Section 35: Section 34: supplemental
104.When giving financial support to others for activity connected with the London Olympics, the GLA may do so on specific terms or conditions, in particular as regards the payment of interest. The GLA is given the power to accept contributions towards expenditure in connection with the Olympic Games.
105.Once the London Olympics are over, the Secretary of State may, having consulted the Mayor of London, make an order to repeal the powers provided by section 34. This order would be subject to the negative resolution procedure.
106.The order may make incidental, supplementary, consequential or transitional provisions or savings in relation to the cessation of the powers. It may also provide for the transfer of property, rights or liabilities, and make provision relating to the management, control or treatment of anything constructed or done under the GLA’s powers to prepare for and stage the Games. The provisions could be of a specific or general nature, and different provisions can be made for different cases or purposes.