Section 22: The qualifications standards objective
134.Section 22 replaces section 128(2) of ASCLA 2009 with a new subsection, which sets out Ofqual’s qualifications standards objective. The new objective is for Ofqual to secure that regulated qualifications: (a) give a reliable indication of knowledge, skills and understanding; and (b) indicate a consistent level of attainment (including over time) between comparable regulated qualifications, and, in addition, (c) indicate a consistent level of attainment (but not over time) between regulated qualifications and comparable qualifications which Ofqual does not regulate, including qualifications awarded outside the UK.
135.The effect is to add to Ofqual’s qualifications standards objective to require that Ofqual should also perform its functions with the aim of ensuring that regulated qualifications indicate a consistent level of attainment with comparable qualifications that Ofqual does not regulate whether from outside the UK or from other parts of the UK. It is for Ofqual to decide which qualifications are comparable, and to decide the action that they have to take in the context of the totality of their objectives, to ensure that comparable qualifications indicate a consistent level of attainment.