Section 9: Obligations after return to the United Kingdom
60.Subsection (1) allows for the Secretary of State to impose obligations on an individual subject to a TEO when they have returned to the UK. The obligations which the Secretary of State may impose on the individual are outlined at subsection (2). These include obligations to report to a police station and attendance at appointments, under paragraph 10 or 10A of Schedule 1 to the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011 (that paragraph 10A is inserted by section 19 of this Act). Attendance at appointments may include de-radicalisation programmes amongst other meetings. The individual may also be required to notify the police of their place of residence and any change of address.
61.Subsection (4) provides that the Secretary of State may vary or revoke any notice given under this section and subsection (5) provides that variation or revocation comes into effect when notice is given to the individual.
62.Subsection (6) provides that the validity of a notice under this section is not affected by travel out of or into the UK and subsection (7) provides that the giving of notice under this section does not prevent any further notice being given to the individual.