Sections 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43: General
55.Section 39 - if an offence under this Act, committed by a body corporate, is proved to have been committed with the consent of, or is attributed to, a director, manager, secretary or other relevant officer, this person may be prosecuted, as well as the body corporate.
56.Section 40 relates to the service of documents required or authorised by the Act, and enables documents to be served by electronic means where appropriate. Section 41 states that any order making powers or regulations as a result of this Act will be exercisable by statutory instrument. All statutory instruments made under the Act apart from commencement orders are to be subject to the negative resolution procedure.
57.Section 42 ensures that sums received by a Minister of the Crown in consequence of the Act are paid into the Consolidated Fund. Section 43 refers to the Schedule to the Act which lists the consequential amendments to other Acts as a result of this Act.