Sections 196 to 200: Establishment and areas
421.Section 197 provides for the Mayor of London to designate any area of land in Greater London, including separate parcels of land, as a mayoral development area provided the Mayor has consulted, where necessary, the individuals and bodies specified in the Act. The Mayor must submit a document detailing the proposal for designation to the London Assembly and allow them 21 days to consider. If a two-thirds majority of the London Assembly object to the proposal then they can veto it. If the Mayor designates a mayoral development area successfully, the Mayor must publicise the designation and notify the Secretary of State of both the designation and the name to be given to the mayoral development corporation for the area.
422.Section 198 provides that if the Secretary of State is notified of the designation of a mayoral development area, the Secretary of State must, by order, establish a mayoral development corporation for the area giving it the name notified by the Mayor. A mayoral development corporation will be a body corporate. The section introduces Schedule 21 which makes provision about the constitution and governance of a mayoral development corporation.
423.Section 199 provides that the Mayor may alter the boundaries of a mayoral development area to exclude any area of land. Prior to this, the Mayor must consult the London Assembly and any other person the Mayor considers appropriate.
424.Section 200 provides that the Secretary of State may, at any time, make a scheme transferring (to a mayoral development corporation) property, rights and liabilities of the persons specified in the Act, once the Secretary of State has consulted with the persons concerned and the Mayor. The Mayor may make a scheme transferring property, rights and liabilities of the Greater London Authority or a functional body, other than the mayoral development corporation, to a mayoral development corporation.