Section 60 – Persons upon whom charges may be imposed
223.Section 60 sets out the persons upon whom charges may be imposed for the provision of care and support (or, where relevant, support).
224.Where care and support is provided to an adult (whether to meet the adult’s own needs or to meet the needs of the adult’s carer), the charge may be imposed on that adult.
225.Where care and support is provided to a child (whether to meet the child’s own needs or to meet the needs of the child’s carer), the charge may be imposed on any adult with parental responsibility for the child. Where a child’s needs are met by the provision of something to an adult, the charge may be imposed on that adult.
226.Where the charge is in respect of support provided to a carer, a charge can be imposed on an adult carer, or in the case of a child carer, on any adult with parental responsibility for the child.