Section 219: Authorisation to fish
571.This section inserts new sections 27A and 27B into the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975. New section 27A gives the Environment Agency power to authorise a person to use any means (other than a licensable means of fishing) to fish for salmon, trout, eels, lampreys, smelt and freshwater fish, and other specified fish (by order under new section 40A). The Environment Agency may refuse or revoke authorisations, subject them to conditions, charge for them and grant them for limited periods of time. The Agency will also be able to grant an authorisation to a business or organisation or to a named individual within that organisation.
572.New section 27B makes it an offence to fish for or take fish using any means of fishing, other than an instrument for which a licence is required, without an authorisation.