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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1990-1999 numbered between 100 and 199 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

Data is ordered by:

  • Time of results
  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Value Added Tax Act 1983 (Interest on Overpayments etc) (Prescribed Rate) Order 19931993 No. 192UK Statutory Instruments
The Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rating (Demand Notices) (England) Regulations 19931993 No. 191UK Statutory Instruments
The New Severn Bridge (Restriction of Navigation) Regulations 19931993 No. 190UK Statutory Instruments
The Spring Traps Approval (Variation) Order 19931993 No. 189UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fish Licensing (Variation) Order 19931993 No. 188UK Statutory Instruments
The City of London (Non-Domestic Rating Multiplier) Order 19931993 No. 180UK Statutory Instruments
The Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations 19921993 No. 179UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Specified Periods) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19931993 No. 178 (S. 13)UK Statutory Instruments
The Loch Crinan Scallops Fishery Order 19931993 No. 177 (S. 12)UK Statutory Instruments
The Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat Belts) Regulations 19931993 No. 176UK Statutory Instruments
The Council Tax (Transitional Reduction Scheme) (England) Regulations 19931993 No. 175UK Statutory Instruments
The Insurance Companies (Amendment) Regulations 19931993 No. 174UK Statutory Instruments
The Combined Probation Areas (Kent) Order 19931993 No. 173UK Statutory Instruments
The Special Road Schemes and Highways Orders (Procedure) Regulations 19931993 No. 169UK Statutory Instruments
The Humberside and South Yorkshire (County Boundaries) Order 19931993 No. 168UK Statutory Instruments
The Spring Traps Approval (Scotland) Variation Order 19931993 No. 167 (S. 11)UK Statutory Instruments
The Central Rating Lists (Amendment) Regulations 19931993 No. 166UK Statutory Instruments
The General Drainage Charges (Relevant Quotient) Regulations 19931993 No. 165UK Statutory Instruments
The A30 and A39 Trunk Roads (Indian Queens, Fraddon and St Columb Road Bypasses) (Detrunking) Order 19931993 No. 164UK Statutory Instruments
The A30 and A39 Trunk Roads (Indian Queens, Fraddon and St Columb Road Bypasses and Slip Roads) Order 19931993 No. 163UK Statutory Instruments

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