Section 233: Consequential and supplementary amendments
613.This section omits sections 4(2), 23 and 24 of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975.
614.Section 4 of the 1975 Act makes it an offence to allow any liquids or solid matter into waters that cause those waters to be poisonous or injurious to fish, spawning grounds, spawn or food of fish. Section 4(2) disapplies this offence in relation to those exercising any lawful rights, or continuing a method in use in connection with the same premises before 18 July 1923.
615.As water pollution legislation (from Rivers Prevention of Pollution Act 1951 through to Water Resources Act 1991) has removed any right to pollute without the prior consent of the Environment Agency, the disapplication under section 4 no longer applies.
616.Section 23 of the 1975 Act prohibits the export of unclean salmon or trout or any salmon or trout caught during a period when the sale of salmon or trout is prohibited. It also sets conditions on the export of salmon or trout between 31 August and the following 1 May. These provisions serve no useful purpose.
617.Section 24 of the 1975 Act requires consignments or packages containing salmon and trout to be so marked. The requirement to carry a consignment note under Council Regulation (EC) 1/2005 on the Protection of Animals During Transport and Related Operations makes this section redundant.