Section 40: Regulations modifying application of Part 1
Section 40 provides the Department with a regulation-making power to apply some or all of the provisions in Part 1 of the Act to schemes with specified characteristics which do not fall within the Master Trust definition. It also provides a power to disapply some or all of the provisions in relation to Master Trust schemes with specified characteristics. This will enable the Department to ensure that the authorisation regime applies appropriately and to address Master Trusts which might be structured in such a way that deliberately seeks to evade the Master Trust definition, or which exhibit the characteristics of a Master Trust without meeting the definition.
There is also provision under subsection (2) for regulations to allow two or more schemes to be treated as a single Master Trust under certain circumstances. The circumstances may include situations where schemes are under common control, influence, share common rules, or are provided by the same service provider.
Subsection (4) provides that any regulations under this section are subject to the confirmatory procedure.