Section 77 – Requirements under section 75: undertakings
732.This section allows regulations under section 75 to confer on Monitor a power to accept undertakings (‘section 77 undertakings’) in lieu of issuing a direction or declaring an arrangement ineffective under section 76. This enables commissioners who are in breach of the regulations to offer undertakings that would address the breach. The undertakings could be to take any of the actions described in paragraphs (a) to (e) of subsection (6) of section 76 or any other actions specified in the regulations.
733.Where Monitor accepts an undertaking, subsection (3) requires it to cease any investigation and any actions it was taking to bring about an end to the breach, unless the commissioner in question failed to comply with the undertaking. Where a commissioner has partly complied with an undertaking Monitor is required to take this into account when determining further action.
734.This section also gives effect to Schedule 9.