PART 1 |
Adoption |
1 | Contact between prescribed persons and adopted person’s relatives | England and Wales only |
2 | Placement of looked after children with prospective adopters | England only |
3 | Repeal of requirement to give due consideration to ethnicity: England | England only |
4 | Recruitment, assessment and approval of prospective adopters | England only |
5 | Adoption support services: personal budgets | England only |
6 | Adoption support services: duty to provide information | England only |
7 | The Adoption and Children Act Register | England, Wales and Scotland |
Contact |
8 | Contact: children in care of local authorities | England and Wales only |
9 | Contact: post-adoption | England and Wales only |
PART 2 |
10 | Family mediation information and assessment meetings | England and Wales only |
11 | Welfare of the child: parental involvement | England and Wales only |
12 | Child arrangements orders | England and Wales only |
13 | Control of expert evidence, and of assessments, in children proceedings | England and Wales only |
14 | Care, supervision and other family proceedings: time limits and timetables | England and Wales only |
15 | Care plans | England and Wales only |
16 | Care proceedings and care plans: regulations: procedural requirements | England and Wales only |
17 | Repeal of restrictions on divorce and dissolution etc where there are children | England and Wales only |
18 | Repeal of uncommenced provisions of Part 2 of the Family Law Act 1996 | England and Wales only |
PART 3 |
Local authority functions: general principles |
19 | Local authority functions: supporting and involving children and young people | England only |
Special educational needs etc |
20 | When a child or young person has special educational needs | England only |
21 | Special educational provision, health care provision and social care provision | England only |
Identifying children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities |
22 | Identifying children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities | England only |
23 | Duty of health bodies to bring certain children to local authority’s attention | England only |
Children and young people for whom a local authority is responsible |
24 | When a local authority is responsible for a child or young person | England only |
Education, health and care provision: integration and joint commissioning |
25 | Promoting integration | England only |
26 | Joint commissioning arrangements | England only |
Review of education and care provision |
27 | Duty to keep education and care provision under review | England only |
Co-operation and assistance |
28 | Co-operating generally: local authority functions | England only |
29 | Co-operating generally: governing body functions | England only |
Information and advice |
30 | Local offer | England only |
31 | Co-operating in specific cases: local authority functions | England only |
32 | Advice and information | England only |
Mainstream education |
33 | Children and young people with EHC plans | England only |
34 | Children and young people with special educational needs but no EHC plan | England only |
35 | Children with SEN in maintained nurseries and mainstream schools | England only |
Assessment |
36 | Assessment of education, health and care needs | England only |
Education, health and care plans |
37 | Education, health and care plans | England only |
38 | Preparation of EHC plans: draft plan | England only |
39 | Finalising EHC plans: request for particular school or other institution | England only |
40 | Finalising EHC plans: no request for particular school or other institution | England only |
41 | Independent special schools and special post-16 institutions: approval | England only |
42 | Duty to secure special educational provision and health care provision in accordance with EHC Plan | England only |
43 | Schools and other institutions named in EHC plan: duty to admit | England only |
44 | Reviews and re-assessments | England only |
45 | Ceasing to maintain an EHC plan | England only |
46 | Maintaining an EHC plan after young person’s 25th birthday | England only |
47 | Transfer of EHC plans | England only |
48 | Release of child or young person for whom EHC plan previously maintained | England only |
49 | Personal budgets and direct payments | England only |
50 | Continuation of services under section 17 of the Children Act 1989 | England only |
Appeals, mediation and dispute resolution |
51 | Appeals | England only |
52 | Right to mediation | England only |
53 | Mediation: health care issues | England only |
54 | Mediation: educational and social care issues etc | England only |
55 | Mediation | England only |
56 | Mediation: supplementary | England only |
57 | Resolution of disagreements | England only |
58 | Appeals and claims by children: pilot schemes | England only |
59 | Appeals and claims by children: follow-up provision | England only |
60 | Equality Act 2010: claims against schools by disabled young people | England and Wales only |
Special educational provision: functions of local authorities |
61 | Special educational provision otherwise than in schools, post-16 institutions etc | England only |
62 | Special educational provision outside England and Wales | England only |
53 | Fees for special educational provision at non-maintained schools and post-16 institutions | England only |
64 | Supply of goods and services | England only |
65 | Access to schools, post-16 institutions and other institutions | England only |
Special educational provision: functions of governing bodies and others |
66 | Using best endeavours to secure special educational provision | England only |
67 | SEN co-ordinators | England only |
68 | Informing parents and young people | England only |
69 | SEN information report | England only |
Detained persons |
70 | Application of Part to detained persons | England and Wales only |
71 | Assessment of post-detention education, health and care needs of detained persons | England only |
72 | Securing EHC plans for certain detained persons | England only |
73 | EHC plans for certain detained persons: appeals and mediation | England only |
74 | Duty to keep EHC plans for detained persons | England only |
75 | Supply of goods and services: detained persons | England only |
Information to improve well-being of children and young people with SEN |
76 | Provision and publication of special needs information | England only |
Code of practice |
77 | Code of practice | England only |
78 | Making and approval of code | England only |
79 | Review of resolution of disagreements | England only |
Supplementary |
80 | Parents and young people lacking capacity | England only |
81 | Disapplication of Chapter 1 of Part 4 of EA 1996 in relation to children in England | England only |
82 | Consequential amendments | England only |
83 | Interpretation of Part 3 | England only |
PART 4 |
84 | Childminder agencies | England only |
85 | Inspections at request of providers of childcare to young children | England only |
86 | Repeal of local authority’s duty to assess sufficiency of childcare provision | England only |
87 | Discharge of authority’s duty to secure free early years provision | England only |
88 | Governing bodies: provision of community facilities | England only |
89 | Childcare costs scheme: preparatory expenditure | England only |
PART 5 |
90 | Extension of licensing of child performances to children under 14 | England and Wales only |
91 | Purchase of tobacco etc. on behalf of persons under 18 | England and Wales only |
92 | Prohibition of sale of nicotine products to persons under 18 | England and Wales only |
93 | Amendments consequential on section 92 | England and Wales only |
94 | Regulation of retail packaging etc of tobacco products | UK-wide |
95 | Protection of children’s health: offence of smoking in a private vehicle | England and Wales only |
96 | Young carers | England only |
97 | Parent carers | England only |
98 | Arrangement for living with former foster parents after reaching adulthood | England only |
99 | Promotion of educational achievement of children looked after by local authorities | England only |
100 | Duty to support pupils with medical conditions | England only |
101 | Local authority functions relating to children etc: intervention | England and Wales only |
102 | Application of suspension etc powers to establishments and agencies in England | England only |
103 | Objectives and standards for establishments and agencies in England | England only |
104 | National minimum standards for establishments and agencies in England | England only |
105 | Disqualification from carrying on, or being employed in, a children’s home | England only |
106 | Provision of free school lunches | England only |
PART 6 |
107 | Primary function of the Children’s Commissioner | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
108 | Provision by Commissioner of advice and assistance to certain children | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
109 | Commissioner’s powers to enter premises | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
110 | Provision of information to Commissioner | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
111 | Advisory board | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
112 | Business plans | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
113 | Annual reports | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
114 | Children living away from home or receiving social care | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
115 | Children’s Commissioner: minor and consequential amendments | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
116 | Repeal of requirement to appoint Children’s Rights Director | England primarily. Applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the Children’s Commissioner’s role in promoting and protecting the rights of children is in relation to non-devolved matters. |
PART 7 |
Shared parental leave |
117 | Shared parental leave | England, Wales and Scotland only |
118 | Exclusion or curtailment of other statutory rights to leave | England, Wales and Scotland only |
Statutory shared parental pay |
119 | Statutory shared parental pay | England, Wales and Scotland only |
120 | Exclusion or curtailment of other statutory rights to pay | England, Wales and Scotland only |
Other statutory rights |
121 | Statutory rights to leave and pay of prospective adopters with whom looked after children are placed | England, Wales and Scotland only |
122 | Statutory rights to leave and pay of applicants for parental orders | England, Wales and Scotland only |
123 | Statutory paternity pay: notice requirement and period of payment | England, Wales and Scotland only |
124 | Rate of statutory adoption pay | England, Wales and Scotland only |
125 | Abolition of additional paternity leave and additional statutory paternity pay | England, Wales and Scotland only |
Further amendments |
126 | Further amendments | In part England, Wales and Scotland; in part Northern Ireland |
PART 8 |
127 | Time off work to accompany to ante-natal appointments | England, Wales and Scotland only |
128 | Time off work to attend adoption appointments | England, Wales and Scotland only |
129 | Right not to be subjected to detriment: agency workers | England, Wales and Scotland only |
130 | Time off work for ante-natal care: increased amount of award | England, Wales and Scotland only |
PART 9 |
131 | Removal of requirement to be a carer | England, Wales and Scotland only |
132 | Dealing with applications | England, Wales and Scotland only |
133 | Complaints to employment tribunals | England, Wales and Scotland only |
134 | Review of sections 131 to 133 | England, Wales and Scotland only |
PART 10 |
135 | Orders and regulations | UK-Wide |
136 | Consequential amendments, repeals and revocations | UK-Wide |
137 | Transitional, transitory or saving provision | UK-Wide |
138 | Financial provision | UK-Wide |
139 | Commencement | UK-Wide |
140 | Short title and extent | UK-Wide |