Sections 41 - Eligibility for appointment; and Section 42 - Terms of appointment
113.Section 41 specifies who is eligible for appointment as an auditor under this Chapter. The audit authority may appoint as an auditor under this Chapter: a member of the staff of the audit authority; an individual; or a firm. However, those individuals or firms which are not eligible for appointment as a statutory auditor under the Companies Act 2006 or who do not satisfy the test of independence in that legislation may not be appointed.
114.Section 42 sets out the terms of appointment for an auditor appointed under this Chapter. An appointment made under this Chapter begins on the first day of the financial year or, in the case of a replacement auditor, on the date of the appointment. Unless terminated earlier, the appointment ends when the auditor has discharged their functions. An audit authority may terminate the appointment of an auditor if it appears that the entity has ceased to be a qualifying entity. However, the appointed person may not be dismissed for any divergence of opinion on accounting treatments or audit procedures.