Part 5 – Public involvement and local government
24.Chapter 1 makes provision for the creation of a new national body, Healthwatch England, to be established as a statutory committee within the Care Quality Commission. It also makes provision about Local Healthwatch organisations in each local authority area.
25.Chapter 2 deals with the health scrutiny functions of local authorities and makes provision for the establishment of Health and Wellbeing Boards in each upper tier local authority area. It sets out their role in preparing the joint strategic needs assessment, the joint health and wellbeing strategy and in promoting integrated working between NHS, public health and social care commissioners. This Chapter also contains provisions to make it possible for foundation trusts and CCGs to be designated as Care Trusts.
26.Chapter 3 removes the current restrictions on those to whom the Health Service Commissioner (more commonly known as the Health Service Ombudsman) can send investigation reports and statements of reasons.