Section 24AR Dispute resolution: appeals and enforcement etc
460.This section provides any party affected by a declaration, determination or order of the Secretary of State with a right to appeal that decision to the High Court.
461.Section 24AR(1) permits a party in a dispute that has been the subject of a determination to appeal to the High Court against the determination. This appeal is not limited to judicial review of the Secretary of State's decision.
462.Subsection (2) provides that where the Secretary of State imposes a requirement in certain circumstances, or makes a declaration, determination or order then he or she can seek with the permission of the High Court to have any of these enforced as if they had been a High Court judgment in their own right. In practical terms, the High Court's permission for a determination to be treated as a judgment of the High Court would mean powers allowing for the enforcement of a determination would become available to the Secretary of State. For example, if a party refused to comply with the requirements of a determination (for example, by refusing to make a payment stipulated in the determination) the Secretary of State would be able to instigate proceedings for contempt of court.