Chapter 7: Losses from miscellaneous transactions
516.This Chapter gives relief for losses from miscellaneous transactions.
Section 152: Losses from miscellaneous transactions
517.This section provides relief for losses from certain transactions (known as Case VI losses before the enactment of ITTOIA). It is based on section 392 of ICTA.
518.The provisions relating to Case VI income are in Chapter 8 of Part 5 of ITTOIA. That Act amended section 392 of ICTA (which operates by reference to section 836B of ICTA, also inserted by Schedule 1 to ITTOIA). Section 836B of ICTA is rewritten as section 1016 of this Act.
519.A person can make a claim to deduct a loss incurred in a relevant transaction in computing the person’s net income of the tax year or of a subsequent tax year, but only from the person’s miscellaneous income from relevant transactions. Transactions are relevant if any profits from them would be liable to income tax under a provision listed in section 1016.
Section 153: How relief works
520.This section explains how the deductions are made. It is based on section 392(2) and (5) of ICTA.
Section 154: Transactions in deposit rights
521.This section explains the application of the loss relief against miscellaneous income rules as they apply to transactions in deposit rights. It is based on section 398 of ICTA.
Section 155: Time limit for claiming relief
522.This section sets out the time limits for making claims for loss relief against miscellaneous income. It is based on section 392(6) and (7) of ICTA.