Schedule 1: The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
This Schedule is introduced by section 1. It sets out the administrative detail of the establishment of the NIPSO. The NIPSO is not an agent of the Crown. There are conditions of eligibility for appointment which prevent the NIPSO from having other jobs or appointments which may conflict with the independence of the office. The Assembly Commission is to determine the salary, with a safeguard that the salary must not exceed the maximum salary payable in the Northern Ireland Civil Service. The Assembly has the power to remove the NIPSO, but only on the grounds of ill-health or misconduct, and only with a two-thirds majority. The NIPSO is restricted for a period in terms of the jobs that can be done after ceasing to be NIPSO. If there is a vacancy, there can be the short term appointment of an Acting NIPSO. The NIPSO can appoint staff and advisers and may delegate functions to staff and, in special circumstances, to other suitably qualified persons. The expenses of the office are to be paid by Act of the Assembly, but the NIPSO must provide budget estimates and accounts each year.