Part Xiv: Disciplinary Measures
411.This Part gives the Authority powers to issue public statements or impose financial penalties in response to contraventions of rules or other requirements by authorised persons.
Section 205: Public censure
412.This gives the Authority the power to make a public statement concerning a contravention by an authorised person of any requirement imposed directly by the Act or under it, for example through the Authority exercising its rule-making power.
Section 206: Financial penalties
413.This enables the Authority to impose a financial penalty where it establishes that there has been a contravention by an authorised person of any requirement imposed by or under the Act.
Section 207: Proposal to take disciplinary measures
414.This section requires the Authority to issue a warning notice where it proposes to make a public statement about an alleged contravention or impose a penalty. The notice must include the statement the Authority proposes to make or the amount of the proposed penalty.
Section 208: Decision notice
415.If having issued a warning notice, and heard any representations, the Authority decides at the end of the relevant period to proceed with the public statement or penalty, it must issue a decision notice. This should also set out the terms of the proposed statement or the amount of the proposed fine (either of which may change in response to any representations made).
416.The authorised person has a right to have the matter referred to the Tribunal, in accordance with the provisions of Part IX of the Act. No further action can be taken by the Authority during the period in which the person has the right to have the matter referred to the Tribunal or, where the matter has been referred, until the Tribunal hearing and any subsequent appeal have run their course.
Section 209: Publication
417.If, having followed the appropriate procedures, the Authority decides to make a public statement under section 205, this section provides that it must send a copy of the statement to the authorised person concerned and to any third parties to whom it copied the decision notice.
Section 210: Statements of policy
418.This section requires the Authority to prepare and publish guidance on its policy concerning the imposition of penalties under section 206 and the level of those penalties. Under subsection (7), the Authority must have regard to this published guidance when determining the level of penalties.
Section 211: Statements of policy: procedure
419.This section requires the Authority to follow certain procedures when it issues a policy statement under section 210. The procedures include a requirement to consult on its proposals.