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Rent (Agriculture) Act 1976


This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I Preliminary

    1. 1.Interpretation and commencement

    2. Protected occupancies

      1. 2.Protected occupiers in their own right

      2. 3.Protected occupiers by succession

    3. Statutory tenancies

      1. 4.Statutory tenants and tenancies

      2. 5.No statutory tenancy where landlord's interest belongs to Crown or to local authority, etc.

  3. PART II Security of Tenure

    1. Protected occupancies and statutory tenancies

      1. 6.Grounds for possession

      2. 7.Discretion of court in giving possession

      3. 8.Restriction on levy of distress for rent

      4. 9.Effect of determination of superior tenancy, etc.

    2. Statutory tenancies

      1. 10.Terms and conditions

      2. 11.Agreed rents

      3. 12.Provisional rents

      4. 13.Application for registration of rent

      5. 14.Registered rents

      6. 15.Phasing of rent increases

      7. 16.Notices of increase

    3. General provisions

      1. 17.Adjustment for differences in lengths of rental periods

      2. 18.Regulations

      3. 19.Interpretation of Part II

  4. PART III Protected Occupancies and Statutory Tenancies : Supplemental

    1. Recovery of rent

      1. 20.Avoidance of requirements for advance payment of rent

      2. 21.Recovery from landlord of sums paid in excess of recoverable rent

      3. 22.Rectification of rent books in light of determination of recoverable rent

    2. Miscellaneous

      1. 23.Tenant sharing accommodation with persons other than landlord

      2. 24.Certain sublettings not to exclude any part of the sublessor's premises from protection

      3. 25.Service of notices on landlord's agents

      4. 26.Jurisdiction and procedure

  5. PART IV Rehousing

    1. 27.Applications to housing authority concerned

    2. 28.Duty of housing authority concerned

    3. 29.Agricultural dwelling-house advisory committees

  6. PART V Power to obtain information

    1. 30.Information about housing accommodation

    2. 31.Kinds of information obtainable

  7. PART VI Miscellaneous and Supplemental

    1. 32.Rent allowances

    2. 33.Suspension of condition attached to planning permission

    3. 34.Interpretation

    4. 35.Isles of Scilly

    5. 36.Application to Crown property

    6. 37.Offences by bodies corporate

    7. 38.Prosecution of offences

    8. 39.Expenses

    9. 40.Short title, etc.


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Index of General Definitions

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Meaning of " Relevant Licence " and " Relevant Tenancy "

      1. Relevant licence

        1. 1.In this Act " relevant licence " means any licence...

      2. Relevant tenancy

        1. 2.In this Act " relevant tenancy" means any tenancy under...

      3. Supplemental

        1. 3.(1) For the purposes of this Schedule the modifications of...

        2. 4.The other provisions of the Rent Act 1968 which are...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Protected Occupiers in their own right

      1. PART I Definitions

        1. Qualifying worker

          1. 1.A person is a qualifying worker for the purposes of...

        2. Incapable of whole-time work in agriculture, or work in agriculture as a permit worker, in consequence of a qualifying injury or disease

          1. 2.(1) A person is, for the purposes of this Act,...

        3. Dwelling-house in qualifying ownership

          1. 3.(1) A dwelling-house in relation to which a person ("...

        4. Supplemental

          1. 4.(1) The provisions of this paragraph shall have effect for...

          2. 5.(1) The provisions of this paragraph shall have effect for...

          3. 6.For the purposes of this Part of this Schedule a...

          4. 7.For the purposes of this Part of this Schedule a...

      2. PART II Temporary Provisions as Respects Certain Forestry Workers

        1. 8.In this Act " the date of operation for forestry...

        2. 9.(1) Whole-time work in forestry, and work in forestry as...

        3. 10.(1) The question of what is whole-time work in forestry,...

      3. PART III Supplemental

        1. 11.(1) In this Schedule " employment " means employment under...

        2. 12.(1) In this Schedule " the standard number of hours...

        3. 13.Any reference in this Schedule to work in agriculture or...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Grounds for Possession of Dwelling-House Subject to Protected Occupancy or Statutory Tenancy

      1. PART I Cases where Court has a Discretion

        1. Case I Alternative accommodation not provided or arranged by housing authority

          1. 1.The court is satisfied that suitable alternative accommodation is available...

          2. 2.Accommodation shall be deemed suitable in this Case if it...

          3. 3.(1) The accommodation must be reasonably suitable to the needs...

          4. 4.Accommodation shall not be deemed to be suitable to the...

          5. 5.Any document purporting to be a certificate of the housing...

          6. 6.In this Case no account shall be taken of accommodation...

        2. Case II Alternative accommodation provided or arranged by housing authority

          1. 1.The housing authority concerned have made an offer in writing...

          2. 2.The landlord shows that the tenant accepted the offer (by...

          3. 3.(1) The accommodation offered must in the opinion of the...

          4. 4.If the accommodation offered is available for a limited period...

        3. Case III

        4. Case IV

        5. Case V

          1. 1.The condition of the dwelling-house has, in the opinion of...

          2. 2.If the person at fault is not the tenant, the...

        6. Case VI

          1. 1.The condition of any furniture provided by the landlord for...

          2. 2.If the person at fault is not the tenant, the...

        7. Case VII

          1. 1.The tenant has given notice to quit and in consequence...

          2. 2.This Case does not apply where the tenant has given...

        8. Case VIII

          1. 1.The tenant has, without the consent of the landlord, assigned,...

          2. 2.This Case does not apply if the assignment, sub-letting or...

        9. Case IX

          1. 1.The dwelling-house is reasonably required by the landlord for occupation...

          2. 2.The court, having regard to all the circumstances of the...

        10. Case X

          1. 1.Any part of the dwelling-house is sublet.

          2. 2.The court is satisfied that the rent charged by the...

          3. 3.Paragraph 2 does not apply to a rental period beginning...

      2. PART II Cases in which court must order possession

        1. Case XI

          1. 1.The person who granted the tenancy or, as the case...

          2. 2.The court is satisfied that the dwelling-house is required as...

          3. 3.Not later than the relevant date the original occupier gave...

          4. 4.The dwelling-house has not since the operative date been let...

          5. 5.The court may dispense with the requirements of either or...

          6. 6.In this case and in Case XII below— " original...

        2. Case XII

          1. 1.The person who granted the tenancy or, as the case...

          2. 2.The court is satisfied— (a) that the owner has retired...

          3. 3.Not later than the relevant date the owner gave notice...

          4. 4.The dwelling-house has not since the operative date been let...

          5. 5.The court may dispense with the requirements of either or...

        3. Case XIII

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Terms of the Statutory Tenancy

      1. Preliminary

        1. 1.(1) In this Schedule the "original contract", in relation to...

      2. Terms derived from the original licence or tenancy

        1. 2.(1) So long as he retains possession, the statutory tenant...

      3. Tenancy derived from licence

        1. 3.If the original contract was a licence, the statutory tenancy...

      4. Covenant for quiet enjoyment, etc.

        1. 4.(1) If the original contract was a licence, the terms...

      5. Non-contractual arrangements

        1. 5.(1) It shall be a term of the statutory tenancy...

      6. Landlord's obligation to repair

        1. 6.(1) Section 32 of the Housing Act 1961 shall apply...

      7. Tenant's obligations

        1. 7.(1) It shall be a condition of the statutory tenancy...

      8. Access by landlord

        1. 8.It shall be a condition of the statutory tenancy that...

      9. Access by tenant

        1. 9.(1) The landlord shall afford any such right of access...

      10. Notice to quit served on landlord

        1. 10.(1) If the original contract— (a) was not a tenancy,...

      11. Rates, water rates, etc.

        1. 11.(1) Paragraph 2 of this Schedule shall not impose any...

      12. Variation of statutory tenancy

        1. 12.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the landlord...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Phasing of Rent Increases

      1. Interpretation

        1. 1.(1) In this Schedule— " noted amount " means an...

      2. Service element

        1. 2.(1) Where— (a) the registered rent includes a payment in...

      3. General formulae for calculating increases in rent

        1. 3.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (4) below, the permitted increase is...

      4. Subsequent registrations

        1. 4.(1) Where the registration of the rent is in a...

      5. General

        1. 5.The amount of any service element or of any amount...

        2. 6.In ascertaining for the purposes of this Schedule whether there...

        3. 7.(1) Where a registration takes effect from a date earlier...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Amendments of Housing Finance Act 1972

      1. 1.After section 19(6A) insert the following subsection—

      2. 2.After section 24(10) (statutory particulars of scheme to be given...

      3. 3.(1) Section 26(1) (definitions) shall be amended as follows.

      4. 4.In Schedule 3 after paragraph 1 insert the following paragraph—...

      5. 5.In Schedule 4 after paragraph 14 insert the following paragraph—...

      6. 6.In section 11(6) of the Rent Act 1974 (which amends...

      7. Transitional

        1. 7.(1) If the rent book or other document in which...

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Consequential and Minor Amendments

      1. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Act 1951 (c. 65)

        1. 1.At the end of section 14(2) of the Reserve and...

        2. 2.At the end of section 18(3) of the Reserve and...

      2. Housing Repairs and Rents Act 1954 (c. 53)

        1. 3.In section 50(1) of the Housing Repairs and Rents Act...

      3. Housing Act 1957 (c. 56)

        1. 4.In sections 16(5), 22(5), 27(5), 73(4) and 158(1) of the...

        2. 5.In paragraph 7(2) of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act...

      4. Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1958 (c. 42)

        1. 6.In section 46 of the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1958...

      5. County Courts Act 1959 (c. 22)

        1. 7.In section 94(1) of the County Courts Act 1959 (cases...

        2. 8.In section 109(4) of the County Courts Act 1959 (cases...

      6. Landlord and Tenant Act 1962 (c. 50)

        1. 9.In section 2(1) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1962...

      7. Housing Act 1964 (c. 56)

        1. 10.In section 74(2) of the Housing Act 1964 (general effect...

        2. 11.In section 75 of the Housing Act 1964 (effect of...

      8. New Towns Act 1965 (c. 59)

        1. 12.In section 22(3) of the New Towns Act 1965 (nothing...

      9. Rent Act 1965 (c. 75)

        1. 13.In section 32(4) of the Rent Act 1965 (prohibition of...

        2. 14.In section 33(1) of the Rent Act 1965 (special provisions...

        3. 15.In section 34 of the Rent Act 1965 (definition of...

      10. Matrimonial Homes Act 1967 (c. 75)

        1. 16.In section 7 of the Matrimonial Homes Act 1967 (provision...

      11. Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (c. 88)

        1. 17.In section 16(1) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (exclusion...

        2. 18.In paragraph 3 of Schedule 2 to the Leasehold Reform...

      12. Rent Act 1968 (c. 23)

        1. 19.After section 10 of the Rent Act 1968 insert the...

        2. 20.For section 18 of the Rent Act 1968 (effect on...

        3. 21.At the end of section 70(3) of the Rent Act...

        4. 22.At the end of section 100(1) of the Rent Act...

        5. 23.At the end of section 104 of the Rent Act...

        6. 24.In section 107(1) of the Rent Act 1968 (powers of...

        7. 25.In Schedule 1 to the Rent Act 1968 (statutory tenants...

        8. 26.(1) After Schedule 3 to the Rent Act 1968 insert...

      13. Housing Act 1969 (c. 33)

        1. 27.In section 60(7) of the Housing Act 1969 (power to...

        2. 28.In paragraph 5(2) of Schedule 5 to the Housing Act...

      14. Housing Finance Act 1972 (c. 47)

        1. 29.In section 91A of the Housing Finance Act 1972 (service...

      15. Housing Act 1974 (c. 44)

        1. 30.In section 104(1) of the Housing Act 1974 (interpretation of...

        2. 31.In section 122(8) of the Housing Act 1974 (duty to...

      16. Rent Act 1974 (c. 51)

        1. 32.In section 13(2) of the Rent Act 1974 (effect on...

      17. Housing Rents and Subsidies Act 1975 (c. 6)

        1. 33.In section 7(3) of the Housing Rents and Subsidies Act...

    9. SCHEDULE 9


      1. Licence or tenancy granted before operative date: resident landlord on and after that date

        1. 1.A licence or tenancy which was granted before the operative...

      2. Protected occupancy arising on or after operative date

        1. 2.(1) This paragraph applies as respects the question whether at...

      3. Statutory tenancy arising on operative date

        1. 3.A person who is occupying a dwelling-house as his residence...

      4. Statutory tenancy: order for possession before operative date

        1. 4.(1) Where before the operative date a court has made...

      5. Dwelling subject to Part VI contract: pending notice to quit

        1. 5.(1) In any case where— (a) before the operative date...

      6. Section 10A tenancy : order for possession before operative date

        1. 6.(1) This paragraph applies to a dwelling-house which is let...

      7. Forestry workers

        1. 7.(1) This paragraph applies to a person—

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