Schedule 5: Combination of polls: England
121.Schedule 5 sets out the modifications which must be made to the rules governing the conduct of the referendum and the rules governing the conduct of the other polls held on the same day in England with which the referendum is combined under section 4. Part 1 contains the modifications that must be made to the rules governing the action to be taken before and during the polls and makes provision for the separation of the ballot papers and the counting of the votes. Some of the functions (such as the issue of poll cards and the provision of polling stations) that must be carried out for each poll are combined, and may be discharged by the counting officer for the referendum acting in relation to all combined polls. Provision is also included to apportion the cost of any combined polls equally between them.
122.Part 2 sets out the modifications which must be made to the provisions governing the postal voting procedure for the poll for the referendum and the other polls in England with which the referendum is combined. Where the counting officer for the referendum and the returning officer for the combined polls agree, joint postal ballot packs may be sent to voters containing the ballot papers and information for the combined polls. Part 3 contains the forms that must be used where polls are combined. These are modelled on the forms that would be used if the polls were taken separately, but are adapted to refer to all polls which are to be taken together.