Chapter X: London Transport Users' Committee
359.Sections 246 to 252 and Schedules 18 and 19 abolish the London Regional Passengers Committee (“LRPC”) and replace it with the London Transport Users' Committee (“LTUC”). LTUC will combine the role of complaints body for TfL with that of the Rail Users' Consultative Committee for Greater London and the surrounding area.
360.Section 247 constitutes the LTUC as a body corporate and provides for the appointment of its members. The Assembly, after consultation with the Rail Regulator, will appoint LTUC's chairman and other members, and must have regard to the desirability of ensuring that the membership adequately represents the interests of the users of all transport facilities and services that will be considered by LTUC. Assembly members, members of TfL and employees of the Authority or TfL may not be appointed members of LTUC. The section also introduces Schedule 18.
361.Schedule 18 makes provision for various constitutional and financial matters in relation to LTUC. Paragraph 16 enables complaints of maladministration by LTUC to be investigated by the Commission for Local Administration.
362.Section 248 requires LTUC to consider and, where the Committee thinks it desirable, make recommendations about matters affecting the passenger transport functions of the Authority or TfL which have been the subject of representations, have been referred to it by TfL or the Authority or which LTUC otherwise thinks it should consider. Representations received by LTUC about land or water passenger transport in London which do not fall within its terms of reference must be referred to whomsoever LTUC considers the most appropriate person to consider the complaint.
363.Section 249 enables LTUC, with the consent of the Assembly, to enter into voluntary arrangements on agreed terms (including terms for the reimbursement of expenses) with providers of transport facilities and services other than TfL, to consider complaints about their services or facilities.
364.Section 250 requires LTUC to send copies of its minutes, conclusions and recommendations to the Assembly, the Mayor and TfL. LTUC must make an annual report to the Assembly and the Rail Regulator. The Assembly, the Mayor and TfL must notify LTUC of any decisions reached by them on any of its recommendations.
365.Section 251 enables the Assembly to give guidance and directions to LTUC, for example on the priorities for the Committee’s work. The guidance or directions must be in writing and LTUC must comply with them.
366.Section 252 amends the Railways Act 1993 to make LTUC a Rail Users’ Consultative Committee in place of LRPC. It also introduces Schedule 19 which makes consequential amendments.