Section 130 – Appeals against rulings under section 128
610.This section provides the prosecutor or the accused with a right to appeal to the High Court against a ruling made under section 128. The appeal must be made within 7 days of the ruling being made. Subsection (2) provides that the court of first instance or the High Court may, where an appeal is brought, postpone any trial diet that has been appointed for such period as it thinks appropriate, or adjourn any hearing for such period as it thinks appropriate, or direct that any period of postponement or adjournment is not to count towards any time limit applying in the case. Subsection (3) provides that the High Court may affirm the ruling or remit the case back to the court of first instance with such directions as the High Court thinks appropriate. Under subsection (4) it is provided that the section does not affect any other right of appeal which any party may have in relation to a section 128 ruling.