species in the catches, and the quarterly volume of discards. Data shall be collected by metier referred to as level 6 of the matrix defined in Appendix IV (1 to 5) and for the stocks listed in Appendix VII.
2.Where relevant additional biological sampling programmes of the unsorted landings have to be carried out in order to estimate:

the share of the various stocks in these landings for Herring in the Skagerrak IIIA-N, Kattegat IIIa-S, and Eastern North Sea separately and salmon in the Baltic Sea;


the share of the various species for those groups of species that are internationally assessed, e.g. Megrims, Anglerfishes and elasmobranches.

2. Disaggregation level
1.In order to optimise the sampling programmes, the metiers defined in Appendix IV (1 to 5) may be merged. When metiers are merged (vertical merging), statistical evidence shall be brought regarding the homogeneity of the combined metiers. Merging of neighbouring cells corresponding to fleet segments of the vessels (horizontal merging) shall be supported by statistical evidence. Such horizontal merging shall be done primarily by clustering neighbouring vessel LOA classes, independently of the dominant fishing techniques, when appropriate to distinguish different exploitation patterns. Regional agreement on mergers shall be sought at the relevant Regional Coordination Meeting and endorsed by STECF.
2.At national level, one metier defined at level 6 of the matrix in Appendix IV (1 to 5) may be further disaggregated into several more precise strata, i.e. distinguishing different target species. Such further stratification shall be done respecting the two following principles:

the strata defined at national level do not overlap the metiers defined in Appendix IV (1 to 5);


the strata defined at national level must, in their entirety comprise of all the fishing trips of the metier defined at level 6.

3.The spatial units for metier sampling are defined by level 3 of Appendix I for all the regions with the following exceptions:

the Baltic Sea (ICES areas III b-d), Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea where the resolution shall be level 4;


Regional Fisheries Management Organisations units, providing they are metier-based (in the absence of such definitions, Regional Fisheries Management Organisations shall proceed to appropriate mergers).

4.For the purpose of collection and aggregation of data, spatial sampling units may be clustered by regions as referred to in Article 1 of Commission Regulation (EC) 665/2008(5) after agreement by the relevant Regional Co-ordination Meetings.
5.For parameters referred to in Chapter III section B/B1 1. (2), data shall be provided quarterly and be consistent with the fleet fishing activity matrix described in Appendix IV (1 to 5).
3. Sampling strategy
1.For the landings:

the Member State on whose territory the first sale take place, shall be responsible for ensuring that biological sampling occurs according to the standards defined in this Community Programme. If necessary, Member States shall co-operate with the authorities of non-EU third countries to set up biological sampling programmes for the landings carried out by vessels flying the third country’s flag;


for sampling purpose, only the major metiers need be considered. In order to identify the metiers to be sampled, the following ranking system shall be used at level 6 of the matrix in Appendix IV (1 to 5) on a national basis by Member States using as reference the average values of the 2 previous years and:

  • the metier cells shall first be ranked according to their share in the total commercial landings. The shares are then to be cumulated, starting with the largest, until a cut-off level of 90 % is reached. All metiers belonging to the top 90 % shall be selected for sampling,

  • the exercise shall then be repeated according to the total value of the commercial landings and repeated a third time according to the total effort in days-at-sea. The metiers in the top 90 % not belonging to the previous top 90 % shall be added to the selection,

  • STECF may add to the selection the metiers not picked up by the ranking system but of special importance in terms of management;


the sampling unit shall be the fishing trip and the number of fishing trips to be sampled shall ensure good coverage of the metier;


precision values and ranking system are referenced at the same level as the sampling programmes, i.e. at the national metier level for data that are collected through national programmes and at regional metier level for data that are collected through regionally coordinated sampling programmes;


the sampling intensity shall be proportionate to the relative effort and variability in the catches of that metier. The minimum number of fishing trips to be sampled shall never be less than 1 fishing trip per month during the fishing season for fishing trips of less than 2 weeks and 1 fishing trip per quarter otherwise;


when sampling a fishing trip, the species shall be sampled concurrently as follows:

Each species within a region as defined in Appendix II, shall be classified within a group according to the following rules:

— Group 1


Species that drive the international management process including species under EU management plans or EU recovery plans or EU long term multi-annual plans or EU action plans for conservation and management based on Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002(6),

— Group 2


Other internationally regulated species and major non-internationally regulated by-catch species,

— Group 3


All other by-catch (fish and shellfish) species. The list of Group 3 species shall be established at the regional level by the relevant regional co-ordination meeting and agreed by STECF;


allocation of species to Group 1 and 2 is specified in Appendix VII. The choice of the sampling scheme shall depend on the diversity of species to sample and the operational conditions under which sampling takes place. The sampling design per metier must consider both the periodicity of the sampling events and the sampling scheme to apply. Possible sampling schemes, as described in the following table, comprise:

— Scheme 1


comprehensive sampling of all species,

— Scheme 2


within each time stratum, the sampling events are split in two parts. One part of the sampling events (x %) considers sampling of all species on shore whereas the other part of the sampling events (100 – x %) considers only sampling of all Group 1 species,

— Scheme 3


within each time stratum, the sampling events are split in two parts. One part of the sampling events (x %) considers sampling of all Group 1 and Group 2 species on shore, whereas the other part of the sampling events (100 – x %) considers only sampling of Group 1 species. In this scheme, Group 3 species have to be sampled at sea;

Table 1
Summary of the schemes to be used for concurrent sampling
Sampling schemeFrequencyGroup 1Group 2Group 3
Scheme 1Every sampling event
Scheme 2x % of sampling events
(100 – x) % of sampling events
Scheme 3x % of sampling events Sampling at sea
(100 – x) % of sampling events

for any given sample, the sampling scheme shall be recorded (Table 1) along with information on how complete the sampling is:

When sampling a species, the number of individuals measured must ensure quality and accuracy of resultant length frequency. The number of length classes within a sample may be estimated from the approximate length range within it and, from this, the number of fish measured shall lie between 3 x number of length classes and 5 x number of length classes as a first approximation, in the absence of any statistical optimisation of the sampling design;


other sampling procedures could be used on the condition that there is scientific evidence showing that these procedures will achieve the same objectives as the ones described in point 3(1)(g);


a summary of the sampling protocols carried out by Member States shall be made available to STECF through the national programmes for each metier sampled.

2.For the discards:

the ranking system referred to in Chapter III section B/B1 3 (1) (b), shall be used to select the metiers in order to estimate discards. In any case, where discards of a given metier are estimated to exceed 10 % of the total volume of catches and this metier is not picked up by the ranking system this metier shall be sampled;


the sampling unit shall be the fishing trip and the number of fishing trips to be sampled shall ensure good coverage of the metier;


precision values and the ranking system are referenced at the same level as the sampling programmes, i.e. at the national metier level for data that are collected through national programmes and at regional metier level for data that are collected through regionally coordinated sampling programmes;


the sampling intensity shall be proportionate to the relative effort and/or the variability in catches of the metier. The minimum number of fishing trips to be sampled shall not be less than 2 fishing trips per quarter;


discards will be monitored for the Group 1, 2 and 3 species, defined in Chapter III section B/B1/3. (f), to estimate the quarterly average weight of discards. Furthermore:

  • discards must be the subject of a quarterly estimate of the length distributions when they represent on an annual basis, either more than 10 % of the total catches by weight or more than 15 % of the catches in numbers for the Group 1 and Group 2 species,

  • when discards take place for species length ranges which are not represented in the landings, age-reading must take place in accordance with the rules set out in Appendix VII;


where relevant, pilot surveys as referred to in Chapter II B (1) shall be carried out;


a summary of the sampling protocols carried out by Member States shall be made available to STECF through the national programmes for each metier sampled.

3.For the recreational fisheries:

for the recreational fisheries targeting the species listed in Appendix IV (1 to 5), Member States shall evaluate the quarterly weight of the catches;


where relevant, pilot surveys as referred to in Chapter II B (1) shall be carried out to estimate the importance of the recreational fisheries mentioned in point 3(3)(a).

4. Precision levels
1.For the landings:

the precision level 2 shall be targeted at the stock level for both Group 1 and Group 2 species. If necessary, specific stock-based samples shall be added if metier-based sampling fails to provide the appropriate precision for length distributions at the stock level.

2.For the discards:

data related to quarterly estimates of discards length and age composition for Group 1 and Group 2 species must lead to a precision of level 1;


weight estimates of Group 1, 2 and 3 species must lead to a precision of level 1.

3.For the recreational fisheries:

data related to annual estimates of the catches in volumes must lead to a precision of level 1.

5. Exemption rules
1.If Member States can not reach levels of precision referred to in Chapter III section B/B1/4 2 (a) and (b) and 3(a) and (b), or only at excessive costs, they can obtain, based on STECF recommendation, derogation from the Commission to reduce the precision level, sampling frequency or to implement a pilot survey provided this request is fully documented and scientifically proven.
B2. Stock-related variables
1. Variables
1.For stocks listed in Appendix VII, the following variables have to be collected:

individual information on age;


individual information on length;


individual information on weight;


individual information on sex;


individual information on maturity;


individual information on fecundity;


using the sampling scheme provided in this Appendix VII.

2.The collection of all individual information referred to in paragraph (1) shall be associated with the corresponding information on space and time stratum.
3.For wild salmon stocks in the index rivers, as defined by ICES, running into the Baltic Sea III b-d, the following variables have to be collected:

information on abundance of smolt;


information on abundance of parr;


information on number of ascending individuals.

2. Disaggregation level
1.The necessary disaggregation levels as well as the collection periodicity for all variables and the sampling intensities for age are specified in Appendix VII. For sampling strategies and sampling intensities, the rules established in Chapter II section B (Precision levels and sampling intensities) shall apply.
3. Sampling strategy
1.Wherever possible, age-reading shall be performed on commercial catches in order to estimate the age composition by species and, where relevant, the growth parameters. Where this is not possible, Member States shall justify why in their national programmes.
2.If cooperation between Member States ensures that the overall estimate of the parameters listed in Appendix VII reach the necessary precision level, each Member State shall ensure that its own contribution to the common dataset is sufficient to reach that precision level.
4. Precision levels
1.For stocks of species that can be aged, average weights and lengths for each age shall be estimated at a precision level 3, up to such an age that accumulated landings for the corresponding ages account for at least 90 % of the national landings for the relevant stock.
2.For stocks for which age reading is not possible, but for which a growth curve can be estimated, average weights and lengths for each pseudo age (e.g. derived from the growth curves) shall be estimated with a precision of level 2, up to such an age that accumulated landings for the corresponding ages account for at least 90 % of the national landings for the relevant stock.
3.For maturity, fecundity and sex ratios, a choice may be made between reference to age or length, provided that Members States which have to conduct the corresponding biological sampling, have agreed the following:

for maturity and fecundity, calculated as proportion of mature fish, precision of level 3 must be achieved within the age and/or length range, the limits of which correspond to a 20 % and 90 % of mature fish;


for sex ratio, calculated as proportion of females, precision of level 3 must be achieved, up to such an age or length that cumulated landings for the corresponding ages or lengths account for at least 90 % of the national landings for this stock.

5. Exemptions rules
1.The national programme of a Member State may exclude the estimation of the stock related variables for stocks for which TAC’s and quota have been defined under the following conditions:

the relevant quota must correspond to less than 10 % of the Community share of the TAC or to less than 200 tonnes on average during the previous three years;


the sum of relevant quotas of Member States whose allocation is less than 10 %, must account for less than 25 % of the Community share of the TAC.

2.If the condition set out in above point 1(a) is fulfilled, but not the condition set out in point 1(b), the relevant Member States may set up a coordinated programme to achieve, for their joint landings, a joint sampling scheme, or Member States may individually set up other national sampling schemes leading to the same precision.
3.If appropriate, the national programmes may be adjusted until 1st February of each year to take into account the exchange of quotas between Member States:
4.For stocks for which TAC’s and quotas have not been defined and which are outside the Mediterranean Sea, the same rules established under point 5(1) apply on the basis of the average landings of the previous three years and with reference to the total Community landings from a stock;
5.For stocks in the Mediterranean Sea, the landings by weight of a Mediterranean Member State for a species corresponding to less than 10 % of the total Community landings from the Mediterranean Sea, or to less than 200 tonnes, except for Bluefin tuna.


1. Variables
1.Variables to be collected are listed in Appendix VIII. Data shall be provided according to the periodicity stated in that Appendix.
2.Some delays may occur between information provided on the fleet segmentation and on the fishing effort.
2. Disaggregation level
1.The disaggregation level is given in Appendix VIII in accordance with the criteria defined in Appendix V.
2.The degree of aggregation shall correspond to the most disaggregated level required. A grouping of cells within this scheme may be made provided that an appropriate statistical analysis demonstrates its suitability. Such mergers must be approved by the relevant Regional Coordination Meeting.
3. Sampling strategy
1.Wherever possible, transversal data shall be collected in an exhaustive way. Where this is not possible, Member States shall specify the sampling procedures within their national programmes.
4. Precision levels
1.Member States shall include in their annual report information on the quality (accuracy and precision) of the data.


1.All surveys listed in Appendix IX shall be covered.
2.Member States shall guarantee within their national programmes, continuity with previous survey designs.
3.Notwithstanding points 1 and 2, Member States may propose a modification in the survey effort or sampling design, provided that this does not negatively affect the quality of the results. Acceptance by the Commission of any modification shall be conditional to STECF approval.

CHAPTER IV Module of evaluation of the economic situation of the aquaculture and the processing industry sectors


1. Variables
1.All variables listed in Appendix X are to be collected on an annual basis per segment according to the segmentation set out in Appendix XI.
2.The statistical unit shall be the ‘enterprise’ defined as the lowest legal entity for accounting purposes.
3.The population shall refer to enterprises whose primary activity is defined according to the EUROSTAT definition under NACE Code 05.02: ‘Fish Farming’.
4.National currencies shall be transformed into Euro using the average annual exchange rate available from the European Central Bank (ECB).
2. Disaggregation level
1.Data shall be segmented by species and technique for aquaculture, as mentioned in Appendix XI. Member States may further segment by size of enterprise or other relevant criteria, if necessary.
2.Collection of data for fresh water species is not mandatory. However, if this data is collected, Member States shall follow the segmentation set out in Appendix XI.
3. Sampling strategy
1.Member States shall describe their methodologies for estimating each economic variable, including quality aspects, in their national programmes.
2.Member States shall ensure consistency and comparability of all economic variables when derived from different sources (e.g. questionnaires, financial accounts).
4. Precision levels
1.Member States shall include in their annual report information on the quality (accuracy and precision) of estimates.


1. Variables
1.All variables listed in Appendix XII are to be collected on an annual basis for the population.
2.The population shall refer to enterprises whose main activity is defined according to the EUROSTAT definition under NACE Code 15.20: ‘Processing and preserving of fish and fish products’.
3.As a guideline, the national codes applied by Member States under Regulations (EC) No 852/2004(7), (EC) No 853/2004(8) and (EC) No 854/2004(9) of the European Parliament and of the Council shall additionally be used as a means of cross checking and identifying enterprises classified under NACE code 15.20.
4.National currencies shall be transformed into Euro using the average annual exchange rate available from the European Central Bank (ECB).
2. Disaggregation level
1.The statistical unit for collection of data shall be the ‘enterprise’ as defined as the lowest legal entity for accounting purposes.
2.For enterprises that carry out fish processing but not as a main activity, it is mandatory to collect the following data, in the first year of each programming period:

number of enterprises;


the turnover attributed to fish processing.

3. Sampling strategy
1.Member States shall describe their methodologies for estimating each economic variable, including quality aspects, in their national programmes.
2.Member States shall ensure consistency and comparability of all economic variables when derived from different sources (e.g. questionnaires, financial accounts).
4. Precision levels
1.Member States shall include in their annual report information on the quality (accuracy and precision) of estimates.

CHAPTER V Module of evaluation of the effects of the fisheries sector on the marine ecosystem

1. Variables

1.To allow the calculation of the indicators listed in Appendix XIII, data specified in this Appendix shall be collected on an annual basis with the exception of those which are specified to be collected at more disaggregated levels.
2.Data specified in Appendix XIII shall be collected at national level in order to allow end-users to calculate the indicators at the relevant geographical scale, as given in Appendix II.

2. Disaggregation level

1.The disaggregation level set out in the specifications laid down in Appendix XIII shall be applied.

3. Sampling strategy

1.Member States shall apply the recommendations set out in the specifications laid down in Appendix XIII.

4. Precision levels

1.Member States shall apply the recommendations set out in the specifications laid down in Appendix XIII.

CHAPTER VI Module for management and use of the data covered by the data collection framework


1.With regard to the data covered by this Community Programme, this section covers the development of data bases, data input (storage), data quality control and validation, and data processing from primary data into detailed or aggregated data as referred to in Article 17(1) of Regulation (EC) No 199/2008.
2.It shall include the transformation process of the primary socio-economic data into metadata referred to in Article 13(b) of Regulation (EC) No 199/2008.
3.Member States shall guarantee that, upon request by the Commission, the information on the transformation process referred to in paragraph 2 can be provided.


1.The section covers the production of sets of data and their use to support scientific analysis as a basis for advice to fisheries management as referred to in Article 18(1)a of Regulation (EC) No 199/2008.
2.It shall include biological parameter estimates (age, weight, sex, maturity and fecundity) for stocks listed in Appendix VII, preparation of sets of data for stock assessments and bio-economic modelling and corresponding scientific analysis.

Appendix I

Geographic Stratification by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations

Level 1AreaAreaFAO Area


e.g. 37

Mediterranean and Black sea


e.g. 48

FAO AreaFAO Area
Level 2


e.g. 27.IV

North Sea


e.g. 21.2


FAO Sub-area


e.g. 37.1



e.g. 48.1

Antarctic Peninsula

FAO Sub-areaFAO Sub-area
Level 3


e.g. 27.IV c


e.g. 21.2 H


5° × 5°


e.g. 37.1.2

Gulf of Lions


e.g. 58.5.1

Kerguelen islands


5° × 5°


5° × 5°

Level 4


e.g. 27.III.c.22


e.g. GSA 1

Level 5


30′ × 1°



1° × 1°


30′ × 1°


1° × 1°


1° × 1°

Appendix II

Geographical stratification by Region


Sub-regions or fishing grounds are established by Member States for the first programming period (2009-2010); they may be redefined by Regional Coordination Meetings and agreed by STECF if necessary. This level should be consistent with existing geographical divisions.

Sub-region/Fishing groundaRegionSupra region
Cluster of spatial units on level 4 as defined in Appendix I (ICES subdivision)Baltic Sea (ICES areas III b-d)Baltic Sea (ICES areas III b-d), North Sea (ICES areas IIIa, IV and VIId) and Eastern Arctic (ICES areas I and II), and North Atlantic (ICES areas V-XIV and NAFO areas).
Cluster of spatial units on level 3 as defined in Appendix I (ICES Division)North Sea (ICES areas IIIa, IV and VIId) and Eastern Arctic (ICES areas I and II)
Cluster of spatial units on level 3 as defined in Appendix I (ICES/NAFO Division)North Atlantic (ICES areas V-XIV and NAFO areas)
Cluster of spatial units on level 4 as defined in Appendix I (GSA)Mediterranean Sea and Black SeaMediterranean Sea and Black Sea
RFMO’s sampling Sub-areas (except GFCM)Other regions where fisheries are operated by EU vessels and managed by RFMO’s to which the Community is contracting party or observer (e.g. ICCAT, IOTC, CECAF…)Other regions

Appendix III

Fleet segmentation by Region


For vessels less than 12 metres in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black sea, the length categories are 0-< 6, 6-< 12 metres. For all other regions, the length categories are defined as 0-< 10, 10-< 12 metres.


Vessels less than 12 metres using passive gears in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea may be disaggregated by gear type.

Length classes (LOA)a
0-< 10 m0-< 6 m10-< 12 m6-< 12 m12-< 18 m18-< 24 m24-< 40 m40 m or larger
Active Vessels
Using ‘Active’ gearsBeam trawlers
Demersal trawlers and/or demersal seiners
Pelagic trawlers
Purse seiners
Vessel using other active gears
Vessels using Polyvalent ‘active’ gears only
Using ‘Passive’ gearsVessels using hooks b b
Drift and/or fixed netters
Vessels using Pots and/or traps
Vessels using other Passive gears
Vessels using Polyvalent ‘passive’ gears only
Using Polyvalent gearsVessels using active and passive gears
Inactive vessels

Appendix IV Fishing activity (metier) by Region

(1)Baltic Sea (ICES Subdivisions 22-32)


The retained part of the catch should be classified by target assemblage (crustaceans, demersal fish, etc.) at a trip level or at a fishing operation level when possible, and sorted by weight or by total value in the case of valuable species (e.g. Nephrops, shrimps). The target assemblage that comes up at the first position should be considered as the target assemblage to be reported in the matrix.


As defined in Council Regulations (EC) No 88/98 (OJ L 9, 15.1.1998, p. 1) and (EC) No 2187/2005 (OJ L 349, 31.12.2005, p. 1).


Including eel in the management units as specified in Council Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007 (OJ L 248, 22.9.2007, p. 17).

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6LOA classes (m)
ActivityGear classesGear groupsGear typeTarget assemblageaMesh size and other selective devices<1010- <1212- <1818- <2424- <4040 & +
Fishing activityTrawlsBottom trawlsBottom otter trawl [OTB]Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Multi-rig otter trawl [OTT]Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Bottom pair trawl [PTB]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Pelagic trawlsMidwater otter trawl [OTM]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Midwater pair trawl [PTM]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Hooks and LinesRods and LinesHand and Pole lines [LHP] [LHM]Finfish b
LonglinesDrifting longlines [LLD]Small pelagic fish b
Anadromous species b
Set longlines [LLS]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Anadromous species b
Catadromous species b
TrapsTrapsPots and Traps [FPO]cDemersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Anadromous species b
Catadromous species b
Fyke nets [FYK]cDemersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Anadromous species b
Catadromous species b
Stationary uncovered pound nets [FPN]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Anadromous species b
Catadromous species b
NetsNetsTrammel net [GTR]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Set gillnet [GNS]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Freshwater species b
Anadromous species b
Catadromous species b
SeinesSurrounding netsPurse seine [PS]Small pelagic fish b
SeinesFly shooting seine [SSC]Demersal fish b
Freshwater species b
Anchored seine [SDN]Demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Pair seine [SPR]Demersal fish b
Beach and boat seine [SB] [SV]Finfish b
Fishing activity missing informationFishing activity missing information
Other activity than fishingOther activity than fishing
Recreational fisheriesOnly for these species: Salmon, Cod, Eels, SharksNot applicableAll vessel classes (if any) combined

Where relevant, pilot studies shall be carried out to establish protocols for the monitoring of inland eel fisheries.

(2)North Sea (ICES areas IIIa, IV and VIId) and Eastern Arctic (ICES areas I and II)


The retained part of the catch should be classified by target assemblage (crustaceans, cephalopods, demersal fish, etc.) at a trip level or at a fishing operation level when possible, and sorted by weight or by total value in the case of valuable species (e.g. Nephrops, Tunas). The target assemblage that comes up at the first position should be considered as the target assemblage to be reported in the matrix.


As defined in Council Regulations (EEC) No 1899/85 (OJ L 179, 11.7.1985, p. 2), (EEC) No 1638/87 (OJ L 153, 13.6.1987, p. 7), (EC) No 850/98 (OJ L 125, 27.4.1998, p. 1), Commission Regulations (EC) No 2056/2001 (OJ L 277, 20.10.2001, p. 13), (EC) No 494/2002 (OJ L 77, 20.3.2002, p. 8) and Council Regulation (EC) No 40/2008 (OJ L 19, 23.1.2008, p. 1).


Including eel in the management units as specified in Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007.

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6LOA classes (m)
ActivityGear classesGear groupsGear typeTarget assemblageaMesh size and other selective devices<1010- <1212- <1818- <2424- <4040 &+
Fishing activityDredgesDredgesBoat dredge [DRB]Molluscs b
Mechanised/Suction dredge [HMD]Molluscs b
TrawlsBottom trawlsBottom otter trawl [OTB]Molluscs b
Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Mixed crustaceans and demersal fish b
Mixed cephalopods and demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Deep-water species b
Mixed pelagic and demersal fish b
Mixed demersal and deep water species b
Multi-rig otter trawl [OTT]Molluscs b
Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Deep-water species b
Mixed crustaceans and demersal fish b
Mixed pelagic and demersal fish b
Bottom pair trawl [PTB]Demersal fish b
Crustaceans b
Small pelagic fish b
Beam trawl [TBB]Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Mixed crustaceans and demersal fish b
Pelagic trawlsMidwater otter trawl [OTM]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
Midwater pair trawl [PTM]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
Hooks and LinesRods and LinesHand and Pole lines [LHP] [LHM]Finfish b
LonglinesSet longlines [LLS]Demersal fish b
TrapsTrapscPots and Traps [FPO]Molluscs b
Crustaceans b
Finfish b
Fyke nets [FYK]Catadromous species b
NetsNetsTrammel net [GTR]Demersal fish b
Set gillnet [GNS]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
Crustaceans b
Driftnet [GND]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
SeinesSurrounding netsPurse seine [PS]Small pelagic fish b
SeinesFly shooting seine [SSC]Demersal fish b
Anchored seine [SDN]Demersal fish b
Pair seine [SPR]Demersal fish b
Beach and boat seine [SB] [SV]Finfish b
Other gearOther gearGlass eel fishingGlass eel b
Misc.Misc. b
Other activity than fishingOther activity than fishing
Recreational fisheriesOnly for these species: Cod, Eels, SharksNot applicableAll vessel classes (if any) combined

Where relevant, pilot studies shall be carried out to establish protocols for the monitoring of inland eel fisheries.

(3)North Atlantic (ICES areas V-XIV and NAFO areas)


The retained part of the catch should be classified by target assemblage (crustaceans, cephalopods, demersal fish, etc.) at a trip level or at a fishing operation level when possible, and sorted by weight or by total value in the case of valuable species (e.g. Nephrops, Tunas). The target assemblage that comes up at the first position should be considered as the target assemblage to be reported in the matrix.


As defined in Regulation (EC) No 850/1998, Council Regulation (EC) No 2549/2000 (OJ L 292, 21.11.2000, p. 5), Regulations (EC) No 2056/2001, (EC) No 494/2002, Council Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007 (OJ L 318, 5.12.2007, p. 1) and Regulation (EC) No 40/2008.


Including eel in the management units as specified in Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007.

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6LOA classes (m)
ActivityGear classesGear groupsGear typeTarget assemblageaMesh size and other selective devices<1010- <1212- <1818- <2424- <4040 &+
Fishing activityDredgesDredgesBoat dredge [DRB]Molluscs b
Mechanised/Suction dredge [HMD]Molluscs b
TrawlsBottom trawlsBottom otter trawl [OTB]Molluscs b
Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Mixed crustaceans and demersal fish b
Mixed cephalopods and demersal fish b
Small pelagic fish b
Deep-water species b
Mixed pelagic and demersal fish b
Mixed demersal and deep water species b
Multi-rig otter trawl [OTT]Molluscs b
Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Deep-water species b
Mixed crustaceans and demersal fish b
Mixed pelagic and demersal fish b
Bottom pair trawl [PTB]Demersal fish b
Crustaceans b
Small pelagic fish b
Beam trawl [TBB]Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Mixed crustaceans and demersal fish b
Mixed demersal and cephalopods b
Pelagic trawlsMidwater otter trawl [OTM]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
Midwater pair trawl [PTM]Small pelagic fish b
Large pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
Hooks and LinesRods and LinesHand and Pole lines [LHP] [LHM]Finfish b
Cephalopods b
Trolling lines [LTL]Large pelagic fish b
LonglinesDrifting longlines [LLD]Large pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
Deep-water species b
Set longlines [LLS]Deep-water species b
Demersal fish b
TrapsTrapscPots and Traps [FPO]Molluscs b
Crustaceans b
Finfish b
Fyke nets [FYK]Catadromous species b
Demersal species b
Stationary uncovered pound nets [FPN]Large pelagic fish b
NetsNetsTrammel net [GTR]Demersal fish b
Set gillnet [GNS]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
Crustaceans b
Deep-water species b
Driftnet [GND]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
SeinesSurrounding netsPurse seine [PS]Small pelagic fish b
Large pelagic fish b
SeinesFly shooting seine [SSC]Demersal fish b
Anchored seine [SDN]Demersal fish b
Pair seine [SPR]Demersal fish b
Beach and boat seine [SB] [SV]Finfish b
Other gearOther gearGlass eel fishingGlass eel b
Misc.Misc. b
Other activity than fishingOther activity than fishing
Recreational fisheriesOnly for these species: Salmon, Seabass, Sharks, Eels (for ICES areas only)Not applicableAll vessel classes (if any) combined

Where relevant, pilot studies shall be carried out to establish protocols for the monitoring of inland eel fisheries.

(4)Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea


The retained part of the catch should be classified by target assemblage (crustaceans, cephalopods, demersal fish, etc.) at a trip level or at a fishing operation level when possible, and sorted by weight or by total value in the case of valuable species (e.g. Nephrops, Tunas). The target assemblage that comes up at the first position should be considered as the target assemblage to be reported in the matrix.


As defined in Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 (OJ L 409, 30.12.2006, p.11).


Referring only to red shrimps Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus, species not included in the definition of deep sea species given by Council Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002 (OJ L 351, 28.12.2002, p. 6).


Including eel in the management units as specified in Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007.

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6LOA classes (m)
ActivityGear classesGear groupsGear typeTarget assemblageaMesh size and other selective devices<66- <1212- <1818- <2424- <4040 &+
Fishing activityDredgesDredgesBoat dredge [DRB]Molluscs b
TrawlsBottom trawlsBottom otter trawl [OTB]Demersal species b
Deep water species b
Mixed demersal species and deep water speciesc b
Multi-rig otter trawl [OTT]Demersal species b
Bottom pair trawl [PTB]Demersal species b
Beam trawl [TBB]Demersal species b
Pelagic trawlsMidwater otter trawl [OTM]Mixed demersal and pelagic species b
Pelagic pair trawl [PTM]Small pelagic fish b
Hooks and LinesRods and LinesHand and Pole lines [LHP] [LHM]Finfish b
Cephalopods b
Trolling lines [LTL]Large pelagic fish b
LonglinesDrifting longlines [LLD]Large pelagic fish b
Set longlines [LLS]Demersal fish b
TrapsTrapsdPots and Traps [FPO]Demersal species b
Fyke nets [FYK]Catadromous species b
Demersal species b
Stationary uncovered pound nets [FPN]Large pelagic fish b
NetsNetsTrammel net [GTR]Demersal species b
Set gillnet [GNS]Small and large pelagic fish b
Demersal species b
Driftnet [GND]Small pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
SeinesSurrounding netsPurse seine [PS]Small pelagic fish b
Large pelagic fish b
Lampara nets [LA]Small and large pelagic fish b
SeinesFly shooting seine [SSC]Demersal species b
Anchored seine [SDN]Demersal species b
Pair seine [SPR]Demersal species b
Beach and boat seine [SB] [SV]Demersal species b
Other gearOther gearGlass eel fishingGlass eel b
Misc.Misc. b
Other activity than fishingOther activity than fishing
Recreational fisheriesOnly for these species: Bluefin tuna, Eels, SharksNot applicableAll vessel classes (if any) combined

Where relevant, pilot studies shall be carried out to establish protocols for the monitoring of inland eel fisheries.

(5)Other regions where fisheries are operated by EU vessels and managed by RFMO’s to which the Community is contracting party or observer (e.g. ICCAT, IOTC, CECAF …)


The retained part of the catch should be classified by target assemblage (crustaceans, cephalopods, demersal fish, etc.) at a trip level or at a fishing operation level where possible, and sorted by weight or by total value in the case of valuable species (e.g. Nephrops, Tunas). The target assemblage that comes up at the first position should be considered as the target assemblage to be reported in the matrix.


As defined in Council Regulations (EC) No 600/2004 (OJ L 97, 1.4.2004, p. 1), (EC) No 830/2004 (OJ L 127, 29.4.2004, p. 31), (EC) No 115/2006 (OJ L 21, 25.1.2006, p. 1), (EC) No 563/2006 (OJ L 105, 13.4.2006, p. 33), (EC) No 764/2006 (OJ L 141, 29.5.2006, p. 1), (EC) No 805/2006 (OJ L 151, 6.6.2006, p. 1), (EC) No 1562/2006 (OJ L 290, 20.10.2006, p. 1), (EC) No 1563/2006 (OJ L 290, 20.10.2006, p. 6), (EC) No 1801/2006 (OJ L 343, 8.12.2006, p. 1), (EC) No 2027/2006 (OJ L 414, 30.12.2006, p. 1), (EC) No 450/2007 (OJ L 109, 26.4.2007, p. 1), (EC) No 753/2007 (OJ L 172, 30.6.2007, p. 1), (EC) No 893/2007 (OJ L 205, 7.8.2007, p. 1), (EC) No 894/2007 (OJ L 205, 7.8.2007, p. 35), (EC) No 1386/2007 (OJ L 318, 5.12.2007, p. 1), (EC) No 1446/2007 (OJ L 331, 17.12.2007, p. 1), (EC) No 31/2008 (OJ L 15, 18.1.2008, p. 1), (EC) No 241/2008 (OJ L 75, 18.3.2008, p. 49) and (EC) No 242/2008 (OJ L 75, 18.3.2008, p. 51).

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6LOA classes (m)
ActivityGear classesGear groupsGear typeTarget assemblageaMesh size and other selective devices<1010- <1212- <1818- <2424- <4040 &+
Fishing activityTrawlsBottom trawlsBottom otter trawl [OTB]Crustaceans b
Demersal fish b
Mixed cephalopods and demersal fish b
Multi-rig otter trawl [OTT]Crustaceans b
Pelagic trawlsMidwater otter trawl [OTM]Small pelagic fish b
Hooks and LinesRods and LinesHand and Pole lines [LHP] [LHM]Large pelagic fish b
Demersal fish b
LonglinesDrifting longlines [LLD]Large pelagic fish b
Set longlines [LLS]Demersal fish b
TrapsTrapsPots and Traps [FPO]Crustaceans b
Finfish b
NetsNetsTrammel net [GTR]Demersal fish b
Set gillnet [GNS]Demersal fish b
Driftnet [GND]Demersal fish b
SeinesSurrounding netsPurse seine [PS]Small pelagic fish b
Large pelagic fish b
Misc.Misc. b
Other activity than fishingOther activity than fishing

Appendix V

Disaggregation levels used for the collection of data


Considering the place where the fishing activity occurs could refer to sub regions, regions or supra regions the appendix summarises the different levels for the collection of data (or disaggregation levels).

Sub regions or fishing groundsRegionsSupra regions
Metier*Fleet segment (Cell)AA1A2A3
Fleet segmentCC1C2C3

Appendix VI

List of Economic variables


Economic variables are to be collected on an annual basis at the C3 level (Appendix V) with the exception of those identified as transversal variables and collected at more disaggregated levels (as defined in the Appendix VIII) and periodicity.


Includes direct payments, e.g., compensation for stopping fishing, refunds of fuel duty or similar lump sum compensation payments. Excludes social benefit payments, indirect subsidies, e.g., reduced duty on inputs such as fuel, investment subsidies.


Includes other income from use of the vessel, e.g., recreational fishing, tourism, oil rig duty, etc., also insurance payments for damage/loss of gear/vessel.


Including social security costs.


For example, the vessel owner’s own labour. Chosen methodology should be explained by the Member State in their National Programme.


Excluding lubrication oil. Broken down by type if possible (petrol, diesel, biofuel, etc.).


Gross costs of maintenance and repairs to vessel and gear.


ESA refers to European System of Accounts 1995 (EU Reg. 2223/96, EU Reg. 1267/2003. Eurostat ESA 1995 manual).


Includes all purchased inputs (goods and services) related to fishing effort and/or catch/landings.


Includes purchased inputs not related to effort and/or catch/landings (including leased equipment).


Estimated according to [the proposed PIM methodology in the capital valuation report of study No FISH/2005/03: ‘IREPA Onlus Co-ordinator, 2006. Evaluation of the capital value, investments and capital costs in the fisheries sector Study No FISH/2005/03, 203p.’]. The data and estimation procedures should be explained in the National Programme.


Value of the vessel, i.e., the hull, engine, all onboard equipment and the gear. Estimated according to [the proposed PIM methodology in the capital valuation report of study No FISH/2005/03 ‘IREPA Onlus Co-ordinator, 2006. Evaluation of the capital value, investments and capital costs in the fisheries sector Study No FISH/2005/03, 203p.’]. The data and estimation procedures should be explained in the National Programme.


Where appropriate. Methodology for estimation to be explained in the National Programme.


Improvements to existing vessel/gear during the given year.


% debt in relation to total capital value (as defined above).


Number of jobs on board, equal to the average number of persons working for and paid by the vessel. This includes temporary crew as well as rotation crew. [see report of Study FISH/2005/14, ‘LEI WAGENINGENUR Co-ordinator, 2006. Calculation of labour including full-time equivalent (FTE) in fisheries Study No FISH/2005/14, 142 p.’]


Full-time equivalent (FTE) based on the national reference level for FTE working hours of the crew members on board the vessel (excluding resting time) and the working hours onshore. If the annual working hours per crew member exceed the reference level, the FTE equals 1 per crew member. If not, the FTE equals the ratio between the hours worked and the reference level. [The methodology should be in accordance with the Study FISH/2005/14, ‘LEI WAGENINGENUR Co-ordinator, 2006. Calculation of labour including full-time equivalent (FTE) in fisheries Study No FISH/2005/14, 142 p.’ and amended by the SGECA 07-01 report (15-19 January 2007, Salerno, 21 p. +annexes) and should be explained in the national programmes.]


Full-time equivalent (FTE) based on a threshold of 2 000 hours per FTE using the same methodology referred to in note 18.


Situation at 1st of January as defined in the fleet register. Shared ownership (involving more than one person) should be regarded as one unit.


Prices in Euro per kilo live weight.

Variable groupVariableSpecification for the collection of dataaUnitDefinitionStructural Business Statistics (SBS)Commission Regulation (EC) No 2700/98bGuideline
IncomeGross value of landingsTransversalEuro

12 11 0

excl. para 4

Income from leasing out quota or other fishing rightsEuro

12 11 0

excl. para 4

Direct subsidiescEuro

12 11 0

excl. para 4

Other incomedEuro

12 11 0

excl. para 4

Personnel costsWages and salaries of creweEuro13 31 0
Imputed value of unpaid labourfEuro13 32 0
Energy costsEnergy costsgEuro

20 11 0

(13 11 0)

Repair and maintenance costsRepair and maintenance costshEuro(13 11 0)

ESAi 3.70.

e) (1) (2)

Other operational costsVariable costsjEuro(13 11 0)
Non-variable costslEuro(13 11 0)
Lease/rental payments for quota or other fishing rightsEuro(13 11 0)
Capital costsAnnual depreciationkEuroESA 6.02. to 6.05.
Capital valueValue of physical capital: depreciated replacement valuemEuroESA 7.09. to 7.24
Value of physical capital: depreciated historical valuemEuroESA 7.09. to 7.24
Value of quota and other fishing rightsnEuroESA 7.09. to 7.24
InvestmentsInvestments in physical capitaloEuro15 11 0ESA 3.102. to 3.111.
Financial positionDebt/asset ratiop%
EmploymentEngaged crewqNumber

16 11 0; 16 13 0;

16 13 1; 16 13 2

16 13 5; 16 14 0

16 15 0

ESA 11.32. to 11.34
FTE NationalrNumber

16 11 0; 16 13 0

16 13 1; 16 13 2

16 13 5; 16 14 0

16 15 0

ESA 11.32. to 11.34
FTE harmonisedsNumber

16 11 0; 16 13 0

16 13 1; 16 13 2

16 13 5; 16 14 0

16 15 0

ESA 11.32. to 11.34
Mean LOATransversalMetresN/AN/A
Mean vessel’s tonnageTransversalGTN/AN/A
Mean vessel’s powerTransversalkWN/AN/A
Mean ageTransversalYearsN/AN/A
EffortDays at seaTransversalDaysN/AN/A
Energy consumptionLitresN/AN/A
Number of fishing enterprises/unitsNumber of fishing enterprises/unitst

By size category:


owned vessel


2-5 owned vessels


> 5 owned vessels

Production value per speciesValue of landings per speciesTransversalEuroN/AN/A
Average price per speciesuTransversalEuro/kgN/AN/A

Appendix VII

List of Biological variables with species sampling specification

(Y = Yearly; T = every three years)


See section Chapter III section B/B1/3. (1) (f)


Age analysis for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) shall be set at a minimum of 5 individuals per cm length intervals. A minimum of 100 individuals shall be analysed per management unit as specified in Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007 for yellow and silver eels separately.


To be defined by species according to landing, survey or catch data.


Periodicity for age is every three years (first year starting in 2009) and shall be carried out together with weight, maturity and sex estimates.

Species (Engl.)Species (Latin)Area/StockSpecies groupaAgeNo/1 000 tWeightSexMaturityFecundity
ICES areas I, II
European Eel Anguilla anguillaI, IIG1 bTTT
Tusk Brosme brosmeI, IIG2250TTT
Basking shark Cetorhinus maximusI,IIG1
Atlanto-Scandian herring Clupea harengusI, II,VG125YYY
Longnosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchusIIG1
Velvet belly Etmopterus spinaxIIG1
Cod Gadus morhuaI, IIG1125YYY
Blackmouth dogfish Galeus melastomusIIG1
Capelin Mallotus villosusI, IIG2
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusI, IIG1125YYY
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouI-IX, XII, XIVG125YYY
Northern shrimp Pandalus borealisI, IIG1YYY
Saithe Pollachius virensI, IIG1125YYY
Blonde ray Raja brachyuraI, IIG1
Thornback ray Raja clavataI, IIG1
Cuckoo ray Raja naevusI,IIG1
Starry ray Raja radiataI,IIG1
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesI, IIG150YYY
Salmon Salmo salarI, IIG1250TTT
Mackerel Scomber scombrusII, IIIa, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IXG125YYY
GoldenRedfish Sebastes marinus.I, IIG1125YYY
Deep sea Redfish Sebastes mentella.I, IIG1125YYY
Angelshark Squatina squatinaAll areas
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusIIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIIa-c, e-k, VIIIabdeG225TTT
Skagerrak and Kattegat — ICES area IIIa
Sand eel AmmodytidaeIIIaG250
European Eel Anguilla anguillaIIIaG1 bTTT
Basking shark Cetorhinus maximusIIIaG1
Herring Clupea harengusIV, VIId, IIIa/22-24, IIIaG125YYY
Roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestrisIIIaG2100TTT
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardusIIIaG2250TTT
Cod Gadus morhuaIV, VIId, IIIaNG1250YYY
Cod Gadus morhuaIIIaSG1125YYY
Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossusIIIaG2250TTT
Dab Limanda limandaIIIaG2125
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusIV, IIIaG1125YYY
Whiting Merlangius merlangusIIIaG2125TTT
Hake Merluccius merlucciusIIIa, IV, VI, VII, VIIIabG1125YYY
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouI-IX, XII, XIVG125YYY
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusFunctional unitG1YYY
Northern shrimp Pandalus borealisIIIa, IVa eastG1YYY
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaIIIaG1250YYY
Saithe Pollachius virensIV, IIIa, VIG1125YYY
Turbot Psetta maximaall areasG2250TTT
Rays and skates Rajidae cIIIaG1
Mackerel Scomber scombrusII, IIIa, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IXG125YYY
Brill Scophthalmus rhombusIIIaG2125TTT
Lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus caniculaIIIaG1
Sharks Shark-like selachii cIIIaG1
Sole Solea soleaIIIa, 22G1250YYY
Sprat Sprattus sprattusIIIaG1500YYY
Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkiIV, IIIaG225
Baltic Sea — ICES Subdivisions 22-32
European Eel Anguilla anguillaIIIb-dG1 bTTT
Herring Clupea harengus22-24/25-29, 32/30/31/ Gulf of RigaG125YYY
Common Whitefish Coregonus lavaretusIIIdG2250TTT
Pike Esox luciusIIIdG2250TTT
Cod Gadus morhua22-24/25-32G1125YYY
Dab Limanda limanda22-32G2125TTT
Perch Perca fluviatilisIIIdG2250TTT
Flounder Platichtys flesus22-32G2250TTT
Plaice Pleuronectes platessa22-32G2250TTT
Turbot Psetta maxima22-32G2250TTT
Salmon Salmo salar22-31/32G1250YYY
Sea trout Salmo trutta22-32G2250TTT
Pike-perch Sander luciopercaIIIdG2250TTT
Brill Scophthalmus rhombus22-32G2125TTT
Sole Solea solea22G1125YYY
Sprat Sprattus sprattus22-32G150YYY
North Sea and Eastern Channel — ICES areas IV, VIId
Sand eel AmmodytidaeIVG225
Catfish Anarhichas spp.IVG2250
European Eel Anguilla anguillaIV, VIIdG1 bTTT
Argentine Argentina spp.IVG250
Red gurnard Aspitrigla cuculusIVG2250TTT
Tusk Brosme brosmeIV, IIIaG2250TTT
Leafscale gulper shark Centrophorus squamosusIVG1
Black dogfish Centroscyllium fabriciiVIIdG1
Portuguese dogfish Centroscymnus coelolepisVIG1
Longnose velvet dogfish Centroscymnus crepidaterVIIdG1
Basking shark Cetorhinus maximusIV, VIIdG1
Herring Clupea harengusIV, VIId, IIIaG125YYY
Common Shrimp Crangon crangonIV, VIIdG2TTT
Kitefin shark Dalatias lichaVIIdG1
Common stingray Dasyatis pastinacaVIIdG1
Birdbeak dogfish Deania calceaVIIaG1
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxIV, VIIdG2125TTT
Velvet belly Etmopterus spinaxIV, VIIaG1
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardusIVG2250TTT
Cod Gadus morhuaIV, VIId, IIIaG1125YYY
Blackmouth dogfish Galeus melastomusVIIaG1
Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossusIVG2250TTT
Blue-mouth rockfish Helicolenus dactylopterusIVG2250TTT
Four-spot megrim Lepidorhombus bosciiIV, VIIdG250TTT
Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonisIV, VIIdG250TTT
Sandy ray Leucoraja circularisVIIdG1
Dab Limanda limandaIV, VIIdG2125TTT
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassaIV, VIIdG1125YYY
Anglerfish Lophius piscatoriusIIIa, IV, VIG1125YYY
Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglaxIV, IIIaG2250TTT
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusIV, IIIaG1125YYY
Whiting Merlangius merlangusIV, VIIdG1125YYY
Hake Merluccius merlucciusIIIa, IV, VI, VII, VIIIabG1125YYY
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouI-IX, XII, XIVG125YYY
Lemon sole Microstomus kittIV, VIIdG2100TTT
Blue ling Molva dypterygiaIV, IIIaG1125TTT
Ling Molva molvaIV, IIIaG2125TTT
Red mullet Mullus barbatusIV, VIIdG2125TTT
Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletusIV, VIIdG2125TTT
Smooth hounds Mustelus spp.cVIIaG1
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusall functional unitsG1YYY
Northern shrimp Pandalus borealisIIIa, IVa East/IVa/IVG1TTT
Common scallop Pecten maximusVIIdG2TTT
Greater Forkbeard Phycis blennoidesIVG250TTT
Forkbeard Phycis phycisIVG250TTT
Flounder Platichthys flesusIVG2125TTT
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaIVG150YYY
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaVIIdG1125YYY
Saithe Pollachius virensIV, IIIa, VIG1125YYY
Turbot Psetta maximaIV, VIIdG2250TTT
Blonde ray Raja brachyuraIVG1
Thornback ray Raja clavataIV, VIIdG1TTT
Spotted ray Raja montaguiIV, VIIdG1TTT
Cuckoo ray Raja naevusIV, VIIdG1TTT
Starry ray Raja radiataIV, VIIdG1TTT
Other rays and skates Rajidae cIV, VIIdG1
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesIVG2250TTT
Salmon Salmo salarIVG1250TTT
Mackerel Scomber scombrusII, IIIa, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IXG125YYY
Brill Scophthalmus rhombusIV, VIIdG2125TTT
Lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus caniculaIV, VIIaG1
Redfish Sebastes mentella.IVG1125YYY
Deepwater shark Shark-like Selachii cIVG1TTT
Small shark Shark-like Selachii cIV, VIIdG1TTT
Sole Solea soleaIVG1250YYY
Sole Solea soleaVIIdG1250YYY
Sprat Sprattus sprattusIV/VIIdeG150TTT
Spurdog Squalus acanthiasIV, VIIdG1TTT
Angelshark Squatina squatinaAll areasG1
Angelshark Squatina squatinaVIIaG1
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus.IIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIIa-c, e-k, VIIIabde/IIIa, IVbc, VIIdG225TTTT
Tub gurnard Trigla lucernaIVG2250TTT
Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkiIV, IIIaG225
John Dory Zeus faberIV, VIIdG2250TTT
North East Atlantic and Western Channel — ICES areas V, VI, VII (excluding d), VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV
Smoothhead Alepocephalus bairdiiVI, XIIG2TTT
Sand eel AmmodytidaeVIaG225
European Eel Anguilla anguillaall areasG1 bTTT
Scabbardfish Aphanopus spp.all areasG150YYY
Argentine Argentina spp.all areasG250TTT
Meagre Argyrosomus regiusall areasG250TTT
Red gurnard Aspitrigla cuculusall areasG2250TTT
Alfonsinos Beryx spp.all areas, excluding X and IXaG150YYY
Alfonsinos Beryx spp.IXa and XG1125TTT
Edible crab Cancer pagurusall areasG2TTT
Gulper shark Centrophorus granulosusall areasG1TTT
Leafscale gulper shark Centrophorus squamosusall areasG1TTT
Black dogfish Centroscyllium fabriciiV, VI, VII, XIIG1
Portuguese dogfish Centroscymnus coelolepisall areasG1TTT
Longnose velvet dogfish Centroscymnus crepidaterV, VI, VII, IX, X, XIIG1
Basking shark Cetorhinus maximusAll areasG1
Herring Clupea harengus



Conger Conger congerall areas, excluding XG225TTT
Conger Conger congerXG2125TTT
Roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestrisall areasG1100YYY
Kitefin shark Dalatias lichaAll areasG1
Common stingray Dasyatis pastinacaVII, VIIIG1
Birdbeak dogfish Deania calceaV, VI, VII, IX, X, XIIG1
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxall areas, excluding IXG2125TTT
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxIXG2125TTT
Wedge sole Dicologoglosa cuneataVIIIc, IXG2100
Common skate Dipturus batisV, VI, VII, VIIIG1
Longnosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchusV, VI, VII, VIIIG1
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusIXa (only Cádiz)G1125TTTT
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusVIIIG1125YYYY
Velvet belly Etmopterus spinaxVI, VII, VIIIG1
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardusVIId,eG2250TTT
Cod Gadus morhuaVa/Vb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe-kG1125YYY
Blackmouth dogfish Galeus melastomusVI, VII, VIII, IX, XG1
Witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossusVI, VIIG250
Bluemouth rockfish Helicolenus dactylopterusall areasG2100
Lobster Homarus gammarusall areasG2TTT
Orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticusall areasG150YYY
Shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchusAll areasG1
Porbeagle Lamna nasusAll areasG1
Silver scarbbardfish Lepidopus caudatusIXaG2TTT
Four-spot megrim Lepidorhombus bosciiVIIIc, IXaG1250YYY
Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonisVI/VII, VIIIabd/VIIIc, IXaG1125YYY
Sandy ray Leucoraja circularisVI, VII, VIIIG1
Shagreen ray Leucoraja fullonicaV, VI, VII, VIIIG1
Dab Limanda limandaVIIe/VIIa,f-hG2125TTT
Common squid Loligo vulgarisall areas, excluding VIIIc, IXaG2
Common squid Loligo vulgarisVIIIc, IXaG2TTT
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassaIV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabdG1125YYY
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassaVIIIc, IXaG1125YYY
Anglerfish Lophius piscatoriousIV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabdG1125YYY
Anglerfish Lophius piscatoriousVIIIc, IXaG1125YYY
Capelin Mallotus villosusXIVG250
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusVa/VbG1125YYY
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusVIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIb-kG1125YYY
Whiting Merlangius merlangusVIII/IX, XG225TTT
Whiting Merlangius merlangusVb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe-kG1250YYY
Hake Merluccius merlucciusIIIa, IV, VI, VII, VIIIab/VIIIc, IXaG1125YYY
Wedge sole Microchirus variegatusall areasG250
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouI-IX, XII, XIVG125YYY
Lemon sole Microstomus kittall areasG2100TTT
Blue ling Molva dypterygiaall areas, excluding XG1125TTT
Blue ling Molva dypterygiaXG1125TTT
Ling Molva molvaall areasG2125TTT
Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletusall areasG2125TTT
Starry smooth-hound Mustelus asteriasVI, VII, VIII, IXG1
Smooth-hound Mustelus mustelusVI, VII, VIII, IXG1
Blackspotted smooth-hound Mustelus punctulatusVI, VII, VIII, IXG1
Common eagle ray Myliobatis aquilaAll areasG1
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusVI Fuctional unitG1YYY
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusVII Functional unitG1YYY
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusVIII, IX Functional unitG1YYY
Common octopus Octopus vulgarisall areas, excluding VIIIc, IXaG2TTT
Common octopus Octopus vulgarisVIIIc, IXaG2
Sea bream Pagellus bogaraveoIXa, XG1250TTT
Pandalid shrimps Pandalus spp.all areasG2
White shrimp Parapenaeus longirostrisIXaG2TTT
Greater Forkbeard Phycis blennoidesall areasG250TTT
Forkbeard Phycis phycisall areasG250TTT
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaVIIa/VIIe/VIIfgG1100YYY
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaVIIbc/VIIh-k/VIII, IX, XG125YYY
Pollack Pollachius pollachiusall areas except IX, XG225TTT
Pollack Pollachius pollachiusIX, XG2500TTT
Saithe Pollachius virensVa/Vb/IV, IIIa, VIG1125YYY
Saithe Pollachius virensVII, VIIIG2125TTT
Wreckfish Polyprion americanusXG2125
Blue shark Prionace glaucaAll areasG1
Turbot Psetta maximaall areasG2250TTT
Blue stingray Pteroplatytrygon violaceaAll areasG1
Bottlenosed skate Raja albaIXG1
Blonde ray Raja brachyuraVII, IXG1
Thornback ray Raja clavataall areasG1TTT
Small eyed ray Raja microocellataVII, IXG1
Brown ray Raja miraletusIXG1
Spotted ray Raja montaguiall areasG1TTT
Cuckoo ray Raja naevusall areasG1TTT
Starry ray Raja radiataVG1
Other rays and skates Rajidae call areasG1
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesV, XIV/VIG1250YYY
Salmon Salmo salarall areasG1250
Sardine Sardina pilchardusVIIIabd/VIIIc, IXaG150YYYT
Spanish mackerel Scomber japonicusVIII, IXG225TTT
Mackerel Scomber scombrusII, IIIa, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IXG125YYYT
Brill Scophthalmus rhombusall areasG2125TTT
Golden Redfish Sebastes marinusICES Sub areas V, VI, XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K).G1250YYY
Deep sea Redfish Sebastes mentellaICES Sub areas V, VI, XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K)G1250YYY
Cuttlefish Sepia officinalisall areasG2TTT
Sole Solea soleaVIIa/VIIfgG1250YYY
Sole Solea soleaVIIbc/VIIhjk/IXa/VIIIcG1250YYY
Sole Solea soleaVIIeG1250YYY
Sole Solea soleaVIIIabG1250YYY
Sea breams (in plural) Sparidaeall areasG250
Spurdog Squalus acanthiasall areasG1TTT
Angelshark Squatina squatinaAll areasG1
Electric ray Torpedo marmorataVIIIG1
Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneusVIII, IXG225TTT
Blue jack mackerel Trachurus picturatusXG225TTT
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusIIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIIa-c, e-k, VIIIabde/XG225TTTT
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusVIIIc, IXaG225TTTT
Pouting Trisopterus spp.all areasG225
John Dory Zeus faberall areasG2250TTT
Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea
Bigeye thresher shark Alopias superciliosusAll areasG1
Thresher shark Alopias vulpinusAll areasG1
European Eel Anguilla anguillaall areasG1 bTTT
Giant red shrimp Aristeomorpha foliaceaall areasG1YYY
Red shrimp Aristeus antennatusall areasG1YYY
Bogue Boops boops1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2G2TTT
Sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeusAll areasG1
Sand tiger shark Carcharias taurusAll areasG1
Gulper shark Centrophorus granulosusAll areasG1
Basking shark Cetorhinus maximusAll areasG1
Dolphinfish Coryphaena equiselisall areasG2
Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurusall areasG2500dTTT
Kitefin shark Dalatias lichaAll areasG1
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxall areasG2100TTT
Blue skate Dipturus batisAll areasG1
Longnosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchusAll areasG1
Horned octopus Eledone cirrosa1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1G2TTT
Musky octopus Eledone moschata1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1G2TTT
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusall areasG150YYY
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusBlack SeaG1TTT
Velvet belly Etmopterus spinaxAll areasG1
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus2.2, 3.1G2250TTT
Tope shark Galeorhinus galeusAll areasG1
Blackmouth dogfish Galeus melastomusAll areasG1
Spiny butterfly ray Gymnura altavelaAll areasG1
Sharpnose sevengill shark Heptranchias perloAll areasG1
Bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseusAll areasG1
Squid Illex spp., Todarodes spp.all areasG2TTT
Billfish Istiophoridaeall areasG1TTT
Shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchusAll areasG1
Porbeagle Lamna nasusAll areasG1
Sandy ray Leucoraja circularisAll areasG1
Maltese skate Leucoraja melitensisAll areasG1
Common squid Loligo vulgarisall areasG2TTT
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassa1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1G2250TTT
Anglerfish Lophius piscatorius1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1G2250TTT
Hake Merluccius merlucciusall areasG1125YYY
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou1.1, 3.1G2250TTT
Grey mullets Mugilidae1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1G2
Red mullet Mullus barbatusall areasG1125YYY
Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletusall areasG1125YYY
Starry smooth-hound Mustelus asteriasAll areasG1
Smooth-hound Mustelus mustelusAll areasG1
Blackspotted smooth-hound Mustelus punctulatusAll areasG1
Common eagle ray Myliobatis aquilaAll areasG1
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusall areasG1YYY
Common octopus Octopus vulgarisall areasG2TTT
Smalltooth sand tiger Odontaspis feroxAll areasG1
Angular roughshark Oxynotus centrinaAll areasG1
Pandora Pagellus erythrinusall areasG2125TTT
White shrimp Parapenaeus longirostrisall areasG1YYY
Caramote prawn Penaeus kerathurus3.1G2TTT
Blue shark Prionace glaucaAll areasG1
Smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinataAll areasG1
Common sawfish Pristis pristisAll areasG1
Turbot Psetta maximaBlack SeaG1TTT
Blue stingray Pteroplatytrygon violaceaAll areasG1
Starry ray Raja asteriasAll areasG1
Thornback ray Raja clavata1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1G1TTT
Brown ray Raja miraletus1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1G1TTT
Undulate ray Raja undulataAll areasG1
Blackchin guitarfish Rhinobatos cemiculusAll areasG1
Common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatosAll areasG1
White skate Rostroraja albaAll areasG1
Atlantic bonito Sarda sardaall areasG250dTTT
Sardine Sardina pilchardusall areasG150YYY
Mackerel Scomber spp.all areasG250TTT
Small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus caniculaAll areasG1
Nursehound Scyliorhinus stellarisAll areasG1
Cuttlefish Sepia officinalisall areasG2TTT
Sharks Shark-like Selachii call areasG1TTT
Sole Solea vulgaris1.2, 2.1, 3.1G1250YYY
Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata1.2, 3.1G2TTT
Scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewiniAll areasG1
Great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarranAll areasG1
Smalleye hammerhead Sphyrna tudesAll areasG1
Smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaenaAll areasG1
Picarels Spicara smaris2.1, 3.1, 3.2G2100TTT
Sprat Sprattus sprattusBlack SeaG1TTT
Piked dogfish Squalus acanthiasBlack SeaG1TTT
Spiny dogfish Squalus acanthiasAll areasG1
Longnose spurdog Squalus blainvilleiAll areasG1
Sawback aculeata Squatina aculeataAll areasG1
Smoothback angelshark Squatina oculataAll areasG1
Angelshark Squatina squatinaAll areasG1
Mantis shrimp Squilla mantis1.3, 2.1, 2.2G2TTT
Albacore Thunnus alalungaall areasG2125dTTT
Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnusall areasG1125dTTT
Spotted torpedo Torpedo marmorataAll areasG1
Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneusall areasG2100TTT
Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneusBlack SeaG1TTT
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusall areasG2100TTT
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusBlack SeaG1TTT
Tub gurnard Trigla lucerna1.3, 2.2, 3.1G2TTT
Clam Veneridae2.1, 2.2G2TTT
Sword fish Xiphias gladiusall areasG1125dTTT
NAFO areas
Cod Gadus morhua2J 3KLG1125YYY
Cod Gadus morhua3MG1125YYY
Cod Gadus morhua3NOG1125YYY
Cod Gadus morhua3PsG2125TTT
Cod Gadus morhuaSA 1G1125YYY
Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossus3NOG2TTT
American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides3LNOG1100YYY
American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides3MG1100TTT
Yellowtail flounder Limanda ferruginea3LNOG2TTT
Grenadier MacrouridaeSA 2 + 3G2250TTT
Pandalid shrimp Pandalus spp.3LG1YYY
Pandalid shrimp Pandalus spp.3MG1YYY
Rays and skates Raja spp.SA 3G1TTT
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides3KLMNOG1200YYY
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesSA 1G1200YYY
Salmon Salmo salarICES Sub-area XIV & NAFO Sub-area 1G1500YYY
Redfish Sebastes mentella.SA 1G1250YYY
Redfish Sebastes spp.3LNG1
Redfish Sebastes spp.3MG150
Redfish Sebastes spp.3OG1
Highly migratory species Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans
Frigate tuna Auxis rocheiG2TTT
Silky shark Carcharhinus falciformisAll areasG1
Atlantic back skipjack Euthynnus alleteratusG2TTT
Billfish IstiophoridaeG1TTT
Shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchusG1TTT
Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamisG1TTT
Porbeagle Lamna nasusG1TTT
Blue shark Prionace glaucaG1TTT
Atlantic bonito Sarda sardaG1TTT
Sharks Shark-like Selachii cG1TTT
Other sharks Squaliformes cG1TTT
Albacore Thunnus alalungaG1TTT
Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacaresG1TTT
Bigeye tuna Thunnus obesusG1TTT
Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnusG1TTT
Swordfish Xiphias gladiusG1TTT
Black scabbardfish Aphanopus carboMadeiraG1TTT
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusMoroccoG1TTT
Southern pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus notialisall areasG1TTT
Silver scabbardfish Lepidopus caudatusMauritaniaG2
Common squid Loligo vulgarisall areasG2TTT
Hake Merluccius spp.all areasG1TTT
Common octopus Octopus vulgarisall areasG1TTT
Deepwater rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostrisall areasG1TTT
Smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinataAll areasG1
Common sawfish Pristis pristisAll areasG1
Blue stingray Pteroplatytrygon violaceaAll areasG1
Other rays and skates Rajidae cAll areasG1
Blackchin guitarfish Rhinobatos cemiculusAll areasG1
Common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatosAll areasG1
Sardine Sardina pilchardusall areasG1TTT
Round sardinella Sardinella auritaall areasG1TTT
Short-body sardinella Sardinella maderensisall areasG1TTT
Chub mackerel Scomber japonicusMadeiraG1
Chub mackerel Scomber japonicusall areas except MadeiraG1TTT
Cuttlefish Sepia hierreddaall areasG1TTT
Cuttlefish Sepia officinalisall areasG1TTT
Sharks Shark-like Selachii cAll areasG1
Sawback aculeata Squatina aculeataAll areasG1
Smoothback angelshark Squatina oculataAll areasG1
Angelshark Squatina squatinaAll areasG1
Horse mackerel Trachurus spp.all areasG1TTT
Red snapper Lutjanus purpureusFrench Guiana EEZG2TTT
Penaeus shrimp Penaeus subtilisFrench Guiana EEZG1YYY
Other rays and skates Rajidae cAll areasG1
Sharks Shark-like Selachii cAll areasG1

Appendix VIII

List of transversal variables with sampling specification


The disaggregation levels refer to appendix V (NB: the reference for metier or fishing activity is the level 6 of the Appendix IV (1-5)).


As defined in Regulation (EC) No 26/2004.


Some adjustments could be proposed by Regional Coordination Meetings.


For some variables, the disaggregation level of A is enough because … and (example: Hours fished), for others, … and (for example Fishing days, where two or more metiers can be practised during the same fishing day and accounted more than once).


If it is not possible to directly allocate landings from one trip into metiers, then this allocation should be based on rules agreed by STECF.


If possible, price data should be collected at the level A1 (see Appendix V) in order to calculate immediately the value of landings at this same level.

HeadingVariableSpecificationUnitGear (Level 2 in the matrix)Disaggregation LevelaReference period
Number of vesselsC3Annually
GT, kW, Vessel AgebC3Annually
Number of vesselsB1Monthly
Days at seaSee definition in Chapter IDaysAll gearsB1 and C3Monthly
Hours fishedcHoursDredges and TrawlsA1dMonthly
Fishing daysSee definition in Chapter IDaysAll gearsAll cellsdMonthly
kW * Fishing DaysDredges and TrawlsAll cellsdMonthly
GT * Fishing daysDredges and TrawlsAll cellsdMonthly
Number of tripscNumberAll gearsAll cellsdMonthly
Number of rigscNumberMulti rig (level 4)A1dMonthly
Number of fishing operationscNumberPurse SeinesA1dMonthly
Number of nets/LengthcNumber/metersNetsA1dMonthly
Number of hooks, Number of linescNumberHook and LinesA1dMonthly
Numbers of pots, trapscNumberTrapsA1dMonthly
Soaking timecHoursAll Passive gearsA1dMonthly
Value of landings total and per commercial specieseEuroB1 and C1Monthly
Live Weight of landings total and per speciesTonnesA1dMonthly
Prices by commercial speciesfEuro/kgB2 and C2Monthly, Annually
Conversion factor per speciesAnnual update

Appendix IX

List of research surveys at sea

Name of the surveyAcronymAreaPeriodMain targeted species etc.Survey effort
Baltic Sea (ICES areas IIIb-d)
Baltic International Trawl Survey



IIIaS, IIIb-d1st and 4th QuarterCod and other demersal species160
Baltic International Acoustic Survey (Autumn)BIASIIIa, IIIb-dSep-OctHerring and sprat115
Gulf of Riga Acoustic Herring SurveyGRAHSIIId3rd QuarterHerring10
Sprat Acoustic SurveySPRASIIIdMaySprat and herring60
Rügen Herring Larvae SurveyRHLSIIIdMarch-JuneHerring50
North Sea (ICES areas IIIa, IV and VIId) and Eastern Arctic (ICES areas I and II)
International Bottom Trawl Survey



IIIa, IV1st and 3rd QuarterHaddock, Cod, Saithe, Herring, Sprat, Whiting, Mackerel, Norway pout.315
North Sea Beam Trawl SurveyBTSIVb, IVc, VIId3rd QuarterPlaice, Sole65
Demersal Young Fish SurveyDYFSCoasts of NS3rd and 4th QuarterPlaice, sole, brown shrimp145
Sole Net SurveySNSIVb, IVc3rd QuarterSole, Plaice20
North Sea Sandeels SurveyNSSSIVa, IVb4th QuarterSandeels15
International Ecosystem Survey in the Nordic SeasASHIIaMayHerring, Blue whiting35
Redfish Survey in the Norwegian Sea and adjacent watersREDNORIIAugust-SeptemberRedfish35

Mackerel egg Survey


NSMEGSIVMay-JulyMackerel egg production15
Herring Larvae surveyIHLSIV, VIId1st and 3rd QuarterHerring, Sprat Larvae45
NS Herring Acoustic SurveyNHASIIIa, IV, VIaJune, JulyHerring, Sprat105

Nephrops TVsurvey

(FU 3&4)

NTV3&4IIIA2nd or 3rd QuarterNephrops15
Nephrops TVsurvey (FU 6)NTV6IVbSeptemberNephrops10
Nephrops TVsurvey (FU 7)NTV7IVa2nd or 3rd QuarterNephrops20
Nephrops TVsurvey (FU 8)NTV8IVb2nd or 3rd QuarterNephrops10
Nephrops TVsurvey (FU 9)NTV9IVa2nd or 3rd QuarterNephrops10
North Atlantic (ICES Areas V-XIV and NAFO areas)
International Redfish Trawl and Acoustic Survey (Biennial)REDTASVa, XII, XIV; NAFO SA 1-3June/JulyRedfish30
Flemish Cap Groundfish surveyFCGS3MJulyDemersal species35
Greenland Groundfish surveyGGSXIV, NAFO SA1October/NovemberCod, redfish and other demersal species55
3LNO Groundfish surveyPLATUXA3LNO2nd and 3rd QuarterDemersal species55

Western IBTS 4th quarter

(including Porcupine survey)

IBTS Q4VIa, VII, VIII, IXa4th QuarterDemersal species215
Scottish Western IBTSIBTS Q1VIa, VIIaMarchGadoids, herring, mackerel25
ISBCBTS SeptemberISBCBTSVIIa f gSeptemberSole, Plaice25
WCBTSVIIe BTSVIIeOctoberSole, Plaice, Anglerfish, Lemon sole10
Blue whiting surveyVI, VII1st and 2nd QuarterBlue whiting45

International Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Survey


MEGSVIa, VII, VIII, IXaJanuary-JulyMackerel, Horse Mackerel egg production310
Sardine, Anchovy Horse Mackerel Acoustic SurveyVIII, IXMarch-April-MaySardine, Anchovy, Mackerel, Horse Mackerel abundance indices95

Sardine DEPM


VIIIc, IXa2nd and 4th QuarterSardine SSB and use of CUFES135
Spawning/Pre spawning Herring acoustic surveyVIa, VIIa-gJuly, Sept, Nov, March, JanHerring, Sprat155
Biomass of AnchovyBIOMANVIIIMayAnchovy SSB (DEP)25
Nephrops UWTV survey (offshore)


(FU 11-13)

VIa2nd or 3rd QuarterNephrops20

Nephrops UWTV

Irish Sea


(FU 15)


Nephrops UWTV survey

Aran Grounds


(FU 17)


Nephrops UWTV survey

Celtic Sea


(FU 20-22)

VIIg, h, jJulyNephrops10

Nephrops TV Survey

Offshore Portugal


(FU 28-29)

Mediterranean waters and Black sea
Mediterranean International bottom trawl surveyMEDITS37(1, 2, 3.1, 3.2)2nd and 3rd QuarterDemersal species410
Pan-Mediterranean pelagic surveyMEDIAS37(1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1)2nd, 3rd and 4th QuarterSmall pelagic species185
Bottom Trawl SurveyBlack Sea2nd and 4th QuarterTurbot40
Pelagic Trawl SurveyBlack Sea2nd and 4th QuarterSprat and Whiting40

Appendix X

List of economic variables for the aquaculture sector


Includes direct payments, e.g. compensation for stopping trading, refunds of fuel duty or similar lump sum compensation payments; excludes social benefit payments and indirect subsidies, e.g. reduced duty on inputs such as fuel or investment subsidies.


Including social security costs.


Chosen methodology should be explained by the Member State in their National Programme.


Packaging costs are included in other operational costs.


Chosen methodology should be explained by the Member State in their National Programme.


ESA refers to European System of Accounts 1995 (EU Reg. 2223/96, EU Reg. 1267/2003. Eurostat ESA 1995 manual).


Interest costs of capital; interest on the national 5 year Government bonds may be used as proxy for financial costs.


At the end of the year.


Purchase and Sale of assets during the year.


At the end of the fiscal year.


The variable for raw material volume should correspond to the variable on raw material cost.


The variable for production volume should correspond to the variable on turnover value.


Conversion factors from numbers to tonnes should be stated in the National Programme.


FTE National is number of full time equivalent estimated from a national threshold.



Variable groupVariableSpecificationUnitDefinitionStructural Business Statistics (SBS) Regulation (EC) No 2700/98Guideline
IncomeTurnoverPer speciesEuro12 11 0
Other incomeEuro
Personnel CostsWages and salariesbEuro13 31 0
Imputed value of unpaid labourcEuro
Energy costsEnergy costsEuro20 11 0
Raw material costsLivestock costsEuroSBS (13 11 0)
Feed costsEuroSBS (13 11 0)
Repair and maintenance costsRepair and maintenanceEuroSBS (13 11 0)
Other operational costsOther operational costsdEuroSBS (13 11 0)
Capital costseDepreciation of capitalEuroESAf 6.02. to 6.05.
Financial costs, netgEuro
Extraordinary costs, netExtraordinary costs, netEuro
Capital valuehTotal value of assets



43 30 0ESA 7.09. to 7.24.
InvestmentsNet Investmentsi



15 11 0

15 21 0

ESA 3.102. to 3.111.
Raw material VolumelLivestockTon
Fish FeedTon
Volume of SaleskVolume of SalesPer speciesTonm
EmploymentNumber of persons employedBy GenderNumber16 11 0
FTE NationalnBy GenderoNumber16 14 0
Number of enterprisesNumber of enterprises

By size category where the number of persons employed is: (SBS 16.11.0) is:


≤ 5




> 10

Number11 11 0

Appendix XI

Sector segmentation to be applied for the collection of aquaculture data


Enterprises should be segmented according to their main farming technique.


Hatcheries and nurseries are defined as places for the artificial breeding, hatching and rearing through the early life stages of aquatic animals. For statistical purposes, hatcheries are limited to the production of fertilised eggs. Further juveniles stages of aquatic animals are considered being produced in nurseries. When hatcheries and nurseries are closely associated, statistics shall refer only to the latest juvenile stage produced (COM(2006) 864).


Combined is defined as enterprises using hatcheries, nurseries and on growing techniques.


Cages are defined as open or covered enclosed structures constructed with net, mesh or any porous material allowing natural water interchange. These structures may be floating, suspended or fixed to the substrate but still permitting water interchange from below (COM(2006) 864).


‘Bottom’ techniques cover shellfish farming in inter-tidal areas (directly on the ground or surelevated).

Fish farming techniquesaShellfish farming techniquesa
Land based farmsCages
Hatcheries and NurseriesbOn growingCombinedcCagesdRaftsLong lineBottomeOther
Sea bass & Sea bream
Other fresh water fish
Other marine fish
Other shellfish

Appendix XII

List of economic variables for the processing industry sector


Includes direct payments. Excludes social benefit payments and indirect subsidies.


Including social security costs.


Chosen methodology should be explained by the Member State in their National Programme.


Packaging costs are included in other operational costs.


Chosen methodology should be explained in the National Programme.


ESA refers to European System of Accounts 1995 (EU Reg. 2223/96, EU Reg. 1267/2003. Eurostat ESA 1995 manual).


Interest costs of capital; interest on the national 5 years Government bonds may be used as proxy for financial costs.


Total accumulated value of all net investments in the enterprise at the end of the year.


Purchase and Sale of assets during the year.


At the end of the year.


Methodology should be as discussed in the report of Study FISH/2005/14, ‘LEI WAGENINGENUR Co-ordinator, 2006. Calculation of labour including full-time equivalent (FTE) in fisheries Study No FISH/2005/14, 142 p’.



Variable groupVariableSpecificationUnitDefinitionStructural Business Statistics (SBS)Regulation (EC) No 2700/98Guidelines
IncomeTurnoverEuro12 11 0
Other incomeEuro
Personnel CostsWages and salaries of staffbEuro13 31 0
Imputed value of unpaid labourcEuro
Energy costsEnergy costsEuro20 11 0SBS 13 11 0
Raw material costsPurchase of fish and other raw material for productionEuroSBS 13 11 0
Other operational costsOther operational costsdEuroSBS 13 11 0
Capital costseDepreciation of capitalEuroESAf 6.02. to 6.05.
Financial costs, netgEuro
Extraordinary costs, netExtraordinary costs, netEuro
Capital valuehTotal value of assetsEuro43 30 0ESA 7.09 to 7.24
Net InvestmentsNet InvestmentsiEuro

15 11 0

15 21 0

ESA 3.102. to 3.111.
EmploymentNumber of persons employedBy GenderNumber16 11 0
FTE NationallBy GenderkNumber16 14 0
Number of enterprisesNumber of enterprises

By size category where the number of persons employed (16.11.0) is:


≤ 10






> 250

Number11 11 0

Appendix XIII

Definition of environmental indicators to measure the effects of fisheries on the marine ecosystem


See Commission Staff Working Document (SEC 2008/449) for specification and calculation of the indicators.

Code specificationIndicatoraDefinitionData requiredPrecision level
1Conservation status of fish speciesIndicator of biodiversity to be used for synthesising, assessing and reporting trends in the biodiversity of vulnerable fish speciesSpecies, length and abundance from fisheries-independent research survey(s) for relevant marine region. Accurate reporting of these indicators requires that all species that contribute to the indicator are consistently and reliably identified. Survey catches shall be fully sorted (not sub-sampled) to ensure that all individuals of every species that contributes to the indicator are recorded but sub sampling is allowed in length measurements where duly justified.Research survey should cover largest proportion of the marine region over the longest available time period. The indicator would be survey specific. The methods require that surveys are conducted annually in the same area with a standard gear.
2Proportion of large fishIndicator for the proportion of large fish by weight in the assemblage, reflecting the size structure and life history composition of the fish community.
3Mean maximum length of fishesIndicator for the life history composition of the fish community
4Size at maturation of exploited fish speciesIndicator of the potential ‘genetic effects’ on a populationIndividual measurements of age, length, sex and maturity from fisheries-independent research survey(s) for relevant marine region.At least 100 individuals per age class but more fish will improve the power of this indicator.
5Distribution of fishing activitiesIndicator of the spatial extent of fishing activity. It would be reported in conjunction with the indicator for ‘Aggregation of fishing activity’.

Position and vessel registration data based on VMS

Available within two months of position reports being received, with all positions linked to the level 6 for the metier classification (see Appendix IV (1-5)). This does not include vessels below 15 m.

Preference for position reports every half hour.
6Aggregation of fishing activitiesIndicator of the extent to which fishing activity is aggregated. It would be reported in conjunction with the indicator for ‘Distribution of fishing activity’.
7Areas not impacted by mobile bottom gearsIndicator of the area of seabed that has not been impacted by mobile bottom fishing gears in the last year. It responds to changes in the distribution of bottom fishing activity resulting from catch controls, effort controls or technical measures (including MPA established in support of conservation legislation) and to the development of any other human activities that displace fishing activity (e.g. wind farms).
8Discarding rates of commercially exploited speciesIndicator of the rate of discarding of commercially exploited species in relation to landings.Species, length and abundance of catches and discards based on respectively logbooks and observer trips processed separately. Data linked to the level 6 for the metier classification (see Appendix IV (1-5)).As specified in this Community Programme for discards
9Fuel efficiency of fish captureIndicator of the relationship between fuel consumption and the value of landed catch. It will provide information on trends in the fuel efficiency of different fisheries.Value of landings and cost of fuel. Value calculated as the product of landings by species and prices. Cost of fuel as defined in this Community Programme. The indicator should be calculated for each metier based on the level 6 for the metier classification (see Appendix IV (1-5)) by region, quarter and year.As specified in this Community Programme.

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