Search Legislation

Water Industry Act 1991


This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).


You searched for provisions that are applicable to Northern Ireland. The matching provisions are highlighted below. Where no highlighting is shown the matching result may be contained within a footnote.

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I Preliminary

    1. The Director General of Water Services

      1. 1.The Director General of Water Services

    2. General duties

      1. 2.General duties with respect to water industry

      2. 3.General environmental and recreational duties

      3. 4.Environmental duties with respect to sites of special interest

      4. 5.Codes of practice with respect to environmental and recreational duties

  3. Part II Appointment and Regulation of Undertakers

    1. Chapter I Appointments

      1. Making of appointments

        1. 6.Appointment of relevant undertakers

        2. 7.Continuity of appointments, replacement appointments etc

        3. 8.Procedure with respect to appointments and variations

        4. 9.Duties affecting making of appointments and variations

        5. 10.Transitional provision with respect to replacement appointments

      2. Conditions of appointments

        1. 11.Power to impose conditions

        2. 12.Determinations under conditions of appointment

      3. Modification of appointment conditions

        1. 13.Modification by agreement

        2. 14.Modification references to Monopolies Commission

        3. 15.Reports on modification references

        4. 16.Modification following report

        5. 17.Modification by order under other enactments

    2. Chapter II Enforcement and Insolvency

      1. Enforcement orders

        1. 18.Orders for securing compliance with certain provisions

        2. 19.Exceptions to duty to enforce

        3. 20.Procedure for enforcement orders

        4. 21.Validity of enforcement orders

        5. 22.Effect of enforcement order

      2. Special administration orders

        1. 23.Meaning and effect of special administration order

        2. 24.Special administration orders made on special petitions

        3. 25.Power to make special administration order on winding-up petition

      3. Restrictions on voluntary winding up and insolvency proceedings

        1. 26.Restrictions on voluntary winding up and insolvency proceedings

    3. Chapter III Protection of Customers etc.

      1. General provisions

        1. 27.General duty of Director to keep matters under review

        2. 28.Customer service committees

        3. 29.Duties of customer service committees

        4. 30.Duties of Director with respect to complaints

      2. Provisions with respect to competition

        1. 31.Functions of Director with respect to competition

        2. 32.Duty to refer merger of water or sewerage undertakings

        3. 33.Exclusion of small mergers from duty to make merger reference

        4. 34.References with respect to water enterprise mergers

        5. 35.Construction of merger provisions

    4. Chapter IV Interpretation of Part II

      1. 36.Interpretation of Part II

  4. Part III Water Supply

    1. Chapter I General Duties of Water Undertakers

      1. 37.General duty to maintain water supply system etc

      2. 38.Standards of performance in connection with water supply

      3. 39.Procedure for regulations under section 38

    2. Chapter II Supply Duties

      1. Major supplies

        1. 40.Bulk supplies

        2. 41.Duty to comply with water main requisition

        3. 42.Financial conditions of compliance

        4. 43.Calculation of “relevant deficit” for the purposes of section 42

        5. 44.Determination of completion date and route for requisitioned main

      2. Domestic connections

        1. 45.Duty to make connections with main

        2. 46.Duty to carry out ancillary works for the purpose of making domestic connection

        3. 47.Conditions of connection with water main

        4. 48.Interest on sums deposited in pursuance of the deposit condition

        5. 49.Supplemental provisions with respect to the metering conditions

        6. 50.Restriction on imposition of condition requiring separate service pipes

        7. 51.Time for performance of connection etc. duties

      3. Domestic supplies

        1. 52.The domestic supply duty

        2. 53.Conditions of compliance with domestic supply duty

        3. 54.Enforcement of domestic supply duty

      4. Other supplies

        1. 55.Supplies for non-domestic purposes

        2. 56.Determinations on requests for non-domestic supplies

        3. 57.Duty to provide a supply of water etc. for fire-fighting

        4. 58.Specially requested fire-hydrants

        5. 59.Supplies for other public purposes

      5. Disconnections

        1. 60.Disconnections for the carrying out of necessary works

        2. 61.Disconnections for non-payment of charges

        3. 62.Disconnections at request of customer

        4. 63.General duties of undertakers with respect to disconnections

      6. Means of supply

        1. 64.Supply by means of separate service pipes

        2. 65.Duties of undertakers as respects constancy and pressure

        3. 66.Requirements by undertaker for maintaining pressure

    3. Chapter III Quality and Sufficiency of Supplies

      1. Standards of wholesomeness

        1. 67.Standards of wholesomeness

      2. General obligations of undertakers

        1. 68.Duties of water undertakers with respect to water quality

        2. 69.Regulations for preserving water quality

        3. 70.Offence of supplying water unfit for human consumption

      3. Waste, contamination, misuse etc.

        1. 71.Waste from water sources

        2. 72.Contamination of water sources

        3. 73.Offences of contaminating, wasting and misusing water etc

        4. 74.Regulations for preventing contamination, waste etc. and with respect to water fittings

        5. 75.Power to prevent damage and to take steps to prevent contamination, waste etc

        6. 76.Temporary hosepipe bans

      4. Local authority functions

        1. 77.General functions of local authorities in relation to water quality

        2. 78.Local authority functions in relation to undertakers' supplies

        3. 79.Local authority functions where piped supplies insufficient or unwholesome

        4. 80.Remedial powers of local authorities in relation to private supplies

        5. 81.Confirmation of private supply notices

        6. 82.Enforcement and variation of private supply notice

        7. 83.Application of certain powers to local authorities in relation to private supplies

        8. 84.Local authority rights of entry etc

        9. 85.Local authority power to obtain information for the purposes of functions under Chapter III

      5. Assessors for the enforcement of water quality

        1. 86.Assessors for the enforcement of water quality

    4. Chapter IV Fluoridation

      1. 87.Fluoridation of water supplies at request of health authorities

      2. 88.Power to vary permitted fluoridation agents

      3. 89.Publicity and consultation

      4. 90.Indemnities in respect of fluoridation

      5. 91.Pre-1985 fluoridation schemes

    5. Chapter V Supplemental Provisions of Part III

      1. 92.Power to give effect to international obligations

      2. 93.Interpretation of Part III

  5. Part IV Sewerage Services

    1. Chapter I General Functions of Sewerage Undertakers

      1. Principal duties and standards of performance

        1. 94.General duty to provide sewerage system

        2. 95.Standards of performance in connection with provision of sewerage services

        3. 96.Procedure for regulations under section 95

      2. Performance of sewerage undertaker’s functions by local authorities etc.

        1. 97.Performance of sewerage undertaker’s functions by local authorities etc

    2. Chapter II Provision of Sewerage Services

      1. Requisition of public sewer

        1. 98.Duty to comply with sewer requisition

        2. 99.Financial conditions of compliance

        3. 100.Calculation of “relevant deficit” for the purposes of section 99

        4. 101.Determination of completion date and route for requisitioned sewer

      2. Adoption etc. of sewers and disposal works

        1. 102.Adoption of sewers and disposal works

        2. 103.Adoption of cross-border sewers etc

        3. 104.Agreements to adopt sewer, drain or sewage disposal works, at future date

        4. 105.Appeals with respect to adoption

      3. Communication of drains and private sewers with public sewers

        1. 106.Right to communicate with public sewers

        2. 107.Right of sewerage undertaker to undertake the making of communications with public sewers

        3. 108.Communication works by person entitled to communication

        4. 109.Unlawful communications

      4. Connections between public sewers

        1. 110.Determination of disputes with respect to cross boundary sewers

      5. Provisions protecting sewerage system

        1. 111.Restrictions on use of public sewers

        2. 112.Requirement that proposed drain or sewer be constructed so as to form part of general system

        3. 113.Power to alter drainage system of premises in area

        4. 114.Power to investigate defective drain or sewer

      6. Use of pipes for sewerage purposes

        1. 115.Use of highway drains as sewers and vice versa

        2. 116.Power to close or restrict use of public sewer

      7. Interpretation of Chapter II

        1. 117.Interpretation of Chapter II

    3. Chapter III Trade Effluent

      1. Consent for discharge of trade effluent into public sewer

        1. 118.Consent required for discharge of trade effluent into public sewer

      2. Consents on an application

        1. 119.Application for consent

        2. 120.Applications for the discharge of special category effluent

        3. 121.Conditions of consent

        4. 122.Appeals to the Director with respect to decisions on applications etc

        5. 123.Appeals with respect to the discharge of special category effluent

        6. 124.Variation of consents

        7. 125.Variations within time limit

        8. 126.Appeals with respect to variations of consent

        9. 127.Review by the Secretary of State of consents relating to special category effluent

      3. Application for variation of time for discharge

        1. 128.Application for variation of time for discharge

      4. Agreements with respect the disposal etc. of trade effluent

        1. 129.Agreements with respect to the disposal etc of trade effluent

        2. 130.Reference to the Secretary of State of agreements relating to special category effluent

        3. 131.Review by the Secretary of State of agreements relating to special category effluent

      5. References and reviews relating to special category effluent

        1. 132.Powers and procedure on references and reviews

        2. 133.Effect of determination on reference or review

        3. 134.Compensation in respect of determinations made for the protection of public health etc

      6. Supplemental provisions of Chapter III

        1. 135.Restrictions on power to fix charges under Chapter III

        2. 136.Evidence from meters etc

        3. 137.Statement of case on appeal

        4. 138.Meaning of “special category effluent”

        5. 139.Power to apply Chapter III to other effluents

        6. 140.Pre-1989 Act authority for trade effluent discharges etc

      7. Interpretation of Chapter III

        1. 141.Interpretation of Chapter III

  6. Part V Financial Provisions

    1. Chapter I Charges

      1. Manner of fixing charges

        1. 142.Powers of undertakers to charge

        2. 143.Charges schemes

        3. 144.Liability of occupiers etc. for charges

      2. General restrictions on charging

        1. 145.Charging by reference to rateable value

        2. 146.Connection charges etc. and charges for highway drainage

        3. 147.Charging for emergency use of water

      3. Metering

        1. 148.Restriction on charging for metering works

        2. 149.Further provision relating to charging by volume

      4. Charging for services provided with the help of an undertaker

        1. 150.Fixing maximum charges for services provided with the help of undertakers' services

    2. Chapter II Financial Assistance for Undertakers

      1. 151.Financial contributions to rural services

      2. 152.Grants for national security purposes

      3. 153.Government financial assistance where special administration orders made

      4. 154.Guarantees under section 153

  7. Part VI Undertakers' Powers and Works

    1. Chapter I Undertakers' Powers

      1. Powers in relation to land

        1. 155.Compulsory purchase

        2. 156.Restriction on disposals of land

        3. 157.Byelaws with respect to undertakers' waterways and land

      2. Pipe-laying

        1. 158.Powers to lay pipes in streets

        2. 159.Power to lay pipes in other land

      3. Other works powers

        1. 160.Power to carry out works for sewerage purposes

        2. 161.Power to deal with foul water and pollution

        3. 162.Works in connection with metering

        4. 163.Power to fit stopcocks

        5. 164.Agreements for works with respect to water sources

      4. Powers to discharge water

        1. 165.Discharges for works purposes

        2. 166.Consents for certain discharges under section 165

      5. Compulsory works orders

        1. 167.Compulsory works orders

      6. Entry to land etc. by water undertakers

        1. 168.Entry for works purposes

        2. 169.Power to carry out surveys and to search for water

        3. 170.Entry etc. for other purposes

        4. 171.Entry for sewerage purposes

        5. 172.Entry for metering purposes

        6. 173.Impersonation of persons entitled to entry

    2. Chapter II Protection of Undertakers' Works, Apparatus etc.

      1. Protection of apparatus in general

        1. 174.Offences of interference with works etc

      2. Protection of meters

        1. 175.Offence of tampering with meter

        2. 176.Consent for the purposes of section 175

        3. 177.Financial obligations with respect to any interference with a meter

      3. Obstruction of sewerage works etc.

        1. 178.Obstruction of sewerage works etc

    3. Chapter III Supplemental Provisions with respect to Undertakers' Powers

      1. Vesting of works in undertaker

        1. 179.Vesting of works in undertaker

      2. Damage etc. caused by works

        1. 180.Compensation for damage caused by works etc

        2. 181.Complaints with respect to the exercise of works powers on private land

        3. 182.Codes of practice with respect to work on private land

      3. Protective provisions

        1. 183.Protection for particular undertakings

        2. 184.Power of certain undertakers to alter public sewers etc

        3. 185.Duty to move pipes etc. in certain cases

        4. 186.Protective provisions in respect of flood defence works and watercourses etc

        5. 187.Works in tidal lands etc

        6. 188.Mineral rights

        7. 189.Power to sell minerals deriving from sewerage works

        8. 190.Saving for planning controls

        9. 191.Duties to make recreational facilities available when building reservoirs in Wales

      4. Interpretation of Part VI

        1. 192.Interpretation of Part VI

  8. Part VII Information Provisions

    1. Reports

      1. 193.Reports by Director

      2. 194.Reports by customer service committees

    2. Registers, maps etc.

      1. 195.The Director’s register

      2. 196.Trade effluent registers

      3. 197.Register for the purposes of works discharges

      4. 198.Maps of waterworks

      5. 199.Sewer maps

      6. 200.Provision of sewer maps to local authorities

    3. Publication of certain information and advice

      1. 201.Publication of certain information and advice

    4. Powers to acquire and duties to provide information

      1. 202.Duties of undertakers to furnish the Secretary of State with information

      2. 203.Power to acquire information for enforcement purposes

      3. 204.Provision of information to sewerage undertakers with respect to trade effluent discharges

      4. 205.Exchange of metering information between undertakers

    5. Restriction on disclosure of information

      1. 206.Restriction on disclosure of information

    6. Provision of false information

      1. 207.Provision of false information

  9. Part VIII Miscellaneous and Supplemental

    1. Miscellaneous

      1. 208.Directions in the interests of national security

      2. 209.Civil liability of undertakers for escapes of water etc

    2. Offences

      1. 210.Offences by bodies corporate

      2. 211.Limitation on right to prosecute in respect of sewerage offences

    3. Judicial disqualification

      1. 212.Judicial disqualification

    4. Powers to make regulations

      1. 213.Powers to make regulations

      2. 214.Power to prescribe forms

    5. Local inquiries

      1. 215.Local inquiries

    6. Construction of Act

      1. 216.Provisions relating to the service of documents

      2. 217.Construction of provision conferring powers by reference to undertakers' functions

      3. 218.Meaning of “domestic purposes” in relation to water supply

      4. 219.General interpretation

      5. 220.Effect of local Acts

    7. Other supplemental provisions

      1. 221.Crown application

      2. 222.Application to Isles of Scilly

      3. 223.Short title, commencement and extent


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      The Director General of Water Services

      1. Remuneration, pensions etc.

        1. 1.(1) There shall be paid to the Director such remuneration,...

      2. Staff

        1. 2.(1) The Director may, with the approval of the Treasury...

      3. Expenses of the Director and his staff

        1. 3.There shall be paid out of money provided by Parliament—...

      4. Official seal

        1. 4.The Director shall have an official seal for the authentication...

      5. Documentary evidence

        1. 5.The Documentary Evidence Act 1868 shall have effect as if...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Transitional Provision on Termination of Appointments

      1. Cases where Schedule applies

        1. 1.(1) This Schedule shall apply in each of the cases...

      2. Making and modification of transfer schemes

        1. 2.(1) The existing appointee, acting with the consent of the...

      3. Transfers by scheme

        1. 3.(1) A scheme under this Schedule for the transfer of...

      4. Transfer of appointment

        1. 4.(1) Where a scheme under this Schedule is made in...

      5. Supplemental provisions of schemes

        1. 5.(1) A scheme under this Schedule may contain supplemental, consequential...

      6. Duties of existing appointee after the scheme comes into force

        1. 6.(1) A scheme under this Schedule may provide for the...

      7. Further transitional provision and local statutory provisions

        1. 7.(1) The Secretary of State may, if he thinks it...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Special Administration Orders

      1. Part I Modifications of the 1986 Act

        1. General application of provisions of 1986 Act

          1. 1.Where a special administration order has been made, sections 11...

        2. Effect of order

          1. 2.In section 11 of the 1986 Act (effect of order),...

        3. Appointment of special administrator

          1. 3.In section 13 of the 1986 Act (appointment of administrator),...

        4. General powers of special administrator

          1. 4.In section 14 of the 1986 Act (general powers of...

        5. Power to deal with charged property

          1. 5.(1) Section 15 of the 1986 Act (power to deal...

        6. Duties of special administrator

          1. 6.(1) Section 17 of the 1986 Act (duties of administrator),...

        7. Discharge of order

          1. 7.(1) Section 18 of the 1986 Act (discharge and variation...

        8. Notice of making of order

          1. 8.In section 21(2) of the 1986 Act (notice of order...

        9. Statement of proposals

          1. 9.In section 23 of the 1986 Act (statement of proposals),...

        10. Applications to court

          1. 10.(1) Section 27 of the 1986 Act (protection of interests...

      2. Part II Supplemental

        1. General adaptations and saving

          1. 11.(1) Subject to the preceding provisions of this Schedule, references...

        2. Interpretation

          1. 12.(1) In this Schedule “the 1986 Act” means the Insolvency...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Customer Service Committees

      1. Sub-committees

        1. 1.A customer service committee may, with the approval of the...

      2. Remuneration, pensions etc. of the chairman of a customer service committee

        1. 2.(1) There shall be paid to the chairman of a...

      3. Expenses of other members of a customer service committee etc.

        1. 3.Subject to paragraph 2 above, neither the members of a...

      4. Staff

        1. 4.(1) The Director may, with the approval of the Treasury...

      5. Financial provisions

        1. 5.(1) The following shall be paid by the Director out...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Procedure for Orders relating to Pressure and Constancy of Supply

      1. Applications for orders

        1. 1.(1) Where the Director or a water undertaker applies to...

      2. Supply of copies of draft orders

        1. 2.The applicant for an order under section 65(5) of this...

      3. Modifications of proposals

        1. 3.(1) On an application for an order under section 65(5)...

      4. Consideration of objections etc.

        1. 4.Where an application for an order to which this Schedule...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Supplemental Provisions relating to Rights of Entry

      1. Part I Rights requiring Notice for Entry to Non-business Premises

        1. Notice of entry

          1. 1.(1) Where this Part of this Schedule applies to any...

        2. Warrants to exercise right

          1. 2.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (3) below, if it is shown...

        3. Supplementary power of person making entry

          1. 3.Any person entitled to enter any premises by virtue of...

        4. Obstruction of person exercising right

          1. 4.Any person who wilfully obstructs any person upon whom a...

        5. Duty of persons exercising rights to maintain confidentiality

          1. 5.(1) Without prejudice to section 206 of this Act and...

      2. Part II Other Rights of Entry and related Powers

        1. Notice of entry

          1. 6.(1) Without prejudice to any power exercisable by virtue of...

        2. Warrant to exercise right or power

          1. 7.(1) If it is shown to the satisfaction of a...

        3. Manner of exercise of right or power

          1. 8.A person designated as the person who may exercise any...

        4. Supplementary powers of person making entry etc.

          1. 9.A person authorised to enter any premises by virtue of...

        5. Duty to secure premises

          1. 10.A person who enters any premises in the exercise of...

        6. Compensation

          1. 11.(1) Where any person exercises any right or power to...

        7. Obstruction of person exercising right or power

          1. 12.A person who intentionally obstructs another person acting in the...

        8. Interpretation of Part II

          1. 13.(1) In this Part of this Schedule “relevant authority”, in...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Pre-1985 Fluoridation Schemes

      1. Operation of pre-1985 schemes

        1. 1.(1) Where in pursuance of any such arrangements entered into...

      2. Supplies by other undertakers and revocation or variation of scheme

        1. 2.(1) Where a water undertaker is operating a fluoridation scheme...

      3. Publicity and consultation

        1. 3.(1) Section 89 of this Act (including the power of...

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Pre-1989 Act Transitional Authority for Trade Effluent Discharges etc.

      1. Trade effluent agreements

        1. 1.Nothing in Chapter III of Part IV of this Act...

      2. Authorisations having effect as deemed consents under the Control of Pollution Act 1974

        1. 2.(1) Where, by virtue of section 43(2) of the Control...

      3. Appeals in respect of consents under paragraph 2

        1. 3.(1) A person on whom notice is served in pursuance...

      4. Determinations of disputes as to transitional matters

        1. 4.(1) Any dispute in so far as it—

      5. Regulations as to residue of agreements

        1. 5.The Secretary of State may by regulations make provisions in...

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Modification of Compensation Provisions etc. in relation to the Creation of New Rights

      1. Compensation enactments

        1. 1.Subject to the following provisions of this Schedule, the enactments...

      2. Adaptation of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965

        1. 2.The Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 (in the following provisions of...

      3. Section 7 of the 1965 Act

        1. 3.For section 7 of the 1965 Act (measure of compensation)...

      4. Section 8 of the 1965 Act

        1. 4.For subsection (1) of section 8 of the 1965 Act...

      5. Effect of deed poll

        1. 5.The following provisions of the 1965 Act (being provisions stating...

      6. Section 11 of the 1965 Act

        1. 6.Section 11 of the 1965 Act (powers of entry) shall...

      7. Section 20 of the 1965 Act

        1. 7.Section 20 of the 1965 Act (protection for interests of...

      8. Section 22 of the 1965 Act

        1. 8.Section 22 of the 1965 Act (protection of acquiring authority’s...

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Procedure relating to Byelaws under Section 157

      1. Confirmation of byelaws

        1. 1.(1) No byelaw made by a relevant undertaker under section...

      2. Confirmation with or without modifications

        1. 2.(1) The Secretary of State, with or without a local...

      3. Commencement of byelaw

        1. 3.(1) The Secretary of State may fix the date on...

      4. Availability of confirmed byelaws

        1. 4.(1) Every byelaw made by a relevant undertaker and confirmed...

      5. Revocation of byelaws

        1. 5.Without prejudice to subsection (5) of section 157 of this...

      6. Proof of byelaws etc.

        1. 6.The production of a printed copy of a byelaw purporting...

    11. SCHEDULE 11

      Orders conferring Compulsory Works Powers

      1. Applications for orders

        1. 1.(1) Where a water undertaker applies to the Secretary of...

      2. Supply of copies of draft orders

        1. 2.A water undertaker applying for a compulsory works order shall,...

      3. Powers on an application

        1. 3.(1) On an application for a compulsory works order, the...

      4. Consideration of objections etc.

        1. 4.(1) If, where an application for a compulsory works order...

      5. Notice after making of order

        1. 5.(1) As soon as practicable after a compulsory works order...

      6. Compulsory acquisition provisions

        1. 6.(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of Schedule 14 to...

      7. Compensation in certain cases of compulsory acquisition

        1. 7.Where— (a) in connection with any engineering or building operations...

      8. Compensation in respect of powers other than acquisition powers

        1. 8.(1) If the value of any interest in any relevant...

      9. Protection of public undertakings

        1. 9.The provisions of section 186 of this Act and of...

      10. Interpretation

        1. 10.In this Schedule— “bridleway” and “footpath” have the same meanings...

    12. SCHEDULE 12

      Compensation etc. in respect of pipe-laying and other works powers

      1. Compensation in respect of street works powers

        1. 1.(1) This paragraph applies, in relation to a relevant undertaker,...

      2. Compensation in respect of pipe-laying works in private land

        1. 2.(1) If the value of any interest in any relevant...

      3. Assessment of compensation under paragraph 2

        1. 3.(1) Any question of disputed compensation under paragraph 2 above...

      4. Compensation in respect of sewerage works etc.

        1. 4.(1) Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph, a...

      5. Compensation in respect of metering works

        1. 5.(1) Without prejudice to section 148 of this Act or...

      6. Compensation in respect of discharges for works purposes

        1. 6.(1) It shall be the duty of every water undertaker—...

    13. SCHEDULE 13

      Protective Provisions in respect of Certain Undertakings

      1. Part I Provisions applying Generally

        1. General provisions protecting undertakings

          1. 1.(1) Nothing in this Act conferring power on a relevant...

        2. Protection for statutory powers and jurisdiction

          1. 2.Nothing in any provision of this Act conferring power on...

        3. Special protection for certain undertakings in respect of street works

          1. 3.(1) Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph and...

        4. Protection for telecommunication systems

          1. 4.Paragraph 23 of Schedule 2 to the Telecommunications Act 1984...

      2. Part II Further Protective Provisions in respect of Sewerage Powers

        1. Protection for dock undertakers

          1. 5.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, nothing in...

        2. Protection for airports, railways etc.

          1. 6.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, nothing in...

        3. Saving for Part I and other powers

          1. 7.The provisions of this Part of this Schedule are without...

    14. SCHEDULE 14

      Mineral Rights

      1. Acquisition of mineral rights

        1. 1.(1) This paragraph applies in each of the following cases,...

      2. Notice required for the working of underlying mines

        1. 2.(1) If the owner of any mines or minerals underlying...

      3. Mining communications

        1. 3.(1) If the working of any mines or minerals is...

      4. Compensation relating to severance

        1. 4.(1) Where mines or minerals underlying any part of a...

      5. Powers of entry

        1. 5.(1) Any person designated in writing for the purpose by...

      6. No exemption for injury to mines and minerals

        1. 6.Nothing in any provision of this Act or of any...

      7. Interpretation

        1. 7.(1) In this Schedule— “conveyance” has the same meaning as...

    15. SCHEDULE 15

      Disclosure of Information

      1. Part I Persons in respect of whose Functions Disclosure may be made

      2. Part II Enactments etc. in respect of which Disclosure may be made

        1. Table of Derivations

          1. 1.Notes:

          2. 2.The functions originally vested in the Minister of Health under...

          3. 3.General provisions contained in section 32 of the Magistrates' Courts...

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Latest Available (revised):The latest available updated version of the legislation incorporating changes made by subsequent legislation and applied by our editorial team. Changes we have not yet applied to the text, can be found in the ‘Changes to Legislation’ area.

Original (As Enacted or Made): The original version of the legislation as it stood when it was enacted or made. No changes have been applied to the text.


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  • the original print PDF of the as enacted version that was used for the print copy
  • lists of changes made by and/or affecting this legislation item
  • confers power and blanket amendment details
  • all formats of all associated documents
  • correction slips
  • links to related legislation and further information resources

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Use this menu to access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item. Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include:

  • the original print PDF of the as enacted version that was used for the print copy
  • correction slips

Click 'View More' or select 'More Resources' tab for additional information including:

  • lists of changes made by and/or affecting this legislation item
  • confers power and blanket amendment details
  • all formats of all associated documents
  • links to related legislation and further information resources