Section 938: Meaning of “the administration period”, “the final accounting period” and “the final tax year”
2363.This section defines “the administration period”, “the final accounting period” and “the final tax year”. It is based on sections 695(1), 701(13) and 702 of ICTA. The corresponding rule for income tax is in section 653 of ITTOIA.
2364.Subsection (2) defines when the administration of the estate is completed for Scotland. A full definition for Scotland is required because the completion of the administration of an estate would otherwise have no meaning under Scottish law (although the definition has been updated by replacing the archaic expression “for behoof of”). In contrast, there are cases under English law which have established that the administration is complete when the residue of the estate is ascertained and is ready for distribution. Case law explains what this means in particular circumstances (see, for example, R v Special Commissioners ex parte Dr Barnardo’s Homes (1921), 7 TC 646 HL, Daw v CIR (1928), 14 TC 58 HC and CIR v Sir Aubrey Smith (1930), 15 TC 661 CA).