Section 442: Balancing charges
1547.This section is based on section 138(1), (2) and (2A) of CAA 1990.
1548.Subsections (1) to (3) provide a balancing charge if a disposal value arises in a chargeable period after the one in which an allowance is made in respect of the qualifying expenditure concerned. There is no longer a balancing charge in the same period as an allowance is made – see Change 39 in Annex 1. The balancing charge is limited to the allowance previously made in respect of that qualifying expenditure. Section 138(2) of CAA 1990 refers to a “trading receipt” but it seems clearer to follow the other Parts of this Act and refer to a balancing charge. It is not thought that this has any effect. See Note 55 of Annex 2.
1549.Subsection (4) defines the term “unclaimed allowance”. Most people will claim all of the allowances to which they are entitled because there is no possibility of getting any amount unclaimed in a later chargeable period. But having recognised the possibility that a reduced claim may be made it is necessary to ensure that balancing charges are not made if such a person has a disposal value but the allowance claimed is not more than the net cost of the R&D asset concerned. This is achieved by subsection (3)(a) which uses this term. See Change 49 in Annex 1.
1550.Subsection (5) signposts the effect that additional VAT rebates may have on the amount in subsection (4). That alerts users who may be affected but leaves this section simple for the majority who will not be affected by VAT rebates.