Hansard References
25.The following table sets out the dates and Hansard references for each stage of this Act's passage through Parliament.
Stage | Date | Hansard reference |
Introduction (Commons) | 17th September 2003 | Vol. 410 Part No. 138 Col. 877 |
Second Reading | 21st October 2003 | Vol. 411 Part No. 144 Col. 510 - 615 |
Standing Committee B | 28th October 2003 – 4th November 2004 (total 5 sittings) | Col. 1 - 184 |
Report & Third Reading | 16th December 2003 | Vol. 415 Part No. 12 Col. 1456-543 |
Introduction (Lords) | 17th December 2003 | Vol. 655 Part No.13 Col. 1156 |
Second Reading | 8th January 2003 | Vol. 656 Part No. 18 Col. 300-17,332-50 |
Grand Committee Day 1 | 26th January 2004 | Vol. 657 Part No. 28 Col. 1-66GC1 |
Grand Committee Day 2 | 29th January 2004 | Vol. 657 Part No. 31 Col. 179-222GC |
Report Stage | 23rd February 2004 | Vol. 658 Part No. 40 Col. 13-29,42-86 |
Third Reading | 1st March 2004 | Vol. 658 Part No. 44 Col. 443-6 |
CCLA | 8th March 2004 | Vol. 418 Part No.51 Col. 1280-337 |
LCCA | 16th March 2004 | Vol. 659 Part No. 57 Col. 138-63 |
CCLA 2 | 16th March 2004 | Vol. 419 Part No. 57 Col. 265-91 |
LCCA 2 | 18th March 2004 | Vol. 659 Part No. 56 Col. 336-54 |
CCLA 3 | 24th March 2004 | Vol. 419 Part No. 62 Col. 954-75 |
LCCA 3 | 25th March 2004 | Vol. 659 Part No. 65 Col. 846-65 |
CCLA 4 | 29th March 2004 | Vol. 419 Part No. 65 Col. 1292-311 |
LCCA 4 | 30th March 2004 | Vol. 659 Part No. 63 Col. 1310 |
CCLA 5 | 30th March 2004 | Vol. 419 Part No. 66 Col. 1562-6 |
LCCA 5 | 1st April 2004 | Vol. 659 Part No. 65 Col. 1439 - 1455 |
Royal Assent – 1 April 2004 | House of Lords Hansard Vol. 659 Col. 1518 |
House of Commons Hansard Vol 419 Col 1793 |