Section 112: Adoption and withdrawal of development plan documents
249.Section 112 amends sections 20 to 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Section 20 of that Act provides that every development plan document must be submitted for independent examination to a planning inspector - a person appointed on behalf of the Secretary of State. The inspector produces a report determining whether or not the document is suitable for adoption; the inspector was able to recommend modifications to the draft document. The local planning authority was bound, under section 23, to implement the inspector’s recommendations.
250.This section amends section 20 so that the inspector must recommend adoption where the inspector considers that it would be reasonable to conclude that the document satisfies the statutory requirements and can be considered sound. During the examination the local planning authority will have the power to request recommendations for modifications from the inspector that would make the document suitable for adoption. If the local planning authority does not make this request, the inspector will be unable to recommend any modifications.
251.This section also amends section 23 so that local planning authorities do not have to implement inspectors’ recommendations. They will still only be able to adopt the development plan document if the inspector has recommended adoption. Where the inspector has not recommended adoption, the authority will be able to adopt after following the inspector’s modifications or make their own modifications and re-submit the draft document to the inspector for examination. The authority will also be able to make non-material changes before adoption.
252.Section 22 previously restricted a local planning authority from withdrawing a development plan document after it had been submitted to the inspector. They could only do so if the inspector recommends withdrawal or the Secretary of State directed withdrawal. This section amends section 22 so that a local planning authority can withdraw a development plan document at any time before its adoption. The local planning authority will no longer require a recommendation from the person carrying out the examination or a direction from the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State retains the power to direct withdrawal, but this power has now been moved to section 21 so that it is with the Secretary of State’s other powers.